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Posted 6 year(s) ago by Dan Brandow
1133 views, 1 comments
Posted 6 year(s) ago by Alex Power
1135 views, 0 comments
 Hi Everybody, I'm a 14 year old wakeboarder who needs a new board. I am about 5'3 and I weigh 100 pounds. I've been wakeboarding ...
Posted 6 year(s) ago by Jordan Mis
Category: Value help
1198 views, 0 comments
 Found my first ever wakeboard recently and wondering if it's collectible or has any value. I have searched high and low and unable...
Posted 8 year(s) ago by Brian Thron
Category: Wake Surfing
1685 views, 1 comments
Some friends and I went Wake Surfing on Eagle Lake in Maple Grove, MN. One of our friendseven went without a wetsuit in the frigid 4...
Posted 9 year(s) ago by Michelle N
Category: Fun and Sun Water Sports Club
1688 views, 0 comments
For 10 years I've been a part of this club. We usually go to Lake McClure but with little to no water we have relocated to the delta ...
Posted 9 year(s) ago by Roberto Kitzing
Category: My category
2163 views, 0 comments
 Hi, Can someone tell me What is the best hybrid Boat for skiing and wakeboard, thanks
Posted 10 year(s) ago by Colby Flynn
2351 views, 1 comments
 I own a Malibu VLX and i am trying to figure out how to wakesurf. I am having a lot of trouble going without the rope. i was wonde...
Posted 10 year(s) ago by Chase Peterson
Category: My category
2178 views, 0 comments
Morning All, I am in the market for a new board this summer and I have been reading up on all of the latest products but wanted to see ...
Posted 10 year(s) ago by Louis Hill
1984 views, 0 comments
we've build a rooftop rail and used the deck surfacing boards trex. hit it a few times and chipped/torn some of the plastic coating off ...
Posted 10 year(s) ago by Andrew Reardon
Category: Ramps and Rails
2420 views, 0 comments
Hello WakeWorld! I am upset with our ramps and rails as of right now. We only have two solid options to build ramps. That is Tre...
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