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Old    griffdizzle            07-30-2003, 6:05 PM Reply   
I have been planning to do this stunt for awhile now and was just wondering what you guys think about it...

It's kinda hard to explain but I'll do my best. When two boats ride side by side about 30 feet apart (maybe more I dunno). The wakes collide making this big ramp. I'm not talking about a spine. I first saw this on TV when two boats were riding next to each other and a jet ski came head on at the two boats and rode between them and got launched in the air.

My idea is to have two boats creating this ramp and then a jet ski pulling a wakeboarder straight at the two boats but off to the side. The wakeboarder cuts out while approaching the boats, lets go of the handle and rides head on between the two boats(yes I realize the danger and stupidity of this stunt) then hits the ramp they are creating. If all goes to plan the wakeboarder flies through the air and blows both knees upon impact. Well the last part isn't planned but is a possibility.

So what do you think? Possible?
Old    bassboy8855            07-30-2003, 6:13 PM Reply   
I dont think you'll beable to stay on plane long enough to hit the "ramp" hard enough... your probly just end up with the board going in to the ramp then your body being crushed by the wave.
Old    buttacup            07-30-2003, 6:16 PM Reply   
I wouldn't risk my health or safety to try to attempt this ridiculous stunt. Why not get some air off someone elses rollers?
Old    griffdizzle            07-30-2003, 6:22 PM Reply   

I was planning on the jet ski pulling the wakeboarder at a fairly fast speed (30-35 mph, plus I will be cutting out) in order to overcome this problem. When you let go of the handle you can move a pretty good ways. In Free4All Danny Harf lets go of the handle and comes flying into a triple up and gets successfully launched.


You are absolutely right, it is ridiculous. You can't get much air off someone elses rollers though.
Old     (deepstructure)      Join Date: Jun 2002       07-30-2003, 6:41 PM Reply   
lol. just make sure someone is video-ing when you do it!
Old    buttacup            07-30-2003, 7:11 PM Reply   
Alex- I've seen it happen before.
Old    lakesideluver            07-30-2003, 7:18 PM Reply   
what is with this spine thing anyways?? and what the heck is a triple up?
Old    griffdizzle            07-30-2003, 7:40 PM Reply   
I will definately film it if I do it. A spine is very hard to explain and I don't know much about them. A triple up is also hard to explain without a picture. There have been threads about it on here before, do a search. Or watch Danny Harf's section in Free4All to see a triple up whip performed. Although you won't actually see it driven you can see him hit it.
Old     (cbv)      Join Date: Sep 2002       07-30-2003, 7:53 PM Reply   
good jet skiers do this so they can launch from it for jumps. they take turns and do tricks like the moto cross guys do off the seat and handle bars. Ive done it and seen it done at Sea World jet ski shows.

They have two guys coming at one guy, somewhere around 30 plus feet apart, you adjust accordingly to get a good ramp, and they ride around 25 to 30mph with their trim all the way up while standing up on the bike with their feet at the bikes tail (putting their body weight as far to the rear as possible) so the jet bike is nearly doing a wheely. then the one guy goes right down the middle and hits where the two wakes meet.

The wake size varies, but its a more curved ramp. Makes it easy to thro 5 to 600 hundred pound machine in the air. Fun too, if you dont have swells from an ocean or passing hurricane to play off of, oh and you must have friends with jet skis. The pwc's can launch a good 6' or more in the air in smooth water conditions. Stand ups can get even higher and do barrel rolls, etc.

I cant imagine how a 'boarder would do it tho, seems the jet ski would screw up the wake's ramp, and I certianly wouldnt hit it at 30 plus...but thats me. If the wake and speed can thro a 600lb pwc in the air, I can only imagine what it might do for a 150 to 200lb object! Also, the pwc driver who is going for the jump has to go at a slow moderate pace until right before the water ramp and then they gun it. I see people trying to play in my wake with their pwc's hoping to catch a little air and they are gunning it all the way thru. Doesnt work like that. A heavy pwc plus fast equals no jump, only a skip. What fun is that?

But, as Christopher said, be sure to tape should be funny and I would love to see the out come!
Old     (socalwakepunk)      Join Date: Dec 2002       07-30-2003, 8:20 PM Reply   
Sounds like a Darwin award for sure!
Old     (shutupandboard)      Join Date: Aug 2002       07-30-2003, 8:48 PM Reply   
Cliff, he's not talking about the jet ski hitting the jump. He would swing out from the jet ski to go between the boats.
I don't think you should do it. Now that the parent in me has spoken. THAT WOULD BE COOL AS HELL. I wanna see video.
Old     (liveoz)      Join Date: May 2002       07-31-2003, 12:15 AM Reply   
I would like to see someone try to cut out at thirty miles an hour let go of the rope and manuever through 2 boats coming at you at 20-25 mph. I guess the big ramp would be your bonus for surviving.

If you want to do this, get a 300 foot rope and have the boats and jet ski all lined up with the boats on each side and the jet ski in the middle facing the other direction. Everybody hits it and you get your ramp without nearly as much risk.
Old    doubleup1080            07-31-2003, 12:42 AM Reply   
A "spine" is what's created when two boats traveling side-by-side (about 10 feet separating the two boats) combine the lip of each of their wakes creating a larger wake.


Then click Action Shots 3&4.

A Triple-up is when 3 of the boats wakes converge together to form a wake 3x the regular size. I forgot exactly how to drive one, but I do know it is a little similar to a doubleup to say the least. Here's a drawing I found on this site from a previous discussion thread.

(Message edited by doubleup1080 on July 31, 2003)
Old    doubleup1080            07-31-2003, 12:52 AM Reply   

Old    smitty98            07-31-2003, 1:18 AM Reply   
The pics on inland surfer, the boats are pretty close together.

If u get the boats to seperate a bit more why dont u get the jet-ski to go between then then turn right just behind the boat, making sure he doesnt go over it himself.

Then the rider can use his/her edge to pic up even more pace if the jet-ski is going in another direction and can let go about 2-3 mtrs before the spine.

Now i just wish i had 2 boats and a jet-ski cause i'd do it for sure.

Pitty that ur in the USA otherwise i would of tried to help u out.
Old    shaggydan22            07-31-2003, 3:23 AM Reply   
when you whip out to the middle, will the jet ski have enough time to pull the rope and handle out of the way of one of the on coming boats?
Old     (aneal000)      Join Date: Feb 2002       07-31-2003, 5:38 AM Reply   
Dan I was just wondering the same thing. As I see it the boat that the jet skier turns in front of on the whip will run over the rope and eat up the jet skier!
Old     (wakeguru)      Join Date: Feb 2003       07-31-2003, 5:44 AM Reply   
Dude, I don't like your plan and I'll tell you why:
First you're gonna have to go way too fast with the jet ski hucking you between the boats which is way risky - you could spin out trying to cut so hard or the boat could run over the rope if you wait too long and plus you would barely have enough speed into the ramp to make anything of it.

Here's what you do:
Take the jet ski through the middle and have the driver turn before the ramp and ollie the ski over the one boats wake while you come through behind it and release the handle (or not) and launch.
If you're worried about the ski losing speed when it hits the boats wake then use a short rope and speed up the ski.

Do yourself a favor and have a couple of good boat drivers who are paying attention to each other and not watching you and make sure they stay at least 20 feet apart. And ofcourse you want to have a guy on the ski who knows what up. Have the ski driver take the ski through without a rider at first.

Speaking from experience here.

Warning: this stunt is extremely dangerous and should be performed by professional stunt persons only who are filming a movie to be viewed on WakeWorld.
Old    smitty98            07-31-2003, 6:34 AM Reply   
Thats what i was trying to get at, the only safe/safeish way to do it is have the boat through the middle.

Just don't have the wave of the ski muddle up the ramp.

Deffinally film it!

Ur giving me an idea to do it now, will discuss with mates and see how i go.
Old     (barry)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-31-2003, 8:05 AM Reply   
I think you're a nut. Wakeboarding by itself is dangerous enough.

Old     (rock_n_boardin)      Join Date: May 2003       07-31-2003, 8:16 AM Reply   
No way, to whip yourself out from a PWC going 30 mph, between two boats going 15 to 25mph, the whip will gain you an extra 10mph, so your looking at a closing speed of 55 to 70mph and time it perfectly, between a 20 foot gap. No way, the price of failer is to high and the odds of pulling it on the first try is probably pretty low. So your looking at an 80% chance of death or very serious injury. GO FOR IT!!!!!

LOL Just kidding!!!!
Old     (aneal000)      Join Date: Feb 2002       07-31-2003, 8:24 AM Reply   
Barry I'll bet you wear a helmet when you ride a bicycle...

You only swim with a life jacket and never alone...

You hold on to the handrail when you go up and down steps...

You wear your seatbelt when you are backing your car out of the garage to wash it...

You wear a respriator when you cut your grass...

Sorry, these guys are just trying to have a little fun. Wakeboarding is only as dangerous as you want to make it. If everyone starts saying how dangerous it is it will turn into the same thing as a motrocycle. You know how freaking tired I am of someone telling me about someone they know knows someone who got killed on one of those things... maybe you should sell it. Your buddy that got killed was probably drunk off his a$$ riding his harley home from a bar! Yeah they are dangerous if you ride them that way and don't watch out for the other people. Just what we need wakeboarding truned into... my mom won't let me get a wakeboard it is to dangerous! You know what I had to go throurgh when I was a kid to get a skateboard! I can just see wakeboarding becoming the same thing if everyone keeps saying how dangerous it is. Don't do extreme things if you are not capable of them. It will cut the Stupid Hurts factor down by a lot!

Sorry for going off... I feel better now!
Old     (barry)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-31-2003, 9:50 AM Reply   
[Barry I'll bet you wear a helmet when you ride a bicycle... ]

-I'm too lazy to ride my bike.

[You only swim with a life jacket and never alone...]

-I don't swim.

[You hold on to the handrail when you go up and down steps...]

-You do have this one correct. It's what happens when you get old like me

[You wear your seatbelt when you are backing your car out of the garage to wash it...]

-Once again, you're correct! You should always wear your seatbelt.

[You wear a respriator when you cut your grass...] I have a gardener.

I dunno, there's something about being pulled by a jetski on a wakeboard that was designed to be ridden at about 22mph, at somewhere between 30-40mph, directly at two 3000+lbs watercraft with no brakes that are no more then 30 feet apart doing 20+ mph.

I'm think I'd rather have a rectal exam by captain hook.

I'm going to go cut my grass without a respriator, for added thrill I think I'll do it in sandles... film at 11:00!


Old     (aneal000)      Join Date: Feb 2002       07-31-2003, 10:15 AM Reply   
Barry I'm glad you have a good sense of humor, because I was just joking and thought I might of came off sounding like an a$$.

I think they should do it if they feel comfortable with their skills. People are always pushing the envelope and that is how things progress. It might seem dangerous to some but to somone who is a very good jet ski driver, a great wakeboarder, and a good boat driver they might just think it is another walk in the park. Would I try it? You bet! But then again I'm not much on rectal exams:-)
Old     (rock_n_boardin)      Join Date: May 2003       07-31-2003, 11:07 AM Reply   
What might be better is if they had the boats maybe 50 or 60 feet apart, going around 15 MPH to make a big wake, maybe put a lot of weight right in the back of them. Make a juiced up spine, then approach it from the side, it would probably launch you way up, and yes have your appointment for you knee replacements ready LOLOL
Old     (barry)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-31-2003, 11:17 AM Reply   
When you look and ride like I do you have to have a good sense of humor, there is no other option.

Old     (rock_n_boardin)      Join Date: May 2003       07-31-2003, 11:37 AM Reply   
Barry, since you poked fun at yourself, do you mind if I chime in? Now does a bald head help you get bigger air???? LOLOL or more hang time? You know with the whole aerodynamic thing??? LOL If you want to bash me, check out the farmers tan on my profile pick LOLOLOL Yes a good sense of humor is a must, why take life so serious???

Old    erlingl            07-31-2003, 11:46 AM Reply   
i saw that at sea world
Old    erlingl            07-31-2003, 11:50 AM Reply   
i think someoen should start in a pool then jump though a honda element into the lake
Old    griffdizzle            07-31-2003, 12:59 PM Reply   
I like the idea of a 300 foot rope so the jet ski can go between the boats also. that way i can just ride straight into the ramp instead of cutting out and aiming to go between the boats.

yes i know its dangerous but if you think about it, as long as the drivers all know what they are doing and you are confident with your skills its really not that hard to aim your wakeboard at a 30 foot gap. i will most definately film it when i try it. i have this mental picture in my head of the sun going down and a silouhette of a wakeboarder 20+ feet in the air boning out some grab. i hope it works out.
Old    smitty98            07-31-2003, 9:26 PM Reply   
Heres my idea on what should happen. This way the rider shouldn't fall infront of a boat. Because they just trail behind the ski and no need to cut untill last few seconds.

Heres the swf version (vector graphics=small) requires flash6 plugin to view.

If you dont have it, i've zipped up the exe version of the swf, makes it bigger because it has to turn it into full machine code or something.


Tell us what ya think!
Old     (deepstructure)      Join Date: Jun 2002       07-31-2003, 9:38 PM Reply   
nice little swf adam. it might work - i can't wait to see the video!
Old     (ty540)      Join Date: Nov 2001       08-01-2003, 12:04 AM Reply   
or you could just whip the rider into a kicker...
Old    smitty98            08-01-2003, 12:33 AM Reply   
You could run a really long rope and the jet-ski slows down through the wake section, then picks up pace and drives straight, then the rider gets a nice clean wake to jump.
Old     (sdboardr99)      Join Date: Aug 2001       08-01-2003, 12:46 AM Reply   
So what's the point? Just to get big air? Well just make sure you have insurance (medical and life) and paramedics on hand. I see a lot of things that can go wrong here and most of them have serious consequences.
Old     (kristian)      Join Date: Nov 2002       08-01-2003, 1:11 AM Reply   
I'm still not seeing much differance between doing that and a triple-up whip. Except for the "you might hit a boat part". I think I would go for the TU whip.
Old     (blabel)      Join Date: Jul 2001       08-01-2003, 7:50 AM Reply   
I say go for it. Have your family send me the newspaper article when you're done.
Old    mike_mike            08-01-2003, 7:58 AM Reply   
do it, dont be a pussy
Old    smitty98            08-01-2003, 9:25 PM Reply   
If you ride between two boats and dont whip infront of them, no rope can go infront of the boats, u shouldn't go infront of a boat if there appart enough.

Whats so dangerious about it?


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