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Old    kidrik            04-12-2007, 7:03 AM Reply   
Just want to thank each and every member who is wearing or has ever worn a uniform and defended this great nation!

Everyday when I go to the gym, or to work and teach our youth, or go out on the rivers and lakes with friends and family, I can't help but be so thankful and proud that these brave hero's are out there putting their lives on the line to protect our freedoms.

So before I go out and ride this weekend, I'd like to say thank you, and I appreciate all that you do! And a special shout out to my father who served 30 years! Thanks dad.

Sorry if this sounded like preaching, but my intentions are nothing but good, and from the heart!
Old     (hmurray)      Join Date: Jan 2007       04-12-2007, 7:56 AM Reply   
Protecting is allright... staying somewhere because of the oil is not good!
Old            04-12-2007, 8:03 AM Reply   
I am with you Rik, Big thank you to all the men and women fighting for our freedom!!!!!!
I have family over there fighting this war and I thank everyone of them as often as I possibly can!
Old     (mucktoerider)      Join Date: Jan 2007       04-12-2007, 8:10 AM Reply   
I have family and friends serving. They are doing a wonderful job protecting us. I am glad and proud of them. I think they should stay and finish the job and NOT get defunded(thx Nancy and Harry...big idiots) Han...this is support American troops. Not bash them. Please keep your conspiracy theories to yourself. U.S.A. is an awesome place to live and we could not do it without our men and women in uniform.
Old     (wakeman7)      Join Date: Jan 2007       04-12-2007, 8:48 AM Reply   
Thanks to all the troops!!!
Old     (jarrod)      Join Date: May 2003       04-12-2007, 9:29 AM Reply   
Hey what happen to that guy that used to post? He was in WBM taking a run in some polluted river in Iraq...I think. I want to say he was from Socal...Damn... can't believe I forgot his name.
Old     (nickbot)      Join Date: Feb 2007       04-12-2007, 9:52 AM Reply   
i support the troops, not the war. no offense scott, but what does it mean to "finish the job".
Old     (lake_side)      Join Date: Jan 2004       04-12-2007, 10:49 AM Reply   
That's my job I support the warfighter.
Old     (kylielogan)      Join Date: Apr 2006       04-12-2007, 11:07 AM Reply   
A big thanks from me as well. My dad is ex-Marine and a family friend is a Marine getting ready to deploy to Iraq. Bless you all - stay safe!
Old     (stephan)      Join Date: Nov 2002       04-12-2007, 11:21 AM Reply   
I met a Marine last night who was one month out of the Corp. He is a Minnesota hockey fan & I am a Duck fan. I thanked him for his service and bought him a beer, he was appreciative & a cool guy (until my Ducks won!).
Old    walt            04-12-2007, 11:30 AM Reply   
Do you mean Jim Bottrell ?
Old     (ccryder)      Join Date: Apr 2002       04-12-2007, 12:42 PM Reply   
I give thanks and support our troops and the premise of the company in my profile is to give back to the families that gave the ultimate sacrafice.
Old    kidrik            04-12-2007, 12:43 PM Reply   
That's awesome Walt!

This thread was started with NO political agenda what so ever attached! Take the politics out, and you've still got men and women fighting to keep us safe.

The message is to say THANKS!! And for people to not take their freedoms for granted! Not to debate how and why all of the wars of the past and present are justified or not.

Han, I SAID "to PROTECT our freedom", and never mentioned anything about said you agreed with that, so just be thankful you're free.

Sorry, I wanted to keep this a positive thread......

Rock on soldiers, and anytime you want a "free" pull and a "free" beer, just look me up!

Old     (dabell)      Join Date: Apr 2007       04-12-2007, 1:08 PM Reply   
Rik, What about former Marines???

I could use a nice COLD beer!!!! Already have a pull, thanks... Sorry, long hard day at work so far.....

God bless the troops and my prayers go out for a safe return.

(Message edited by dabell on April 12, 2007)
Old     (wakeman7)      Join Date: Jan 2007       04-12-2007, 1:28 PM Reply   
well put rik
Old     (lastemperor)      Join Date: Oct 2005       04-12-2007, 3:19 PM Reply   
Troops are just an extension of policy, because they are sent to war by politicians. Unfortunately, there is no separating the two. If you send food to the troops to support them, then you are in turn supporting the war, because you are supporting the people who are fighting it. In essence, the phrase "support our troops" or the question "do you support the troops?" is just as much a statement or question of policy than anything else. You cannot "support" someone without supporting their actions, and when they are acting under the direction of someone else, then you are also supporting the director.

But, I am thankful that they are willing to put their lives on the line if/when our country is ever attacked, just as I am thankful for firefighters and police men for doing the same thing here. And I would certainly give Dave B. a beer or anyone else for that matter. The military is no cakewalk, and it's unfortunate that we live in a world where it is so necessary.
Old    kidrik            04-12-2007, 4:52 PM Reply   
"Troops are just an extension of policy".........
No, "troops" are moms, dads, brothers and sisters. They are "people". Policies are words.

So if you have a son or daughter serving, but don't "support" the war.......this means you vote to not feed them, because if you do send them food you automatically now support the war?

I think the word "support" is more subjective than that. Support to "ME" means letting them know that I appreciate them and no matter what happens,I will welcome them home with open arms and no negative judgements or guilt attached, and that we care about them like the family they are.

I can totally not "support" a politician or one of their policies through the power of voting or free speech, however still support my father and other troops who have committed to serve regardless of even their "own" beliefs.

I see what you're saying, but I don't think it's as simple as you are presenting it.

Here here to firefighters, police and emergency crews!

Thanks Jim. And Dave B., hell yes, anytime! Can I invite the COL.?
Old     (dabell)      Join Date: Apr 2007       04-12-2007, 5:13 PM Reply   
This just boils down to if there are problems and you don't agree, talk with your representative in Washington DC. As for the troops, they are either told to go or they can rebel and say "no" and believe me, you don't want to say "no". If a "no" is said, then there are consequences for those actions which could entail a Dishonorable Discharge. This type of discharge will take away your right to vote and owning property (house or land). Not good.

So, if there are problems, write your politician but for the sake of the troops, always support them please.

Signing off.
Rik: The Col can come as long as I don't have to salute.
Old     (dnp33)      Join Date: Jan 2007       04-12-2007, 5:45 PM Reply   
we shouldnt let this turn into an argument about the war. if u want to say something, say something good about the troops. also, 8 canadian soldiers recently were killed in afganistan, i know its not what u guys were talking about, but id just like to give a shout for them to.
btw im sorry i didnt mean to... offend anyone if i did.

(Message edited by dnp33 on April 12, 2007)
Old     (wakeman7)      Join Date: Jan 2007       04-12-2007, 5:48 PM Reply   
Yeah dont hate the troops cause without them we probably would be dead. And they are out there risking thier lives so we can have luxuries like wakeboarding.
Old    kidrik            04-12-2007, 6:08 PM Reply   
David B., that's hilarious! He'd say the same thing, and then hand you a beer, smoke a stogie, share stories and BS all day! It's all good!
Old     (lastemperor)      Join Date: Oct 2005       04-12-2007, 6:22 PM Reply   
You're absolutely right, they are people just like you and me. I'm just pointing out the obvious ironies of their situation. People or not, they're just pawns in large and very dangerous political game. It's unfortunate, especially considering that most joined to better their lives, not because they necessarily wanted to fight a war. I could just as easily be over there right now if I'd come from a different socio-economic background or held different political beliefs.

Because of that, I try to make my judgments on a person by person basis and see all sides of an issue. We're all made of the same sh*t in the end. People are people and I try to have compassion for them all.
Old     (mhsb1029)      Join Date: Jan 2004       04-12-2007, 6:30 PM Reply   
Correct, we are all made of the same sh*t. This is why I love to hear stories from my friends coming back from Iraq about how excited the Iraqi people are that we are over there. I could not imagine living in a world where you were not able to speak your mind. At some point in time you can not have peace without war.

God bless our troops.
Old     (jdreiser)      Join Date: Mar 2002       04-12-2007, 6:38 PM Reply   
If you truly support the troops and care about the sacrifices that they and their families endure, then you would be against this war and want to bring them home to prepare and be ready to fight for justified and legitimate wars, i.e. Afghanistan. It is simply amazing how any right thinking, logical person could support the littany of false justifications put forth by this administration for war. There were no WMD, no terrorist conspiracy with al quaida to attack America (until now that we have created a vacuum), and no desire of the Iraqui people to have a true democracy. Bush wants to "finish the job" when everyone, including the military, admits that this cannot be one through military means but would instead require to warring factions to put aside differences shared for over a thousand years. As Colin Powell said "you break it, you buy it."

I support ever man and woman in uniform and have had family members serve and it breaks my heart everytime I hear of another soldier dying in that pit. It makes me sick to see of the suffering these soldiers continue to live through when they return and don't get the treatment they deserve. I have represented several soldiers with PTSD where their government now does not want to award VA and SS disability benefits to.
Old    kidrik            04-12-2007, 7:05 PM Reply   
John, can you be against the war and still "support" our troops?

In your second paragraph, you're saying exactly what I've been stating from the beginning?

So once AGAIN, this thread is not whether you are for or against the's to THANK those in uniform. (not the administration)

So would you like to thank them or not? If no, fine. That's your "freedom" and your choice.

But if you want to start your own post of why the "war" is right or wrong, knock yourself out.
Old     (bendow)      Join Date: Sep 2005       04-12-2007, 7:20 PM Reply   
you're welcome
Old     (helix_rider)      Join Date: Mar 2003       04-12-2007, 7:41 PM Reply   
I picked up a hitchhiker tonight and after talking to him during our trip and then dropping him off (he was a 61-year-old homeless dude), I drove into my driveway and saw my big yellow boat. We are so lucky to be living in the US, able to express our opinions when we have them, and spend our money on luxuries that 99.5% of the world would say was extremely wasteful. And who do we owe this to? Our forefathers who had the vision to start this great idea called the United States and the soldiers who keep it safe. Without 'our troops' the states might have a hard time staying add my deepest thanks to all those fighting on my (and your) behalf. God bless!
Old     (jdreiser)      Join Date: Mar 2002       04-12-2007, 7:48 PM Reply   

Your premise of having to support the war if you support the troops is flawed. One can admire, support, and appreciate the sacrifices of the individuals that make up the armed forces without having to believe that the government is justified and correct in sending these men and women to die.

As to saying thanks, I believe my post was self-explanatory on that point.

As for hijacking your post, I was simply responding to what had already been written.
Old    kidrik            04-12-2007, 8:16 PM Reply   
John, that's just it........that is exactly NOT my premise!! Please re-read the entire thread, and maybe finally understand what I'm saying!

The first question in my last post was for you and those who can't seem to thank the troops without giving reasons why you support the war or not! It's as if you're afraid that a simple yes for backing our troops makes you in favor of the war? Like I said, your second paragraph would have been perfect by itself for this post!

I'm done debating. Re read for true meaning.

Benjamin, you made my effing night!! That's what this post was all about man!! Thank you so much!
Thanks to all who posted, and I respect the opinions of everyone! THAT is freedom at it's best!

Kiss your families, and sleep safely tonight!
It's beer thirty. Good night.
Old     (hawkeye7708)      Join Date: Feb 2007       04-12-2007, 8:20 PM Reply   
God bless our troops! Come home safe ya'll!
Old     (ponyh8r)      Join Date: Dec 2004       04-12-2007, 8:53 PM Reply   
You guys are funny. My wife and I have been serving for ten years and it has been great. It is a really humbeling experience when someone takes the time to say thank you. It is much appreciated and is a great motivator for those that serve. If you are not for the war, please voice it; I may not like it, but it is what I fight for.
Old     (trump)      Join Date: Mar 2002       04-12-2007, 9:50 PM Reply   
God Bless our Troops. I support our Troops and I would like to say thank you to all the men and women in uniform, civilian and military.

Old     (jarrod)      Join Date: May 2003       04-12-2007, 10:02 PM Reply   
Walt...That's him! Thanks.
Old     (mucktoerider)      Join Date: Jan 2007       04-13-2007, 3:55 AM Reply   
Finish the job: Train the Iraqi forces to protect their own country. Not like what we did in Somalia. My friend Dave said Somalians were running up and beating on the body of his chopper when they left. He says this still haunts him often to know that most of them are now probably dead. He is now in the waters near Iran on a carrier. As for WMD......YES they were found. In Iraq and Syria. They were being shuttled out of Iraq into Syria. They have found them in both places. Please do not believe everything the media puts out there. They are politically biased. If you base all of your decisions on them. You are being misled. I worked in T.V. and Radio for 6 years. I know first hand. When was the last time you heard anything about WMD. That's has been quite a while. The media wants that term to disappear because they were found. And Iraq now makes sense. Politicians to the left do not want you to know that. Media is totally left biased. So forget the nonsense media...and SUPPORT OUR TROOPS AND PROTECT OUR COUNTRY. I will personally thank every man and woman who fights for our country that I come across in my lifetime.
Old     (nickbot)      Join Date: Feb 2007       04-13-2007, 4:39 AM Reply   
ok. i hope they can finish the job and come home soon.
Old     (mucktoerider)      Join Date: Jan 2007       04-13-2007, 4:46 AM Reply   
Nickbot....I read yesterday that the generals in Iraq think they can finish by this winter. So that is good news. My friend Dave has two daughters and a son. I am sure that he is eager to come back home too. He is on his fourth tour in Iraq.
Old     (izzy)      Join Date: Apr 2007       04-13-2007, 6:00 AM Reply   
I want to thank all of you (who support) for your support! I have been in the Air Force for 14 years and gets difficult for all military members when we feel a lack of support. The support we feel from our great nation is like a security blanket, with out it we feel lost and alone.

Thank You All!
TSgt, USAF, Aircraft Armament Specialist
Old     (hoosairboy)      Join Date: Aug 2005       04-13-2007, 6:13 AM Reply   
Thank you Air Force for your support. They sponsor the Pro Tour. My hat is off to all of you. Thanks.

PS- The IWSF Worlds are being held in Qatar so if you guys and gals are near by you ought to check it out.
Old    kidrik            04-13-2007, 6:17 AM Reply   
^^^ WOW!.........
Old     (izzy)      Join Date: Apr 2007       04-13-2007, 6:29 AM Reply   
I was deployed to Qatar for Iraqi Freedom! I never left the base, much less seen the water.
Old     (byrd)      Join Date: Dec 2005       04-13-2007, 7:02 AM Reply   
Freedom Aint Free. Those men and women are doing their job so you armchair politicians can protest and complain about it.

It's a shame that what started as a "Thank You" thread, has become a soapbox for some. Say "Thank You" or STFU. If you want to talk politics, there is a section for it. (My $.02)

BTW, I have a few Wakeboard Mags laying around, if any of you guys/gals that are over there in Iraq want them, PM me your address. It's the least I can do to show some appreciation...THANK YOU
Old     (lastemperor)      Join Date: Oct 2005       04-13-2007, 9:57 AM Reply   
Is there any other kind of politician? haha.

Did you guys really think that a thread involving the military in a time of war would not cause a debate?

The great thing about this country is that you are free to express your views. In fact, this country was built on political unrest and disagreement with the party in power. Because of that, we should not follow politicians or anyone else blindly or without question, nor should we fail to see the incongruencies or faults in our actions both individually and as a country. Please try to carry out the tradition that our founding fathers set forth. Even the troops on this site are telling you to think and express, which you can do without condemning. Seriously, everyone makes mistakes. Let's not pretend like our government shouldn't/doesn't.

Mr. Firman - Sounds like you've got some conspiracy theories of your own! Watch FOX News, you'll get all of the right-wing, conservative news that you can handle.
Old    kidrik            04-13-2007, 11:22 AM Reply   
Dave M ^^^ SO, is that a thank you?

I said, "Thanks to all who posted, I respect the opinion's of everyone! THAT'S freedom at its best!"

So it sounds like we agree on that.

And yes, I knew there would be debate, however, I knew that in the end, the people and the reasons it was intended for would hear the message! Which is Thank you.

Just read Michael and Mike's talk of politicians, etc......just that it feels good to be appreciated, and SUPPORTED!
Old     (lastemperor)      Join Date: Oct 2005       04-13-2007, 12:19 PM Reply   
I thank them for being willing to put their lives on the line if we were in immediate danger, and for their support with domestic emergencies such as hurricanes, etc. We definitely agree on that.

When you say that they're putting their lives on the line every day for your freedom, it sounds like you're referring to the war, and if you are, then you will certainly get a debate on whether or not your freedom is really at stake in Iraq.

War is hell, and i admire them for holding to their obligation in the face of such an awful situation, of which the mental and physical consequences are almost unimaginable to someone like me. I support them for what they have to go through and why they must go through it, not the political motivation or merits for why they were sent there. I don't support war, I support the people who are victims of such a horrible circumstance (civilians and soldiers of both sides).

Thank you for that.
Old     (dabell)      Join Date: Apr 2007       04-13-2007, 12:28 PM Reply   
Whew!!!!!! I'm glad to see that there aren't going to be any fights in here now..

Rik: That would be cool to hear all the stories the Col has. I am sure we all can BS about the corp for many, many hours. However, no stogies for me but one thing I did learn in the corps was how to drink....
Old     (wakeworld)      Join Date: Jan 1997       04-13-2007, 12:44 PM Reply   
Definitely a big thanks to all the troops!!

A big thumbs down to anyone who sees a "thank you" to our troops as an opportunity to spew their political views! Lame.
Old    walt            04-13-2007, 3:00 PM Reply   


Definitely a big thanks to all the troops!!

A big thumbs down to anyone who sees a "thank you" to our troops as an opportunity to spew their political views! Lame.

I couldn't agree more !
Old     (supra24ssv)      Join Date: Mar 2006       04-13-2007, 4:02 PM Reply   
i support the troops and the war
kill them sob's, boysUpload
oh yeah i love oil, can you tell
Old     (mucktoerider)      Join Date: Jan 2007       04-13-2007, 8:06 PM Reply   
No political rant anymore. GO TROOPS....I SUPPORT THE TROOPS AND I SUPPORT THEM FIGHTING IN THIS WAR. I would never tell a soldier I did not support his efforts in Iraq. That would be a slap in the face. This country needs to unite and stand behind our troops and their efforts. Famous phrase: UNITED WE STAND...DIVIDED WE FALL. I have never seen our country so divided in my lifetime than now. It is a shame.
Old     (greatdane)      Join Date: Feb 2001       04-13-2007, 8:20 PM Reply   
Support the troops in words and dollars!

Send a care package to the troops or sends some money to a charity focused on supporting the troops!
Old     (lastemperor)      Join Date: Oct 2005       04-13-2007, 8:38 PM Reply   
haha, remember the civil war?
Old     (lastemperor)      Join Date: Oct 2005       04-13-2007, 8:42 PM Reply   
guess you weren't around for that one, though...
Old     (thedangcorn)      Join Date: Mar 2007       04-13-2007, 8:55 PM Reply   
Yeah, who needs oil. I'm all over those pedal power boats so americans won't be so fat and lazy.

But seriously, it's good to be thoughtful of our brothers and sisters stuck over there while we take everything for granted. Honestly, I'd rather have us nuke the joint and bring our troops home, plus all that fallout would help with the global warming problems.

We really need to save our strength for the future war with China anyway.

(Message edited by Thedangcorn on April 13, 2007)
Old    kidrik            04-13-2007, 10:05 PM Reply   
Wow Dave M, you're sounding more intelligent in each post.......

So you won't thank the troops of today because YOU feel we're not in "immediate" danger.........Hmmmm, "selective supporting". Do you always turn your back on those YOU care about when things don't go the way YOU want them to?

That's a damn shame.

Oh, and I'm dying to hear what it was like fighting in the Civil War.....? Ya know, I don't agree with you on much, but I sure want to try whatever it is the hell you're smoking!

Thanks to ALL who have utilized this post as intended! Great comments, and I hope the troops spread the word that those studs from WW got their back!

David B, we need to hook that up one day!
Old     (j3t_m3ch)      Join Date: Jun 2006       04-13-2007, 10:40 PM Reply   
ALOT of US would rather just turn certain places across the pond into giant parking lots....but we can't. Theres alot of views on the war but thats not what this post is about... It's about saying thanks to the people that have to spend their wakeobardless summer in a tent on foreign ground eating MRE's looking at pic's of their families and friends...wishing they could be with them but knowing that they have to be there. I just want to say thanks to all of you that support us and also say thanks to the troops out on the front line laying it down day to day doing the 365 tour.
Old     (hawk7)      Join Date: Apr 2007       04-13-2007, 11:10 PM Reply   
Gimme a gun SOME OF US are ready to protect our freedoms.... COUGHhippies.
Old     (hawk7)      Join Date: Apr 2007       04-13-2007, 11:11 PM Reply   
...seriously, anyone got an AR-15,.. magnum,.... musket!?........ taser?!?
Old     (supra24ssv)      Join Date: Mar 2006       04-14-2007, 6:16 AM Reply   
i have a ar-15
Old     (lastemperor)      Join Date: Oct 2005       04-14-2007, 8:58 AM Reply   
dear little baby jesus, please improve rik's reading comprehension skills...amen
Old     (pwningjr)      Join Date: Apr 2007       04-14-2007, 10:47 AM Reply   
"Freedom Aint Free. Those men and women are doing their job so you armchair politicians can protest and complain about it.

It's a shame that what started as a "Thank You" thread, has become a soapbox for some. Say "Thank You" or STFU. If you want to talk politics, there is a section for it. (My $.02)" -Thank you Byrd! Couldn't have put it better.
Old     (kingskrew)      Join Date: May 2004       04-14-2007, 10:52 AM Reply   


Definitely a big thanks to all the troops!!

A big thumbs down to anyone who sees a "thank you" to our troops as an opportunity to spew their political views! Lame.

Agreed! Huge thanks to all those serving!!!!

Old     (lastemperor)      Join Date: Oct 2005       04-14-2007, 11:42 AM Reply   
baby jesus is from a movie big homey--i hope that you're not too old to have seen taladega nights...the profile quote? a sample from in a beastie boys song.

you have totally misunderstood everything that i've said, or why i even posted in the first place. you were too busy getting all riled up because i pointed out that it's hard to separate troops from policy, especially in a time of war since they were given the orders to fight by congress. all that stuff about families, etc. had nothing to do with what i was saying. both of my grandfathers served and my mom was an air force brat, so the concept is quite familiar to me as a picture of him next to his plane sits on our mantel at home.

as for the civil war comment, mr. firman said that he "has never seen a country so divided in his life", to which i initially replied "the civil war" because i'd say that our country was far more divided back then. After posting, I realized that he said "in my life", so I said that he probably wasn't alive during that one--pretty simple.

my comments really haven't been that hard to follow, nor have i said that i don't support them--in fact, quite the opposite. it's a shame that the entire concept was lost on you simply because i did not say something like "i support the troops, and the war--kill them sob's". I do not believe that the world, and especially the world at war, is that simple,and I will not try to oversimplify things. I'd rather work through the complexities with discussion because I feel that it is worthwhile when someone misunderstands my original post. funny how everyone gets all up in arms when someone doesn't just agree with them. at any rate, i tried to have an open dialogue on the subject, and it clearly failed.

I'm not trying to change the world, and i certainly don't have any political agenda by posting this. I wanted to bring certain points to the forefront, and that got miscontrued as me being anti-military or a hippie or whatever else was said.

So before you all go labeling, here's a few facts about me: I was born in Texas, grew up in Sacramento, played football all four years of high school, drive a truck, have a degree in accounting and am currently an auditor--i'd make a horrible hippie.

just because i hold certain ideals doesn't mean that i fall into any certain category besides maybe someone who likes to think a little bit more than your average person.

before i leave this thread because I've wasted entirely too much time and effort on it, here's a shout out to the janitors for cleaning up crap all day long at low pay, the landscaping guys for keeping our lawns looking great, the firemen and policemen for risking their lives to keep us safe (even if they bust me for skating), the accountants for helping keep the investing public safe, the teachers for educating, the marketers for telling me what to buy, engineers for making such cool stuff (modern marvels--great show), the farmers for all of the food, and everyone else who busts their ass day in and day out but hasn't gotten a thread dedicated to them yet. basically, thanks for working and keeping the country going--we couldn't do it without you. and thanks to the military for being a big part of all of it and giving my g-pa a job for so long. hopefully our troops can come home soon.

this should clear everything up, and if it hasn't, re-read until it does. it's saturday, and i've got work to do--investors to protect, financials to disclose. hopefully i'll go wakeboarding later because that's why i post on here in the first place.
Old    kidrik            04-14-2007, 12:31 PM Reply   
Sorry David Williams for my last post. I'm glad it's gone. Too negative, and probably inappropriate. I apologize.

Last comment on this thread for me. Thank you to all of the men and women in uniform who serve and keep us safe! I went riding yesterday, because I can, and I took a moment to soak in the true taste of freedom.

Good luck, and come ride with me soon!
Old     (supra24ssv)      Join Date: Mar 2006       04-14-2007, 12:33 PM Reply   
what a guy,
comparing our troops to janitors
Old    vanski            04-14-2007, 12:47 PM Reply   
Thanks to all the men and women in uniform...and I'll say thank you for all that are finding it too hard to say it.
Old     (liquidmx)      Join Date: Jun 2005       04-14-2007, 12:52 PM Reply   
Yup, Tons of respect for those guys.

Old     (nuckledragger)      Join Date: Jun 2004       04-14-2007, 1:31 PM Reply   
Thank you to all of our troops for protecting our freedom!! I admire and respect each of you for putting your life on the line for me everyday. Pat Tillman will forever be my hero.
Old     (izzy)      Join Date: Apr 2007       04-14-2007, 7:06 PM Reply   
Those of us who serve do so because we believe in YOUR right to protest. Men and Women have DIED, are DYING, and will DIE to ensure that you keep that right. We are not politicians we are purely servants of this great nation. We want you to exercise your marvelous rights to protest and have free speech. Respect us enough to not USE us as political pawns. In short….Protest…Just not at our funerals!!!

Thank all of you for your support!
It really dose matter to us!
Old    kidrik            04-14-2007, 7:30 PM Reply   
I know I said I was done, but that was unreal Michael. This one's for you brah! Cheers.
Old     (j3t_m3ch)      Join Date: Jun 2006       04-14-2007, 10:01 PM Reply   
Hey izzy! I'm going to be at Sheppard this summer for 7-level school! You think I could get a pull with you?! I was gon to bring the boat but I saw your up that way..If you ever come this way let me know...
Old     (ghostrider_2)      Join Date: Aug 2004       04-15-2007, 12:10 PM Reply   
I've already done 2 tours and geting ready for a 3rd.

Simply put, if you have never been over there, then you have no room to speak about what we are actually doing. You are just a simple pawn in the media hype,ratings, and political agenda!

Only those of us who have been there know what we are truely doing. This war is not simply about oil! How about the freedoms we enjoy everyday, mmm education, free speak, free will, the list can go on and on! The news don't and won't tell you about how many schools the Navy Seabees have built, or how many farmers the Army Rangers have helped become more productive, How many nurses and staff the Navy/Army/Air Force have helped train. Nope they would rather just show the shootings and explosions.

You either support us, the troops or do not! Its not supporting the war which you are not fully informed on, nor is it about politics, its about us. But I always say it is us the service member who makes the sacrafices for you to have the freedom's you have and take for granted, without us we would not be the US of A!

For those of you who supprt us----

Old     (boarder_x)      Join Date: Mar 2006       04-15-2007, 4:11 PM Reply   
Kenny, you just gave me the chills.... VERY well written post.

I have been there once, but that was December of '98. Right after Saddam kicked the UN inspectors out. We decided a little offense was in order.
Old     (mucktoerider)      Join Date: Jan 2007       04-15-2007, 6:36 PM Reply   
Kenny.....THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! You are so right on my brother. I am so overwhelmed the stuff you and your commrads endure to protect our freedom. This world is so full of hate. A lot of it aimed at the U.S.A for being the land of the free. Unfortunately, I do not see a day when the hatred will completely disappear. Our soldiers will be forever protecting our freedom. Kilpela from Fowlerville Michigan lost his life in the Marines. His brother John (my good friend) enlisted six months later. If he thought it is a bad war, he would not have joined after losing his brother in Iraq. People that dog the war effort do not get the whole picture...just the ugly one that the media paints for them. Never talks about the positive...just the negative. Count how many negative thing verses the positive things mentioned in the papers and t.v. Not just about the war...but anything. I worked in radio for six is a big theater. If you can take out a few words from the newswire and say it in a different tone of change the whole meaning and distort the truth to add a spin. Happens everyday. I got fired for ripping and reading off the ap newswire without sending it to our editor first. So did our afternoon drive jock. So are so right with everything you said. Don't believe everything you see and hear in the media. You want the truth...ask a soldier who is there or has been there.
Old     (jimandjodi2005)      Join Date: Feb 2005       04-16-2007, 7:03 AM Reply   
Thanx for all the support, I'm currently deployed onboard USS Dwight D. Eisenhower in Strike Fighter Squadron 143 the "World Famous Pukin' Dogs" in support of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom, we also traveled to Africa and did operaions off the coast of Somalia rooting out terrorists there. We fly the Fa-18E Super Hornet Strike Attack aircraft. We deployed in october of 2006 hopefully be home early summer timeframe. Cant wait to get back and take the kids on the water wakeboarding, thanx again for all the support!Upload
Old     (jimandjodi2005)      Join Date: Feb 2005       04-16-2007, 7:18 AM Reply   
This is one of our toys. Carries 500 or 1000 pound bundles of laser guided love for the terrorists and insergents. Dogs of war, beautiful sight.Upload
Old     (byrd)      Join Date: Dec 2005       04-16-2007, 7:33 AM Reply   
Jim, I have some past issues of WBM & Alliance if you want them. If you or some of the others would like them, PM me and I'll send them to you.
Old     (ghostrider_2)      Join Date: Aug 2004       04-16-2007, 8:42 AM Reply   
Jim what rate are you?
Old     (ridersdad)      Join Date: Apr 2007       04-16-2007, 10:06 AM Reply   
Check out the riding with the troops at Pretty cool!
Old     (jimandjodi2005)      Join Date: Feb 2005       04-18-2007, 11:09 PM Reply   
Kenny Im an AME1
Old     (ghostrider_2)      Join Date: Aug 2004       04-19-2007, 5:53 AM Reply   
What a small world, so am I...I'm with VAQ-130 right now which we deploy on the Truman off the East Coast.


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