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Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       08-21-2007, 9:12 PM Reply   
I was looking threw the DRA banners stolen thread and at one point was re directed Via a link to
It’s a Bass fishermen version of WakeWorld,LOL
I was reading threw some of the thread on western and was thinking a few different things. #1 yes the fishermen hate us. #2 They Hate our big wakes and loud stereo's ECT.

Yes we all have the same rights to the waterways Fishermen, Wake boarders, Hot boaters ECT. But the way Wake boarders use the delta is a bit different. Our wakeboard boats throw a much larger wake then a Bass boat or Hot-boat/offshore boat. In a way we are linked with the large pleasure cruise boats. I know they throw a much larger wake but to Hot-Boaters and Bass boats our wakes are like a big old pleasure cruise boats-pushing water. They think our wakes are damaging the waterways (the delta levies) they use and love. Our boats can throw big wakes and cause damage. The more of us out there the more wakes ECT. I can see (Not Agree) why the most fishermen could hate even a courteous well-mannered wake boat. Does or can our use threaten their use via damage to the levies?
Hot boaters hate us because we swamp their boats. There was a thread on a few months back where they were bashing us. Some of their hate towards us was warranted most of it was not but the questions remains. The hate the other groups of boaters have towards wakeboard boats Warranted or Not.
Old     (jonb)      Join Date: Oct 2003       08-21-2007, 9:35 PM Reply   
Who cares we are all out there for the same reason. The love for being out on the water.
Old     (tyboarder03)      Join Date: Nov 2003       08-21-2007, 9:35 PM Reply   
NOT! Like you said we have all the right to be there and use the waterways in a way we see fit. It's legal what we do and the boats we play with. So until that changes we'll continue to piss people off I'm afraid. But big wakes and public waterways come with owning a boat. If they don't like it then take a hike. When our lake gets swamped with yahoos we're done. WE LEAVE. I can tolerate it but why??? I can come back and play another time when it's less busy. And Hotboats HAHA if they get swamped with their freeboard they're obviously not using their boat for what it's made for. WE ARE.
Old     (sroot1)      Join Date: Aug 2005       08-22-2007, 12:51 AM Reply   
The same issues are at the table right now at Grigg's Res. In Columbus Ohio.
One rider made a very good point of saying that there are many riders that just do not need some of the MEGA wakes that boats can produce these days! I for one am no PRO and would like a little better wake but by no means need some of the wild wakes and ballast I have seen!
So yes if you do not need a giant wake it is over-kill and you could be bothering others and damaging property!
It's all about sharing and being responsible and having a good time!
Old     (ironj32)      Join Date: Jan 2007       08-22-2007, 4:42 AM Reply   
"G" ~ i think you are meaning to use ETC..., not ECT...
Old     (1boarder_kevin)      Join Date: Mar 2007       08-22-2007, 5:56 AM Reply   
IMHO, it won't be long before ballast is outlawed. Everyone does have a right to the water and as we make others mad, they will use anything (like environmental damage) to come at us. Wakeboarders need to be respectful of others when possible. As far as swamping boats, we are responsible for the damage our wake does and swamping boats only gives them a valid reason to outlaw ballast and/or wake boats. I guess my point is, is that we don't need to give them the rope to hang us with.
Old     (seattle)      Join Date: Mar 2002       08-22-2007, 6:01 AM Reply   
I just hate being associated with the surfers.

The lake I ride has exploded with wake surfers this year and it's reeking havok on any calm water we might have, not to mention the damage a four foot wall of water does when it finds the shoreline.

They buy a wake boat and either can't or don't want to learn how to ride, so they default to wake surfing. Then with little to no understanding of water etiquette they surf through the middle, then the sides, then back in the middle, then across a skier or boarders lines!

The most annoying part of it is when their rider goes down at ten miles an hour, and they feel the need to rock a huge power turn back.

As far as the general public is concerned, wakeboarding, and wakesurfing are one in the same, so all wake boats get labeled as a destructive vessels in a fisherman or homeowner's eyes. Gone are the days when I thought tubers, and jet skis were annoying. They didn't have near the destructive ability the surfers have.
Old     (bmartin)      Join Date: Jan 2007       08-22-2007, 6:08 AM Reply   
I think SOME wakeboarders could be more courteous, but due to the nature of our sport and the mixed uses of common public resources, there will always be some hate, even for the most couresous of wakeboarders.

One thing that has been a small issue in may area are the stereos on some of the wakeboats which are getting out of hand IMO. I live on a small lake that has a lot of mixed use but doesn't have the bars or party scene and I do not mind the music so much, but I cringe when I talk to my neighbors and they associate me as a wakeboarder to the other boarders that feel they have found musical nirvana and have this compulsion to share their musical tastes to everyone within 1000yds as they make their passes. If there is a party cove sure crank it up. Driving down a quiet lake and pumping 700watts of ghetto rap is not going to endear wakebarders to most others. As usual there are always going to be a few bad apples with less than courteous attitudes that will color peoples attitudes towards the whole group.

I think we as a group need to be careful so that governing bodies of public waterways which are not composed of many wakeboarders, do not get too many complaints and start considering legislation making it more difficult to enjoy our sport.

(Message edited by bmartin on August 22, 2007)
Old     (jason_ssr)      Join Date: Apr 2001       08-22-2007, 6:24 AM Reply   
Something to consider:

Wakeboarders currently have the right to do what they do, according to the rules. But remember, those rules are created, maintained, and changed by groups of prominent people. Large groups of people standing together can unfairly change the rules in the blink of an eye. It doesnt really matter what "fair" is. Just remember, the next guy you swamp, or the next guy who sees his kids exposed to explicit music, may be the guy who shuts this whole thing down on your lake. Be respectful.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       08-22-2007, 7:25 AM Reply   
I’m going to take a wild guess and say YES wake boats can erode the delta levies faster than lets say the wakes of fishing boats. How many threads have we all seen subject: "Ballast ban on lake whatever" I’m guessing its not Jet Ski's or Fishing boats or Hot boats that have ballast these days its our heavy Wake boats that are doing our fair share of damage. If my passion was fishing and a growing sport wakeboarding was placing more and more boats on the water that their use threaten my use of the water ways then hell yes I would hate wake boarders. I think what fishermen are pissed off about in the Delta is not them not wanting to share the water its that our way of using the water is potentially bad for them in that wakes damage the levies . We wouldn’t be the first mixed-use group's to clash. Equestrians and Hikers Vs Mountain bikers. ATV's Vs Motorcycles. Skiers Vs Snowboarders. Skateboarders Vs everyone and on and on. I just think the major difference in the Fishermen Vs Wakeboard hate is we impact the waterways more then they do. I don’t know what can be done about it because big wakes are a major part of our sport. What Jason G says is very true. It seems as if the government gets enough complaints their fix is to just shut it down, they don’t deal with the real problem they just shut the whole thing down. The new "no tow zone" in the delta is a perfect example of what Im talking about.
Old     (evil0ne)      Join Date: Sep 2006       08-22-2007, 8:22 AM Reply   


How many threads have we all seen subject: "Ballast ban on lake whatever" I’m guessing its not Jet Ski's or Fishing boats or Hot boats that have ballast these days its our heavy Wake boats that are doing our fair share of damage.

It just means Tige will sell more boats .
Old     (westsiderippa)      Join Date: Dec 2006       08-22-2007, 10:15 AM Reply   
thats fine i have no problem ripping my tanks out. im just going to put a heavier amount of lead right back under the floor.
Old     (hoosairboy)      Join Date: Aug 2005       08-22-2007, 11:19 AM Reply   
It seems almost inevitable that there will be restrictions. If you have a water activity you love and you aren't a wakeboarder you probably don't like wakeboarding. From their perspective: 1) They have huge wakes that damage docks, wreck the shoreline, swamps my boat, kayak, canoe, etc 2) They are an environmental nightmare by sucking up gas because they wait the boat 3) They blast the music so loud it disturbs the peacefulness of the lake.

Probably a few more. Unfortunately it only takes one person in in a whole area to re-enforce that perception. We have to be aware of what we are doing and even crack down on fellow boarders who may be causing problems. Otherwise we are too easy a target
Old     (bigbelly)      Join Date: Feb 2007       08-22-2007, 11:27 AM Reply   
I am a member of both site's mentioned, this one and I have been around both sports since I was a small kid and am crazy addicted to both sports/activities...whatever you want to call it.

When will the day come when fishermen realize we need the wakeboarders and vice-versa? I think everyone that loves the Delta and our surrounding lakes/rivers needs to take notice and realize that we all need each other.

We all need to be there for each other and help promote each other. Like it or not, the day is coming where we will have to defend each other just to maintain our use of these waters.

It doesn't matter if you are a punk-rock wakeboarder that hates fishing or fishermen just like it doesn't matter if you are some Hillbilly bass fishermen that hates the word "dude".

The day is coming and both of our sports will be threatened by some tree-hugger that wants all bodily contact with water banned and also has the political power to convince the powers-that-be that there is too much unburned fuel being dumped into our waterways (that's already happened).

It's already happening now guys. There are countless groups that are trying to shut down wakeboarding and fishing alike. Just look around. There are many new laws and emission controls that have already slid in under "our" radar and it's happening because we can't quit arguing about how's right and who's wrong or which sport is more deserving.

In many cases, not all, we chose to turn the other cheek when we see "one of our own" doing something stupid out on the water and all the while there is someone watching and documenting our stupidity and gearing up for their next political effort to shut us down.

If we don't police each other, help the newbies, and are not kind to others, it's all gonna come to and end.

Sorry for the rant, I am off the soap box now.

Old    deltahoosier            08-22-2007, 12:23 PM Reply   
Funny how people are trying to say wakeboats on the delta are causing erosion. Has anyone seen the monster waves those yachts put out? Some are as high as 6 feet from top to bottom in some cases.
Old     (bmartin)      Join Date: Jan 2007       08-22-2007, 12:54 PM Reply   
I saw a study posted that indicated that about 80% of beach/shore erosion is due to weather and wind induced waves, the remainder by boats. I am sure this varies a lot by area, but if you think about it, this makes sense. I high wind day will send 100s of big waves per hour to the shore, but when a boat goes by, you get 3 rollers. The math just doesn't support the idea that boats are the major culprit messing up the shoreline in most areas.

Anybody know the exact source or the study?
Old     (jcstudebaker)      Join Date: Feb 2006       08-22-2007, 2:02 PM Reply   
AS somebody who has studies levees, you know what is more of a danger than anything else, farmers and the developers that continue to erode and lower the level of the ground around the levees. But what are you gonna do ban farming, or building? That is a bigger danger than anything, plus have you heard of Riff Raff, you know those hard things on the side of the levees, ya the rocks, those are there to break the water before it hits the levee. The levees are dilapidated due to poor building and even worse maintaience, not because of boating. The lower the land around the levees gets the wrose flooding will be. Many people dont really see that the delta is not nessisarily a natural state, and thus subject to degradation. in a normal state the delta would be more like a wetland with small sloughs. But since putting up levees and pumping of groundwater the wetlands dry up and the water is solely contained to the sloughs. So you envirofreaks out there that want to "restore" the delta and save the levees should probably move out of stockton or the central valley otherwise you are a hyprocrite. Mother nature has a way of trying to get back to the natural state of things, thats why the levees need matiance, other wise they will break, not because of boat wakes alone. And hey bass guys, you want to save the delta levees you should probably stop going 70 mph or stop using fuel to pollute the water in any case.

Now Ill admit, we should share the water ways, I am an erly riser and I try to keep the stereo down at 6am and I feel bad sending wakes at the bass guys, but remember its a big delta, they have spots that we really dont want to board at, either its to shallow or narrow, go fish there and we wont bother you. Other wise quit going so fast when I have a down rider and Ill turn down my radio in the morning.

The guys I really feel bad about are the rowing guys, there are two or three of them that row early sat mornings by 16 mile slough and they get rocked by all kinds of wakes.

Anyways I just had to get that off my chest.
Old     (nasty530)      Join Date: Aug 2007       08-22-2007, 3:17 PM Reply   
It all goes both way. F*** all the fishermen that could not give a damn about the wakeboarders. AND f*** all the wakeboarders that could not give a damn about the fishermen. If we all respect eachother, it will work out best for everybody. Tree huggers are trying to take away the lake from EVERYONE and we are too busy arguing and fighting with eachother to see it coming...
Old     (doug2)      Join Date: Jan 2004       08-22-2007, 5:12 PM Reply   
JC- Aren't the rocks and material on the levee called rip-rap?

I think riff-raff refers to the mullett wearing bass boat drivers pulling overweight kids in wal-mart tubes...
Old     (mkperceptions)      Join Date: Jan 2007       08-22-2007, 10:12 PM Reply   
I have a few questions. What time do you all get to the delta to wakeboard? 9,10,11,12 what serious fisherman is out fishing at 9am? I try to respect them by staying as far away from them but I am not going to stop and drop my rider then idle past them. We all have to realize that we are there to love the water !!!
Old     (jcstudebaker)      Join Date: Feb 2006       08-23-2007, 8:12 AM Reply   
Doug your right, sorry i meant to type Rip Rap just got a little carried away.
Old     (wakeboardnchica)      Join Date: Oct 2005       08-24-2007, 7:24 PM Reply   
Fisherman have like an unlimited season. Can't they share the water for a few months?
Old     (bobbynipper)      Join Date: Feb 2007       08-26-2007, 5:35 AM Reply   
My 2 cents. Wakeboarders are hated less than hot boats,jets ski's and the most hated of all air boats. So I feel good about myself.
Old     (sidekicknicholas)      Join Date: Mar 2007       08-26-2007, 9:01 AM Reply   
fishermen are lame... we were out one time riding in a small stretch of the lake (was the only good water) and this guy was fishing right there, after about 10 passes by he pulled a gun out from somewhere in his boat, fired two shots in the air... we left down the lake and I'm sure he thought he won, but we just went to get the sherrif boat.... came back through, sherrif a ways behind and again the gun came out and the man never bothered us again
Old     (bbking)      Join Date: Dec 2006       08-26-2007, 9:20 AM Reply

hahaha, most are in disagreement with the guy
(note i just searched it, not a member)
Old     (smile_n_jax)      Join Date: Aug 2007       08-26-2007, 5:15 PM Reply   
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jax Keilmen, aka Smile_n_Jax, and I'm a bass fisherman. I frequent on a daily basis and am a member of River City Bassmasters.

I have read through this thread, I did not skim, and can see all your points of view. I can't remember who it was, but I totally agree with his post saying if we don't get along, we may all be sitting on the bank.

I, personally, don't think fishermen hate all wakeboarders, or any other rec boaters for that matter. What really upsets us is those rec boaters who are irresponsible. We also have a problem with irresponsible bass boaters. I'm sure they're in the minority, but as is often the case, they overshadow the rest. And here lies the crux.

How do we educate these people? I'm sure they aren't about to visit this forum or ours. And if you try to talk to them, as I have, you usually are confronted with a major attitude.

Sorry, but I have no answers. The best we can do for now is to lead by example. Respect for each other will always be the best way.

Enjoy your boating.

Old     (rexford)      Join Date: Aug 2007       08-27-2007, 1:47 PM Reply   
I am a fisherman too and I hardly hate wake boarders. In fact I appreciate many of them
as many are respectful and courteous. The
only thing I find questionable is blasting
the music. I don't mind it out on the water
but in places like the marinas and 5mph zones
where people live I find it a little rude.
I am sure most of you here are responsible
and considerate.

Sort of like smoking in a crowded area. Blast
the tunes out on the water but be respectful
to others when possible. Also might I suggest
we put Cypress Hill away for the season and
bust out Linkin Park?

Safe boating to you all.
Old     (geogilbert)      Join Date: May 2007       08-27-2007, 6:56 PM Reply   
I also fall into both groups, however over the past few years I decided to wakeboard since I can fish when I am 70 but wakeboarding on the other hand...

Any how the thing that pisses me off is typically in smaller waterways there is plenty of room for people to fish in no wake zones. In bigger lakes being on the windy side is usually just as productive a fishing place as the classy side. Then you get a fishermen that parks right at the turn spot out of the no wake area or in the glassy spot on the windward side of the lake then gets pissed that you are wakeboarding there.

That is a bit silly if you ask me. I look at it like this if I am going to go ride my bike I can stay on neighborhood streets where it is safe and cars are going slow or I can go out on the main roads where there is lots of traffic and 45 MPH speed limits. I am perfectly entitled to do either; however, I doubt I would get much sympathy if I started yelling at cars doing 45 MPH on the main road.
Old     (dcwillette)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-27-2007, 8:35 PM Reply   
I'm not familiar with the Delta that most of you talk about since I live in Texas. That means by default that I do know a little about fishing though.

One thing you have to understand about fishermen, they're superstitious and they're fishing right where they're at because they believe that's where they're going to catch the next fish. They're likely thinking "why can't those wakeboarders go somewhere else besides here?" I wonder how many non-wakeboarders understand that we want glass-smooth water? Not many is my guess. I can't count how many times I've heard "but I thought you liked waves?"
Old     (aquahawk)      Join Date: Feb 2005       08-27-2007, 10:59 PM Reply   
Also being of both vernaculars, I can say that I do not park in the middle of a glass cove to fish. I would rather be near the underbrush or a sinkhole (depending on what your fishin), so if you see that family, boarders, tubers, etc using that cove, don't go park in the middle of the damn thing.

You're sure to get some of my wake and a few more decibels.


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