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Old     (skull)      Join Date: May 2002       03-28-2012, 7:13 AM Reply   
Why doesn't this surprise me? Looking to cash-in on the tradegy while rubbing elbows with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-28-2012, 8:15 AM Reply   
I find the whole idea that you can carry a gun, start a fight, then shoot the other person in self defense to be a much more pertinent and interesting topic.
Old    bigdtx            03-28-2012, 8:16 AM Reply   
It's not an unusual practice. Done to prevent others from co-opting the term and using it for profit or otherwise, but I'm sure you already knew that.
Old     (acurtis_ttu)      Join Date: May 2004       03-28-2012, 8:40 AM Reply   
I have a feeling there is way more to this story than what the media is portraying......

Still tragic...
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       03-28-2012, 8:43 AM Reply   
Yeah. Way worse than Disney going after Seal Team 6.
Old     (skull)      Join Date: May 2002       03-28-2012, 8:48 AM Reply   
Well, if the guy with the gun started the fight then he'd be jail right now. At least two eye witnesses have publically said the thug kid punched the other guy first and was pounding his head on the pavement. One of the witnesses is black. Maybe the race riot should be postponed a few days? Let's wait until the Heat win the NBA championship and Florida can kill two birds with one stone. Everyone can wear hoodies and burn down half of Miami in style.
Old    bigdtx            03-28-2012, 8:54 AM Reply   
Glad you're not racist or anything.
Old     (skull)      Join Date: May 2002       03-28-2012, 9:10 AM Reply   
This is the Duke Lacrosse Case 2012 Edition. The media and certain groups are treating this kid like an innocent cancer victim when he clearly was not. When you go around punching people you are assuming certain risks. I also think everyone should show a photo ID before they can vote which obviously makes me a racist. LOL
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       03-28-2012, 9:14 AM Reply   
I saw Rob sporting one of these the other day
Old     (bradmo42)      Join Date: Jan 2006       03-28-2012, 10:14 AM Reply   
Assuming the risk that when you punch someone that person is going to pull a gun and shoot you? Negative.

There is a proportionality aspect as well as an imminence aspect to doctrine of self defense. AKA proportional force in response to imminent harm.
Proportionate force is not responding to a punch with a gun... unless of course the person punching is Kimbo Slice

Don't forget, just because he hasn't been arrested and charged yet, doesn't mean he will not be. I bet he ends up getting it pretty bad..
Old     (polarbill)      Join Date: Jun 2003       03-28-2012, 10:28 AM Reply   

Now, I am not saying anything about the case or what should happen but funny that the media only shows the top picture.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       03-28-2012, 10:31 AM Reply   
Yeah, too bad that photo is the wrong Trayvon Martin.

I do agree that more recent photos should be shown.
Old     (skull)      Join Date: May 2002       03-28-2012, 10:32 AM Reply   
I don't disagree this is a very dicey legal situation. In Texas, it would be very dicey also... But, if the shooter felt deadly force was immediately necessary to avoid imminent harm it would be a defense provided the kid wasn't provoked and numerous other conditions were met. In Texas, we can legally use lethal force to stop "theft at night" or "arson" but when you get into self defense with an unarmed perp it is always thin ice. You can't cut someone off in traffic then shoot them when they jump out of their car and start beating the hell out of you. I am glad I am not in the dude's shoes. I am 50/50 whether he walks or not.
Old     (polarbill)      Join Date: Jun 2003       03-28-2012, 10:34 AM Reply   
Haha, well that pretty much screws that picture. I agree though, the media should show the recent picture of the guy in a suit and clean shaven. Not the mug shot.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       03-28-2012, 10:37 AM Reply   
Rob, the kid was walking home - not sure how he becomes a "perp" - I have a feeling there is a lot more information still to come out but what's there so far makes it sound like Zimmerman was trying real hard to be a hero.
Old     (skull)      Join Date: May 2002       03-28-2012, 10:50 AM Reply   
Wes.. I fully admit to thinking that same thing until I heard two eye witnesses both say publically the kid punched the shooter in the face, broke his nose, then was pounding his head on the sidewalk. I think that is a little more that a walk home and these witnesses are a big reason the guy hasn't been charged. They back up the shooters story 100%. The media made out the Duke hooker ERRRRRR "exotic dancer" to be Mother Teresa and now they are trying to make this perp appear to be an alter boy.
Old    bigdtx            03-28-2012, 11:14 AM Reply   
Two guys get in a fight outside a bar - one guy pulls out a gun and kills the other.
Two guys get in a fight at a party - one pulls a gun and kills the other.
Two guys get in a fight anywhere at any time - one pulls a gun and kills the other.
One guy walks past another and bumps into him, the two exchange words - one guy "feels threatened", pulls out a gun and kills the other.
A kid is walking alone at night, a stranger is following him, watching him, talking on a cellphone. The kid runs, the stranger chases after him. The kid and the stranger get into a fight - one guy pulls out a gun and kills the other.

In how many of these situations is somebody getting arrested?
Old    LR3w8kbrdr            03-28-2012, 11:37 AM Reply   
Its a whole frickin debacle down here in FL!! Its a mess, constantly in the media about trying to overturn the law. Had a convenience store clerk locally shoot and kill a teen this weekend who was going to rob him. I hate watching the news, Im ready to live in the hamptons.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-28-2012, 11:50 AM Reply   
LR3, that was a confusing post. Was there a point in it? A store clerk shooting a robber is an example of trying to overturn the law? I'm pretty sure that if a robber holds you up and you then shoot him, the stand your ground law is not an issue.
Old     (bradmo42)      Join Date: Jan 2006       03-28-2012, 11:57 AM Reply   
Agreed on more facts coming out. Just doesnt seem like the water is clear yet.

Also I think the "stand your ground" rule in Florida is really the center of the outrage and I don't really agree with rule. I believe Texas has its own version in which you should retreat if possible rather than use deadly force. It seems better to make deadly force the last option but hey, I havent ever been in the situation to know what I would feel is best
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       03-28-2012, 11:59 AM Reply   
"This is the Duke Lacrosse Case 2012 Edition. The media and certain groups are treating this kid like an innocent cancer victim when he clearly was not. When you go around punching people you are assuming certain risks. I also think everyone should show a photo ID before they can vote which obviously makes me a racist."

Who exactly was following who? Rob, if someone is following you down the street, wouldn't you feel in someway threatened? Anyways, the voter ID thing doesn't make you a racist, this made you the racist:

"publically said the thug kid"

Did they call him a thug or did you? Let me ask you this, which one of the two had a criminal record, Martin or Zimmerman? Just to be clear, being black and wearing a hoody makes you a thug, but not a criminal record??? Brilliance
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       03-28-2012, 12:02 PM Reply   
Hey, I am ready to live in the Hamptons too!

but first I have to burn all of my kids hoodies.
Old    LR3w8kbrdr            03-28-2012, 12:21 PM Reply   
No was just tired of all this damn shooting, missing kids, thefts, arson etc. living down here in FL.

My news now comes from twitter bc I cant stand to watch local news, its so depressing.

But they are trying to lose the stand ur ground law and several gated communities/HOAs are now implementing news rules stopping it or putting procedures in place.

If Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton are spokesmen for the black community...whos going to be there for us white folk? Whose the white population spokesmen? Serious question
Old    bigdtx            03-28-2012, 12:23 PM Reply   
Mitt Romney. Serious answer
Old     (skull)      Join Date: May 2002       03-28-2012, 12:36 PM Reply   
I called him a thug Jeremy bacause he WAS a thug. He was suspended from his school for an entire week and was busted for weed. Not to mentioned he attacked this dude and probably DID look suspicious. Look, you don't get suspended from school for a week without having "issues". The media isn't showing recent pictures because they don't want that image all over TV so they dig up a picture 5 years old... LOL. Jesse and Al don't care about this kid. This is just a good opportunity for them to go trolling for chicks to knock-up. Zimmerman wasn't a hero by any means. He was a thug himself. He very well may belong in jail but this kid was a thug too. Most rational teenagers aren't going to attack a neighborhood watch "mall cop" out of the blue. Mix-in a little communication instead of punching the dude in the grill and you won't have to worry about getting shot and killed. Both dudes made very poor decisions in my book.
Old     (brettw)      Join Date: Jul 2007       03-28-2012, 12:57 PM Reply   
Even if the kid did attack the dude before he was attacked, that still doesn't mean the kid did anything wrong at all. If you were a teenage kid and being followed and then ran and the guy found you and confronted you again and you were scared, don't you think it might be a good idea to attack 1st at that point rather than be attacked? I'd say if you're a teenage kid with some adult male following you at night, who you run away from, and that dude catches up to you and comes toward you, you better be scared as hell. In such a scenario that kid had every right to attack the man in self defense. He was probably scared ****less and should have been.

And if you think he's a punk because he might have had some weed the week before, you might as well condemn half the teens and people out there who have tried weed.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       03-28-2012, 12:59 PM Reply   
So being "suspended from his school for an entire week" makes him a thug? Okay?? Busted for weed? I guess Willie Nelson, Louie Armstrong, Eric Clapton, Bill Murray, Paul McCartney are all thugs, since they were also busted for weed. Is that what Tupac was referencing in being a thug; get suspended from school and "get busted for weed"? I am a teacher and we just had to suspend a girl (no prior behavior issues, 3.8 GPA) for fighting. Guess how many days she received; 5 days. I guess she's a thug, too.

You never answered the question about if a stranger was following you, at night. What would you have done?
Old     (ttrigo)      Join Date: Dec 2004       03-28-2012, 1:05 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by bigdtx View Post
Mitt Romney. Serious answer
I would rather have Romney as a spokesman, instead of two racist, money grubbing ambulance chasing "reverends".

I hope the mew black panthers end up derailing this entire case. This is a huge tragedy, and both of these people involved made major mistakes which led to the death of a kid who may or may not have been as innocent as everyone thinks. I just love how the racists from the other side come out of the woodworks when a black person is killed.
Old     (skull)      Join Date: May 2002       03-28-2012, 1:12 PM Reply   
You guys are both crazy IMO. If someone is following me I would not be scared. I would stop and say "Can I help you with something dude?" or "Is there a problem?". Sorry, punching the dude in the face isn't even close to the top of my list. What kind of world do you guys live in? This kid was 6'2" and the shooter was 5'9" so get real. The shooter was talking to 911 as he WALKED after the kid so he was hardly chasing him in an all out sprint. He wasn't chasing the kid with a pitchfork yelling racial slurs. When I was a kid I used to sneak into neighorhoods with private lakes to fish and was ran off by security guards plenty of times. I can honestly say I never thought of punching the guard in the face. Then again, most of us probably had some respect for others when we were kids.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-28-2012, 1:20 PM Reply   
Count on the right to always make racism the top issue. Now you guys think you need a spokesman for white people? This case isn't about race, but that doesn't mean that there isn't an element of racism. It's about someone being killed because of a law that emboldens people because they can carry a gun with the idea that any defense justifies using it.

This police dept has a history that includes a police officer's son not being arrested after sucker punching a black man with camera footage of it.

Now the police don't bother arresting a guy who kills a black kid where the public information is particularly damning. So I can see black activists jumping on it. But racism is not the central issue. But it's a reasonable perception and a topic for rallying people to focus on the case.
Old    bigdtx            03-28-2012, 1:21 PM Reply   
> You guys are both crazy IMO. If someone is following me I would not be scared. I would stop and say "Can I help you with something dude?"

OK Billy Badass.

> The shooter was talking to 911 as he WALKED after the kid so he was hardly chasing him in an all out sprint.

You don't know that.

> When I was a kid I used to sneak into neighorhoods with private lakes to fish and was ran off by security guards plenty of times. I can honestly say I never thought of punching the guard in the face.

Were they wearing uniforms?
Was this during the day?
Did you know you weren't supposed to be there so ran because you knew you were wrong?

In what way does your childhood fishing trip relate to Trayvon Martin?
Old     (brettw)      Join Date: Jul 2007       03-28-2012, 1:22 PM Reply   
" If someone is following me I would not be scared"

Bull****. In today's world as a kid or teen with some guy following you, especially after you run away and he finds you and starts following you and gets close enough to confront you, you're stupid not to be scared.

" When I was a kid I used to sneak into neighorhoods with private lakes to fish and was ran off by security guards plenty of times"

Unlike you, this kid wasn't actually doing anything wrong, so nobody had any reason or right to chase after him. (Oh, and it wasn't security or the police following this kid, it was just some weird man)

C'mon dude, think about it a little more objectively. You're full of **** if you think this kid had no reason to be scared.
Old     (sidekicknicholas)      Join Date: Mar 2007       03-28-2012, 1:24 PM Reply   
I can honestly say I never thought of punching the guard in the face. Then again, most of us probably had some respect for others when we were kids.
Amen to this. Honestly it makes me feel old (I'm currently 24) but kids these days are nuts... and most of the "adults" are just as nuts. We use to play kick the can/ghost in the graveyard all over the neighborhood when I was a kid... 15 kids dressed in black hoodies never threw up a red flag for anyone back then, but today I'm sure cops would get called.

I can't really tell if things are actually getting worse or if it is just the fact nothing gets past people anymore with social media/news not really being news and just blasting things that will get ratings

Saw this the other day and thought it was pretty good
Old     (ttrigo)      Join Date: Dec 2004       03-28-2012, 1:39 PM Reply   
will smith should sticking to boning chicks/dudes other than his wife.
there is currently no evidence to say that this zimmerman idiot, actually committed a crime. even witnesses are saying he acted in self defense. yet in the kardashian case, there were hundreds of witnesses who saw the flour chick commit a crime.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       03-28-2012, 1:44 PM Reply   
"You guys are both crazy IMO. If someone is following me I would not be scared. I would stop and say "Can I help you with something dude?" or "Is there a problem?". Sorry, punching the dude in the face isn't even close to the top of my list. What kind of world do you guys live in? This kid was 6'2" and the shooter was 5'9" so get real. The shooter was talking to 911 as he WALKED after the kid so he was hardly chasing him in an all out sprint. He wasn't chasing the kid with a pitchfork yelling racial slurs."

I didn't imply that you would be scared, I asked what would you do. And how do you know that Trayvon didn't ask that question(s)? You must have some kind of top secret, inside information that the rest of us don't have. What is obvious from the 911 call is that Zimmerman is clearly agitated. This doesn't bode well with your assessment that Trayvon was the one looking for trouble. Not to mention the fact the 911 operator clearly told Zimmerman not to follow Trayvon.

And if he was "walking after the kid", that means Trayvon was walking AWAY from Zimmerman. If the height thing was an issue, why not let the police handle it?
Old     (Meert)      Join Date: Mar 2010       03-28-2012, 1:44 PM Reply   
So asking some one " Can I help you with something" makes you a bad ass, and punching them in the face is the logical solution? Right.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       03-28-2012, 1:46 PM Reply   
"I can honestly say I never thought of punching the guard in the face."

Was Zimmerman a "guard"? Was he wearing a uniform? Was he employed by the neighborhood?
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       03-28-2012, 1:49 PM Reply   
"Count on the right to always make racism the top issue"

LMFAO, yeah it was the right that made this about race!
Old     (skull)      Join Date: May 2002       03-28-2012, 2:02 PM Reply   
When I was 16/17 I can honestly say there probably wasn't enough beer in the keg to get me to punch some 26/27 year old in the face for following me. I'd probably would have been more inclined to say "yes, sir", "no, sir" and explained the situation. Then again, I wasn't a thug looking for trouble wearing my pants around my knees like some fool. Now, if I would have got hit first then that is self defense but every witness says the kid broke the Zimmerman's nose and then jumped on top of him. The one witness says he saw the kid pounding Zimmerman's head on the sidewalk and you can hear him say he is "calling 911 and to knock it off".

By the way Jeremy, I would be OUT when it came to dating any chick that was suspended from school for fighting. I would have passed on her! The chicks that I would see scrapping in the halls in HS did NOTHING for me lol.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-28-2012, 2:19 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
"Count on the right to always make racism the top issue"

LMFAO, yeah it was the right that made this about race!
Well it's understandable that blacks have a race issue with this incident. The question is why does the right?
Old     (ttrigo)      Join Date: Dec 2004       03-28-2012, 2:58 PM Reply   
"Well it's understandable that blacks have a race issue with this incident. The question is why does the right?"

why is it understandable? what about this makes it a race issue? when a black or hispanic person kills a white person, do white people try and make it about race? a crime is a crime. unless there are witnesses to say that Zimmerman was calling Trayvon a N****r, or a monkey, or any other racist terms, I dont see how this could be made out to be a racial issue.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-28-2012, 4:22 PM Reply   
It's not a race issue for me. But IMO it looks like Zimmerman committed murder and it's the black community that have a race issue who are doing the leg work to see justice is done. I do believe some racism was likely involved as well, but that's not an issue that affects me, nor it is the central issue. I can see the point of view that black people have. And it's a complex one that involves a lot of factors. The point I was making wasn't that there was zero racism involved. It's that the right seems to want to divert attention from the real issue and focus on racism.

You ask... "if a black or Hispanic kills a white..." and the answer is .... If the killer was black and the victim was white, and the police let the killer off the first thing that comes to my mind isn't racism because racism has never been a question I've faced in my life. Oh, and you're probably going to see some hubbub about Zimmerman saying "f**k'ng coon" on the 911 call. There is a lot of noise and it isn't clear, but I imagine that the noise filters and enhancements will trying to answer that question.
Old     (sports_gurl)      Join Date: Jun 2011       03-28-2012, 4:42 PM Reply   
Now, call me Canadian, but really if you feel threatened from a guy with NO weapon.... and you have a gun, and show that you have a gun.... It seems like standing your ground would be as simple as pulling it out... and giving the kid time to leave, and yourself time to call the cops, before needing to shoot the gun. That "stand your ground" law, seems like the stupidest law, especially in a public area... It seems like a law that just justifies using fatal force in most scenerios, where a fight could've ended in just a few bruises and broken nose.(not that that is okay either... but better than people dying) I know it is different here.... but I'm in shock that the law was passed in the last hundred years... let alone the last 10.
Old     (brettw)      Join Date: Jul 2007       03-28-2012, 7:03 PM Reply   
So now the killer wasn't even beaten enough to have any bruises or blood?

Maybe he got one of the bloodless broken noses.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       03-28-2012, 7:12 PM Reply   
"why is it understandable? what about this makes it a race issue? when a black or hispanic person kills a white person, do white people try and make it about race? a crime is a crime. unless there are witnesses to say that Zimmerman was calling Trayvon a N****r, or a monkey, or any other racist terms, I dont see how this could be made out to be a racial issue."

Train, I assume you are white. Just hypothetically (please don't take this as me wishing any harm to your family), say a mexican shot your son, in similar circumstances, and over a month later, you find no charges were filed. You don't think there would be public outlash?

IMO, the real travesty in this case is the lack of investigation on part of the Sanford police department. Whether Trayvon was black, white, asian, whatever, the police's handling of this case is mindblowing.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       03-28-2012, 7:15 PM Reply   
"Then again, I wasn't a thug looking for trouble"

What evidence do you have that says Trayvon was looking for trouble? Please, for the love of god, put it out there. He cut through a neighborhood to go to the gas station. I guess he was going to rob the neighbors with a pack of Skittles and ice tea?
Old     (ttrigo)      Join Date: Dec 2004       03-29-2012, 7:20 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by wake77 View Post
"why is it understandable? what about this makes it a race issue? when a black or hispanic person kills a white person, do white people try and make it about race? a crime is a crime. unless there are witnesses to say that Zimmerman was calling Trayvon a N****r, or a monkey, or any other racist terms, I dont see how this could be made out to be a racial issue."

Train, I assume you are white. Just hypothetically (please don't take this as me wishing any harm to your family), say a mexican shot your son, in similar circumstances, and over a month later, you find no charges were filed. You don't think there would be public outlash?

IMO, the real travesty in this case is the lack of investigation on part of the Sanford police department. Whether Trayvon was black, white, asian, whatever, the police's handling of this case is mindblowing.
Public outlash? I am sure there would be. But would it be anywhere near the level of this circus? Not a chance in hell. Al sharpton, jesse jackson, and the new black panther racist sobs love this ****. You think they give a rats ass about the victims or their families? Hell no. All they care about is putting their ugly asses on camera, and drumming up a few more bucks for their bank accounts.

Like i said before, both of these people made mistakes. Zimmerman should have listened to the cops who told him to stay in his car, and trayvon should not have taken a swing or hit zimmerman at all. He was talking to his girlfriend at the time. He could have called 911 and potentially alleviated the situation.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       03-29-2012, 11:53 AM Reply   
I'm curious about everyone (particularly Rob) that has said that Trayvon was beating Zimmerman's ass, slamming his head into the pavement, and breaking his nose thought about that police video. I mean the video is not crystal clear, but I couldn't see any evidence of a head slammed into the pavement or a broken nose. If you have ever had or seen anyone with a broken nose, you don't want to hold your head down. That causes your nose to throb more and if you ever have ever watched a boxing match, the corner man will have the fighter hold his head up. Maybe Rob, with all of his inside information, has the video of Zimmerman being magically healed on the way to the police station.
Old     (brett33)      Join Date: Apr 2011       03-29-2012, 12:15 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by sports_gurl View Post
if you feel threatened from a guy with NO weapon.... and you have a gun, and show that you have a gun.... It seems like standing your ground would be as simple as pulling it out... and giving the kid time to leave, and yourself time to call the cops, before needing to shoot the gun.
100% agree. I don't think there is a chance in hell that if Zimmerman did this Martin would have proceeded in attacking him. I mean what 17 year old that isn't up to no good would? When taking a CHL class to carry a weapon you are taught that pulling the trigger is your last resort. Bad decisions by both parties.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-29-2012, 12:26 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by brett33 View Post
When taking a CHL class to carry a weapon you are taught that pulling the trigger is your last resort.
If Zimmerman gets convicted of manslaughter then they'll be able to add some solid rationale to that statement.
Old     (skull)      Join Date: May 2002       03-29-2012, 12:34 PM Reply   
I broke my nose playing softball and didn't even know it until 2 weeks later when I went to the doctor for something else. I went to Vegas the weekend before I went in for surgery to get it fixed. The recovery after the surgery was 10X worse than the actual broken nose.

There was medic at the scene Jeremy. Did you think the dude would go into the police station with blood spraying out of his nose? LOL Everyone is reporting he went to the hospital and his nose was broken.

I read another account today (I think on yahoo) that indicated that Trayvon walked up and said "you got a problem?". Zimmerman said No and then Trayvon said "you have one now" and punched him in the face. I have a CHL and have had one for many years. It definitely wasn't handled well by either party but the more I hear... the more of the thug Trayvon appears. If Zimmerman was a black guy this wouldn't even be a story. It would just be another case of black on black crime on page 8 of the Orlando newspaper. Notice how the NYT is calling Zimmerman a "White Hispanic"? What the hell does that mean? the NYT is trying not to offend the Hispanc versions of Jessie Jackson/Al Sharpon I guess.
Old     (brett33)      Join Date: Apr 2011       03-29-2012, 12:35 PM Reply   
But since he didn't... and with Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, there may be some loophole Zimmerman can use to his advantage claiming he was in fear of his life, and get out of the conviction. Whatever the case may be, shouldn't Zimmerman at least have been detained?
Old     (ttrigo)      Join Date: Dec 2004       03-29-2012, 12:48 PM Reply   
"shouldn't Zimmerman at least have been detained?"

he was. he was arrested, and they had planned on charging him, but the state attorney said no, and granted him his release. this is why everyone is having a tizzy over this.
Old     (brett33)      Join Date: Apr 2011       03-29-2012, 12:54 PM Reply   
ahhh i see.
Old    bigdtx            03-29-2012, 2:12 PM Reply   
> I read another account today (I think on yahoo) that indicated that Trayvon walked up and said "you got a problem?". Zimmerman said No and then Trayvon said "you have one now" and punched him in the face.

Can I visit your fantasy world? What are you talking about? No news outlet has reported that.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       03-29-2012, 2:34 PM Reply   
"I broke my nose playing softball and didn't even know it until 2 weeks later when I went to the doctor for something else. I went to Vegas the weekend before I went in for surgery to get it fixed. The recovery after the surgery was 10X worse than the actual broken nose."

And I bet one time you had your head repeatedly slammed into the pavement and no blood, no redness, nothing. Did the "medic on the scene" magically make the blood and scrape go away, and a shaved head at that? No bandage necessary. Rob, you have a problem admitting you're wrong, but you have to admit that video is pretty damning to Zimmerman's claim. Take your head out of your a$$ for a minute and try to convince us all that the video portrays a man that just got the crap beat out of him because I find that impossible to believe.
Old     (skull)      Join Date: May 2002       03-29-2012, 4:02 PM Reply   
The video is damning??? Why? Contrary to what you libs think a broken nose does not require you immediately go on life support LOL. I think the damning part of the deal is that the guy walked out of the police station and the police believed his story. Big D.. that was reported on several outlets when they interviewed his dad. I guess Al Jarzzera didn't run it for you?
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       03-29-2012, 5:06 PM Reply   
How do you explain why the back of his head had no scrape, no blood, no bandage, no anything? Even you were saying Trayvon was slamming Zimmerman's head onto the pavement?
Old     (skull)      Join Date: May 2002       03-29-2012, 5:52 PM Reply   
Well, the police report says otherwise Jeremy and I think it is an undisputed fact his nose was broken. I saw the police report pictured on the TV tonight and the commentary said he had scrapes on the back of his head consistent with Zimmerman's story.
Old     (wakereviews)      Join Date: Sep 2006       03-30-2012, 7:28 AM Reply   
I thought this was a good quote from an op-ed piece I read on

The leading cause of death for black male teenagers is homicide, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Of all the black homicide victims, about 93% are killed by other black people. In 2011, nearly 85% of all people murdered in Philadelphia were black. Where are the marches and protests for these victims? Is it justice people seek or are they looking and even hoping for signs of white racism so they can exploit it?
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       03-30-2012, 1:48 PM Reply   
Rob, is it an "undisputed fact" that Trayvon broke his nose? And also, how is it undisputed fact? I have been through 6 pages of google and have yet to see the "undisputable" evidence. So please, where is this evidence. The only people that I have heard say that are Zimmerman's family and his attorney. I am also still puzzled that Trayvon is a thug because he had some weed and got suspended from school yet Zimmerman is sparkly clean, even though he was arrested in 2005 for, get this, assault on a police officer.

This is from the funeral home director that handled Martin's funeral:

"The funeral director who handled Martin's funeral said there were no cuts or bruises on the teen's hands that would suggest a violent struggle or fight.

“I didn’t see any evidence he had been fighting anybody,” Richard Kurtz of Roy Mizell and Kurtz Funeral Home in Fort Lauderdale"

"The only thing that I was able to see was the gunshot wound," Kurtz told The Last Word. "I could not see evidence like he had been punching somebody as the news media say he was punching ... It just did not add up to me."

Here is what the lead detective on the case said:

"Chris Serino, the lead detective on the case, expressed doubts around Zimmerman's account of the shooting, according to ABC News. Serino filed an affidavit on the night of the shooting in which he said that he was unconvinced of Zimmerman's version of events."
Old    deltahoosier            04-01-2012, 11:22 AM Reply   
I have been in plenty of fights and never once had scratches on my hands and wrestled for a a couple of years for a couple hours a day we did drill after drill and people did not have scratches all over them. Lack of scratches in a fight does not mean anything. Comments like that are only for people who watched.
Old     (bftskir)      Join Date: Jan 2004       04-01-2012, 8:46 PM Reply   
Trayvon had done nothing illegal by Zimmermans own account. Trayvon weighed 140lbs, Zimmerman 200lbs. Obviously Zimmerman chased and confronted Trayvon. The witnesses did not see the beginning of the altercation. I think Zimmerman brandished the gun at Trayvon, Trayvon fearing for his life reacted and tried to get the gun away and in doing so Zimmerman shot him. Zimmerman may have intended to shoot Trayvon the whole time. He was told by 911 --Are you following him? "YES", We don't need you to do that. This is all on Zimmerman. Police are sometimes racists too. Police reports can be falsified very easily. Some of you may remember a white BART cop shooting to death Oscar Grant, an unarmed black man in the back. That officer (Mehserle) was eventually prosecuted and convicted of involuntary manslaughter. But it took pressure to get that outcome. And it will take pressure to get a just outcome here too. Racism is alive and well in America. Watch the show Freedom Riders to get an idea what black people and all colors of people who fight against racism have done to get their rights that our constitution guarantees them. Plenty of white kids wear hoodies and baggy pants and if this kid was white Zimmerman would be in jail now.

As for the empty baggy that possibly contanied residue from marijuana- that is a police issue, the kid was not charged with possession of marijuana, he was suspended for an empty baggy! would that happen to a white kid????
Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       04-02-2012, 6:28 PM Reply   
"Last year the teen was suspended for spraying graffiti on school grounds. The Miami Herald reported that the school guard who stopped him searched his backpack and found 12 items of women's jewelry and a flathead screw driver that the guard believed to be a "burglary implement." But Martin was never charged or specifically disciplined for the incident."
Sounds like a thug to me. No, Mr. Officer, I am going over to my grandmothers house to fix her night lamp with that screwdriver.
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       04-03-2012, 1:56 PM Reply
Old     (magicr)      Join Date: May 2004       04-03-2012, 2:45 PM Reply   
That's not a real police report, that one looks like it was made with photo-shop. We need to send it to Sheriff Arpaio and make sure it's real.

Wait a minute wrong thread, sorry.
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       04-03-2012, 5:21 PM Reply

oh wait! Fox news is supposed to be the one that lies and makes stuff up.........whatever!....
Old     (skull)      Join Date: May 2002       04-04-2012, 6:04 AM Reply   
The kid is looking more "thug-like" daily. Jesse and Al have moved on to more fertile race protest grounds with more media attention.
Old    deltahoosier            04-04-2012, 9:18 AM Reply   
Yes bftskir, we all know because one person is a certain color and the other person is a different color, it AUTOMATICALLY makes it about racism.
Old    deltahoosier            04-04-2012, 9:25 AM Reply   
Cliff, That editing is exactly what they do in the San Fran Bay Area almost every time. Every report will contain some negative regarding race or social standing and they will always try and say something happened because of race to inflame the story.
Old     (bftskir)      Join Date: Jan 2004       04-04-2012, 1:19 PM Reply   
They should have just charged Zimmerman with what they put on the police report: (Although Trayvon had done nothing illegal)

782.11 Unnecessary killing to prevent unlawful act.—Whoever shall unnecessarily kill another, either while resisting an attempt by such other person to commit any felony, or to do any other unlawful act, or after such attempt shall have failed, shall be deemed guilty of manslaughter, a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
History.—s. 13, ch. 1637, 1868; RS 2388; GS 3213; RGS 5043; CGL 7145; s. 719, ch. 71-136.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       04-11-2012, 5:30 PM Reply   
2nd degree murder charges
Old     (bftskir)      Join Date: Jan 2004       07-09-2012, 7:33 PM Reply   
so now Zimmerman posted bail but he lied to the judge about how much money he had and so it was revoked and he went back to jail and they increased the bail and he just paid it and is out again...trial looming


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