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Old     (crazy4two)      Join Date: Jul 2004       03-19-2005, 7:31 PM Reply   
I just filled my boat up at the local gas station after a day of boating. 34.5 gallons @ 2.159 per gallon = $75.00. I had a great time until that point.Next time I go out, I hope I will not be looking at the gas gauge the whole time dreading the end of the day fill.
Old     (jeffry)      Join Date: Feb 2005       03-19-2005, 7:34 PM Reply   
You should get a boat with a V6 like mine, and gas would be cheaper.
Old     (clubmyke)      Join Date: Aug 2004       03-19-2005, 9:31 PM Reply   
kinda makes you think about adding extra ballast and lead...
Old     (nlitworld)      Join Date: Feb 2005       03-19-2005, 9:59 PM Reply   
Scott, your filled your boat on 2.15 a gallon? wow, I want to come hang out in your town. Gas around here is a minimum of 2.29 a gallon for AMPM Arco cheap gas, and 2.49 for Chevron or Shell. I mean, it is premium, but still with 2 32 gallon tanks, it would take 160 bucks to fill it up all the way, only to go and use about 30 bucks worth the next day. Last summer, I saw the gas bill hit $100 on a fairly regular basis. I hate oil companies.
Old     (wakeme884)      Join Date: Jul 2004       03-19-2005, 10:04 PM Reply   
Its the old saying "you gotta pay to play"...they got us by the shorts. Just wait till this summer when you need to fill up at the gas dock on the lake...ouch!!!!
Old     (loudontn)      Join Date: Feb 2005       03-19-2005, 10:06 PM Reply   
Wow, and I've been complaining about our $1.97/gallon rates. I'm taking mine out tomorrow for the first time this season, supposed to be in the mid 60's and sunny. Will have to do a fill up, =\
Old     (ghostrider_2)      Join Date: Aug 2004       03-19-2005, 11:23 PM Reply   
My 2 cents its NOT the oil companies....
check this!!!
The US has not built any new refinary's since the 70's. In the US there are 17 different gas varients to produce depending on the state etc. We use 70%-80% (the rest from our homeland and off shore rigs)oil from Saudi Arabia with is high in sulfar content, this makes the oil expensive to refine. For a refinary to be fitted to refine this stuff costs in the range of 1 BILLION DOLLARS to upgrade to. so not all of the whole 17 refinary's can do this, then you have refinary's going down for routine maintence, break down etc (mmmmm ENRON?) for us people in Calif we also pay almost .50-.80 cents in tax depending on where you live.

There is enough oil beingproduced its just bottlenecked at the refinary's!

By the way gas has hit over the $3.00 mark today in CA!!

Like I sad just my .02
Old     (ghostrider_2)      Join Date: Aug 2004       03-19-2005, 11:38 PM Reply   
By the way gas prices SUCK!!
Old     (nlitworld)      Join Date: Feb 2005       03-20-2005, 1:40 AM Reply   
$3.00 gas at the lakes or at the pumps on the streets? cause I can understand $3.00 at a lake marina pump, because they always charge an arm and a leg anyways.

P.S. you are very correct about the refineries bit, but then again it also has to do with the amount being charged per barrell of oil and the rules of supply and demand. Ever notice how many people drive big suv's and trucks lately? Every soccer mom has a vehicle the size of a Bradley Tank it seems. I'm not against big trucks and suv's if they're put to use the proper way and not just a fashion statement, but I hate to see a Hummer completely spotless being loaded with $20 worth of groceries and a couple items of dry cleaning. That to me does not justify the need for a vehicle of that size. Like I said, it's all about supply and demand, and with demand being higher than it has ever been, oil companies can sit back and smile at their ever-growing bank accounts.
Old     (ghostrider_2)      Join Date: Aug 2004       03-20-2005, 2:01 AM Reply   
Gas prices at the street gas station!

I agree with the vech use but that is sad we have more than enough oil just can refine it fast enough, WH (White House) just wants to open up Alaska.. So yeah supply and demand is working just with a little bit of help, if we had more refinarys we wouldnt even be discussing this but the White house has been trying to tap Alaska for 20+ years now..

Easy fix build more refinary's!
Old     (ccraftskierfan)      Join Date: Mar 2004       03-20-2005, 3:34 AM Reply   
There is nothing I can do about gas prices, except raise prices to my customers to adjust for my added expeditures. It's a visious cycle, indeed. This will definately stifle the growing economy.Everything will eventually cost more to ship or produce.
Old    fatboy1            03-20-2005, 7:23 AM Reply   
New refinarys can't be built cause the Natsies in the EPA have made the regulations so tough nobody can build a new one. I'm all for clean air and water but IMHO the US EPA has gone overboard.
Old     (brit_rider)      Join Date: May 2004       03-20-2005, 9:45 AM Reply   
wow!!!! wish i could go boating on a hundred bucks of gas!

costs over £120 to fill my tank in the super air, thats $231.60 @ the current 1.93 exchange rate.

It must suck that your gas prices are going up so steeply but spare a thought for us in the United Kingdom paying these rediculous prices.... Roll on diesel power!!!!

Ok thats my vent over!
Old     (hatepwcs)      Join Date: Mar 2002       03-20-2005, 10:03 AM Reply   
Malibu,CA $3.10 a gal. for reg unleaded.
Old     (nlitworld)      Join Date: Feb 2005       03-20-2005, 10:05 AM Reply   
Yeah, isn't it like 2-3 dollars for a liter of gas? I definately sympathize for those who live in Europe, or anywhere in the rest of the world for that matter. If only we could finally mass-market hydrogen cars and fuel cell energy vehicles, so that way we could save the rest of the gasoline in the world for boats and other recreational vehicles.
Old     (toyotafreak)      Join Date: Sep 2003       03-20-2005, 10:24 AM Reply   

Then again, we're towing to Whiskeytown this summer at ~10.5 MPG. That's 120 gallons. Doh!!!

This is an expensive habit.
Old    260searay            03-20-2005, 10:54 AM Reply   
my boat has a 454 with a 100gal. tank. ouch
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       03-20-2005, 11:26 AM Reply   
We pay US$3.40 a gallon here. Thank god the Sanger is good on gas & I've got a crew that chips in hard.
Old    00prostar205v            03-20-2005, 11:50 AM Reply   
Anyone know how much oil is recoverable (estimate) in Alaska?
Old    00prostar205v            03-20-2005, 11:55 AM Reply   
And how much we use TODAY in this country alone? And what will happen when China and India begin really having a demand for oil? Do the math and you'll become enlightened. Check it out.
Old     (hatepwcs)      Join Date: Mar 2002       03-20-2005, 1:49 PM Reply   
They have no idea how much is there.

Don't believe for a second that drilling in ANWR is going to make the price of gas fall. The per barrel price is the highest its been since GH Bush was in office. Go figure.

In addition Alaska crude is like tar as opposed to honey or black liquid. More expensive to refine.

It also means less urgency is placed on developing alternatives that could put farmers back to work which would have been nice since they just lost most all of there subsidies under Bush's newly proposed budget.
Old    fatboy1            03-20-2005, 3:34 PM Reply   
Why should I be taxed on my job to subsadise farmers on there job when most of the farmers I know are rich?
Old     (brit_rider)      Join Date: May 2004       03-20-2005, 3:42 PM Reply   
Lloyd - try 14 dollars a gallon in the UK.

you get 3.7 litres to a gallon. in the UK 1 litre is £1.98 which at the exchange rate of 1.93 is $3.82 per litre that goes 3.7 tims into a litre. gives us a nice round $14.14

I'm not asking for sympathy, but it does beg the question... why am i paying 14 bucks a gallon and some of you guys are only paying 3 bucks?

damn i gotta get into the oil smuggling business!! haha

Old    00prostar205v            03-20-2005, 4:48 PM Reply   
I would like to believe that drilling in Alaska would help the price/supply problem, but I just don't see it. If (and that is a pretty big if) there are 20 billion barrels of recoverable oil in ANWR the United States alone would consume that in roughly 2 years. We have an insatiable demand for oil and the only region in the world that has not YET realized diminishing production is the Mid East. Moreover, our demand is increasing about 3-4% each year. I am not an environmentalist. I have a MC, a Chevy Burb(454), dirtbikes, etc. I hope we have enough oil (aka cheap enough oil) for 200 years so my kids and their kids and so on can waterski and haul their dirt toys to the desert. I have to wonder, however, if we will.
Old     (nlitworld)      Join Date: Feb 2005       03-20-2005, 5:07 PM Reply   
Bill, the estimates for the ANWR oil supply ranges from about 6 months to 2 years from what I've heard and read in the news. Plus it will be several years before we are able to get the oil out of that region. I for one don't think it's right at all to say, "Oh, well we have this wildlife reserve in an oil rich region. Why don't we go suck it dry?" It was made into a wildlife reserve for a reason, so why not keep it that way. As far as the rest of our oil consumption needs, Estimates range from about 20-50 years left of our worldwide oil supply until we've sucked the planet dry. And yes I've heard my information from valid news sources (BBC, CNN, PBS, etc)
Old     (nlitworld)      Join Date: Feb 2005       03-20-2005, 5:12 PM Reply   
p.s. our boat has a built Chevy 468 racing engine, with a hunger for gasoline. we have 65 gallons of gas on both tanks full, and we can run it dry in about an hour and a half if we're racing it hard (60 mph and above). If we're just wakeboarding or cruising, it's only about 6-10 gph, but if we pin it which we rarely do, it can suck about 45 gph.
Old     (powdrhound)      Join Date: Nov 2002       03-20-2005, 6:50 PM Reply   
Do you guys have Liquid Petrolium Gas(LPG) over there readily available and cheap.
if so theres your answer
Old    ag4ever            03-20-2005, 7:52 PM Reply   
OK I am in the construction industry, and so is my wife. She is working on a refinery project, and guess what they are doing. Not building new refineries, but retrofitting them to reduce emmisions. now I think that is great, but what we need is more capacity also. The problem is profitability for the refineries. I know ya'll think they are making millions or billions, and they are profitable, but not as much as you might think.

The ones that are truly profiting are the saudies, and the traders on wall street. The saudies are holding back on the supply just enough to make the traders think that the price will go up in the future. Therefore the saudies are making more because they can charge more, and the traders are making more because they are trading more value.

It is not the oil companies, but the people that should not have their hands in the pie.
Old    clubjoeskier            03-20-2005, 7:54 PM Reply   
Pro-V---65 gallon tank, F250 to take it, and 1 wallet...mine!

Oh yeah, I hate Derek now.......
Old     (sam8)      Join Date: Dec 2004       03-20-2005, 10:04 PM Reply   
Increased demand in the developing world has driven the per-barrel price up. Just like the price of concrete right now, which is up because much of the cement produced in this country is being shipped to China for their Three Rivers Dam Project, according to a buddy of mine who works for Nevada Cement. The Chinese simply cannot produce enough concrete to fill the forms..

The Eco-enviro-socialists have stopped the development of new refining capcity in California via absurd and politically driven regulatory red tape.
The inability of the existing refineries to keep up with increasing demand has become very much at the edge, causing more instability in the delivery system.

All that being said, and with OPEC doing the $58.00 a barrel whoopee, there is one other group of players in the mix. And it ain't the guy down the street with the gas station.
I am going to be pissed if the Oil Companies post record profits again during the next quarterly report cycle. Make good money, fine, get rich, okay, shares of oils stock go up okay(I have some,LOL)
But there is a limit..

I am no fan of government running anything much beyond the military, but people out there who argue for nationalizing the oil industry are starting to get my attention.
When the increased price of diesel gets into the tanks of the over the road truckers, everything you touch is going to go up..

Just thinking out loud here...
If we (the people) paid for the development, delivery, and transport of Alaskan ANWAR Crude to the west coast, then built the refinery capacity, then set up the stations on the corner to just sell the stuff at the level necessary to cover it's overall cost, I wonder what the price per gallon would be?

I wonder how long it would be before OPEC's price went down?
What is a little scary is the Russian Republic.
Those folks are sitting on vast reserves of crude under Siberia, some areas are incredibly promising and have never even been explored to determine how much is there.

I am told that the oil coming out of Valdez now goes primarily to Japan. I kinda think that we oughta start being a little more in control of where what we have goes.

In the mean time, we have a big ole plastic water cooler-type bottle in the corner of the bedroom.
Since we bought the Sanger late last November, every quarter, nickel, and dime that comes through the front door in mommas' purse, or my pocket or my sons' pocket goes in that bottle, along with the occassional $1 or $5 bill
We rolled and folded $245.00 yesterday.

If we start again next October 1st, we should be able to hit $500.00 by next years first trip to the lake.
It isn't perfect, but it will make me feel a little better on those first few trips to the lake, when I pull into the gas station, fill the truck with diesel, then the boat with fuel, then momma goes in and get sandwiches made, and ice, and....
Old     (hyperlitenrd)      Join Date: Jan 2003       03-21-2005, 12:39 AM Reply   
Planning for a trip this summer gas is playing a bigger role in the finicial planning. boat: 55 gallons premium gas, guess around 3$ could be much more. so thats 165$ so far. then expidition 26 gallons we'll say 3 dollars again for math sake. thats 78$ combined is 243. ouch. Thats just getting to the lake, well probally fill the expy 2-3 times going to shasta I think, so thats 321. ok we are at shasta now, dad guesses we will fill the boat everyother day, and were are staying for 7 days, so thats 3 more boat fillings, but it'll be marina gas near 4$ thats 660. bringin us to 981. this is not counting filling the house boat. now we drive home. thats another 156$ bringin us to a toal of 1137$ in gas, wow, and Id think this is conservative too...
Old     (nlitworld)      Join Date: Feb 2005       03-21-2005, 12:58 AM Reply   
Gas hikes won't stop from stealing out of your wallet just at the gas station. I work in a grocery store and I see first hand how increases gas prices cause all products to go up in price. Lets take milk for an example. Last summer each and every gallon of milk had a shipping charge of 10 cents per gallon, where before there was no charge at all. Needless to say, we had to hike up our milk prices, and that pissed off customers, so our milk sales went down considerably. Well now we're not selling as much milk as usual, so to make up for the loss of profit we had to hike up the milk prices another 10 cents. Now are gallons milk sits at $3.59 for 2% milk. The bigger stores who can afford to take the heat of 10 cents per gallon hike are selling their milk for close to a dollar cheaper because they know that people still need milk and with everyone else hiking their prices, they can make up the difference in just selling larger volume. So, the burden of high gas prices does not stop at the pump, but into everything we buy.
Old    sanderb            03-21-2005, 1:08 AM Reply   
Brit Rider:
Take a look at this page:

As you can see you're "only" paying $5.92/gallon, and your neigbor from Holland (me) pays $6.48/gallon... Gasoline prices sucks! I'm glad only my car runs on gasoline (it has got a 1800cc engine, so it's pretty affordable), my boat runs on propane (LPG) which costs about $1.90/gallon here in Holland.
Old     (ridn9high)      Join Date: Feb 2004       03-21-2005, 1:30 AM Reply   
Last year we spent around $3000 in gas for our boat at the pumps. Wonder what the total will be for this season. Guess I'm gonna have to get ARCO or AM/PM to sponsor me, maybe even Chevron.
Old     (brit_rider)      Join Date: May 2004       03-21-2005, 2:41 AM Reply   
Sander.. that seems wierd. I am pretty much 99% sure my figures are right.
anyone else want to double check them? i'm paying £1.98 per litre right now...

Cbrown - I don't have access locally to LPG but i would use it if i could. what i guess annoys me about this is how much petrol/diesel etc. other nations are using and the price they pay. and then you shun me by saying go use LPG - but i presume you run your rig on petrol out the pump? and don't have to put up with the annoyance of surrendering your storage lockers to big gas tanks?

OK this topic is about venting rage and i'm beginning to see it now so will shut up! haha
Old     (jayc)      Join Date: Sep 2002       03-21-2005, 3:28 AM Reply   
Brit rider, what are you paying £1.98 a litre for? Surely it aint petrol! Its a bout the right price for a litre of Red Bull though!

LPG is the way to go. 100L tank replacing my petrol tank and 25P per litre. Full tank just £25 and a full days boating!
If you don't have access to LPG locally get a portable lpg pump and pump gas from 47KG propane bottles. Its perfectly legal for marine use and still eblow 40p per litre.
Old     (toyotafreak)      Join Date: Sep 2003       03-21-2005, 4:57 AM Reply   
Mike Souza, definitely go with the Chevron sponsorship - great fuel and that Suava Java's real tasty.

Hyperlitenerd - your Shasta trip's pretty much telling the story of the summer. Hope not, but it's probably the first of many disgusting gas price stories.
Old     (laptom)      Join Date: Apr 2002       03-21-2005, 6:37 AM Reply   
1,98 pounds... That's really steep. Last time I stopped at the gasstation I had to pay something like eur1.29 a littre. That's 0.90 pound and something like $1.60 for a littre (or $6.50 for a gallon)...
That's pretty reasonble ;-)
Old     (wiltok)      Join Date: Feb 2003       03-21-2005, 10:47 AM Reply   
I usually fill up a Marathon station near my lake house. Found out they have a no fee credit card that rebates 10% on gas purchases for the first 60 days and 5% thereafter. I plan to get the card in June so I will be able to get the most back. Also, Discover has a card that offers 5% back on all gas purchases at any station that accepts the card. I'm sure there are other offers out there for other stations. It's not much - but it will make me feel beter when I filling up. It will also be easier to track my gas purchases.
Old     (wakehound)      Join Date: Oct 2003       03-21-2005, 12:14 PM Reply   
By derek boyer (toyotafreak) on Sunday, March 20, 2005 - 10:24 am:

Then again, we're towing to Whiskeytown this summer at ~10.5 MPG. That's 120 gallons. Doh!!!

This is an expensive habit.

You should just go to Shasta driving that far, Whiskeytown is small
Old     (nlitworld)      Join Date: Feb 2005       03-21-2005, 7:29 PM Reply   
If you're going to that area during the summer busy season, I would suggest going to Trinity. It's a big lake with nice water, camping is great, and there are a lot less people on it as compared to Whiskeytown or Shasta, so you will always get great water. Plus, if you ride motorcycles or mountain bikes, there are great trails to ride around there as well. Always a nice way to take an afternoon break from on the boat.
Old     (phall925)      Join Date: Feb 2005       03-21-2005, 8:41 PM Reply   
Good Leno Joke about Gas prices:

Gas is so expensive OJ and Robert Blake have to carpool to find the real killer!!! Badum bump
Old     (toyotafreak)      Join Date: Sep 2003       03-22-2005, 5:36 AM Reply   
Thanks for the NorCal help, guys. Extended family's camping there (tradition), but I'm down for day trips to both of those lakes.
Old     (brit_rider)      Join Date: May 2004       03-23-2005, 3:07 PM Reply   
Jay, it may be worth thinking about...

where abouts do you ride? in the UK???
Old     (redsupralaunch)      Join Date: Aug 2002       03-23-2005, 3:50 PM Reply   
I trailer my boat several thousand miles a year with a diesel truck. The cost of diesel is even more of a stab in the back. There I feel better.
Old     (nlitworld)      Join Date: Feb 2005       03-23-2005, 5:43 PM Reply   
What I really really hate is when I see Oil companies and other big businesses posting up outrageous profit margins quarter after quarter, yet the majority of average jobs are part-time and minimum wage, forcing a person to work 1 or 2 jobs just to make ends meat. I live in Washington which has the highest minimum wage in the nation at 7.35, and with a union job it's $7.45 per hour, yet I am still broke after my bills of car payment, insurance and gas. But then again, job wages is a totally different rant than gas prices, but all in all it's still partially linked.
Old     (mortbike)      Join Date: Feb 2005       03-23-2005, 6:50 PM Reply   
my houseboat holds 900 gallons and i will use every drop over a 2 week period on lake powell,almost 3 grand now that sucks!!!!!
Old    justsomeguy            03-23-2005, 7:20 PM Reply   
"yet the majority of average jobs are part-time and minimum wage"

That's funny.
Old     (john30)      Join Date: Nov 2003       03-23-2005, 8:09 PM Reply   
It's costing me bout 75-80 bones a week to drive to work (F350 ps dsl) and I too have a 65 gallon tank on my Pro V but I fill it up every time I go out just so I dont feel the hit so much.
Old     (dbjts)      Join Date: Nov 2003       03-24-2005, 12:06 AM Reply   
Brit Rider:
You must be buying your gas from the gas station for the clinically insane.
Gas has never hit a Pound a litre in the UK but you say your paying 1.93, come round to my house and I’ll sell you all you want for 1.50 a Liter and we’ll all be happy.
I’m paying 0.82 per Liter and I make that $5.99 per US Gallon or $7.19 per UK Gallon.
Old    andydeejay            03-27-2005, 6:24 AM Reply   
Brit Rider - I'm sorry, your maths is wrong.

Fuel here in the UK is 88 pence per litre. Thats $1.63 per litre. An american Gallon is about 3.8 litres so thats $6.20 per US gallon.

But it still sucks!
Old     (dbjts)      Join Date: Nov 2003       03-27-2005, 7:55 AM Reply   
It’s not his math’s that are wrong it’s just his starting point of paying 1.98 per liter.
Old    utskier            03-28-2005, 9:37 AM Reply   
Bush is an oil man. I'm from west Texas and I have family that actually enjoys seeing the high gas prices cuz they make more money from their oil wells when prices are high. Not saying that Bush wouldn't lower prices if there was an easy way, but he will always be slow to use our reserves. Lets not forget that until we turned the government of Iraq back over, the US was actually a member of OPEC. I'm sure we could have used some resources there to help lower prices. How can they honestly decrease production as crude oil is at all time highs.
Old     (lake_side)      Join Date: Jan 2004       03-28-2005, 10:49 AM Reply   
Don't buy from shell,chevron/texaco,exxon/mobil,marthon/speedway,amoca.These companies import oil from middle east.These companies don't citgo,sunoco,conoco,sinclair,bp/phillips,hess arco.Buying gas from over sea's is raising our price's and supporting terriost.Related info can be found from your department of energy where ever you are.
Old     (lake_side)      Join Date: Jan 2004       03-28-2005, 11:20 AM Reply   
We need to by from companies that don't import oil from the middle east.
Old     (whit)      Join Date: Feb 2001       03-28-2005, 11:41 AM Reply   
Have a tank next to the dock sure is going to be nice this summer. One really nice thing about having a tank is getting it filled with gasoline and not paying road taxes. Saves about $.45 a gallon. Much nicer last year when it made the effective price of gas $1.00. Looking at closer to $1.70 this summer. Good to see Exxon is teh Fortune #1 company. Imagine how high our gas prices would be if Bush and Chenny didn't come from an oil background!
Old     (cyclonecj)      Join Date: Jul 2001       03-28-2005, 1:51 PM Reply   
There is enough oil (by conservative estimates) in ANWR to replace what we get from the Saudis for 30 yrs. By then we'll all have boats powered by this ry=52933

Old    jcrider            03-28-2005, 9:57 PM Reply   
Interesting reading all of the thoughts/info on oil/petrolium prices,etc. First of all everyone should be thankfull that this is the thing u have to complain about, as opposed to say starvation, disease, droughts, car bombs going off @ shopping centers,etc. Here is a sobering thought to ingest: The usgs has pegged the point where the worlds appetite and supply starts to outstrip the amount available(it then becomes more of a commodity) in 10-15 years. The oil co. geological engineers have pegged it @ closer to 50 years.If this sounds crazy look @ all the vehicles driving every day on the freeway(try 1-5,1-80 for instance). Basically if the price in the usa went up to $5.00 per gallon a large part of the population would still continue to drive. Rec boating,off-roading, moto-cross use would definitely drop off and become predominatly for the upper class/rich for the most part. You dont see to many people making min. wage out there with new toys, I know this growing up poor/lower income. By now I am sure some of you are thinking that I must be some Sierra Club vegan eating Toyota hybrid driving foaming @ the mouth save all the world give out the greencards/free medical type. Wrong, I am all for using renewable resources where possible,eating natural foods,picking up litter from thoughtless chowderheads, clean water(1% of the worlds available). I see alot of waste in my business and happen to have a f-250 w/460, f-250 6.0 Diesel, tahoe 350 (5.7) and have a deposit on a 05'Wakesetter. So I am not sitting up here in my tower trying to preach but merily try to put it in perspective. Sure we pay alot for fuel but am extremly thankfull to be in this position and living in a (free) country.Take that to the bank!
Old     (toyotafreak)      Join Date: Sep 2003       03-29-2005, 10:20 PM Reply   

You can have my Chevron gas when you pry my cold, dead hands from it.

Old     (ktmwakeboarder)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-31-2005, 6:02 PM Reply   
Lets create the United Wakeboarders Oil/Gas company :-)
Old    jcrider            03-31-2005, 7:44 PM Reply   
That last rant of mine comes off pretty hypocrital in retrospect. Judging by all of the gas hogs I own I am adding fuel to the fire. And no disrespect(ala Toyota hybrid) to the car which is a good product whos time has come. And yes I own a well worn Chevron card.
Old    akman            03-31-2005, 8:02 PM Reply   
28 gallons of Diesel fuel today..... $75 and change!!!
Old    bambamski            03-31-2005, 8:28 PM Reply   
Ty said

"Don't buy from shell,chevron/texaco,exxon/mobil,marthon/speedway,amoca.These companies import oil from middle east.These companies don't citgo,sunoco,conoco,sinclair,bp/phillips,hess arco.Buying gas from over sea's is raising our price's and supporting terriost.Related info can be found from your department of energy where ever you are."

That's the most uneducated post I've ever seen on oil and gas prices. So you're only going to buy your gas from U.S. companies. Maybe you should stop importing oil all together? Wait a minute, the U.S. consumes far more than they can produce. Supply demand tells me that you'll be paying 20 times what you're paying now if you only bought American oil.

Oil is a global commodity, it doesn't matter what you pay or do in the states, the price is dependent on what the world is willing to pay.

Old     (ptexx)      Join Date: Jun 2003       03-31-2005, 9:03 PM Reply   
Today i heard that oil could reach $100 per barrel soon. Anny thoughts? The term "no one rides for free" comes to mind.
Old     (gwake)      Join Date: Nov 2003       04-01-2005, 9:26 AM Reply   
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Old     (gwake)      Join Date: Nov 2003       04-01-2005, 9:27 AM Reply   
propane conversions..... why not?
Old     (lake_side)      Join Date: Jan 2004       04-01-2005, 9:33 AM Reply   
Sorry Pat,I should of just kept it to myself.Since you are in the gas marketing maybe you should help us out.
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       04-01-2005, 9:58 AM Reply   
$100 a barrel won't happen. there's too many "unproven" reserves and companies start "finding" it when the price get about 2/3 of the way there. ChevronTexaco pulled this move when it hit $60/barrel. they "found" 2 billion barrels it.
Old     (phall925)      Join Date: Feb 2005       04-01-2005, 10:15 AM Reply   
I don't want to start a political discussion and I am not trying to bash anyone's candidate. But before Clinton left office he made most all of Alaska off limits to drillers. Bush is trying to get these pats of Alaska open to drilling. The part of limit known as ANWAR is actually just baren tundra mostly. The thing is we are dependent on foreign oil and until we control it we are at the mercy of OPEC who sets oil prices which are reflected in fuel prices. Ohh yeah next time anyone is at the pump there is a little sign on the pump that says the tax amount. I think in Texas right now it is about 43 - 50 cents per gallon. That is 25% of the cost per gallon. So ask yourself where is that 25% going. It should be in your pocket not the governments

ok thats my 2 cents
Old     (skibum69)      Join Date: Aug 2004       04-01-2005, 10:22 AM Reply   
Hopefully that tax is going towards roads where it is suppose to be going, which is why there is road tax fuel and non-road tax fuel. In WI we have double the tax MN does on gas, but every little road is blacktop compared to MN where there still are a lot of gravel roads. How many people are able to use non-road tax gas in their boats? Anybody know the particular laws on it?
Old    bambamski            04-01-2005, 10:43 AM Reply   
Sorry Ty, can't help you out.

What so many of you don't realize is that the price is a supply demand price.

"OPEC who sets oil prices" from Preston

Not true Preston, Opec sets how much oil they are going to produce which effects the oil price, they however don't come out and say the price will be 55 dollars. It doesn't matter how much oil is sucked out of Alaska. Do you honstly think that the oil companies that are drilling in Alaska will sell their oil in the states for a cheaper price than they can get on the world market? Think about it, if you've invested billions of dollars aren't you going to try and get the best price for your product?

The Alberta tar sands has more oil than Alaska, Iran, and Iraq combined. It's just very expensive to extract. The Canadian governement tried to regulate oil prices in Canada in the 80's. It was called the national energy program and it was a disaster. It ruined the Alberta oil and gas sector for decades. If governments try to regulate the prices, what oil company is going to spend their dollars looking for more reserves? If they subsidize the oil companies you'll end up paying the difference another way.

It's not a simple equation.
Old     (phall925)      Join Date: Feb 2005       04-01-2005, 12:31 PM Reply   
I do understand the supply and demand problem Pat, I was just simply stating that becasue OPEC does control the amount of oil we are getting that will control the price. I was just stating in more simple terms. The problem with the US does not stop with the Alberta tar sands or the North Slope r ANWAR. becasue of alot of environmentalists (ps nothing wrong with loving the environment but there is a point where heir bitching gets old) people are not allowed to drill in alot of other places where we could be finding alot of oil and natural gas.

As far road tax gas there are some laws about it. I know in TX as long as the pump is a certain distance from a paved road like on a ranch you are allowed to buy no taxed gas. There are some loop holes and I know that some marinas in TX have the abiity to by non road taxed gas but usually dont becasue it takes a while to get permits. I am not really familliar with non taxed gas but am sure that if you did some research in your state you could find a way to get non taxed gas.
Old     (jeffreyala)      Join Date: Dec 2004       04-01-2005, 12:44 PM Reply   
So, are the prices going to go back down anytime this summer?????????
Old    bambamski            04-01-2005, 2:31 PM Reply   
Preston, at this point OPEC is pretty much producing at capacity. They can't double their production, they might be able to go up 5-10% at the very most.

What you have to also take into account is that the U.S. dollar is much weaker these days then say 3-5 years ago. So what producers were selling their oil for 3 years ago was almost as much as what they're getting for it now. The U.S. is seeing higher prices but the rest of the world is only seeing slightly higher prices. Does that make sense?

example 3 years ago the price of crude was 30 bucks U.S. but the U.S./cdn dollar was trading at 1.55. That means we were getting 46.5 or having to pay $46.50 (cdn) for our oil. Now with the price of $55 and our dollar at 1.20 we are paying $66 cdn dollars. We've only seen a 30% increase where you've seen a 45% increase. So part of the blame should be on your government running such large deficits. This is way to in depth for a wakeboard discussion board.

Jeffrey, my gut says no, prices aren't going down for the summer. That's the highest part of the demand cycle.

I look at all the new boats out there these days and everyone seems to be going bigger and bigger. I've gone from a 23 foot boat to a 21 foot boat to a smaller 21 foot boat (narrower). I don't think prices are going down anytime soon.
Old    jcrider            04-01-2005, 10:22 PM Reply   
I am going to let you guys in on a little known fact: Back in the late 70's thru the early 90's the major us oil companies companies were in the process of locating/drilling and then capping thousands of wells across the USA. The people that run the majority of this country are not stupid. Esssentialy the plan is to use up other countries oil/gas first. As Pat mentioned petrolium is a global commoditty and there is alot of behind the scenes as far as "opec" and price fixing/supply in demand, etc. Does anyone realy think that we realy just wanted to put in armed forces bases in Kuwait,Saudi Arabia just for security reasons(Israel lobbying aside). No, without oil @ this time for the most part the day to day business as we know it would basically stop. most everthing that is produced,shipped,and farmed has a tie to oil. The powers that be are making billions and insuring the economic/survival of the USA. I am probably one of the worst examples for oil consumption among the average citizen. and for that the more I use the more I have to pay for at whatever the cost just like almost everyone else who is reading this. I love my country but sometimes the truth is ugly. One of the few ways to avoid paying as much is if you are a farmer or a rancher you can purchase the fuel for your farm avoiding the tax and then also run it in your vehicles. Ever wonder why most of them run diesel? ( it used to be cheaper and cost less to refine than gas but now there is the supply and demand ie:more 3/4-1 ton p-ups and guess what? $$$) Also, I got my info from a guy I became friends with who was a high up in a major oil co.
regarding the capping.
Old    jcrider            04-01-2005, 10:22 PM Reply   
I am going to let you guys in on a little known fact: Back in the late 70's thru the early 90's the major us oil companies companies were in the process of locating/drilling and then capping thousands of wells across the USA. The people that run the majority of this country are not stupid. Esssentialy the plan is to use up other countries oil/gas first. As Pat mentioned petrolium is a global commoditty and there is alot of behind the scenes as far as "opec" and price fixing/supply in demand, etc. Does anyone realy think that we realy just wanted to put in armed forces bases in Kuwait,Saudi Arabia just for security reasons(Israel lobbying aside). No, without oil @ this time for the most part the day to day business as we know it would basically stop. most everthing that is produced,shipped,and farmed has a tie to oil. The powers that be are making billions and insuring the economic/survival of the USA. I am probably one of the worst examples for oil consumption among the average citizen. and for that the more I use the more I have to pay for at whatever the cost just like almost everyone else who is reading this. I love my country but sometimes the truth is ugly. One of the few ways to avoid paying as much is if you are a farmer or a rancher you can purchase the fuel for your farm avoiding the tax and then also run it in your vehicles. Ever wonder why most of them run diesel? ( it used to be cheaper and cost less to refine than gas but now there is the supply and demand ie:more 3/4-1 ton p-ups and guess what? $$$) Also, I got my info from a guy I became friends with who was a high up in a major oil co.
regarding the capping.
Old     (talltigeguy)      Join Date: Sep 2003       04-02-2005, 9:17 AM Reply   

I don't think your comments are too in depth for this discussion board, some of us are pretty sharp. Some of us are pretty dull, but don't withold good points because us dull ones won't understand.


I think its a great idea to use up the rest of the world's oil first, but as you can see with the ANWR debate, I think it's going to be pretty tough to tap what we have, and the enviros are getting stronger, not weaker. If that were the plan, why are we investing so much military might in the mideast?
Old     (trump)      Join Date: Mar 2002       04-02-2005, 9:36 PM Reply   
Hey Pat,
I have been following these subject and notice that you are the first to mention the weaker dollar overseas. This, in my opinion, is a big factor. We all know about the supply/demand, and a developing country's need for oil, but the weak dollar can't be ignored.

I read in the paper today that an analyst for Goldman Sachs warns that crude could hit $105 a barrel by 2007.

The article concluded that motorists can take some comfort in the fact that gasoline prices remain well below their inflation adjusted hisghs of the early 80s. 25 years ago gas was $1.35 a gallon and would cost $3.20 in todays dollars.

Some how when pumped 30 gallons into my Suburban tonight at $2.47 ($74.01 to fill up), I just didn't feel much comfort AND Summer isn't even here yet!

At $57.27 (Fridays close) expect atleast another .10 at the pump soon!
Old     (hoser325)      Join Date: Apr 2004       04-04-2005, 1:43 AM Reply   
Pat's got it right. Here in the states, the fuel we use doesn't come from Alaska. The sad truth is that our own government & domestic oil companies prefer export it all to the far eastern countries where they can make more money. greedy, greedy, greedy
Old     (brit_rider)      Join Date: May 2004       04-04-2005, 12:31 PM Reply   
haha, oh damn the shame, what a fricken dumb ass mistake!

it is about 98p, quite honestly i have no idea where i got 1.98 from.... i think i need to slow up on the old vino ;)

My maths was right but starting sum was wrong. The only place i ever paid £1 per litre was on lake windermere up in north England..

Ok, I'm going to swop my glass for some lemonade and continue the conversation.... :P


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