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Posted: March 14, 2010 - 2 comment(s) [ Comment ] - 0 trackback(s) [ Trackback ]
Category: Lake Powell

Every day I am both blessed with and cursed by the opportunity to have the scenery of the Glen Canyon National Recreational Area and waters of Powell grace my eyes.  It is a pleasure for limitless reasons that can not be fully explained but can be understood by those who have also been to Powell.  it is a curse because I am crazed by the miles and miles of near glassy waters that are not being shreded.  I suppose I only have myself to blame for my anxiety to strap a board on...  I am a skiny wimp, lacking significant insulation when it comes to the cold.  It is March.  Powell water temp just barely hit the 50* mark not long ago... yahh... I know... most are saying that is nothin'.

I am hoping to use a blog as well as the Lake Powell Wakeboarding group to share the experiences here being a local and maybe expand the local wake scene, or at least help make myself and my small crew not feel so small at the least and more uhh... "Powellfull" (ughh. was that a horrible attempt at play on words?) So feel free to hit us up if your near the Arizona Utah boarder of Powell

we'll see how it goes through this upcomming season.

in the mean time i can also remenisce good memmories; like teaching a friend and co-worker, Bei Chen from Taiwan to board. got up his first try.



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