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Old     (dgarland0)      Join Date: Apr 2003       04-05-2023, 8:04 AM Reply   
Just wondering if any of you have any experience with these? I am tired of using the toilet plunger to flush out my engine, plus the damage that can be done to impeller etc.
Old     (rallyart)      Join Date: Nov 2006       04-05-2023, 10:05 PM Reply   
I have not used one but that looks like a functional piece that I would install. Currently I use a valve and hose that I attach to my raw water intake line which accomplishes the same task. However, it requires undoing one side of the raw water line. As far as flushing or running the engine while connected it seems very effective. Cheaper to build your own but the Perko seems very tidy and more convenient.
I've mostly quit using mine as I just drain my cooling system thoroughly for winterizing, and don't generally need to operate the engine while on the trailer anymore.
Old     (dgarland0)      Join Date: Apr 2003       04-06-2023, 6:33 AM Reply   
yeah thinking of making my own. I use my boat in water that is brackish, so like to flush it every time, but the toilet plunger deal is more negative than positive.
Old     (rallyart)      Join Date: Nov 2006       04-06-2023, 8:39 AM Reply   
My lake is not even hard water. If it's brackish water you are running on I would put that on in a minute. I notice with Perko stuff that the chrome plating is not the same quality as OEM type products so you may eventually get some chipping but that can be repaired if it happens.
Old     (GatorBait)      Join Date: Mar 2010 Location: Miami, Florida       04-06-2023, 11:14 AM Reply   
I almost lost two boats 10 years ago because of the Perko spring loaded flush valve thing! The plastic housing cracked open while the boat was in the water and it started to take on a ton of water. Thank God the security guard at my marina was able to close the seacock. And then it happened again like 6 months later to another one of my boats. I’m sure they have made improvements to it but I am very happy with the Ilmor unit that is on my MasterCrafts now. So I would definitely recommend that one!
Old     (Kwclark)      Join Date: Oct 2013       04-16-2023, 5:41 AM Reply   
Pipe in one of these on your raw intake and you have a lifetime lasting flush system.
Old     (paulharenberg)      Join Date: Jul 2007       04-18-2023, 7:52 AM Reply   
I installed one on my boat because I was tired of climbing under the boat and getting wet after each time using the plunger style fake a lake. I've had no complaints so far, its been about 3-4 years. It is plastic so I do check it every time out.
Old     (srock)      Join Date: Mar 2002       05-16-2023, 5:32 AM Reply   
I too had my perko break at the fitting. If you install one, make sure you have a brass shutoff valve at the intake. Another option is to plumb in a valve before your strainer.
Old     (srock)      Join Date: Mar 2002       04-24-2024, 10:11 AM Reply   
An update. I removed my intake ball valve and put on a 3 way that can be flipped from lake to a hose connection. Easy, reliable and no worries


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