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Old     (Lukke)      Join Date: May 2017       02-18-2023, 11:19 AM Reply   
Hey guys,

Just picked myself up a 2007 centurion c4 elite V.

Took it out for the first time yesterday and had a 65 ft rope set up.

Perfect pass at approx 21mph.

Didn't fill up any ballast tanks.

When I was riding, I was sitting behind the wake, right after the peak where it starts to wash out. 🫠

It was super weird. Almost like it was too short?

The boat has a trim plate on it which was set to 0% , but I have no idea what that means 😅

I've been scouring through YouTube looking for a trim plate tutorial and how they work on wake boats. I was wondering if that could be the issue.

Any advice on this would be amazing.

Thanks for taking the time 🤙
Old     (rallyart)      Join Date: Nov 2006       02-18-2023, 1:28 PM Reply   
For the trim plate, look at its location at 0% then adjust it to 100% One is up and the other down. For maximum wake you want it up. Effectively it extends the hull and you can adjust it to optimize your speed at throttle settings while on plane and shape the wake when off plane. At high speeds you might get more MPH at the same RPM if you adjust the trim up some. For a longer wake while below planing speeds you have the trim down. Trim down also makes starts quicker as the hull comes out of the water faster. Trim up makes the back of the boat sink deeper and can steepen the wake.
At 21 MPH in that boat you should be on plane when not loaded and not getting much wake. Loading the boat will raise the speed that the boat will get on plane. Try a speed of 18-19 on a GPS reading to get the best wake from that hull with only a light load. Adjust the rope length to fit in the best part of the wake for you. Adding ballast can let you run a bit faster and stay off plane.

Generally loading a boat with more weight forward will lengthen a wake and more weight back will shorten and steepen a wake.
With a trim plate down and the boat light you can probably waterski behind that boat at 21.

Also check the balance of the boat. If it lists a bit to one side the wake on that side will froth later than the other. So when a pull on the tower cleans the boat from a wakeboard cut or load that side cleans up a bit.

I hope that helps. Enjoy the new ride..

Last edited by rallyart; 02-18-2023 at 1:32 PM.
Old     (Lukke)      Join Date: May 2017       02-21-2023, 10:05 AM Reply   
Really appreciate the explanation Rally thanks!
I'll have to get out on the water and just spend some time understanding it.


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