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Old     (typhoon)      Join Date: Jul 2001       09-08-2022, 11:57 PM Reply   
How do these boat ride in rough water and how is surf wake?
Thanks Ty
Old     (typhoon)      Join Date: Jul 2001       09-09-2022, 6:28 AM Reply   
There is very little info anywhere on how it does in rough water.
Old     (tre)      Join Date: Jul 2002 Location: WI       09-14-2022, 6:48 AM Reply   
Its not great in rough water. The bow of the boat curves down so you have to keep the bow up with throttle so you don't scoop big waves into the boat. The boat is pretty light and the latter half of the bottom is flat so the rough water ride is not great. That said, the rough water rise is much better than most other boats of a similar age, but still nothing like an I/O. These boats were light with flat bottoms during that time period so rough water rides were not good on any of them. Surf wake can be acceptable but you need to upgrade the rear sacks and the center sack and a wake shaper with suction cups is an absolute MUST on the side opposite the surf side. The boat has aerator pumps so you will likely have priming issues with the ballast system. Supra did not upgrade to self priming reversible pumps until the 2009 model year. You may also have the sprinkler valves in the ballast system which are not great. You may want to budget for completely redoing the ballast system if you want to surf. You need new bags anyway so you may as well rip out the aerator pumps and sprinkler valves and install some Jabsco Ballast Puppy pumps (you'll need a relay).

Last edited by tre; 09-14-2022 at 6:57 AM.


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