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Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-06-2021, 4:09 AM Reply   
Best line of the day:
While reading the comments following an article about Nicholas Cage getting married for the 5th time, someone said, “Remember, it isn’t Nicholas Cage any more, it’s Nicholas Detention Center now that Alzheimer’s Joe is in charge.”
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-06-2021, 4:15 AM Reply   
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Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-06-2021, 5:49 AM Reply   
Okay, this is priceless. In his infinite wisdom, the finger raper called R states’ governors who began opening things up, Neanderthals. Now, he’s decided to max out the occupancy levels of the former cages (now back to being called detention centers) to house the illegal alien children that he gave a green light to recently. Previously, under 95’s daddy’s policies, they were kept at 50% Kung Flu capacity. This “non-crisis” at the border is developing into a nice little legacy for the neck-sniffing finger raper.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-06-2021, 6:07 AM Reply   
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Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       03-06-2021, 5:19 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Speaking of Obama both thought Dr Suess was great.

I love the current Democratic Party eating it’s own daily with their bull****.

Attachment 46242

Attachment 46243

Attachment 46244
This cancel culture stuff is such nonsense. Dr Seuss themselves removed 6 of the 50 books from print because they deemed they weren't fit for the modern world, nothing to do with the dems. What makes me laugh is this right wing outrage has rallied the numpties to buy these books at all costs, now the people who decided to remove the books are reaping the reward with record sales.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-06-2021, 8:05 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
This cancel culture stuff is such nonsense. Dr Seuss themselves removed 6 of the 50 books from print because they deemed they weren't fit for the modern world, nothing to do with the dems. What makes me laugh is this right wing outrage has rallied the numpties to buy these books at all costs, now the people who decided to remove the books are reaping the reward with record sales.
The Dr Seuss peeps were under pressure to do it or face a worse problem. This whole country is so F’d up right now thanks to libtards. Just look at the cluster which is our southern border. Our border is the poster child for why you don’t EVER vote blue.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-06-2021, 8:08 PM Reply   
There’s a reason you don’t see any libtards posting here lately. They can’t explain the 95sn show going on right now that we sane people warned about 6 months ago.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       03-06-2021, 9:51 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
The Dr Seuss peeps were under pressure to do it or face a worse problem.
Rubbish, where is the evidence of that, put up or shut up.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       03-07-2021, 4:14 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
There’s a reason you don’t see any libtards posting here lately. They can’t explain the 95sn show going on right now that we sane people warned about 6 months ago.
Nah, I tried to engage on legit policy (AUMF, most recently) but the conversation in this thread keeps veering back into the conservative pundit culture war silliness. Phony umbrage about the "cancellation" of out of print Dr. Seuss books nobody has ever heard of and which are out of step with current norms? Who cares?

I'm actually surprised that you guys have let the pedophile political class distract you with that red herring. While you're looking to buy up those deep cut B sides from the Seuss catalog, BLM and ANTIFA are sneaking socialist transvestites into daughter's locker room!

Isn't the $1.9T covid relief bill many orders of magnitude more important? Nary a peep on that?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-07-2021, 4:45 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Rubbish, where is the evidence of that, put up or shut up.
Yer gonna love this. Fox News no less. My “smart” TV automatically goes to Fox whenever I turn it on-even though I rarely watch Fox. It also goes to NFL games whenever they’re on-even though I didn’t watch a single NFL game last season. Anyway, I happened to turn on the TV while this segment started.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-07-2021, 4:53 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Nah, I tried to engage on legit policy (AUMF, most recently) but the conversation in this thread keeps veering back into the conservative pundit culture war silliness. Phony umbrage about the "cancellation" of out of print Dr. Seuss books nobody has ever heard of and which are out of step with current norms? Who cares?

I'm actually surprised that you guys have let the pedophile political class distract you with that red herring. While you're looking to buy up those deep cut B sides from the Seuss catalog, BLM and ANTIFA are sneaking socialist transvestites into daughter's locker room!

Isn't the $1.9T covid relief bill many orders of magnitude more important? Nary a peep on that?
Um, we’ve been talking about the border crisis, high fuel prices, the 2 trillion dollar pork bill and job deaths due to the finger raper as well. Those topics are impossible for you lefties to defend if you’re even a little honest. There’s also been mention of Uncle Joe’s dementia. That’s a topic that’s indefensible. The man can’t even complete a sentence, give a live interview, give a press conference and won’t give a SOTU address. When is the last time a SOTU address wasn’t given? Carter maybe? Seriously, he needs a one-way ticket to the rest home. No way he can complete his term. No way.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-07-2021, 5:00 AM Reply   
The kick in the nuts to our country is VP BJ was one of if not the first to drop out of the primaries because no one in her party even supported or liked her because she’s so clearly divisive, opportunistic and disingenuous and yet she’s probably gonna end up as Prez by default. She will literally have been installed by nothing more than affirmative action. Sickening.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       03-07-2021, 8:11 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Yer gonna love this. Fox News no less. My “smart” TV automatically goes to Fox whenever I turn it on-even though I rarely watch Fox. It also goes to NFL games whenever they’re on-even though I didn’t watch a single NFL game last season. Anyway, I happened to turn on the TV while this segment started.
You know there is a difference between news and opinion right?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-07-2021, 10:00 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Um, we’ve been talking about the border crisis, high fuel prices, the 2 trillion dollar pork bill and job deaths due to the finger raper as well. Those topics are impossible for you lefties to defend if you’re even a little honest. There’s also been mention of Uncle Joe’s dementia. That’s a topic that’s indefensible. The man can’t even complete a sentence, give a live interview, give a press conference and won’t give a SOTU address. When is the last time a SOTU address wasn’t given? Carter maybe? Seriously, he needs a one-way ticket to the rest home. No way he can complete his term. No way.
The "impossible to defend" is what most Americans want. The foolish are the minority. Why wouldnt a single republican vote to do what most Americans want? More important things to address? Dr Seuss and Potato heads to make America Great again. Minimum wage still $7.25/hr. Who cant live on $15K a year? Congress sucks. Isnt the job to fight for constituents? not against them. Didnt seem too difficult to give billions to the richest with tax cuts, but improve pay for the least wealthy, out of the question. No wonder the only way to win reelection is to gerrymander, suppress the vote. I may be absolutely crazy but it seems that it would be More American to get more people to vote?
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       03-08-2021, 5:47 AM Reply   
You get minimum wage because you put in minimum effort. Its not meant to live on. The whole idea is to better yourself through gaining skills. I don't disagree it should be raised some but $15/h is ridiculous for someone to flip burgers.
Lowing taxes didn't give anybody anything. It let them keep more of what they already had. They just need to cut the pork when they do it.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       03-08-2021, 6:44 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
You get minimum wage because you put in minimum effort. Its not meant to live on. The whole idea is to better yourself through gaining skills. I don't disagree it should be raised some but $15/h is ridiculous for someone to flip burgers.
Lowing taxes didn't give anybody anything. It let them keep more of what they already had. They just need to cut the pork when they do it.
A budget short-fall that adds to the debt is all the same no matter how you get there. If you spend too much or don't make enough, you are still poor.

Both parties buy votes. Democrats over-spend with entitlements and Republicans don't bring in enough taxes.

We need a balanced budget.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-08-2021, 7:36 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
You know there is a difference between news and opinion right?
Snopes has been discredited now for awhile as is no longer considered reliable except to leftist numpties.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-08-2021, 7:37 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
The "impossible to defend" is what most Americans want. The foolish are the minority. Why wouldnt a single republican vote to do what most Americans want? More important things to address? Dr Seuss and Potato heads to make America Great again. Minimum wage still $7.25/hr. Who cant live on $15K a year? Congress sucks. Isnt the job to fight for constituents? not against them. Didnt seem too difficult to give billions to the richest with tax cuts, but improve pay for the least wealthy, out of the question. No wonder the only way to win reelection is to gerrymander, suppress the vote. I may be absolutely crazy but it seems that it would be More American to get more people to vote?
Okay, so you’re saying most Americans want more illegals pouring in, higher gas prices and universal $15 an hour minimum wage? Go sell crazy somewhere else.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       03-08-2021, 8:06 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Okay, so you’re saying most Americans want more illegals pouring in, higher gas prices and universal $15 an hour minimum wage? Go sell crazy somewhere else.
I don't think anyone wants more undocumented people roaming the streets. We want meaningful and effective immigration reform, but neither party is offering that.

Higher gas prices equals better jobs for the oil industry. Go check the rig count.

$15/hr is below the starting pay for most every job already. If little caesars down the street has "pay starting at $16/hr" and manages to sell $5 pizzas, I think all business will be alright.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       03-08-2021, 8:49 AM Reply   
Little Caesars Enterprises, Inc. Jobs by Hourly Rate
Job Title Range Average
Job Title:Cashier Range:$7 - $10 Average:$8
Assistant Manager, Fast Food Range:$8 - $14 Average:$10
General Manager, Restaurant Range:$10 - $19 Average:$14
Restaurant Assistant Manager Range:$8 - $14 Average:$10
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-08-2021, 9:42 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Snopes has been discredited now for awhile as is no longer considered reliable except to leftist numpties.
Translation, I prefer to have an alternate reality to live in. If I dont like the info I will just choose to not believe it.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-08-2021, 10:02 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
Little Caesars Enterprises, Inc. Jobs by Hourly Rate
Job Title Range Average
Job Title:Cashier Range:$7 - $10 Average:$8
Assistant Manager, Fast Food Range:$8 - $14 Average:$10
General Manager, Restaurant Range:$10 - $19 Average:$14
Restaurant Assistant Manager Range:$8 - $14 Average:$10
I dont see being a restaurant manager or assistant manager, ie, someone who runs the place, to be offering minimum effort. Who can afford to live on grossing $2400 a month. My cheapest 2 bedrooms in Riverside are $1400/mo. Whats take home @ $2400? $1600/mo?
In-N-Out can pay over $15 quite literally for " flipping burgers" and continue to grow and expand across the country.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       03-08-2021, 10:30 AM Reply   
Thats great. The cost of living is not the same all across the country so to make a uniform $15/h will be easy for some and very hard for others. A large chain store grossing millions in revenue is not the same as your locally owned rural American storefront.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-08-2021, 10:53 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Translation, I prefer to have an alternate reality to live in. If I dont like the info I will just choose to not believe it.
Yep. Just like everyone else in this country, so far, we still have the freedom to believe what we choose to believe. That is until we’re forced to believe what you totalitarian libtards impose on us or risk being cancelled by your PC oligarchs.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-08-2021, 10:58 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Translation, I prefer to have an alternate reality to live in. If I dont like the info I will just choose to not believe it.
Translation: anyone who doesn’t fall in line and buy into the libtard/democrat/CNN propaganda, gets told that they live in an alternate reality. F you.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-08-2021, 11:03 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
I don't think anyone wants more undocumented people roaming the streets. We want meaningful and effective immigration reform, but neither party is offering that.

Higher gas prices equals better jobs for the oil industry. Go check the rig count.

$15/hr is below the starting pay for most every job already. If little caesars down the street has "pay starting at $16/hr" and manages to sell $5 pizzas, I think all business will be alright.
Idiot. Biden’s policies have already been making that happen! He invited them!

You’ll never convince anyone that paying more at the pump is good for the country. Strike two.

People get paid what they’re worth. If they’re worth more, they quit and go find better work. Strike three. GTFOH!
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       03-08-2021, 11:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Translation: anyone who doesn’t fall in line and buy into the libtard/democrat/CNN propaganda, gets told that they live in an alternate reality. F you.
Toughen up butter-cup. Everyone gets to believe what they want until truth and facts come raining down on them. Then the idiots who would rather believe a lie than reality deal with the consequences of being wrong.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       03-08-2021, 11:15 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Idiot. Biden’s policies have already been making that happen! He invited them!

You’ll never convince anyone that paying more at the pump is good for the country. Strike two.

People get paid what they’re worth. If they’re worth more, they quit and go find better work. Strike three. GTFOH!
Sounds like you need to go find better work if you cannot handle gas prices going up .50 a gallon. Oil prices have been unsustainably low for a while.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-08-2021, 11:15 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
Thats great. The cost of living is not the same all across the country so to make a uniform $15/h will be easy for some and very hard for others. A large chain store grossing millions in revenue is not the same as your locally owned rural American storefront.
I agree, costs vary across the country. Growing up, jobs in fast food, retail...were "high school jobs"
Its different today for a variety of reasons.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-08-2021, 11:27 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Sounds like you need to go find better work if you cannot handle gas prices going up .50 a gallon. Oil prices have been unsustainably low for a while.
Fuel prices fluctuate on the regular, rise every single spring and into summer. Hard to believe little markie hasn't noticed a pattern after decades of experiencing it. Its just Hannity, Carlson and the crew are telling him that this is what we are whining about this week. Hes a good little parrot. Everything he posts is straight off the pages of FOX, including Biden "inviting" Covid positive illegals into the country, Cuomo has to go and how great the Republican Govs are that are reopening and eliminating mask mandates during a pandemic.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-08-2021, 11:32 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Toughen up butter-cup. Everyone gets to believe what they want until truth and facts come raining down on them. Then the idiots who would rather believe a lie than reality deal with the consequences of being wrong.
Don’t confuse facts with your libtard propaganda.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-08-2021, 11:35 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Fuel prices fluctuate on the regular, rise every single spring and into summer. Hard to believe little markie hasn't noticed a pattern after decades of experiencing it. Its just Hannity, Carlson and the crew are telling him that this is what we are whining about this week. Hes a good little parrot. Everything he posts is straight off the pages of FOX, including Biden "inviting" Covid positive illegals into the country, Cuomo has to go and how great the Republican Govs are that are reopening and eliminating mask mandates during a pandemic.
Hey assmunch, where did all those people get the Biden T-shirts last week? You think they showed up because they were told to stay in their countries? See? You’re so intellectually dishonest you’re not worth crap here.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-08-2021, 11:37 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Sounds like you need to go find better work if you cannot handle gas prices going up .50 a gallon. Oil prices have been unsustainably low for a while.
Total idiotic response. Go punch yourself in the face.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-08-2021, 11:40 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Hey assmunch, where did all those people get the Biden T-shirts last week? You think they showed up because they were told to stay in their countries? See? You’re so intellectually dishonest you’re not worth crap here.
Give the parrot his cracker, he workin so hard.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-08-2021, 11:45 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Don’t confuse facts with your libtard propaganda.
Facts like if you have more boats in your parade or more people at your super spreader events, you should be president.
Facts like if I stack the SC, they will back me up.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       03-08-2021, 12:02 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
I agree, costs vary across the country. Growing up, jobs in fast food, retail...were "high school jobs"
Its different today for a variety of reasons.
Other than people being dumber and expecting crap for nothing(ie $15/hr) how?
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       03-08-2021, 12:16 PM Reply   
Wow , call me shocked that there has been nothing but crickets when confronted with the actual FACTUAL STATISTICAL DATA outlined in my previous post about the pandemic. Not a single response to questions imposed regarding that data. Every single time I have posted that exact response with all the stats , people disappear into a hole .

Now we have the newest , latest and greatest study released by the CDC being touted by the left as the holy grail that mask mandates were effective.

The scientists found that mask mandates were associated with reduced coronavirus transmission, and that improvements in new cases and deaths increased as time went on.
The reductions in growth rates varied from half a percentage point to nearly 2 percentage points.

The study itself concluded that 1/2 percent -2percent were the variables associated . Wow. A combined 85-95 percent loss in business revenues , jobs , mental health , family stability , in order to reduce their best “guesstimate “ of a 1.25 % effect it would have on the population that chose to patronize the business had it remained opened fully with no masks . 1.25% What a profound effect it had

Let’s furthermore look at part of the in depth details in the study from CDC and how they came to part of their conclusion.

The new research builds on smaller CDC studies, including one that found that people in 10 states who became infected in July were more likely to have dined at a restaurant

So their study is largely based on a “guesstimates “ erroring on the side of doom and gloom, as the CDC must.......... Again even with all that a 1.25 % effect on transmission reduction due to those mask mandates and tyrannical lockdown policies. So we killed businesses, families , mental health ,education , the economy , American rights , and implemented tyranny for a maximum 1.25 % gain .

Again someone tell me how the the lockdowns were better for all Americans ? Because once again the data shows overwhelming , indisputable evidence , that the mask mandated lockdowns employed by our democratic leaders in these areas caused 10 fold the destruction to America than did the virus
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       03-08-2021, 12:21 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Fuel prices fluctuate on the regular, rise every single spring and into summer. Hard to believe little markie hasn't noticed a pattern after decades of experiencing it. Its just Hannity, Carlson and the crew are telling him that this is what we are whining about this week. Hes a good little parrot. Everything he posts is straight off the pages of FOX, including Biden "inviting" Covid positive illegals into the country, Cuomo has to go and how great the Republican Govs are that are reopening and eliminating mask mandates during a pandemic.
So allowing easier access and promoting illegals to cross the border from the 2nd worst covid population in the world isn’t bad?

Cuomo killing thousands and then trying to cover it up isn’t criminal ?

Gas prices do rise come summer , especially when the blend changes. Those increases don’t usually happen for another 46-60 days in most areas. We are already up over a 1.00 from where we were prior to his executive orders.

It’s weird you mention patterns. Especially being a pro climate change idiot. Because weather patterns have changed the same for centuries , well before gas powered vehicles came about.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-08-2021, 12:35 PM Reply   
Xstar for the win. You just stomped some libtard ass there. 95 goin down like Kamala on willie brown.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-08-2021, 12:55 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
So allowing easier access and promoting illegals to cross the border from the 2nd worst covid population in the world isn’t bad? So you think Harris and Biden, once they were done poisoning the Nat'l Guard in DC had time to make T-shirts and take Air Force 1 down to Mexico to distribute said T-shirts and invite everyone to a border crossing party?

Cuomo killing thousands and then trying to cover it up isn’t criminal ? Last i checked, no one is backing Cuomo since allegations popped up. Maybe you could point out where any libtard here is a fan boy.

Gas prices do rise come summer , especially when the blend changes. Those increases don’t usually happen for another 46-60 days in most areas. We are already up over a 1.00 from where we were prior to his executive orders. Gas prices fluctuate, always.

It’s weird you mention patterns. Especially being a pro climate change idiot. Because weather patterns have changed the same for centuries , well before gas powered vehicles came about.
Did you start your car in the garage and sit in it for a while w/ no ventilation? Youre giving me a headache too. Why are people in the great Red state of Texas still boiling water to drink? Maybe they misjudged climate change.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-08-2021, 12:57 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Xstar for the win. You just stomped some libtard ass there. 95 goin down like Kamala on willie brown.
Its clear someone here has a major crush on the VP. Back off, shes married.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-08-2021, 1:22 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Did you start your car in the garage and sit in it for a while w/ no ventilation? Youre giving me a headache too. Why are people in the great Red state of Texas still boiling water to drink? Maybe they misjudged climate change.
Your stupidity and utter lack of honesty or authenticity is only outdone by your willingness to embarrass yourself by the fact that you’re so tone deaf to your own condition.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-08-2021, 1:24 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Its clear someone here has a major crush on the VP. Back off, shes married.
Ya that’s it.

For the record, being married didn’t stop the finger raper from finger raping Tara.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-08-2021, 1:51 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Your stupidity and utter lack of honesty or authenticity is only outdone by your willingness to embarrass yourself by the fact that you’re so tone deaf to your own condition.
Why are Texans still boiling drinking water? Was it because they were so prepared for a little cold in Feb? Seems like Neanderthal thinking.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-08-2021, 2:11 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Ya that’s it.

For the record, being married didn’t stop the finger raper from finger raping Tara.
Must be fun living in make believe world.
For the record,
You fully 100% support a guy who has been in court over 2 dozen times on sexual assault claims. Has current court cases pending, one woman with a dress with trump DNA on it. He paid off 2 porn stars before the 2016 campaign to keep them quiet. Cheated on his "trophy wife" .
One day Biden is old, feeble, senile and unable to do the job, the next day hes finger raping chicks from the early 90's? Did Biden spend a decade partying with Epstein like trump did? Why the double standard regarding Biden?
Did Harris do something wrong (also in the 1990's) dating Willie Brown? If so, what? Brown had been separated from his wife for a decade at the time, Harris single. WTF the matter with you? You feel a need to beat down on a women? Make you feel like a big man? Winky no work anymore?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-08-2021, 2:11 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Why are Texans still boiling drinking water? Was it because they were so prepared for a little cold in Feb? Seems like Neanderthal thinking.
Because windmills; solar panels and any other ways used to shut a libtard up are not reliable. Just ask any other R politician who’s tried to compromise with you idiots. Next?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-08-2021, 2:12 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Must be fun living in make believe world.
For the record,
You fully 100% support a guy who has been in court over 2 dozen times on sexual assault claims. Has current court cases pending, one woman with a dress with trump DNA on it. He paid off 2 porn stars before the 2016 campaign to keep them quiet. Cheated on his "trophy wife" .
One day Biden is old, feeble, senile and unable to do the job, the next day hes finger raping chicks from the early 90's? Did Biden spend a decade partying with Epstein like trump did? Why the double standard regarding Biden?
Did Harris do something wrong (also in the 1990's) dating Willie Brown? If so, what? Brown had been separated from his wife for a decade at the time, Harris single. WTF the matter with you? You feel a need to beat down on a women? Make you feel like a big man? Winky no work anymore?
Your pants are on fire.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       03-08-2021, 2:48 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Because windmills; solar panels and any other ways used to shut a libtard up are not reliable. Just ask any other R politician who’s tried to compromise with you idiots. Next?
Ha ha that's funny,
1. Texas electrical system is 20% renewable
2. Texas gas and nuclear power plants went offline because they haven't between winterized
3. Norway uses a large % of wind and solar and they have much more brutal weather than Texas.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-08-2021, 2:57 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Your pants are on fire.
Cant come up with a single rational reason for the double standard. Just what they tell you to say?
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       03-08-2021, 3:25 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Did you start your car in the garage and sit in it for a while w/ no ventilation? Youre giving me a headache too. Why are people in the great Red state of Texas still boiling water to drink? Maybe they misjudged climate change.
Seriously man. Your responses are always the biggest piles deflection and outlandish accusations, it is truly aughable. You can’t answer a single question truthfully when you know it’s burries your warped idiotic views.

I see being slapped with the most recent coronavirus stats, that again showcase your mental retardation, has you speechless yet again.

People didn’t cross the border in droves during Trump time because of the fear of being prosecuted. His strong rhetoric , logical policies , and consistent fight for secure borders was enough to reduce that influx significantly.

Biden / Harris and the rest of the dems campaigned on loosening border restrictions, giving blanket am swath to those who were able to find their way here , and have consistently spoke out in favor of illegals entering the country. Now that’s happening at every turn. Much like yourself , their only response is to deflect and blame Trump. Now we have Venezuelans about to do the same exact thing. Good ol Joe is on record wanting to restrict travel between states , yet wants to give illegals citizenship and government money if they’re able to make it here. Let’s let even more possibly infected people into our country, let’s pay for them

Seems like something we’d expect from a guy stumbling and bumbling through his first 2 months. Guy can’t even remember people’s names. I mean he’s only the defense secretary.

Last edited by xstarrider; 03-08-2021 at 3:31 PM.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-08-2021, 4:38 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Seriously man. Your responses are always the biggest piles deflection and outlandish accusations, it is truly aughable. You can’t answer a single question truthfully when you know it’s burries your warped idiotic views.

I see being slapped with the most recent coronavirus stats, that again showcase your mental retardation, has you speechless yet again.

People didn’t cross the border in droves during Trump time because of the fear of being prosecuted. His strong rhetoric , logical policies , and consistent fight for secure borders was enough to reduce that influx significantly.

Biden / Harris and the rest of the dems campaigned on loosening border restrictions, giving blanket am swath to those who were able to find their way here , and have consistently spoke out in favor of illegals entering the country. Now that’s happening at every turn. Much like yourself , their only response is to deflect and blame Trump. Now we have Venezuelans about to do the same exact thing. Good ol Joe is on record wanting to restrict travel between states , yet wants to give illegals citizenship and government money if they’re able to make it here. Let’s let even more possibly infected people into our country, let’s pay for them

Seems like something we’d expect from a guy stumbling and bumbling through his first 2 months. Guy can’t even remember people’s names. I mean he’s only the defense secretary.
Maybe you missed it, I responded in RED above. I agree Trumps rhetoric and zero tolerance policy created less push at the border. Most Americans disagree with zero tolerance. Zero tolerance isnt an immigration plan. Biden ran on creating a workable modern immigration policy , reinstating visa policy and fixing DACA, not on opening the border. Thats what hes trying to do. He wants to create a path to citizenship for the qualified, still going to take 8-12 years to citizenship, lots of hoops to jump thru.
Biden has stumbled and bumbled to an approval rating over 60%. Why would trump say its a disaster? Cant stop lying, still saying he won. Remind me, what was trumps highest approval rating? Funny, if you try to overlook 80 million plus voters and try to steal an election... they wont like you. They might think you cheat.
You cant stop yourself from posting more covid updates. Do this for me. Show me trumps covid numbers, compare and contrast to the drop in positive tests, the drop hospitalizations, increase in vaccination rates and drop in deaths since Biden took over the reins. Feel free to "Guestimate".
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       03-08-2021, 4:47 PM Reply   
Lol, I bet Mark has dropped the 75% of COVID numbers are fake now Hiden is in the whitehouse.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-08-2021, 6:37 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Lol, I bet Mark has dropped the 75% of COVID numbers are fake now Hiden is in the whitehouse.
They did say Covid would go away after the election, lol.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       03-08-2021, 7:30 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
They did say Covid would go away after the election, lol.
Should have went away before the election and not been used a political weapon by the left. , all the statistical data shows nothing worked and that the lefts mega death virus scare tactics were complete bull****. The way blue states handled the virus is downright criminal , the policies they implemented were complete tyranny for political gains , nothing to do with actual science . The complete mismanagement in those areas is on full display at the moment. Crazy how 7 months ago all these points were hit by the right in their fight for freedom. All those dems screaming names and hurling insults in a media loop ..........Now the truth is out and published. With the margin of error the very own CDC itself proves masks requirements with business shutdowns did absolutely nothing to control the virus. NOTHING ! But hey. Wouldn’t expect you to believe science over feelings while hiding in your basement , watching CNN , wearing a hazmat suit.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       03-08-2021, 7:33 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Lol, I bet Mark has dropped the 75% of COVID numbers are fake now Hiden is in the whitehouse.
The leading medical science journal in the world already published their findings regarding the extensive false classification of “covid “ deaths in America, but hey why should we believe the research of highest ranking medical experts in the world .
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       03-08-2021, 7:42 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
I dont see being a restaurant manager or assistant manager, ie, someone who runs the place, to be offering minimum effort. Who can afford to live on grossing $2400 a month. My cheapest 2 bedrooms in Riverside are $1400/mo. Whats take home @ $2400? $1600/mo?
In-N-Out can pay over $15 quite literally for " flipping burgers" and continue to grow and expand across the country.
Why hold government responsible for bad policy , outrageous taxes , and non affordable housing to income ratios that they created ? Instead penalize the businesses for the government’s out of control spending and mismanagement of their state and cities. Yea that seems real
Logical. People can’t afford to live in Commieville because their elected officials have made it that way. Not the businesses. Maybe they just need more social programs . Yea that’s it.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-08-2021, 10:32 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Cant come up with a single rational reason for the double standard. Just what they tell you to say?
Double standard? Like the press the finger raper got on his finger raping vs Kavanaugh? Yours is THE party of double standards and we see them EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Double standards...... F you.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-08-2021, 10:45 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Maybe you missed it, I responded in RED above. I agree Trumps rhetoric and zero tolerance policy created less push at the border. Most Americans disagree with zero tolerance. Zero tolerance isnt an immigration plan. Biden ran on creating a workable modern immigration policy , reinstating visa policy and fixing DACA, not on opening the border. Thats what hes trying to do. He wants to create a path to citizenship for the qualified, still going to take 8-12 years to citizenship, lots of hoops to jump thru.
Biden has stumbled and bumbled to an approval rating over 60%. Why would trump say its a disaster? Cant stop lying, still saying he won. Remind me, what was trumps highest approval rating? Funny, if you try to overlook 80 million plus voters and try to steal an election... they wont like you. They might think you cheat.
You cant stop yourself from posting more covid updates. Do this for me. Show me trumps covid numbers, compare and contrast to the drop in positive tests, the drop hospitalizations, increase in vaccination rates and drop in deaths since Biden took over the reins. Feel free to "Guestimate".
Ok this is where you dive into madness. Zero tolerance for illegal aliens IS AN IMMIGRATION PLAN, idiot! IT’S ALSO THE FRIGGIN LAW!!! Biden’s “workable policy” is the same as Obummer’s: let em sneak in and deny a crisis exists when you’re caught doing it. For that matter, where did they put the cages? Did they recycle the metal parts? Where are those kids all kept at now?

No matter how you slice it, we’re being invaded by people who mostly take, don’t even want or try to speak our language, want to still wave their own native country’s flags and don’t offer anything that valuable in return.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-08-2021, 10:50 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Lol, I bet Mark has dropped the 75% of COVID numbers are fake now Hiden is in the whitehouse.
It’s the COVID death count that’s utter BS. Even a moron like 95 knows it.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       03-09-2021, 2:54 AM Reply   
you can raise minimum wage to whatever you want, the market will just raise the cost of everything needed to compensate it. So milk will be 8 bucks, gas 8 bucks. anything that needs to be shipped or moved or grown etc will just go up. Jeans 200 bucks a pair. We can argue this till the cows come home. its reality. The part that will have the most impact is younger, lower income people who have no skills and need entry level work. It will also lower the middle class. So those making 20 to 30 bucks an hour will be moved out of the middle and put in the lower. The median household income is aprox 65k ish. so those will be estimated to 45k ish The base would be 30k a year, vs 15k for base minimum wage. Go for it.
Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       03-09-2021, 5:45 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
There’s a reason you don’t see any libtards posting here lately. They can’t explain the 95sn show going on right now that we sane people warned about 6 months ago.
The only post I have in this thread, is because I thought I was posting in the Trump for president thread, because there was so much talk about Trump in here. Biden for president didn't make any sense to begin with, because he had already had been elected president for two months before this thread even started. And finally arguing with TrumpTard Mark is like playing chess with a pigeon, he struts back and forth kicking all of the pieces over bragging to everyone how he is "winning" just like the Trump presidency, congratulation, you "win"
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       03-09-2021, 5:48 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
you can raise minimum wage to whatever you want, the market will just raise the cost of everything needed to compensate it. So milk will be 8 bucks, gas 8 bucks. anything that needs to be shipped or moved or grown etc will just go up. Jeans 200 bucks a pair. We can argue this till the cows come home. its reality. The part that will have the most impact is younger, lower income people who have no skills and need entry level work. It will also lower the middle class. So those making 20 to 30 bucks an hour will be moved out of the middle and put in the lower. The median household income is aprox 65k ish. so those will be estimated to 45k ish The base would be 30k a year, vs 15k for base minimum wage. Go for it.
Yeah. You have to know that is not true. That is the same argument made every time there is a min wage discussion and it never comes to pass. Who in the entire chain from reservoir to gas pump is working for less than $15? Maybe the gas station attendant. Of the thousands of people your fuel passes through only one person, and remember he/she is actually in retail and the increased costs would be spread across everything in the shop from sodas, to snacks and not just fuel. You aren't going to see fuel prices go up.

The reality is that it will not make much of a difference to you or I, but an extra $2-$3 dollars an hour raise for someone working full-time equates to a several hundred dollars a month and could make the difference between being evicted or not, feeding kids or not, going to the doctor or not. Like it or not, in the US we have incentivized sitting on your butt and collecting a check. If the gap between sitting on your butt and working your butt off at a menial job is too small, what do you think people are going to do?

I'm not saying that $15 is the magic number or that there shouldn't be a provision for part-time and under 18 workers, etc, but paying a full-time worker $7.25 should be criminal.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       03-09-2021, 5:51 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Should have went away before the election and not been used a political weapon by the left. , all the statistical data shows nothing worked and that the lefts mega death virus scare tactics were complete bull****. The way blue states handled the virus is downright criminal , the policies they implemented were complete tyranny for political gains , nothing to do with actual science . The complete mismanagement in those areas is on full display at the moment. Crazy how 7 months ago all these points were hit by the right in their fight for freedom. All those dems screaming names and hurling insults in a media loop ..........Now the truth is out and published. With the margin of error the very own CDC itself proves masks requirements with business shutdowns did absolutely nothing to control the virus. NOTHING ! But hey. Wouldn’t expect you to believe science over feelings while hiding in your basement , watching CNN , wearing a hazmat suit.

How come the flu numbers have been so low this year? Just a coincidence?
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       03-09-2021, 6:17 AM Reply   
"That is the same argument made every time there is a min wage discussion and it never comes to pass"

Thats because it was done in small increments before. Doubling it over night will have consequences, especially to small businesses.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-09-2021, 6:24 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by joeshmoe View Post
The only post I have in this thread, is because I thought I was posting in the Trump for president thread, because there was so much talk about Trump in here. Biden for president didn't make any sense to begin with, because he had already had been elected president for two months before this thread even started. And finally arguing with TrumpTard Mark is like playing chess with a pigeon, he struts back and forth kicking all of the pieces over bragging to everyone how he is "winning" just like the Trump presidency, congratulation, you "win"
Your best post to date. Atta boy, dummy.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-09-2021, 6:39 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
How come the flu numbers have been so low this year? Just a coincidence?
I’m betting they haven’t been as low as advertised. They’ve just been incorrectly counted as Kung flu. I actually know someone who got both types (COVID and influenza B) at the same time. He’s a doctor in Texas. He said it was by far the sickest he’s ever been. Interesting part is his wife never caught either one from him and she didn’t change her behavior around him-like sleeping in the same bed with him hacking, didn’t avoid him etc.

Oh also, I know a different doc who took the vaccine recently and got a 107 degree fever from it. I know one other person who took it and got a 106 degree fever from it as well. There are many medical people who are not going to take the vaccine.

Last edited by markj; 03-09-2021 at 6:43 AM.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-09-2021, 6:55 AM Reply   
Now, thanks to the finger raper’s new policies, we have an official crisis, “er not a crisis.”. Thanks Joe! Who’s ready to go volunteer to clean up after Mexicans? Don’t everybody raise their hands at once!

This crisis was CREATED by Biden’s policies. They’re catching them and releasing them INTO our country now. No longer do they have to wait in Mexico. COVID people and all have a welcome mat put out for them. This is treason.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       03-09-2021, 7:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
I’m betting they haven’t been as low as advertised. They’ve just been incorrectly counted as Kung flu. I actually know someone who got both types (COVID and influenza B) at the same time. He’s a doctor in Texas. He said it was by far the sickest he’s ever been. Interesting part is his wife never caught either one from him and she didn’t change her behavior around him-like sleeping in the same bed with him hacking, didn’t avoid him etc.

Oh also, I know a different doc who took the vaccine recently and got a 107 degree fever from it. I know one other person who took it and got a 106 degree fever from it as well. There are many medical people who are not going to take the vaccine.
That was a weird ramble. So rather than rely on the folks who have collected this data for decades, we should defer to your gut?

Even assume that's true and we've had the worst flu season in a decade, that'd put us at about 70,000 flu deaths.

However, judging by sick days at my office, and friends' experiences, other than folks who got covid, everyone has been quite healthy this year. No flu, no colds. Strange coincidence in a year we've worn ineffective masks and practiced ineffective social distancing.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-09-2021, 7:08 AM Reply   
Hey Shawn, did you help vote this trash in? You know, when I was a kid, I remember learning about other forms of government and being so thankful we were a free country. Then, the public school teachers hatched their long game plan to indoctrinate children. Well played, teachers. Well played. Now we’re screwed.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-09-2021, 7:11 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
That was a weird ramble. So rather than rely on the folks who have collected this data for decades, we should defer to your gut?

Even assume that's true and we've had the worst flu season in a decade, that'd put us at about 70,000 flu deaths.

However, judging by sick days at my office, and friends' experiences, other than folks who got covid, everyone has been quite healthy this year. No flu, no colds. Strange coincidence in a year we've worn ineffective masks and practiced ineffective social distancing.
Yeah let’s just file that under “COVID thoughts for the day with attached anecdotes.”

For the record, I’m not claiming my bet as a fact.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-09-2021, 7:15 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
That was a weird ramble. So rather than rely on the folks who have collected this data for decades, we should defer to your gut?

Even assume that's true and we've had the worst flu season in a decade, that'd put us at about 70,000 flu deaths.

However, judging by sick days at my office, and friends' experiences, other than folks who got covid, everyone has been quite healthy this year. No flu, no colds. Strange coincidence in a year we've worn ineffective masks and practiced ineffective social distancing.
Hey, here’s one of the reverend Fauci’s greatest hits.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-09-2021, 7:49 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Should have went away before the election and not been used a political weapon by the left. , all the statistical data shows nothing worked and that the lefts mega death virus scare tactics were complete bull****. The way blue states handled the virus is downright criminal , the policies they implemented were complete tyranny for political gains , nothing to do with actual science . The complete mismanagement in those areas is on full display at the moment. Crazy how 7 months ago all these points were hit by the right in their fight for freedom. All those dems screaming names and hurling insults in a media loop ..........Now the truth is out and published. With the margin of error the very own CDC itself proves masks requirements with business shutdowns did absolutely nothing to control the virus. NOTHING ! But hey. Wouldn’t expect you to believe science over feelings while hiding in your basement , watching CNN , wearing a hazmat suit.
Guy is asked to wear a simple mask like every one on the globe and his response is "tyranny", "scare tactics", "Criminal" "done for political gain" and on and on. Why look at the world like youre a poor victim? Wear a mask not because your Gov't asks you to, but because it works, because it protects your family, your friends, your community, the people you serve? What political gains? The govs are all getting flack from every corner, none look good. Newsome under recall. What Gov gained anything? Your arguments make no sense. As a public servant your job is to protect and serve the public, all you do and say is corrupt and makes matters worse. Get into another line of work if your beliefs interfere and you cant do the job.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-09-2021, 8:01 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Hey Shawn, did you help vote this trash in? You know, when I was a kid, I remember learning about other forms of government and being so thankful we were a free country. Then, the public school teachers hatched their long game plan to indoctrinate children. Well played, teachers. Well played. Now we’re screwed.
I cant stop posting FOX news. Im indoctrinated in FOX hatching FOX long term game plan to indoctrinate non-believers. Now Im screwed. We lost again, we shouldnt let them vote.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-09-2021, 8:04 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Hey, here’s one of the reverend Fauci’s greatest hits.
First few words, March 4, 2020, "we shouldnt need to wear masks" My how things have changed.

Context matters. Unless you cant wrap your head around information.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-09-2021, 8:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Guy is asked to wear a simple mask like every one on the globe and his response is "tyranny", "scare tactics", "Criminal" "done for political gain" and on and on. Why look at the world like youre a poor victim? Wear a mask not because your Gov't asks you to, but because it works, because it protects your family, your friends, your community, the people you serve? What political gains? The govs are all getting flack from every corner, none look good. Newsome under recall. What Gov gained anything? Your arguments make no sense. As a public servant your job is to protect and serve the public, all you do and say is corrupt and makes matters worse. Get into another line of work if your beliefs interfere and you cant do the job.
It’s early, but I think we have a winner for most idiotic post of the day here. You win! Also, since you clearly missed it, here’s your boy telling us how to do it... or not.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-09-2021, 8:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
I don't think anyone wants more undocumented people roaming the streets. We want meaningful and effective immigration reform, but neither party is offering that.

Higher gas prices equals better jobs for the oil industry. Go check the rig count.

$15/hr is below the starting pay for most every job already. If little caesars down the street has "pay starting at $16/hr" and manages to sell $5 pizzas, I think all business will be alright.
Republicans have been offering sane immigration the whole time. Immigration reform is code word for how to we allow Mexico to send people from their bread lines to the US ahead of the line from the rest of the world. There will never be an infinite number of slots to fill the US. If we do, the country is done as we know it. Once you have more that are willing to vote for gifts from the government that are willing to put in, then it is over.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-09-2021, 8:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
How come the flu numbers have been so low this year? Just a coincidence?
Easy. Don't count it as flu. add it to the covid numbers.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-09-2021, 8:09 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
"That is the same argument made every time there is a min wage discussion and it never comes to pass"

Thats because it was done in small increments before. Doubling it over night will have consequences, especially to small businesses.
I dont disagree entirely. Min wage hasnt been raised since 2009, lets blame congress. So, in your opinion, what would be a reasonable plan or hike? Its ok to disagree but have an idea what might work and go from there. "No", isnt a plan forward.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-09-2021, 8:12 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
First few words, March 4, 2020, "we shouldnt need to wear masks" My how things have changed.

Context matters. Unless you cant wrap your head around information.
Oh so context matters when your side needs that consideration? Priceless. You F-tards write the book on hypocrisy and double standards.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-09-2021, 8:15 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Republicans have been offering sane immigration the whole time. Immigration reform is code word for how to we allow Mexico to send people from their bread lines to the US ahead of the line from the rest of the world. There will never be an infinite number of slots to fill the US. If we do, the country is done as we know it. Once you have more that are willing to vote for gifts from the government that are willing to put in, then it is over.
Some would argue that we’re already there. Especially when considering 2 trillion dollar libtard pork bills and talk about another in April.

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