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Old     (buffalow)      Join Date: Apr 2002       01-27-2020, 3:04 AM Reply   
Damn! Tragic. I am very sad.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       01-27-2020, 3:20 AM Reply   
Sadder still that his daughter and other youngsters died. Sounds like the helicopter flight was given special dispensation ($$$) to fly in poor/foggy conditions. Law enforcement copters had been grounded due to the weather.
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       01-27-2020, 4:03 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by pesos View Post
Sadder still that his daughter and other youngsters died. Sounds like the helicopter flight was given special dispensation ($$$) to fly in poor/foggy conditions. Law enforcement copters had been grounded due to the weather.
ATC doesn't ask how much money you have. The pilot, however, certainly felt some pressure to get his pax there on time. sounds completely avoidable.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       01-27-2020, 8:29 AM Reply
Old     (MooSeMan)      Join Date: Sep 2017       01-31-2020, 6:16 PM Reply   
grant you have to be the BIGGEST Putz in the World...

If you know me ,You know Im one of the biggest LAKER fans,Never been to a game Never owned a jersey,But when I was a kid every Morning i would run out to the Drive way to get the REGISTER,to see if the LAKERS WON the night before,,,20 years ago when i moved to No.County I couldn't see LAKERS any more ,BUT I found a Spot next to the Encinitas library on top of the hill,I could get channel 9 and I could get away game on my little T.V I had in my Van...RIP Kobe the Worlds going to Miss You...


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