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Old     (rdlangston13)      Join Date: Feb 2011       11-26-2019, 11:18 PM Reply   
A question for the left leaning folks of WW. Why do the democrats all seem to hate Tulsi Gabbard? She is the more sane candidate left and if she wins the primary, probably gives ya'll the best bet at beating Donald Trump yet it seems like everyone who has any clout in the DNC hates her. I don't understand.
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       11-27-2019, 2:59 AM Reply   
She isn't part of the good ol boys club that tows the party line
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       11-27-2019, 8:32 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by rdlangston13 View Post
A question for the left leaning folks of WW. Why do the democrats all seem to hate Tulsi Gabbard? She is the more sane candidate left and if she wins the primary, probably gives ya'll the best bet at beating Donald Trump yet it seems like everyone who has any clout in the DNC hates her. I don't understand.
She is not an establishment weasel so as far as DNC is concerned No Bueno. Her and The Yang.
Old     (rdlangston13)      Join Date: Feb 2011       12-01-2019, 10:01 PM Reply   
I guess so. Just find it amazing that she gets attacked the most like she is so out there. And it’s not just by her opponents, even the debate moderators seem to have it out for her. She honestly is the dems best chance at beating trump yet they try to team up against her every chance they get. Guess she’s not ugly enough to be the democratic female candidate
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-02-2019, 7:24 AM Reply   
She is polling, what 1%?
Best chance? The last poll I read had all the top 5 or so Dems beating trump. She wasn't one of them.
I think Yang is the one who has received the least talk time in all the debates.
Not convinced Dems run on looks, is that really what you think? Do you know much about Amy Klobuchar? I think she is a real deal moderate.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       12-29-2019, 12:19 AM Reply   
She's the Dems best candidate, but she's not a socialist, so there is not reason for her to run. Sad
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-02-2020, 1:44 PM Reply   
There is only one socialist running, Bernie. Why you so sad?
Old     (ottog1979)      Join Date: Apr 2007       01-03-2020, 4:23 AM Reply   
She surfs (and in the winter). I'll give her that.


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