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View Poll Results: Was this a real attack or somthing made up.
Real Attack 0 0%
Hoax 11 100.00%
Voters: 11. You may not vote on this poll

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Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-15-2019, 4:23 PM Reply   
Do you think this is a Hoax or a Real assault
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-15-2019, 4:29 PM Reply   
Smells stinky. Im 60/40 hoax at this point.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-15-2019, 4:29 PM Reply   
Jussie says he was Jumped @ 2am In Chicago on his way back from getting somthing to eat This was on a Freezing night. He says he was attacked by 2 WHITE guys wearing Ski Masks that beat him and put a noose around his neck threw Bleach on him, and yelled homophobic slurs at him and then said “This is MAGA Country” to him.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-16-2019, 9:36 PM Reply   

I think you dumma craps got things twisted . Normal people people hear “Make America Great Again”. Dumma craps heard “Make America FAKE Again”

Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-16-2019, 9:57 PM Reply   
Anyone with half a brain could see all the red flags immediately in this story. It’s a made up piece of garbage to a dying actor who’s about to lose his job on a show nobody watches. The detectives in the case knew within 48hrs this entire thing was bs and spent the rest of the time gathering all the evidence proving this story was a complete hoax. Just wait. You’re also gonna probably hear these guys are the source of the racist, threatening letters being sent to the Empire cast . You think every news media outlet and political hack shedding fake tears of a tragedy that never happened will condem him as hard as they did the “racists “ that allegedly attack him?

I just want to know if they’re are gonna charge him criminally for his actions here in Cook County , or if he’s gonna be able to pull the struggling black actor, woe is me card and disappear. Think everyone who condemned America comes out and apologizes ?

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Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-17-2019, 4:04 AM Reply   
LOL ; the A list of Lib Tards that lined up to Some how Bash & BLAME Trump is To long. I know Wes loves to post Twitter screen shots so he should love these.

I like the part of his Interview with Robin Robins where he talks about fighting back from the attack and punching the attacked back lol lol lol
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Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-17-2019, 4:12 AM Reply   
And don’t you love how the answer the Dumma Craps have for this fake attack is a NEW law! Yes thanks Cory Booker. That’s what we all needed another law.
And one more thing the Lib tards say “Trump loves to devide us” Ummm no u idiots You love to devide us. This fake attack is only the tip of the ice berg. The left is a Evil evil bitter and crazy bunch of folks.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-17-2019, 9:17 AM Reply   
When you have to hire out of towners to Create your own fake Hate crime.
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Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-17-2019, 10:22 PM Reply   
Jussie Smollett paid two brothers to stage an attack against him, directed them to buy items used in the alleged assault and actually rehearsed it with them, sources say.

Sources say at least one of the brothers bought the rope used in the incident at Smollett’s request. The sources also say the “Empire” actor paid for the rope, which was purchased at the Crafty Beaver Hardware Store in the Ravenswood neighborhood the weekend of Jan. 25.

The brothers, who were questioned by police this week before being released, were paid $3,500 before leaving for Nigeria and were promised an additional $500 upon their return.

They left for Nigeria later in the day on Jan. 29, after the attack.

Sources said one of the brothers held the rope and poured bleach while the other wore a plain red hat and yelled slurs at Smollett.

The sources say the red hat was bought at an Uptown beauty supply store and that the attack was supposed to happen before Jan. 29. The brothers told detectives the three men rehearsed the attack days prior to the event

Think he gets immediately fired and put in prison ? Or does he pulll the woe is me as a black actor card and head to counseling ?
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       02-18-2019, 7:15 AM Reply   
America so racist you gotta hire two Nigerians to stage an attack. Imagine what a better world we'd have without liberals.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-18-2019, 8:17 AM Reply   
This guy has 2 things going for him to keep him out of jail . #1 he can use his Black card if that doesn’t work he has the Gay card. If things get real tough he can combine the 2 cards and I’m sure he will walk.

Funny how we hear ZERO about this from the Vocal left. Ya know the ones that we’re so quick to blame Trump. So so quick to condemn and blame Trump and his supporters. Total Silance when it comes to walking it back. The list of celebs that blamed Trump on Twitter is very long. You think one of them will apologize? LOL LOL this is just one of Many FAKE HATE crimes. Ya know the exact same ones that people said happend right after trump got ellected. I’ll gaurentee you that more then 1/2 of all reported TRUMP hate crimes are FAKE. And I guess we can’t blame the Left. This is what they do This is who they are. They are actors, artists, writers, Musicians, they make $hit up for a living, what do you expect they are gonna do in their down time!!!! These POS people that screen at the sky and stomp their feet, these are the vocal Minority, thank god the average American is nothing like these Lib tards.
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       02-18-2019, 8:23 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
This guy has 2 things going for him to keep him out of jail . #1 he can use his Black card if that doesn’t work he has the Gay card. If things get real tough he can combine the 2 cards and I’m sure he will walk.

Funny how we hear ZERO about this from the Vocal left. Ya know the ones that we’re so quick to blame Trump. So so quick to condemn and blame Trump and his supporters. Total Silance when it comes to walking it back. The list of celebs that blamed Trump on Twitter is very long. You think one of them will apologize? LOL LOL this is just one of Many FAKE HATE crimes. Ya know the exact same ones that people said happend right after trump got ellected. I’ll gaurentee you that more then 1/2 of all reported TRUMP hate crimes are FAKE. And I guess we can’t blame the Left. This is what they do This is who they are. They are actors, artists, writers, Musicians, they make $hit up for a living, what do you expect they are gonna do in their down time!!!! These POS people that screen at the sky and stomp their feet, these are the vocal Minority, thank god the average American is nothing like these Lib tards.
He's actually a jew too, surprised that hasn't came out yet. That's the beauty of being a liberal, Grant. You're never wrong, never have to own up to anything, it's always the other sides fault for all the worlds problems & no matter how many time the lefts policies decimate places, it's always because they didn't soak the rich enough. NYC & Cali high taxes & retardation sending people fleeing to other states? It isn't the high taxes that's the problem, it's that other states have to low of taxes & should be raised to prevent the mass exoduses.

Last edited by wombat2wombat; 02-18-2019 at 8:25 AM.
Old     (onlyinboards)      Join Date: Oct 2014       02-18-2019, 8:36 AM Reply   
I lean left and I say fire him, shame him and prosecute if possible.
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       02-18-2019, 8:42 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by onlyinboards View Post
I lean left and I say fire him, shame him and prosecute if possible.
It's a class 4 felony in IL & he'll never be prosecuted for it
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-18-2019, 11:10 AM Reply   
Think of what this total F tard was willing to do to further his agenda? Faking a lynching & the racist attack just dosent effect him. Think of the trickle down & the people that have been a victim of a REAL racist attack I’m sure they wonder if people question them now that this and other losers like him have faked attacks. What about the people that are already “on edge” when it comes to Racial tension, how do you think it effected them? this Fake story had the potential to to cause widespread violence and chaos. Example look at what the False narrative & wide spread violence & even Death “Hands up Dont shoot” brought to Ferguson. The wide spread high profile fake story’s that the Media shared Triggerd police shootings, looting, business being burnt to the ground. Jussie Smolette knew what he was doing. He wanted to light a powder keg & watch things burn. I think what he did was calculated and he needs to be made a example of. I hope what comes of this is. When news breaks people wait for all the facts to come out until they fully react. Slow to anger.
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       02-18-2019, 11:15 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
Think of what this total F tard was willing to do to further his agenda? Faking a lynching & the racist attack just dosent effect him. Think of the trickle down & the people that have been a victim of a REAL racist attack I’m sure they wonder if people question them now that this and other losers like him have faked attacks. What about the people that are already “on edge” when it comes to Racial tension, how do you think it effected them? this Fake story had the potential to to cause widespread violence and chaos. Example look at what the False narrative & wide spread violence & even Death “Hands up Dont shoot” brought to Ferguson. The wide spread high profile fake story’s that the Media shared Triggerd police shootings, looting, business being burnt to the ground. Jussie Smolette knew what he was doing. He wanted to light a powder keg & watch things burn. I think what he did was calculated and he needs to be made a example of. I hope what comes of this is. When news breaks people wait for all the facts to come out until they fully react. Slow to anger.
I think he did a wonderful job at exposing the hypocrisy of the left & that they're fools fed a constant stream of propaganda they fall for every time. It also exposed their Nazi tactics of trying to diminish any ones new source that isn't their own as fake, racist, etc but "alt-right" news sources were correct & even as if fell apart neonazi left tried to continue their charade & now they're back tracking, deleting tweets. It exposed a false narrative fed to liberal sheep to keep them worked up & that it works.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-18-2019, 12:23 PM Reply   
Yup: Jussie hired a media crisis firm to handle all the backlash. One of the first statements.” Jussie is being further Being victimized, by these allegations!” LOL LOL LOL, your right always the victim even when your not.

What a Black History Month it has been!
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       02-18-2019, 4:03 PM Reply   
LOL, now he staged it because he received a racist letter at the studio & they didn't do anything about it. This just gets better & better.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-18-2019, 4:28 PM Reply   
Ahhh. I speak Liberial-a-nees’ what he was trying to say Was, He wrote his OWN hate male. Then because he didnt get the attention, he staged his OWN hate crime. Did you see the alleged Hate letter? LOL LOL LOL
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Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-19-2019, 2:52 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by wombat2wombat View Post
LOL, now he staged it because he received a racist letter at the studio & they didn't do anything about it. This just gets better & better.
The only problem is ..........he and the two brother sent the letter , and they have the evidence to support that as well. They are putting on the finishing touches. Since this involved multiple black offenders , the Cook County States Attorney’s Office makes you jump through all kinds of nonsensical hoops before they will charge. Also talk of him receiving federal charges for the mailed threats.
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       02-19-2019, 2:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
The only problem is ..........he and the two brother sent the letter , and they have the evidence to support that as well. They are putting on the finishing touches. Since this involved multiple black offenders , the Cook County States Attorney’s Office makes you jump through all kinds of nonsensical hoops before they will charge. Also talk of him receiving federal charges for the mailed threats.
While I would love to see that, probation and a fine is the all that’ll happen if that. Chicago PD will cave to the public outcry’s and mayors orders
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-19-2019, 7:15 AM Reply   
I saw the news was saying. When it comes to a Hoax like this Jussie is 100% at fault not the brothers. Example Jussie tells the brothers to send a Hate mail letter to him. The brothers agree and they send the “Hate Mail” to Jussie as agreed. Jussie knew about the hate mail in advance & even asked for it. Jussie knew in advance it WAS NOT REAL. Jussie broke the law when he reported the Fake hate mail as REAL hate mail. Same goes for the attack! It’s Perfectly legal for the brothers to do what they (allegedly) did if it was arranged and agreed-upon by both parties in advance. All 3 involved were actors. The brothers were paid for it. The crime was commited the moment Jussie reported a Fake crime as a real one. He should be Prosecuted
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       02-19-2019, 7:54 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
He should be Prosecuted
He won't be. The outcry will be too much & the higher ups in the city will have the DA drop it or a slap on the wrist.
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       02-19-2019, 5:05 PM Reply   
Plot twist; he's the first american to scam some Nigerians & is an american hero
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-20-2019, 11:31 AM Reply   
^^^ not so fast. I saw a YouTube, video where a guy documents him scamming a group of Nigerian scammers try and search for it. Here is what happens I thought it was hilarious. A guy that was a attempted victim turn the tables on a group of Nigerian scammers He documents how he told them that he was a Hollywood movie producer and that finding new talent here in the US had become so expensive that he was looking for some actors in foreign lands. After many many emails back-and-forth he convinces these scammers to dress up like the village people and make a music video of it. He plays these scammers like a Violen. Not only getting them to dress up like the Village People and make what ever video he asked for he gets them to all say their real names on camera. He uses “his scam” to totally run these guys in circles for Months it had me cracking up. Some people have some serious commitment and nothing but time. I was impressed.
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       02-20-2019, 12:34 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
^^^ not so fast. I saw a YouTube, video where a guy documents him scamming a group of Nigerian scammers try and search for it. Here is what happens I thought it was hilarious. A guy that was a attempted victim turn the tables on a group of Nigerian scammers He documents how he told them that he was a Hollywood movie producer and that finding new talent here in the US had become so expensive that he was looking for some actors in foreign lands. After many many emails back-and-forth he convinces these scammers to dress up like the village people and make a music video of it. He plays these scammers like a Violen. Not only getting them to dress up like the Village People and make what ever video he asked for he gets them to all say their real names on camera. He uses “his scam” to totally run these guys in circles for Months it had me cracking up. Some people have some serious commitment and nothing but time. I was impressed.
I saw something like that, it was rather hilarious.

The brothers piped up & now won't speak to the grand jury. I say again, nothing is going to happen to this fraud.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       02-20-2019, 12:39 PM Reply   
He should at least be billed for the time and money spent on the investigation.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-20-2019, 2:43 PM Reply   
I saw that some Chicago 'locals" were Upset that the Chicago police were able to get to the bottom of this Hoax so quickly, And yet the Police were not able to solve Murders of their loved ones years later. And YES wait for it!!!!!!! Its Racist. They claim that because this investigation made Jussie (A black man) look bad that all the Chicago Police's resources went into it.
Well Now Chicago Police say Jussie is a Official Suspect in a class 4 felony LOL LOL LOL LOL
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       02-20-2019, 5:23 PM Reply   
^^^Love it! One more liberal fake victim goin down in a ball of flames.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       02-20-2019, 5:30 PM Reply   
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Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-20-2019, 6:17 PM Reply   
Jussie charged with Disorderly Conduct?? are you kidding me? This seems strange? . I’m no Lawyer but could this be a case where they have charged him with a crime that will be easy to disprove and get dropped or dismissed. Example they charge a guy that was drunk driving with “Reckless Driving”, and they prove he didn’t meet the definition of reckless driving so they drop all charges. Why not just charge him with filing a false police report.
Old     (Laker1234)      Join Date: Mar 2010       02-20-2019, 6:59 PM Reply   
He is being charged with a felony, as far as I can tell, but will probably be let off with a slap on the wrist.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-20-2019, 7:03 PM Reply   
The crazy’s are already brewing up story’s, like Kamala Harris & Jussie worked together to make this fake hate crime to make trump look bad, yea right! But on the other hand I’m praying to little baby jeasus that this story has some more crazy twist like that, this has to be turned into a A&E Mini series movie. I was cracking up. Cardie B who I think SUCKs so bad. She was pissed and said Jussie F-d up Black History Month LOL LoL LOl
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-21-2019, 8:55 PM Reply   
Lol lol
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Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       02-23-2019, 9:00 PM Reply   
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Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-24-2019, 10:24 AM Reply   
I saw a guy say. “If Jussie wanted to be a victim of a hate crime so bad all he had to do was wear a MAGA hat”
Sad but true.
How come it has become OK to put hands on and assault people with MAGA hats?? Personally I think just like most things the Dems do it back fires. I’m seeing people that were normally quiet and to them selfs as far as their political views wanting to NOW Wear a MAGA hat. It’s ok to not agree, it’s not ok to ever lay hands on someone, over “your views” I hope these people get the book throw at them and learn to control their emotions.

Example : this woman who is Not even a US citizen going after this guy.

Last edited by grant_west; 02-24-2019 at 10:28 AM.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-04-2019, 9:17 AM Reply   
Anyone Notice how SNL after 3+ weeks has still Not made fun of Jussie. The “Weekend Update” segment is So quick to make Fun of anything consertive, and then total Crickets when it came to addressing a world wide news story that go’s against the lefts Narritave. Both sides are make stupid mistakes why can’t they poke fun at each. Example Trump hugged the American flag at the CPAC convention, just Hrs before the show aired, and they were able to some how make fun and report on it. But a month go’s by and they can’t poke fun a Jussie???

PS. You Tube is full of Jussie Rehersal Attack parody’s. Hella funny.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       03-04-2019, 12:30 PM Reply   
Anyone notice how Grant is a dumbass liar lol
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-04-2019, 5:07 PM Reply   
Yes the did have a FLASH of JS but in no way did they make fun of him in relation to reality.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       03-04-2019, 5:09 PM Reply   
Huh? Can you speak engrish? What exactly are you trying to say?

""Saturday Night Live" poked fun at actor Jussie Smollett in the aftermath of his allegations that he was a victim of a hate crime, which police later said the "Empire" star staged.

Saturday's show featured a sketch titled "Legal Shark Tank" in which Smollett, portrayed by cast member Chris Redd, searched for a lawyer to take on his case.

"Hey everyone, you won't believe this but I was just attacked outside the studio by Donald Trump himself," Redd's Smollett told the panel of attorneys that included Alan Dershowitz, Michael Avenatti, Fox News host Jeanine Pirro and Rudy Giuliani.

"Jussie, is that true?" said Dershowitz, who was played by John Mulaney.

"Are there cameras outside?" Smollett replied. "Then no, it is not."

Smollett told the attorneys he was in search of lawyers because he "broke humanity," and he'd offer a spoiler that his character dies on the next season of "Empire" if they took his case.

"A gay black man lying about an attack," said Pirro, played by Cecily Strong. "I wrote Fox News fan fiction about this but I never thought it would come true."

Mulaney's Dershowitz added that Smollett had "everything I love in a client. You’re famous. You’re probably guilty. End of list.""
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-04-2019, 7:31 PM Reply   
Hey Wes: I love how your WOKE
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       03-26-2019, 7:56 AM Reply   
They dropped the charges. You gotta be f**kin kidding me
Old     (jarrod)      Join Date: May 2003       03-26-2019, 8:28 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by wombat2wombat View Post
They dropped the charges. You gotta be f**kin kidding me
You had to know it was gonna happen like this. There seemed to be a dotted line to Kamala. And we're talking about a democrat run state.
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       03-26-2019, 8:31 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by jarrod View Post
You had to know it was gonna happen like this. There seemed to be a dotted line to Kamala. And we're talking about a democrat run state.
I knew he wouldn't serve time & it'd be a slap on the wrist but just dismissed?

We clearly have a two tiered justice system.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       03-26-2019, 8:36 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by wombat2wombat View Post
They dropped the charges. You gotta be f**kin kidding me
That's complete BS, he should have done time for what he did. Two tier justice system.
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       03-26-2019, 10:25 AM Reply   
Proves you ain't got to be white to enjoy your privilege
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-26-2019, 11:12 AM Reply   
What’s funny is, People here on the lake world and abroad predicted that this would go nowhere because they know and secretly acknowledge a double standard.

What a normal person is going to go out and protest and scream “no justice no peace” like if the shoe was on the other foot.

The people that keep screaming about the inaquality And racial injustice are the biggest hypocrites and cases like this are the exact reason no one will ever take you seriously. Their cause and message is so seriously deluded. The only positive or Silver lining in this cloud is once again fake news lives in breeds.

Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       03-26-2019, 12:08 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
What’s funny is, People here on the lake world and abroad predicted that this would go nowhere because they know and secretly acknowledge a double standard.

What a normal person is going to go out and protest and scream “no justice no peace” like if the shoe was on the other foot.

The people that keep screaming about the inaquality And racial injustice are the biggest hypocrites and cases like this are the exact reason no one will ever take you seriously. Their cause and message is so seriously deluded. The only positive or Silver lining in this cloud is once again fake news lives in breeds.

Sadly it just makes me wish someone would have done all that to him.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       03-27-2019, 1:40 PM Reply   
Welcome to Cook County , Chicago IL justice. This happens daily with armed felony offenders walking out of court daily with non-consequential deals. Just recently we had an off duty policemen killed and his friend shot up for simply being “Mexican “. The killer ...well here is the background.

Essentially the States Attorneys office plead his armed home invision / aggravated battery case , down to a simple “attempt” burglary . Kim Foxx the new head hancho is an Obama lackey put in charge of the Chicago judicial system to keep minoritoes out of prison at all costs. Suspiciay absent from the charges ..... the charge per shot fired they recent charged an on duty officer with for shooting an armed offender 16 times. That officer was charged per shot fired. Thosnoffender who walked up and shot 17 rounds into a park car because the occupants were Mexican. .........yea he’s not charged per bullet fired.

This same judge that let this violent felon off scott free violating the terms of his probation and enabled him to shoot Iona car in the middle of downtown dropped a loaded “ILLEGALLY CARRIED” firearm in the middle of the courthouse lobby ON VIDEO and escaped any charges.

Here is the full smollete packet. You’ll also notice the phone messages from Obama’s chief of staff to the states attorney to drop everything a get it te assigned to the feds who they can influence more.

This **** is unreal. And this is just at the state/local level. This guy still claims he was completely truthful.

Last edited by xstarrider; 03-27-2019 at 1:48 PM.
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       03-27-2019, 1:49 PM Reply   
More dem hoaxes, more cover ups, too many holes to plug & they're all starting to leak. Just a matter of time before it comes crumbling down.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-27-2019, 6:40 PM Reply   
Well it is good to see that the Dems “are at least pretending” to be upset @ the Dropping of the charges. The mayor of Chicago Standing side-by-side with the chief police, expressed his disappointment & recognized the Doubble standard at the dropping of the charges. He made a Funny. The Mayor who Is Jewish said If he had drawn a swastica on his home and reported it as a Hate crime and it was found out that he drew it you could rest assure he would not get off the hook with 18 hrs Comunity service at the Anti-defamation office. That’s awesome a politician calling it like it is Wow what a concept!

And while I’m on the Doubble standard soapbox.
Did anyone catch Snoop Dogs Racist Rant about the Lakers. He said they need to Ship off these “N words” to Africa on a slave ship (referring to the poor game play of the lakers) I had to Laugh. It made me think of Drakes song “Mob Ties”
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       03-28-2019, 6:33 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
Well it is good to see that the Dems “are at least pretending” to be upset @ the Dropping of the charges. The mayor of Chicago Standing side-by-side with the chief police, expressed his disappointment & recognized the Doubble standard at the dropping of the charges. He made a Funny. The Mayor who Is Jewish said If he had drawn a swastica on his home and reported it as a Hate crime and it was found out that he drew it you could rest assure he would not get off the hook with 18 hrs Comunity service at the Anti-defamation office. That’s awesome a politician calling it like it is Wow what a concept!

And while I’m on the Doubble standard soapbox.
Did anyone catch Snoop Dogs Racist Rant about the Lakers. He said they need to Ship off these “N words” to Africa on a slave ship (referring to the poor game play of the lakers) I had to Laugh. It made me think of Drakes song “Mob Ties”
It appears it was a nice political ploy to distract everyone from the Muller report.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-28-2019, 8:59 AM Reply   
Doubble Standard Alert
POS rapper Cardie B say’s she used to Drug & Rob men when she used to be a stripper. If she was a White Male that admitted to “Drugging & Robbing” unconscious women, you can bet with 100% certainty that This person would be DONE. They certainly would not have a Grammy in hand like she does. I hope my prediction is wrong that nothing with happen and zero backlash will come down on her. It’s early in this revelation so keep your ears open, see if this gets swept under the rug like I predict. I did see the #survivingcardieb and had to laugh
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       03-28-2019, 9:15 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
Doubble Standard Alert
POS rapper Cardie B say’s she used to Drug & Rob men when she used to be a stripper. If she was a White Male that admitted to “Drugging & Robbing” unconscious women, you can bet with 100% certainty that This person would be DONE. They certainly would not have a Grammy in hand like she does. I hope my prediction is wrong that nothing with happen and zero backlash will come down on her. It’s early in this revelation so keep your ears open, see if this gets swept under the rug like I predict. I did see the #survivingcardieb and had to laugh
You're way to late on this one. The lefts already turned this into a strong women forced into selling her body to escape poverty & suffering under the hands of white male patriarchy.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-28-2019, 10:31 AM Reply   
^^^^ We will See. 72 Hr cycle in effect I’m gonna wait to see what “the Village” is saying in 72hrs. I know you should never wish bad on people, but I would love to see people hold Cardie B to the same standard, as they hold men to. And Unless some dude comes forward 3 years after the fact and claims he was Drugged and Robbed by Cardie B we have no victim so in reality this is never gonna go anywhere. I did have a Laugh. She claims “she all ways tells it straight” well I guess Keeping it Real has a down side LOL. Because Cardie B NOW claims the guys she drugged were her BOY FRIENDS, and they were Fully Aware & conscious when all this happend. So explains this to my . You say you always tell the truth. You say you Had to Drug and Rob random Guys when you were a stripper. Then you say You never did this to anyone but your Boyfriends. Hummmmm how to you drug Random Guys where they pass out and steel from them but they were Conscious and your Boyfriend?
Hummm somthing don’t make sence LOL LOL
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-28-2019, 11:05 AM Reply   
Smollett is nominated for some type of award this week in LA. First, if he wins its gonna be a complete cluster F. If he even has the balls to show up he should be booed out of the place. An embarrassment.
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       03-28-2019, 12:16 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Smollett is nominated for some type of award this week in LA. First, if he wins its gonna be a complete cluster F. If he even has the balls to show up he should be booed out of the place. An embarrassment.
Yep. Sadly there seems to be a lot of people getting behind now claiming his dismissal was proof he didn't make it up
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-28-2019, 12:41 PM Reply   
I heard it was discovered that the two Nigerians lied to their dentist about flossing regularly. Now the Republicans don't feel that they have any credible witnesses and they had to let him off.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       03-28-2019, 9:16 PM Reply   
Illinois Prosecutors Bar Association
Statement on Jussie Smollett Case Dismissal

The Illinois Prosecutors Bar Association serves as the voice for nearly 1,000 front line prosecutors across the State who work tirelessly towards the pursuit of justice. The events of the past few days regarding the Cook County State’s Attorney’s handling of the Jussie Smollett case is not condoned by the IPBA, nor is it representative of the honest ethical work prosecutors provide to the citizens of the State of Illinois on a daily basis.

The manner in which this case was dismissed was abnormal and unfamiliar to those who practice law in criminal courthouses across the State. Prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges alike do not recognize the arrangement Mr. Smollett received. Even more problematic, the State’s Attorney and her representatives have fundamentally misled the public on the law and circumstances surrounding the dismissal.

The public has the right to know the truth, and we set out to do that here.

When an elected State’s Attorney recuses herself from a prosecution, Illinois law provides that the court shall appoint a special prosecutor. See 55 ILCS 5/3-9008(a-15). Typically, the special prosecutor is a neighboring State’s Attorney, the Attorney General, or the State Appellate Prosecutor. Here, the State’s Attorney kept the case within her office and thus never actually recused herself as a matter of law.

Additionally, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office falsely informed the public that the uncontested sealing of the criminal court case was “mandatory” under Illinois law. This statement is not accurate. To the extent the case was even eligible for an immediate seal, that action was discretionary, not mandatory, and only upon the proper filing of a petition to seal. See 20 ILCS 2630/5.2(g)(2). For seals not subject to Section 5.2(g)(2), the process employed in this case by the State’s Attorney effectively denied law enforcement agencies of legally required Notice (See 20 ILCS 2630/5.2(d)(4)) and the legal opportunity to object to the sealing of the file (See 20 ILCS 2630/5.2(d)(5)). The State’s Attorney not only declined to fight the sealing of this case in court, but then provided false information to the public regarding it.

The appearance of impropriety here is compounded by the fact that this case was not on the regularly scheduled court call, the public had no reasonable notice or opportunity to view these proceedings, and the dismissal was done abruptly at what has been called an “emergency” hearing. To date, the nature of the purported emergency has not been publicly disclosed. The sealing of a court case immediately following a hearing where there was no reasonable notice or opportunity for the public to attend is a matter of grave public concern and undermines the very foundation of our public court system.

Lastly, the State’s Attorney has claimed this arrangement is “available to all defendants” and “not a new or unusual practice.” There has even been an implication it was done in accordance with a statutory diversion program. These statements are plainly misleading and inaccurate. This action was highly unusual, not a statutory diversion program, and not in accordance with well accepted practices of State’s Attorney initiated diversionary programs. The IPBA supports diversion programs, and recognizes the many benefits they provide to the community, the defendant and to the prosecuting agency. Central to any diversion program, however, is that the defendant must accept responsibility. To be clear here, this simply was not a deferred prosecution.

Prosecutors must be held to the highest standard of legal ethics in the pursuit of justice. The actions of the Cook County State’s Attorney have fallen woefully short of this expectation. Through the repeated misleading and deceptive statements to the public on Illinois law and circumstances surrounding the Smollett dismissal, the State’s Attorney has failed in her most fundamental ethical obligations to the public. The IPBA condemns these actions.

This irregular arrangement was an affront to prosecutors across the State, the Chicago Police Department, victims of hate crimes, and the people of the City of Chicago and Cook County. We strongly encourage our members and the public to review the National District Attorneys Associations statement on prosecutorial best practices in high profile cases.

Best Regards,

Lee Roupas
Illinois Prosecutor’s Bar Association
Old     (bcd)      Join Date: Jun 2012       03-29-2019, 4:09 AM Reply   
Technically, the feds can still step in and charge him since he used the mail system. Probably won't happen, but there's a chance...
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       03-29-2019, 7:28 AM Reply   
Now the Republicans don't feel that they have any credible witnesses and they had to let him off. "

Thats the entire problem today. Make everything political and anyone can get a pass for breaking the law. There was a blatant mishandling of the case evidenced by the Letter from Lee Roupas. I hope that attorney gets disbarred over it.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-29-2019, 8:02 AM Reply   
Sarcasm is the "entire problem today"
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       03-29-2019, 8:38 AM Reply   
My bad.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       03-30-2019, 5:39 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
Doubble Standard Alert
POS rapper Cardie B say’s she used to Drug & Rob men when she used to be a stripper. If she was a White Male that admitted to “Drugging & Robbing” unconscious women, you can bet with 100% certainty that This person would be DONE. They certainly would not have a Grammy in hand like she does. I hope my prediction is wrong that nothing with happen and zero backlash will come down on her. It’s early in this revelation so keep your ears open, see if this gets swept under the rug like I predict. I did see the #survivingcardieb and had to laugh
So I guess the jury thought Bill Cosby was white?
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-30-2019, 7:30 PM Reply   
Wake your either 1 of 2 things

1 The most Retarded person Ever
2. Trying to Troll.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       03-31-2019, 5:22 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
Wake your either 1 of 2 things

1 The most Retarded person Ever
2. Trying to Troll.
I understand. You get angry when someone offers proof that you are a dumbass.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-31-2019, 8:36 PM Reply   
So let me get this straight! You think I’m upset because YOU are offering up a TRUTH that I can’t or will not accept LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL.

First off your a. retard. So I handle you with a white glove You have NEvER offerd up anything. You only repeted Bull $hit MSM told you. I do t think I have Ever heard a Original thought out pee brain.
Your just a SWJ keyboard wanna be. Let us all know what your media source tells you is the TRUtH next.

How does it feel to be lied to for the last 3 years
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       04-01-2019, 5:43 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by wake77 View Post
I understand. You get angry when someone offers proof that you are a dumbass.

Not only that, he follows up with a post that only a moron's Mom could love.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       04-01-2019, 5:26 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
So let me get this straight! You think I’m upset because YOU are offering up a TRUTH that I can’t or will not accept LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL.

First off your a. retard. So I handle you with a white glove You have NEvER offerd up anything. You only repeted Bull $hit MSM told you. I do t think I have Ever heard a Original thought out pee brain.
Your just a SWJ keyboard wanna be. Let us all know what your media source tells you is the TRUtH next.

How does it feel to be lied to for the last 3 years
I guess better than failing to realize that you have been lied to your entire life...You fell for a Facebook rumor about Obama's grandmother; end of discussion.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       04-02-2019, 4:39 PM Reply   
I love that you guys keep bringing up Obama’s Grandma! Cause it brings up the difference between Me, a Proud Republican. You Slimly coward Democrats.

Me. I posted a Fake story. With in Hrs I was shown it was fake, I felt stupid for posting It & admited guilt, I even said sorry.

You Democrats: You post Fake Story’s & Links almost Daily. You argue points that have been proven to be lies. EVEN When given the proof that lies that you have been pushing are lies, you still refuse to admit you were wrong. And here is the topper & TRUE Democrat in you. You try & Re-direct your guilt back at me and a link I posted years ago. LOL LOL X10. Where is Wes? He likes to talk about Some TAN suit Obama story? I have a no Idea what he is talking about but I just let him go on cause I think it’s funnny and I like to kick you idiots.

You seriously have to be ashamed or just straight up retarded to be a Democrat these days.
Old     (Laker1234)      Join Date: Mar 2010       04-02-2019, 6:05 PM Reply   
The Smollett case, IMHO, demonstrates that celebrities, excluding those who support Trump, are above the law. I'm no lawyer, but the prosecuting attorney said in an interview that she was following standard procedures for this type of case. Apparently, it is standard practice to substitute community service in these types of crimes. I was under the impression felons went to prison. A smart criminal should start loading up on community service projects!!! Time served before committing the crime, "Prosecutors defended the decision as a fairly common practice, citing statistics from December 2016 to November 2018 showing that about 5,700 out of 60,000 cases had been referred to “some kind of deferred prosecution or alternative prosecution.”
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       04-02-2019, 6:24 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
You Slimly coward Democrats.
You Fatly dumba$$ Republican.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       04-03-2019, 7:26 AM Reply   
Well I guess you Doubble standard Democrats need it drawn out for you.

For 2+ Years you have been pushing a Lie. Your leader Nancy Pelocie says, in 2017 we have to Respect the outcome of the Muller investigation as soon as the report comes out Pelosi says she Rejects the “Muller Report”

The Dems say We need to investigate the president to get to the truth.
The Same Dems dismiss the Jussie Smolette crimes and seal the case and when it comes to getting to the truth. They say “I guess we will never know” AND YOU DEMS are FINE WITH THAT ! LOL, you guys are a Joke.

This is exactley why no one takes your party serious. You talk out of both sides of your mouth. You demand Justice! What happens to the chant “No Justice No Peace” your party has no problem, Marching, Protesting, Burining city’s down when they fell Justice has not been served. I guess that dosent apply here?

How do you think this makes most Americans feel? Your Democrat ellected Chicago AG is corrupt. Where is your Outrage? Where is your constant Media Coverage? Where is the protests? Where is the calls for Justice?

And people say TRUMP devides us. SORRY This crap devides us. This kind of Doubble Standard that exists and we all know it and allow it, is foolish. The same democrats that are silent about this will be making jokes about him years from now, just like most Democrats did during the OJ trial.

Last edited by grant_west; 04-03-2019 at 7:32 AM.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       04-03-2019, 7:56 AM Reply   
Grunt, you've got to be one of the biggest dumba$$es I've ever seen. Don't you believe in state and local rights? Why should I be outraged about what goes on in Chicago? Smollet is nothing but bait for idiots like you, so you don't have to think about the real issues. I bet everyone on this forum thinks he should have recv'd jail time. So everyone here that is totally triggered over this to the point you are disturbed with OUTRAGE, please raise your hand so we can send you some snowflake meds. And the Mueller report? Nobody (who counts) has seen it. Oh wait I understand your confusion. You get triggered over everything in the media and your brain has been melted by an excess of stress hormones.

I'm way more concerned about an imbecile in the WH saying that he'll try and f**k us over with HC after he gets elected again. In the meantime the biggest problem that *all* Americans have to deal with is the high cost of HC/HI. The doofus in the WH just got shot down by his main bit*h in the Senate because even the lying a$$hole Mitch couldn't deal with Trump's level of dumba$$ery on the subject of HC.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       04-03-2019, 8:28 AM Reply   
It’s so funny B-4 Trump got ellected you where having a melt down over The trade deficit, So now you have moved over to Health care? It Make sence you need some Mental Heath care. Your TDS is in Stage 4. Your ever changing fake outrage, will always shift so you can constantly be in a state of total TDS. Good luck with that. I’m waiting for TDS in 2020 to wipe the battlefield clean of all you week minded and take you retards to Liberial Valhalla. O imagin what that would look like! Lol lol lol
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       04-03-2019, 9:03 AM Reply   
Gawd you are stupid. I never had a meltdown over the trade deficit. I have talked about the trade deficit. The only outrage I express is over how f**k'n stupid you TrumpTurds are. Bottom line is that I don't really give a s**t over jobs, racism, pu$$y grabbing, or HC. Why should I. Don't need a job and can pay for my HI out of pocket until Medicare kicks in. You seem awfully concerned about predicting Trump's reelection. But if he gets kicked to the curb, all you whiny TrumpTurds will try to change the subject. And in the off chance he gets elected, you idiots will be erroneously claiming that I was predicting his loss. Because that how politics works with your morons.

But I do care about intelligent conversation, which only comes from the other liberals on this forum. And when I talk to them, it's in an intelligent way. When I talk to you knuckledragging monkeys, I stick to what you're capable of understanding.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       04-03-2019, 10:51 AM Reply   
G, you should scroll up to the top of your thread. I think you would consider me a liberal. I was the first to agree it looked and smelled bad. I also noted it wasnt a political thing. JS isnt the face of the democrats he is an embarrassment to people. You are flailing at windmills, most have zero respect and just disdain for the idiot. Find something else to get excited about or chill out and have a 4 loco.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       04-03-2019, 11:09 AM Reply   
I’m Sure you don’t wanna hang your hat on this Democrats bad choices. Fair enough. Then Leniency should go both ways. But we all know how that works out!
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       04-03-2019, 1:43 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
G, you should scroll up to the top of your thread. I think you would consider me a liberal. I was the first to agree it looked and smelled bad. I also noted it wasnt a political thing. JS isnt the face of the democrats he is an embarrassment to people. You are flailing at windmills, most have zero respect and just disdain for the idiot. Find something else to get excited about or chill out and have a 4 loco.
While this may be somewhat true for this forum, the democrats out in the wild seem to think this vindicated him. He was still a finalist for a "source" (sp?) award. People also were counter protesting the people who were protesting that he got off. He also seemed to have pretty decent acceptance on twitter about him getting off. Apparently there are a number of democrats that feel that he was not wrong. Not sure it is worth arguing about, but that is how wacked out people have become and they seem to be the more vocal of the party.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       04-03-2019, 3:04 PM Reply   
Delta I can only tell you what I think and the opinions of others who have made them here. No one has defended the guy and everyone thinks he is a liar and got off too easy. We all are in agreement. G, the guy is a dirtbag and appears to have gotten away with a crime no matter how penny ante. I dont have a lot of respect for the whole entertainment industry. Most are just a bunch of over paid, pansy artists who need so much attention they have to have annual red carpet awards affairs they throw for themselves. There have been several wacked out republicans that have shot up a school a concert or bar and democrats dont lay all the blame on innocent repubs because no one supports the shooters. So, who do we need to be lenient on?


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