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Old     (sppeders)      Join Date: Jul 2011       08-02-2012, 12:58 PM Reply
Old    bigdtx            08-02-2012, 1:23 PM Reply   
Old     (Mahoney86)      Join Date: Jul 2012       08-02-2012, 1:39 PM Reply   
I think older trains are pretty bad ass,but damn wish anything brought me that much excitement lol good for him
Old     (deuce)      Join Date: Mar 2002       08-02-2012, 7:09 PM Reply   
....good stuff, still smiling. Though I have to admit I was chuckling at that guy, I love to see people who are passionate about things.... Good for him.
Old     (magic)      Join Date: Mar 2002       08-02-2012, 8:33 PM Reply   
Oh my, I'm crying over here and debating whether or not to send that to my dad. He has a huge scale layout in their garage that people show up in tour buses once a year to see. There are even 100's of pictures of me next to every imaginable train related thing in the South Island of NZ that he uses to model from. I make a handy scale reference point. He's like that dude int he video but it take some where like Arthur's Pass in NZ to set him off...
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-03-2012, 7:10 AM Reply   
That's pretty funny.
Old     (canucked)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-03-2012, 7:24 AM Reply   
This dude is PUMPED!!!
Old     (wakereviews)      Join Date: Sep 2006       08-03-2012, 8:28 AM Reply   
that video had me rolling!
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       03-14-2019, 11:51 AM Reply   


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