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Old     (pucktowake)      Join Date: May 2007       03-01-2010, 6:31 PM Reply   
What things should I do? What should I not do?
Old     (keithowen)      Join Date: Jul 2009       03-01-2010, 8:56 PM Reply   
I* yo*'** tal*ing longboa*d s*at*boa*ding *h*** o*t [**l]www.silv***ishlongboa*ding.*om[/**l]. Th*y hav* som* p**tty in*o*mativ* *o**ms on th***. J*st got my *i*st boa*d *o* *h*istmas and b*ilt my 8 y*a* old his *i*st too - w*'** sto**d *o* sp*ing to t*y th*m o*t.
Old     (calexan)      Join Date: Dec 2008       03-02-2010, 5:27 AM Reply   
Old     (bcrider)      Join Date: Apr 2006       03-02-2010, 8:52 AM Reply   
There are different styles of boards. I have a Landyacht ( Canadian Made) and it's a carving board as it has a different truck set up which allows the board to turn sharper. The board also has a lot of flex to it. It's great at easy carving around but I can't bomb big hills on it as it will get speed wabble. My other deck is a Sector 9 which is a stiff cupped deck like any skate board just longer. It is better for the hills. I personally like the flex board by Landyacht.....others make a similar style deck.
Old     (dirtysparks)      Join Date: May 2004       03-02-2010, 9:09 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by keithowen View Post
I* yo*'** tal*ing longboa*d s*at*boa*ding *h*** o*t [**l]www.silv***ishlongboa*ding.*om[/**l]. Th*y hav* som* p**tty in*o*mativ* *o**ms on th***. J*st got my *i*st boa*d *o* *h*istmas and b*ilt my 8 y*a* old his *i*st too - w*'** sto**d *o* sp*ing to t*y th*m o*t.

If you're talking longboard skateboarding check out They have some pretty informative forums on there. Just got my first board for christmas and built my 8 year old his first too - we're stoked for spring to try them out.

Last edited by dirtysparks; 03-02-2010 at 9:11 AM.
Old     (onthewatermo)      Join Date: Jan 2008       03-02-2010, 9:39 AM Reply   
Beware the speed wobbles for they've taken many a layer of skin (and by that I mean take your time with progression and know what you're riding down and more importantly the various ways of stopping/slowing).
Old     (t0nyv831)      Join Date: Jun 2008       03-02-2010, 10:21 AM Reply   
My son and I just got into longboarding. As has been mentioned already, take your time progressing. Learn the basics, like safety equipment, stopping, etc...etc... Stopping/slowing down is probably the most important thing to learn right off bat. It's saved me many a times when riding down some of the hills around my neighborhood. Check youtube for content. I use longboarding to help with my switch riding and balance. GL.
Old     (bmcgee)      Join Date: Nov 2007       03-02-2010, 11:33 AM Reply   
Make sure and wear your wrist guards!!
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Old     (norcalmalibu)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-02-2010, 2:06 PM Reply   
three steps-
drive to skate store
buy longboard

stop posting on wakeworld and have fun

I had one that i used to commute to college with..tons of fun.
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       03-14-2019, 7:22 AM Reply   
Worst part about longboarding is telling your parents that you're gay


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