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Old     (Bret)      Join Date: Nov 2013 Location: Santa Rosa, CA       01-20-2020, 5:11 PM Reply   
After seeing what's been happening in California the past few years I would like to ask how would any of you guys fix this state to make it better.

Last edited by Bret; 01-20-2020 at 5:15 PM.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       01-21-2020, 2:33 AM Reply   
Maybe swap GDPs with Alabama?
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       01-21-2020, 4:08 AM Reply   
Start by Splitting CA into 3 different states.(this will NEVER happen) but This way conservative Areas of California can have representation. California has many great Conservative’s but we are simply out voted & out numbered by the over populated city’s. A 3 state california would go over like Brexit. The Dems would never wanna EVER loose control of of the Central Valley and other Areas where they take our water and take our tax revenue and give us little to Nothing in return. Example we have 2 Sheriffs at night they have to patroll 2 entire county’s by themselves. 45 min expected wait time when you call 911.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       01-21-2020, 8:28 AM Reply   
you could take all the plastic straws (they are not allowed to use) and float the entire state into the ocean and sink it. Just a thought.
Old     (migs)      Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: SF Bay Area       01-24-2020, 6:47 AM Reply   
Implement the Purge for 1 weekend.
Old     (bass10after)      Join Date: Feb 2010       01-25-2020, 6:15 PM Reply   
there is no fixing it... everyone elected perpetuates what is wrong even further- and then the next guy up runs on even crazier sh-t and it just keeps going further left from center. That said the state is due for a correction to help even it out. I'm afraid ol arnie may be the last "republican" we elect.
Old     (Shawn)      Join Date: Aug 2011       01-29-2020, 6:58 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
Start by Splitting CA into 3 different states.(this will NEVER happen) .
Correct that will never happen. Idea surfaces every few years then it is realized that Central California has virtually no self sustaining economy outside agriculture and Southern California has virally no natural resources to sustain that population.

Everyone on Northern California then goes "Go ahead and split...we will GLADY sell you everything you both need to survive!"

I live in Santa Cruz which is as liberal as they come and even the local police are starting to become more vocal on calling out the BS things that tie their hands then citizens complain about. It will take a correction where enough residents get fed up and start demanding change to drown out the radical nut jobs.

Last edited by Shawn; 01-29-2020 at 7:03 AM.
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       02-11-2020, 4:05 AM Reply   
interesting. didn't realize the 'split it up' convo was actually going on.

Hard to un-FVCK a state that has been so adamant on screwing things up for decades

Adam Corolla's take:

Last edited by denverd1; 02-11-2020 at 4:13 AM.
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       02-11-2020, 4:37 AM Reply


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