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Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       06-06-2019, 10:02 AM Reply   
We moved to the lake about 7 yrs ago.. I love my family and friends but once memorial day hits. its like a train of people at the house. Every day, every weekend etc etc. We built a beautiful back yard last year, pool, cabana ,really decked it out. We love having people but its getting to thousands a month.

Just left grocery story, just in BS, burgers hot dogs, beer, snacks for kits. chips soda etc. its 500 every weekend. Is this just me or do I need to start collecting. I am not talking about the boat, I am just talking the never ending line of people at our home
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       06-06-2019, 11:36 AM Reply   
Repeat customers need to pay. They are just leaching at a certain point. When you ask to collect, many will walk away, call you names behind your back and not call back. So be it. Everyone one loves free good time guy up until you are not free good time guy. Depends if you enjoy the lifestyle and can afford it. If you love the company, you may have to chalk it up to fun expenses.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       06-06-2019, 12:29 PM Reply   
Wow I’m surprised it took you 7 years to figure out People will treat you as bad as you let them. Personally we never had a problem with people pitching in $ It was Picking up (clean up on Sunday night) that made us lay down some laws. We found our friends didn’t mind helping out they just needed some clear instructions on what to do and this would earn them a invite back. Example that last thing you wanna do as a 2nd Home (lake house) is have to clean up after everyone on Sunday b4 you can return to your other house. Having your buddy’s Simply clean up after themselves made a huge diff. We were lucky we have friends that were willing to help out. It made having people over fun.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       06-06-2019, 1:47 PM Reply   
It did not take 7 years, lol I just never realized "the costs" Its not a financial issue, but it is. It is only because, we really don't spend like this. I don't want to tell people no, especially when our kids and their kids have so much fun. but it seems like the train of people never end. the boat days are cheap, the swimmer pool will destroy you. Pool party, day parties, night parties. outdoor movie party. It go's on and on.

I am getting my wife to do a "pitch in" email so everyone knows to bring their own sh@t Its not a few guys on a friday drinking a few beers. Its 20 kids drinking 6 boxes of capri sun, eating 5 bags of doritos, 4 packs of hotdogs, cookies, and the wives drinking margaritas by the pool. lol
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       06-06-2019, 3:41 PM Reply   
Oh yeah, good on your wife for doing the email. Tread lightly at first to see who gets the hint and then lay it on more thick as you need to. I also agree with caulking it up to fun expenses if you can afford it. Your kids are only young for so long.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       06-07-2019, 6:36 AM Reply   
You should just purchase a few vending machines a coin op BBQ and a no-host bar. Good Luck.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       06-07-2019, 6:59 AM Reply   
You should post the location of this lake front dream place with free food.
Old     (Shawn)      Join Date: Aug 2011       06-07-2019, 11:44 AM Reply   
Cost of entertaining if you choose to do so.

Never really minded the small groups on the weekends as someone would typically show up with the meat or sides but for the blow out parties and holidays it was always potluck and BYOB, especially when it was mostly regulars.

Most would usually overbuy so the bar and freezer was stocked for the next weekend. Get better friends!

Honestly it is as simple as saying "We will have hot dogs, waters and sodas covered...bring your favorite beverage of choice and side or snack to share" when making the invite.

Last edited by Shawn; 06-07-2019 at 11:54 AM.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       06-09-2019, 3:46 AM Reply   
We live on lake Wylie in SC, just over the boarder of NC. My wife laid down the law, no one was upset, we had a blow out last night, kids had a blast, and peeps showed up with coolers and food. yes, amazing, actual beer and food. nice to see for a change. I have no problem doing the weekend blitz to the store, but the 7 days a week gig had to come to an end, unless they treat it!
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       06-12-2019, 3:58 AM Reply   
stores don't accept "thanks". sounds like you're lucky to get that.

As mentioned, start telling people whats up. they'll continue to eat/drink for free if you let 'em. you've sunk a ton of money into a nice place and built an incredible back yard to enjoy. you shouldn't have to spend 2000 per month to keep the idiots happy.

get them used to bringing their own food/drink. once you put some rules in place, they'll follow them.
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       06-12-2019, 4:04 AM Reply   
I've stopped inviting friends out. Even when they kick down 30-40 it isn't enough when I'm burning through 150 in fuel, get two half hour sets in & everyone thinks 2 hours of them standing on the board is their time owed for the 20 they slid me. Over it. Family is different, but friends can kiss my white a**. I know they don't mean it, they just don't know & I'm not about to explain to them that I spend $200 - $300 every weekend on fuel, booze & food & their companionship isn't worth it when I'm just fine with a crew of 2-3.
Old     (bcrider)      Join Date: Apr 2006       06-12-2019, 4:31 AM Reply   
I've had very few issues with this but there definitely are some culprits. When it comes to the boat my usual crew is 15-20 years in so they know the deal. We started taking my parents boat out when I was 15. I sure as hell wasn't paying for everyone's gas then and my friends are really good at throwing $ in. Lot's of times I'm not allowed to pay.

When it comes to our summer house or just regular house parties the wives are always on who is bringing what. As for alcohol up here in BC you sure as hell better be bringing your own as it's way too expensive to be supplying everyone else. Everyone does so another non issue.

I think it's all in how you set it up with your friends.


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