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Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       05-21-2019, 4:39 AM Reply   
I’m super excited. I have been testing this new Charging method. Typically people charge their Gem cars with a traditional 110- 3 prong outlet. The new Kit, allows you to convert your car to a J1172 charge port. So now you can charge @ public charge station, 220v or 110 volt (with adaptor) the Charger don’t care either Voltage is fine. So I’m installing a 220v electric charge station at home and ditching the 3 prong 110 outlet. When charging at 110 volts the most you can push is 12 amps.
When charging at 220v you can charge at 30
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Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       05-24-2019, 2:59 AM Reply   
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Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       05-24-2019, 3:00 AM Reply   
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Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       05-24-2019, 3:01 AM Reply   
Ready for a public charge station
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Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       05-24-2019, 5:30 PM Reply   
Super clean, nice work. Do you run a solar PV system G?
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       05-25-2019, 5:46 AM Reply   
No solar. Not yet. I most likely build a power wall b4 I get solar.
Old     (bass10after)      Join Date: Feb 2010       05-26-2019, 7:33 AM Reply   
was that the only spot to install the port? surprised you didn't try and blend it into one of the black panels...
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       05-26-2019, 9:23 AM Reply   
The Stock Charge port is in that location. So I just figured I would mount it in the same location. Yes I know it’s not super pretty. But I didn’t want to have to open and hood or flap to charge. And if your at a public charge station, it’s ok for people to Un plug you and start a charge on their car if your car is full. So keeping the plug in a common Aera is good changing etiquette
Old     (bass10after)      Join Date: Feb 2010       05-29-2019, 4:01 AM Reply   
i see, nice work as per usual!
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       05-29-2019, 8:10 AM Reply   
Thanks: one more thing I’m loving about this new plug. Is that it made me realize how much you have to fiddle with a standard 110 plug to get it registered and plugged in correctly. If nothing else it makes plugging in just that much easier. And I love how it locks, a few times I have not had the 110 cord in all the way and or it got kicked and I came out that morning and the car was not charged this one that can’t happen, and last but not least I realize I hate plugging in and out the car. So the last thing I wanna do is hunt for the plug. Only thing better would be a Apple Mac style magnetic plug that attached it self like a Mac Laptop plug!!!!


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