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Old     (zo1)      Join Date: Aug 2002       02-24-2010, 6:30 AM Reply   
I got a kick out the Chris dating a Down Syndrome girl.

I also got a kick out of Palin getting her panties in a bunch over it. Not really sure what all the hype is about, but if you watch it you can see that they clearly have the DS girl very empowered.

Funny stuff...

Here is a clip:

If you have the time, watch the full episode, it is hysterical.
Old     (trace)      Join Date: Feb 2002       02-24-2010, 7:54 AM Reply   
Palin seems to like the taste of her feet.
Old     (lizzyb)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-24-2010, 9:20 AM Reply   
The actress the voiced the Down Syndrome girl was interviewed on the subject: amily_guy_andrea_fay_friedman_say.html
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       02-24-2010, 9:47 AM Reply   
I was going to post this the other day but there was enough Palin on the board already haha. Pretty funny how this girl rips her up for slinging her baby around like a potato sack for photo ops.
Old     (sidekicknicholas)      Join Date: Mar 2007       02-24-2010, 11:42 AM Reply   
Seth McFarlan (s.p?) the creator of Family guy was on Bill MAher right after that episode, and he said that the episode had be finished far before all the other "Retard" nonsense... so it was just icing on the cake for them...

@ Elizabeth, I love that the woman who played the part, who is actually mentally challanged, seems smarter than Palin.... they had that clip on Maher too.... god Palin is dumb.
Old     (benjaminp)      Join Date: Nov 2008       02-24-2010, 12:13 PM Reply   
It seems like a lot of people who take offense to Family Guy are standing up for people who are more affected by the jokes, and have more of a sense of humour about it.
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       03-14-2019, 7:25 AM Reply   
Liberal couples play f**k the retard every night


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