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Old     (83Starsnstripes)      Join Date: Jul 2013       12-05-2019, 9:00 AM Reply   
It kills me to root for the Lakers because of LBJ but dang they look good. Their defense is top in the league right now!
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-05-2019, 10:44 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 83Starsnstripes View Post
It kills me to root for the Lakers because of LBJ but dang they look good. Their defense is top in the league right now!
Don't let it kill you, we have been irrelevant for 7 years. It is great to be back up at the top of the pack.
That's the other thing, we arnt just outscoring everyone, its our defense and ability to lock up late in the forth qtr. Imagine if we could have gotten Leonard too.
Old     (83Starsnstripes)      Join Date: Jul 2013       12-06-2019, 4:29 AM Reply   
^^I was just a long time Sonic fan and rooting for the Lakers feels dirty but LBJ is my guy. Plus I love watching all the haters get so upset
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-09-2019, 7:36 AM Reply   
LBJ hitting the long range 3's V. Twolves and Davis drops 50 on 20/29 shooting. 7 rebounds, 4 steals, 6 dimes. Dominating.
Old     (83Starsnstripes)      Join Date: Jul 2013       12-09-2019, 7:52 AM Reply   
^^Bucks vs Lakers later this month is going to be awesome. It's still early but AD has to be LBJs best teammate ever right?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-11-2019, 10:43 AM Reply   
Its at the end of a long road trip. Magic, Heat, Hawks and Pacers and finally Bucks! No Doubt AD is the best LBJ has had an opportunity to play with!
Old     (83Starsnstripes)      Join Date: Jul 2013       12-12-2019, 10:09 AM Reply   
LBJ has another triple double and it's just another ho hum night for the Lakers. Dare I say 70+ wins?!
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-26-2020, 7:13 AM Reply   
RIP Kobe Bryant. Devastated, Im in shock. There will never be another Kobe Bryant.
Old     (MooSeMan)      Join Date: Sep 2017       01-26-2020, 4:03 PM Reply   
As seen on FB

Da Moose
17 mins ·
This is the saddest day as a LAKER Fan in 50 years ,still remember that Day Magic told the World he had HIV...😭😭😭
RIP Kobe & Gianna Bryan
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