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Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       07-13-2020, 2:41 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Correct. so we can argue all this BS and in the end. its the rights of the citizens and their responsibility to decide. hence we cannot shut down one without shutting down the other, and this is why we have a hypocrisy happening now.
Neither are being shut down. A few have tried, but fines were essentially dropped immediately. Unless that has changed recently.

"With freedom comes responsibility"--Every dad ever.

Many Americans are obviously too stupid to be responsible and we are all paying for it.

Last edited by skiboarder; 07-13-2020 at 2:44 AM.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-13-2020, 4:43 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Prison, where that bond villain Roger Stone should be rotting. Does nobody else have a problem this creep is free?
It was expected. When potus tweets Cohen is a rat and Stone is "Brave" for not talking. He tweeted he would take care of the loyal.
U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson, sentencing Stone to 40 months in prison, made that clear. “He was not prosecuted, as some have complained, for standing up for the president,” she said. “He was prosecuted for covering up for the president.”

And because he covered up for potus, he walks. Party of Law and Order. if you are on the right team.
Cant really get much more corrupt. He knows he is done, a one term loser, just doesnt care any more. Barr has fired and taken over EDNY, DC and SDNY, fired all heads and replaced with his own henchmen. All locations where trump, his campaign, inaugural committee ...are all being investigated. Barr put the coyote in the hen house. Seems a lot of work and undoing for a hoax.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-13-2020, 7:20 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
I don't understand this argument at all. There will always be deaths what does that have to do with trying to control the spread of this? Just because people die of other things, it makes this ok? So if your family members start dropping dead from it, its just oh well it stats? BS. Its politicized on both sides and its dumb. Covid does not care who you vote for.
Point is, many deaths by other means have been reported as Covid. I am just saying it will be interesting to see if the overall average death total per month changes because of Covid. If grandma died of pneumonia in the nursing home, people say that was horrible, expected but she had a good life. Say she died from covid (which is horrible as well and will cause the same pneumonia complication) and it changes the whole talking point. Now it is we need to bankrupt every person in this country for it. At the end of the day, the numbers of people who die on average may actually not even be impacted. Does that change the discussion?

It is being politicized just as you say. The economy is being destroyed because of it. While it is dangerous, there is going to be a point where people who have been proven to be able to fight it are going to be fine. Unfortunately those on the other side of it will not be with us anymore. The population will be stronger against it. Everyone wants to believe in Darwin until something Darwin like comes around. Eventually people are going to have to live a normal life around it and all the (what 1/4 million people a year attributed to medical malpractice?) other means people die will just be another reason people die. We don't shut down for other virus or cancers. At a certain point, people will have to look at it as another thing in life they have to overcome.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-13-2020, 7:33 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Delta You are proving yourself to be an ass and a liar. A part of the problem for the country. Probably one of those guys who goes into stores w/o mask and screams at everyone "I feel threatened" I have rights!! You just cant stop BSing no matter how many times you have been PROVED wrong. Your math is pathetic. The only one politicizing this is Trump and his cohorts. Dems have no issues and have been masked up for months. Why not post some pics of Trump in a mask. How many Dem Govs are making masks optionable? How many GOP? Explain how Arizona by itself is out Coviding the entire EU. What if the queen had balls?
If a mask is required, I wear it. If it is not required, I don't wear it. It is usually people like you attacking others in public because they are scared of their own shadow.

You don't prove anyone wrong. So far it is Trump 3 years to zero for you. You are the one bitching every single day about Trump. You are trying to make the issue on if Trump wears a mask a political one right this very fing thread. You can't even see yourself.

Not every state has the same requirements. Not every country in California has the same requirements. I was able to go to the valley and go in any store I wanted for at least a month or more this spring without a mask. Bay area, never had a lift of the restriction. You are so clueless and wanting to politicize everything, that you don't even know that your own state has different standards.

How is Arizona out coviding the EU? Where was Arizona 2 months ago and where was the EU? I guess you don't understand the concept of waves and not every state in our union did not have the same infection rate as other states even. Don't worry, it is all politics for you.

Care to explain why our county shut down churches again after maybe a couple weeks trying to blame the rise in covid cases in the bay area to churches even though they have strict social distancing requirements? You wonder why people don't trust democrats? We know what you are trying to do. Destroy religion, destroy the economy, create social chaos. Why did new york cancel all other cultural gatherings but permitted BLM (through the actual permit process) to hold marches. The gov said that BLM is too important to not let do it. Even though BLM is a marxist front group and everyone knows it. Marxist events can move forward, Churches have to shut down in democrat states. This is not about public safety. This is about a soft revolution and no, I don't trust fascists like you.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-13-2020, 7:34 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Prison, where that bond villain Roger Stone should be rotting. Does nobody else have a problem this creep is free?
Nope. It was a political hit from the beginning. We should be more scared that political parties can set people up like they did Trumps people.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-13-2020, 9:03 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Point is, many deaths by other means have been reported as Covid. I am just saying it will be interesting to see if the overall average death total per month changes because of Covid.
Here you go:

Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-13-2020, 10:22 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Nope. It was a political hit from the beginning. We should be more scared that political parties can set people up like they did Trumps people.
Stone lied to cover up for trump. Trump commuted Stones sentence to protect only trump. Nothing new, trump worried about trump getting caught again. How does a political party force a person to lie to cover up POTUS crime? illogical. Stone choose to lie for trump, no one forced him to do anything.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-13-2020, 12:41 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Nope. It was a political hit from the beginning. We should be more scared that political parties can set people up like they did Trumps people.
Yeah, its a sure sign it's a political hit when the person lies under oath.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-13-2020, 2:11 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Yeah, its a sure sign it's a political hit when the person lies under oath.
It's amazing how the jury of 12 randomly selected citizens were all Trump haters. Actually it's not that amazing now I think about it.
Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       07-13-2020, 11:48 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
This is not about public safety. This is about a soft revolution and no, I don't trust fascists like you.
Delta, the republican party Stopped fighting Fascism a Long time ago, try to keep up, here's your sign...
Attached Images
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-14-2020, 4:23 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by joeshmoe View Post
Delta, the republican party Stopped fighting Fascism a Long time ago, try to keep up, here's your sign...
What do you mean they stopped fighting fascism. They are fighting you right now. Last time I checked, you people are the ones always trying to shut people down and take away peoples rights and give out special rights to groups you find to be "chosen". You are getting so bad that even your more leftist members had to put out a group letter pleading with you fascists to quit being so hard on other fascist with your cancel culture.

Technically, your little sign that you used of the internet, is correct. Even people with horrible points of view, you should be able to co-exist with them to a certain degree unless you want to perpetually wage war. I will never agree with islam, communists, nazis, BLM, or democrats. Does not mean I want to constantly be at war. You democrats seem to find allies in these groups as they all have the same agenda. Destroy America.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-14-2020, 4:25 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Good lord.

Your headline:

Pandemic’s overall death toll in U.S.
likely surpassed 100,000 weeks ago

Let me highlight it again:

Pandemic’s overall death toll in U.S.
LIKELY surpassed 100,000 weeks ago

They don't even know for sure.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-14-2020, 4:26 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
It's amazing how the jury of 12 randomly selected citizens were all Trump haters. Actually it's not that amazing now I think about it.
It is a political hit when people go after. set up traps and prosecute you for your political positions. You F'ers are dangerous to the freedoms of the world.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-14-2020, 4:53 AM Reply
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-14-2020, 5:15 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
It is a political hit when people go after. set up traps and prosecute you for your political positions. You F'ers are dangerous to the freedoms of the world.
How did they force and trap Stone? Stone was prosecuted and convicted because he committed federal crimes. 7 felonies. Congress also investigated and sought information from Stone. A jury later determined he lied repeatedly to members of Congress. He lied about the identity of his intermediary to WikiLeaks. He lied about the existence of written communications with his intermediary. He lied by denying he had communicated with the Trump campaign about the timing of WikiLeaks' releases. He in fact updated senior campaign officials repeatedly about WikiLeaks. And he tampered with a witness, imploring him to stonewall Congress. How did they "FAKE" Stones written communications? How did they get him to threaten witnesses? That was quite a "trap". In addition, After Barr interfered in Stones sentencing (4 prosecutors quit in defiance to Barr) and got it reduced from 9 years to 40 months, he said it was a "righteous" prosecution on July 8th. Isnt Barr a republican? Another RINO?
You dont seem to see who is destroying law and order. How many felons does trump need to surround himself with before you open your eyes? FYI, Innocent people do not work with convicted felons. Lying to congress is not a political position its a felony.

Last edited by 95sn; 07-14-2020 at 5:17 AM.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       07-14-2020, 5:28 AM Reply   
Delta types a lot of dumb ****, but these Stone lies are kind of taking the cake lol.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-14-2020, 5:59 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
You F'ers are dangerous to the freedoms of the world.
You need to say this over and over when you are looking in the mirror.
Old     (joshugan)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-14-2020, 7:03 AM Reply   
Deltahoosier, On what do you base your "knowledge" that Stone was a political hit? What sources are you relying on for this?

And why are even some GOP senators calling out Trump for this?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-14-2020, 7:48 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Good lord.

Your headline:

Pandemic’s overall death toll in U.S.
likely surpassed 100,000 weeks ago

Let me highlight it again:

Pandemic’s overall death toll in U.S.
LIKELY surpassed 100,000 weeks ago

They don't even know for sure.
You asked if all cause mortality was even up, as if other deaths were being classified as covid to inflate the numbers. Here is the data, all cause morality is 50% higher than expected. So now what, still just like the flu?
Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       07-14-2020, 11:23 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
What do you mean they stopped fighting fascism?
Technically, your little sign that you used of the internet, is correct.
I will never agree with islam.
The republicans Fought Fascism in the Civil War, Now the republicans Are Fascist! (the Party of White Power)
" your little sign that you used of the internet" This sentence makes no sense?
And Your God and Islam's God, Are the Same God!
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-14-2020, 11:53 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by joeshmoe View Post
And Your God and Islam's God, Are the Same God!
Not true! His imaginary friend is way better than their imaginary friend.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-14-2020, 5:33 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Not true! His imaginary friend is way better than their imaginary friend.
Ho ho ho. Comments like yours are exactly like those made in Sodom and Gomorrah and we all know how that turned out for those fools. Your mouth keeps writing checks that your soul will never be able to cash. Oh wait, you gingers have no soul anyway so... never mind.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-14-2020, 9:18 PM Reply   
So Trump screws up the Iranian nuke deal and tells them to go kick rocks. Guess who just signed a 25 year strategic alliance with China? Iran. Oh excellent. Trump is a moron.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       07-15-2020, 1:27 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Ho ho ho. Comments like yours are exactly like those made in Sodom and Gomorrah and we all know how that turned out for those fools. Your mouth keeps writing checks that your soul will never be able to cash. Oh wait, you gingers have no soul anyway so... never mind.
A little summertime vacation bible school

Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-15-2020, 4:00 AM Reply   
So, this just happened, trump changing the rules because he couldnt stop or slow down testing. Instead he just ordered hospitals to report to HHS NOT CDC, bypassing CDC. CDC is open reporting, everyone has access to their info. Now, WH to decide what is and isnt released. How long til the new HHS will say trump saved America, solved Covid, have stopped the virus?... its over while hospitals are still full and no place to hide the dead.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       07-15-2020, 4:17 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
So, this just happened, trump changing the rules because he couldnt stop or slow down testing. Instead he just ordered hospitals to report to HHS NOT CDC, bypassing CDC. CDC is open reporting, everyone has access to their info. Now, WH to decide what is and isnt released. How long til the new HHS will say trump saved America, solved Covid, have stopped the virus?... its over while hospitals are still full and no place to hide the dead.
Ok, you complain about what is happening, give us your opinion on what should be done, like break it down, as we can all argue what should be, what do you propose. Bitching without a solution is just bitching.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-15-2020, 4:23 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Ho ho ho. Comments like yours are exactly like those made in Sodom and Gomorrah and we all know how that turned out for those fools. Your mouth keeps writing checks that your soul will never be able to cash. Oh wait, you gingers have no soul anyway so... never mind.
This. It is on display daily direct from the WH. Again yesterday he made a mockery of his Rose Garden China update that immediatly turned into a campaign rally. Calls out Biden 34 times in 30 minutes. Recall it was to be a China update.
Pretty much exactly how the grifter has run the country for 3.5 years and certainly how he has mishandled Covid-19. Need a reminder of mouth moving with no truth coming out?
Like a miracle soon it will all just disappear
"And again, when you have 15 and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done."
I have a hunch this Hydroxy...will be a game changer, What do you have to lose?
"Because of all we've done, the risk to the American people remains very low."
"And again, we've had tremendous success -- tremendous success beyond what people would have thought."
"One instance where we think we can be -- it's somewhat reliable, it seems to have gotten quite a bit smaller."
"But we're very, very ready for this, for anything whether it's going to be a breakout of larger proportions or whether or not we're -- you know we're at that very low level."
"The -- John's Hopkins I guess is a highly respected great place. They did a -- a -- a study, comprehensive. The countries best and worst prepared for an epidemic. And the United States is now -- we're rated number one."
"Well, I don't think it's inevitable. It probably will. It possibly will. It could be at a very small level or it could be at a larger level."
"But we've done really an extraordinary job, when you look at a country this size with so many people pouring in, we're the number one in the world for the people coming into a country by far."
"She's trying to create a panic and there's no reason to panic because we have done so good."
"It's a little like the regular flu that we have flu shots for. And we'll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner."
"This is a flu. This is like a flu and this is a much different situation than Ebola."
"There's a chance that it won't spread, too, and there's a chance that it will."
On monday he retweeted Chuck Woolery, “The most outrageous lies are the ones about Covid 19. Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most, that we are told to trust. I think it’s all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I’m sick of it.”
Yep, its all just lies. Lies by trump.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-15-2020, 4:28 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Ok, you complain about what is happening, give us your opinion on what should be done, like break it down, as we can all argue what should be, what do you propose. Bitching without a solution is just bitching.
Ive done that for you doug, go look aback a couple pages where i responded in detail to your question. Im sure i can find it if you cant, LMK.
No one trusts trump, can we agree on that? Now he says we are to bypass the CDC, the only believable, transparent group? Im not bitching w/o a solution, im bitching about trump once again covering up his failures. The solution? Dont cover-up. Any questions on that? Read the article, then let me know what you think.

Public health experts are warning that coronavirus statistics will soon be newly vulnerable to political manipulation after the Trump administration ordered hospitals to send Covid-19 patient data directly to a Department of Health and Human Services system rather than the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which usually receives the information and releases it to the public.

Last edited by 95sn; 07-15-2020 at 4:32 AM.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-15-2020, 7:08 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
You asked if all cause mortality was even up, as if other deaths were being classified as covid to inflate the numbers. Here is the data, all cause morality is 50% higher than expected. So now what, still just like the flu?
Actually mortality is considerably less than they originally expected.

We have around 250 thousand deaths a month regardless. Are those numbers still near the same? Are people who would have died of something else in that time frame now dying from COVID? I know for a fact that the hospital my wifes friend works at was classifying anything that had similar symptoms as COVID death where before cause of death was pneumonia.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-15-2020, 7:11 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
How did they force and trap Stone? Stone was prosecuted and convicted because he committed federal crimes. 7 felonies. Congress also investigated and sought information from Stone. A jury later determined he lied repeatedly to members of Congress. He lied about the identity of his intermediary to WikiLeaks. He lied about the existence of written communications with his intermediary. He lied by denying he had communicated with the Trump campaign about the timing of WikiLeaks' releases. He in fact updated senior campaign officials repeatedly about WikiLeaks. And he tampered with a witness, imploring him to stonewall Congress. How did they "FAKE" Stones written communications? How did they get him to threaten witnesses? That was quite a "trap". In addition, After Barr interfered in Stones sentencing (4 prosecutors quit in defiance to Barr) and got it reduced from 9 years to 40 months, he said it was a "righteous" prosecution on July 8th. Isnt Barr a republican? Another RINO?
You dont seem to see who is destroying law and order. How many felons does trump need to surround himself with before you open your eyes? FYI, Innocent people do not work with convicted felons. Lying to congress is not a political position its a felony.
Stone should have never even been contacted because the Russian hoax was just that. A hoax. make up a fake crime then bring people in to grill them and hope you catch them in lying or some other made up crime. You do know that is dangerous presidence right? You people are a danger to society.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-15-2020, 7:13 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by joshugan View Post
Deltahoosier, On what do you base your "knowledge" that Stone was a political hit? What sources are you relying on for this?

And why are even some GOP senators calling out Trump for this?
He should have never even brought in for questioning when the whole matter was a lie. Was he convicted for Russian collusion?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-15-2020, 7:15 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
So Trump screws up the Iranian nuke deal and tells them to go kick rocks. Guess who just signed a 25 year strategic alliance with China? Iran. Oh excellent. Trump is a moron.
They were already natural partners. We never had a deal with Iran because they were never going to comply. You are a moron if you actually think that Iran is going to comply when their goal is to be a world power through the bomb.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-15-2020, 7:16 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Ive done that for you doug, go look aback a couple pages where i responded in detail to your question. Im sure i can find it if you cant, LMK.
No one trusts trump, can we agree on that? Now he says we are to bypass the CDC, the only believable, transparent group? Im not bitching w/o a solution, im bitching about trump once again covering up his failures. The solution? Dont cover-up. Any questions on that? Read the article, then let me know what you think.

Public health experts are warning that coronavirus statistics will soon be newly vulnerable to political manipulation after the Trump administration ordered hospitals to send Covid-19 patient data directly to a Department of Health and Human Services system rather than the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which usually receives the information and releases it to the public.
Failures is your and the other fascist opinion.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-15-2020, 7:18 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
This. It is on display daily direct from the WH. Again yesterday he made a mockery of his Rose Garden China update that immediatly turned into a campaign rally. Calls out Biden 34 times in 30 minutes. Recall it was to be a China update.
Pretty much exactly how the grifter has run the country for 3.5 years and certainly how he has mishandled Covid-19. Need a reminder of mouth moving with no truth coming out?
Like a miracle soon it will all just disappear
"And again, when you have 15 and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done."
I have a hunch this Hydroxy...will be a game changer, What do you have to lose?
"Because of all we've done, the risk to the American people remains very low."
"And again, we've had tremendous success -- tremendous success beyond what people would have thought."
"One instance where we think we can be -- it's somewhat reliable, it seems to have gotten quite a bit smaller."
"But we're very, very ready for this, for anything whether it's going to be a breakout of larger proportions or whether or not we're -- you know we're at that very low level."
"The -- John's Hopkins I guess is a highly respected great place. They did a -- a -- a study, comprehensive. The countries best and worst prepared for an epidemic. And the United States is now -- we're rated number one."
"Well, I don't think it's inevitable. It probably will. It possibly will. It could be at a very small level or it could be at a larger level."
"But we've done really an extraordinary job, when you look at a country this size with so many people pouring in, we're the number one in the world for the people coming into a country by far."
"She's trying to create a panic and there's no reason to panic because we have done so good."
"It's a little like the regular flu that we have flu shots for. And we'll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner."
"This is a flu. This is like a flu and this is a much different situation than Ebola."
"There's a chance that it won't spread, too, and there's a chance that it will."
On monday he retweeted Chuck Woolery, “The most outrageous lies are the ones about Covid 19. Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most, that we are told to trust. I think it’s all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I’m sick of it.”
Yep, its all just lies. Lies by trump.
It is pretty clear that you do not know what a lie is versus someone talking to another person about generalities. you are very child like.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       07-15-2020, 7:24 AM Reply   
I will give an overview of my covid, when done, on day 5 with symptoms, so figure we caught it mid last week, wife and my 6 yr old, no clue where we got it, all wear level 3 masks, and my wife and little one never leave the house, or even have people over, so i prob brought it home from work. Wife has brunt of it, but turning, sore throat is gone, no breathing issues, minor chest pain, oh the body pains are off the charts, that what I got with headache and nausea. Little one has nausea, some vomitting yesterday, so had an 8 hour ER visits with her due to her T1D. home with her now, all ok, just managing her sugar to keep it up a little so we dont crash, and keep her off any food that requires insulin, or food that could cause vomiting. Crazy days
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-15-2020, 7:32 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
I will give an overview of my covid, when done, on day 5 with symptoms...
Hope you guys get through this without any major problems.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-15-2020, 7:35 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by joeshmoe View Post
The republicans Fought Fascism in the Civil War, Now the republicans Are Fascist! (the Party of White Power)
" your little sign that you used of the internet" This sentence makes no sense?
And Your God and Islam's God, Are the Same God!
Such a bitter, drugged up angry little person you are.

Is that why the democrats elected a known KKK grand wizard up until 2010. Bill Clinton in talking about said grand wizards involvement with the klan, discounted it as something people of that era just did. No. People of that era just did not join the klan.

Ben Shapiro: Did The Parties Switch?

Don't be one of these simpletons that believe the switch talk because the label of conservative and liberal. Conservative and liberal are simple definitions versus momentum. Democrats the whole time have defined everything about race. no matter which time in the country, democrats have always been about race.

Islam and Christians do not have the same God. Christian - salvation is a gift. Islam - scales of justice where you can be your own god and gain heaven based on your life's works or if some holy person issues a holy war and you die in martyr. Not even the same.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       07-15-2020, 7:38 AM Reply   
Best of luck For a quick recovery Doug.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-15-2020, 7:39 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
I will give an overview of my covid, when done, on day 5 with symptoms, so figure we caught it mid last week, wife and my 6 yr old, no clue where we got it, all wear level 3 masks, and my wife and little one never leave the house, or even have people over, so i prob brought it home from work. Wife has brunt of it, but turning, sore throat is gone, no breathing issues, minor chest pain, oh the body pains are off the charts, that what I got with headache and nausea. Little one has nausea, some vomitting yesterday, so had an 8 hour ER visits with her due to her T1D. home with her now, all ok, just managing her sugar to keep it up a little so we dont crash, and keep her off any food that requires insulin, or food that could cause vomiting. Crazy days
Sounds similar to what the wife and I had in Feb. Within one week. Chest had a sponge sound. Ear was gurgling. Body ache for 2 or 3 days. Heavy cough with fluid for an additional couple weeks.

hope everyone does well.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-15-2020, 7:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
I will give an overview of my covid, when done
Rest up and good luck, I hope you have an easy time with it.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-15-2020, 7:58 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
He should have never even brought in for questioning when the whole matter was a lie. Was he convicted for Russian collusion?
Collusion isn't a crime so no he wasn't convicted of it.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-15-2020, 8:01 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Actually mortality is considerably less than they originally expected.

We have around 250 thousand deaths a month regardless. Are those numbers still near the same? Are people who would have died of something else in that time frame now dying from COVID? I know for a fact that the hospital my wifes friend works at was classifying anything that had similar symptoms as COVID death where before cause of death was pneumonia.
Expected by who? Trump said if the death toll was 70k it was an example of him doing a good job with it.

And no those numbers are not near the same, they are 50% up.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-15-2020, 8:04 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Stone should have never even been contacted because the Russian hoax was just that. A hoax. make up a fake crime then bring people in to grill them and hope you catch them in lying or some other made up crime. You do know that is dangerous presidence right? You people are a danger to society.
It is not a russian hoax just like the corona virus is not a matter how many times you try to imply that. Its False. If you refuse to work with facts, move to DC and join team trump. He lied about and covered up trumps crime, that is why he is a convicted felon. Even Barr said the prosecution was "righteous" , how would you explain that away, it was on July 8 2020.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-15-2020, 8:13 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
He should have never even brought in for questioning when the whole matter was a lie. Was he convicted for Russian collusion?
No, he was convicted of 7 felonies including lying to congress. What facts are you using to determine it "was a lie" Seems the judge and 12 jurors saw the actual truth and evidence.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-15-2020, 8:14 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Failures is your and the other fascist opinion.
Delta, the USA has 4% of the worlds population, The USA also has 34% of all corona virus cases, how?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-15-2020, 8:16 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
It is pretty clear that you do not know what a lie is versus someone talking to another person about generalities. you are very child like.
Its pretty clear i back up everything i say. You never do. Saying random thoughts w/o anything to back them up is how children act, that and liars.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-15-2020, 8:43 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
It is pretty clear that you do not know what a lie is versus someone talking to another person about generalities. you are very child like.
Generally speaking, Trump has downplayed the danger of the Corona Virus since day one and has not stopped. Thanks for the compliment on my youthful appearance..
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-15-2020, 1:22 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Generally speaking, Trump has downplayed the danger of the Corona Virus since day one and has not stopped.
DO NOT BLASPHEME THE ORANGE MESSIAH. Marc will sodomize you and give you Gonorrhea. Or something like that, I'm not a details guy.
Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       07-15-2020, 3:02 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Such a bitter, drugged up angry little person you are.

Don't be one of these simpletons that believe the switch talk because the label of conservative and liberal. Conservative and liberal are simple definitions versus momentum. Democrats the whole time have defined everything about race. no matter which time in the country, democrats have always been about race.
Just an observation, the republicans fought fascism in 1860's and now they happily accept white nationalist in their party, are you saying these facts are false?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-15-2020, 4:58 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Its pretty clear i back up everything i say. You never do. Saying random thoughts w/o anything to back them up is how children act, that and liars.
The only thing here that’s ever clear about you is your severe TDS. It has only gotten worse as Trump’s presidency has progressed. 100% unmitigated derangement. You should step back once in awhile from this thread and check yourself. All facetiousness aside, you need help.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-15-2020, 5:08 PM Reply   
Doug, hope to hear of your family’s speedy recovery soon.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-15-2020, 5:41 PM Reply   
Tick tock tick tock... RBG is fading... Hoping our days of libtard judicial activism are in the rear-view mirror soon.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-15-2020, 5:56 PM Reply   
A mere hour and ten mins from my house is this latest example of why we should fear any liberal leadership. This country is so screwed if lefties gain any new strongholds. That reminds me I need to pick up my latest shotgun after the waiting period. Never know when a democrat may break into your house. All lives splatter.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-15-2020, 9:07 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Tick tock tick tock... RBG is fading... Hoping our days of libtard judicial activism are in the rear-view mirror soon.
Only a Christian would celebrate a public servant who's dedicated their whole life to service impending ill health and death. Quite the example to draw the lost to your faith.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-16-2020, 1:35 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Only a Christian would celebrate a public servant who's dedicated their whole life to service impending ill health and death. Quite the example to draw the lost to your faith.
How, in your upside down mind, am I celebrating her death? You idiot! I’m looking forward to her retirement. She has publicly stated many times that she legislates from the bench-which is a clear violation of her duties, you sheep-humping, boomerang-throwing, kangaroo-petter, whose national bird can’t even fly.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-16-2020, 1:52 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
DO NOT BLASPHEME THE ORANGE MESSIAH. Marc will sodomize you and give you Gonorrhea. Or something like that, I'm not a details guy.
You know, for someone from a tiny, wannabe-Australian island, your English is pretty good. I’m surprised you guys even have the internet there. What’s it like to have Christmas in sweltering heat? That must suck. It also must suck that (unlike the USA) Britain owns you.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       07-16-2020, 1:58 AM Reply   
Ralph, what do you expect? He's shown himself to be a hypocrite here countless times.

And here's his hero yesterday, turning the oval office into an infomercial... disgusting:
Attached Images
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-16-2020, 3:00 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by pesos View Post
Ralph, what do you expect? He's shown himself to be a hypocrite here countless times.

And here's his hero yesterday, turning the oval office into an infomercial... disgusting:
Hypocrisy is a fundamental part of the human condition. No one is immune. Especially liberals. I love how Trump helped the buy-cott. Thanks for posting that, Wes. You’re helping the cause for Goya. You’re also welcome to switch sides and join us good guys any time.
Old     (whiteflashwatersports1)      Join Date: Dec 2012       07-16-2020, 3:27 AM Reply   
If you have women in your family or circle of friends and think they deserve the same rights and opportunities as you and everyone else then you owe a debt of gratitude to RBG.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-16-2020, 3:27 AM Reply   
To all liberals: I highly recommend eating two cans of Goya beans before your next protest/riot.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-16-2020, 3:35 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by whiteflashwatersports1 View Post
If you have women in your family or circle of friends and think they deserve the same rights and opportunities as you and everyone else then you owe a debt of gratitude to RBG.
Oh really? What about the aborted females in some people’s families who were sucked out of their mother’s wombs, dumped into a garbage can and are now sitting in a landfill? What about their rights and opportunities?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-16-2020, 3:49 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
The only thing here that’s ever clear about you is your severe TDS. It has only gotten worse as Trump’s presidency has progressed. 100% unmitigated derangement. You should step back once in awhile from this thread and check yourself. All facetiousness aside, you need help.
Happy you see the repugnance i feel for that grifter. No worry, i will continue, stronger and stronger everyday as he spirals down, worse and worse. He sees the writing on the wall as well as you do, a one term loser. Must suck worse than a 85 degree Christmas to have put 100% into someone who crashes and burns so fast. Not to worry, dems are experienced in putting the country back on its legs after another disastrously bad R. This one will take some time. We may need several successive terms.
Please stop pretending to be Christian, pining for ones death and your hate of some people disqualifies you. Like the grifter said...You will be looking up.
Old     (whiteflashwatersports1)      Join Date: Dec 2012       07-16-2020, 3:56 AM Reply   
We differ in our views and that is ok. I think a women's right to choose is very important. I am not referring to Roe. I am referring the work RBG did for women's rights long before she was on the court. She argued many cases for women's rights in front of the court. She is very important figure in women's rights history. If you believe the things she argued for as a lawyer shouldn't apply to the women in your life I feel sad for them.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-16-2020, 4:15 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Happy you see the repugnance i feel for that grifter. No worry, i will continue, stronger and stronger everyday as he spirals down, worse and worse. He sees the writing on the wall as well as you do, a one term loser. Must suck worse than a 85 degree Christmas to have put 100% into someone who crashes and burns so fast. Not to worry, dems are experienced in putting the country back on its legs after another disastrously bad R. This one will take some time. We may need several successive terms.
Please stop pretending to be Christian, pining for ones death and your hate of some people disqualifies you. Like the grifter said...You will be looking up.
Lol! That’s so rich. The best part is you don’t realize the joke is on you when you have TDS. Any time you hate anyone, it’s YOU that is consumed. Not the person hated. Get it yet?

As for RBG, nice try, loser. I’m not pining for her death. I may make snide comments or speak light-heartedly often, but I’m indifferent about her health. I would love it if she retired though. If anything is disgusting, it’s the fact that she knows she’s been legislating from the bench and is just holding out for the next leftist activist to replace her. Her subversion of our constitution is deplorable.

Don’t be so certain about your daddy only having one term. I find it hard to believe enough people would root for a country that looks like CHOP. If that does happen and we get our first black female as prez (since there’s no way Biden can last more than a year before they carry him off), you will see firearms sales at levels never seen before in world history.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-16-2020, 4:18 AM Reply   
[QUOTE=whiteflashwatersports1;1999800]We differ in our views and that is ok. I think a women's right to choose is very important.

Yeah, you’re okay with murdering children in the womb if they’re not convenient for either of the parents. Got it. You’re right. We do differ in our views.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-16-2020, 6:41 AM Reply   
Oh look! Some really cool democrats spreading more Kung Flu again!
Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       07-16-2020, 6:54 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Oh really? What about the aborted females in some people’s families who were sucked out of their mother’s wombs, dumped into a garbage can and are now sitting in a landfill? What about their rights and opportunities?
Mark, you do Not even know when Life begins! Don't be a hypocrite.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-16-2020, 7:18 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Oh look! Some really cool democrats spreading more Kung Flu again!
Oh look, some braindead republicans that called Covid a hoax now have it. Embarrassingly stupid.

And one GOP GOV not happy with the grifter...

Oh, and Republican Gov, Brian Kemp, who cheated to get elected... goes all in and BANS masks

Reason # 227 that trump will not be re-elected, constant disfunction top to bottom.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-16-2020, 7:30 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Lol! That’s so rich. The best part is you don’t realize the joke is on you when you have TDS. Any time you hate anyone, it’s YOU that is consumed. Not the person hated. Get it yet?

As for RBG, nice try, loser. I’m not pining for her death. I may make snide comments or speak light-heartedly often, but I’m indifferent about her health. I would love it if she retired though. If anything is disgusting, it’s the fact that she knows she’s been legislating from the bench and is just holding out for the next leftist activist to replace her. Her subversion of our constitution is deplorable.

Don’t be so certain about your daddy only having one term. I find it hard to believe enough people would root for a country that looks like CHOP. If that does happen and we get our first black female as prez (since there’s no way Biden can last more than a year before they carry him off), you will see firearms sales at levels never seen before in world history.
Must be why Trump mentioned Biden 37 times in a 30 minute melt down at the WH Rose Garden yesterday. And we thought Trump was teflon, Biden unfazed, trump consumed and melting. Taking up free rent under the orange hair piece. You are obviously affected, order up more ammo, more guns... that will fix it.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-16-2020, 8:23 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Oh look! Some really cool democrats spreading more Kung Flu again!
Difference of opinion.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-16-2020, 2:19 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by joeshmoe View Post
Mark, you do Not even know when Life begins! Don't be a hypocrite.
It begins at conception, you mental midget.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       07-16-2020, 2:23 PM Reply   
LoL this thread never disappoints

Wes Triggerd by GOYA Beans LOL love it. Ok I’ll check back in a few weeks from now I’m sure you Idiots on the left will be mad about something else LOL you idiots are so predictable. LOL LOL LOL
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-16-2020, 2:25 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Oh look, some braindead republicans that called Covid a hoax now have it. Embarrassingly stupid.

And one GOP GOV not happy with the grifter...

Oh, and Republican Gov, Brian Kemp, who cheated to get elected... goes all in and BANS masks

Reason # 227 that trump will not be re-elected, constant disfunction top to bottom.
Your TDS is so not worthy of a response. Your frothing is palpable and I'm 400 miles from you. Don't forget what I said about people that hate.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-16-2020, 3:33 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Don't forget what I said about people that hate.
They go to church on sundays? I forget.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-16-2020, 3:45 PM Reply   
There is some talk of Texas going blue? Surely not, the grifter still getting some right wing numpty love?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-16-2020, 5:26 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
There is some talk of Texas going blue? Surely not, the grifter still getting some right wing numpty love?
How do you manage the time to worry about a real country’s politics with all those shrimp on the Barbie?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-16-2020, 5:37 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
They go to church on sundays? I forget.
Hey, why don’t you go back to Auckland, start wearing shoes like a man, take off the hobbit uniform and get a real job?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-16-2020, 5:42 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
How do you manage the time to worry about a real country’s politics with all those shrimp on the Barbie?
Shrimp on the Barbie are Ausy, Kiwi's have snags (Sauasages)
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-16-2020, 5:43 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Hey, why don’t you go back to Auckland, start wearing shoes like a man, take off the hobbit uniform and get a real job?
Got the day off, had a mint day in the forest with the big boss and little dog.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-16-2020, 5:47 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
There is some talk of Texas going blue? Surely not, the grifter still getting some right wing numpty love?
There’s also talk of how nervous the sheep in NZ are, given the 7/1 ratio of sheep to men in NZ. Plenty of saucer-eyed sheep who want nothing more than to be raised and slaughtered without being humped by you and you pals. Sheep Lives Matter!

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