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Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       04-09-2020, 8:55 AM Reply   
I just wanted to share a story. I have some AGM battery’s I’m selling on C-list. I’m getting lots of people asking about them wanting to buy them, I’m selling them super cheep & just want them
Gone. Well this brings out all sorts of whack a doos. This time it seems to be the El Cheepo Home Solar Dudes. Well one guy asks if I’m interested in a trade. I say sure what do you got. This $hit bag wants to trade a Box of N95 masks (35 quality)for $200 In battery’s. I buy N95s all the time by the case for work. Normal everyday price for normal people @ (Finish Master) is around $1 a piece. I just double checked today to make sure . This $hit bag Craig’s list dousche some how thinks his masks are worth “6 Times” the normal N95 price during This time. I hope people like this are remembered & karma comes knocking


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