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Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       09-11-2019, 3:58 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Good question. Why go to a third party if you can control it your self? Businesses by up smaller companies all the time so they can have control of parts deliveries and technology that they need for their product. Trump being a businessman, I would consider this a natural extension/ question to be asked. We are trying to make a battery powered US, so it makes sense to own the resources to do so. You at least have to ask the question.

That would make sense if we were nationalizing the resource.

But would there be any restriction upon selling the minerals extracted from the territory of Greenland on the world market?

If not, it sounds like a way to use my tax dollars (buying Greenland) to benefit multinational mineral extraction firms.

We do already have an example domestically where the oil industry is lobbying hard to get pipelines built. Most of the controversy over the pipelines has been about the enviro impact of pipelines... not much attention is paid to the reason for the pipelines — to get the oil to port so it can be exported and sold to foreign lands.

If we were really all about energy security why not impose tariffs on foreign oil to encourage the health of the domestic resource? All the talk of China manipulating trade — OPEC has manipulated oil openly and brazenly for more than 40 years.

I’m afraid our mineral extraction policies wouldn’t be any different.


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