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Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       05-08-2019, 11:13 AM Reply   
Anyone have one?
I decided to jump into the Electric Bicycle pool.
I bought this thing off C-List for $300. They normally sell for $1000-$1500. I know little to nothing about E bikes and have to trouble shoot it and get it going. I have no Idea what’s broken or needs fixing I thought for $300 I couldn’t get to hurt.

This has a twist throttle just like a motorcycle and Doesn’t require you to peddle, but it does shift and have gears like a normal bike. It’s got a Hub centric motor and the 18650 battery pack is tucked inside the bikes frame. It says it can go 20 miles at 20 Mph? And it has a rear rack with the ability to slide a extra range pack on the back for 40 miles
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