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Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       10-28-2019, 6:44 AM Reply   
Our Democrat run State is being totally Mis Managed as most Democrat Hell Holes are. If “Gavin Usless” cared as much about forest fires as he does about importing a and protecting Illegals our Fire Defense budget & how our forests are managed we would be in good Shape. Remember back a year or so ago when TRUMP went to Denmark. The King of Denmark explained how they groomed and managed the forest in Denmark to keep forest fires at a min. TRUMP came back & said Califorina should follow Denmark’s forest program. Gavin Usless Laughed! The Do Nothing Democrat’s made fun & memes about combing the forest floor. Well it ain’t no laughing matter now.
PG&E is shutting of power and we STILL have raging fires. California needs to spend more on protecting itself instead of all the USLESS, divisive politics. trying to decide what bathroom Alphabet use and banning straws.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       10-28-2019, 7:27 AM Reply   
Not to mention the pieces of chit flying in just to set fires.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       10-29-2019, 5:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by pesos View Post
Not to mention the pieces of chit flying in just to set fires.
He is probably not the only person doing this. Only takes a couple out of 45 million people to cause this.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       10-28-2019, 9:43 AM Reply   
That guy is human garbage
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       10-29-2019, 5:11 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
Our Democrat run State is being totally Mis Managed as most Democrat Hell Holes are. If “Gavin Usless” cared as much about forest fires as he does about importing a and protecting Illegals our Fire Defense budget & how our forests are managed we would be in good Shape. Remember back a year or so ago when TRUMP went to Denmark. The King of Denmark explained how they groomed and managed the forest in Denmark to keep forest fires at a min. TRUMP came back & said Califorina should follow Denmark’s forest program. Gavin Usless Laughed! The Do Nothing Democrat’s made fun & memes about combing the forest floor. Well it ain’t no laughing matter now.
PG&E is shutting of power and we STILL have raging fires. California needs to spend more on protecting itself instead of all the USLESS, divisive politics. trying to decide what bathroom Alphabet use and banning straws.
But, but, but..... what about owls and mice and the delta smelt?

Don't worry. They are only trying to pull 10 to 15 billion dollars a year off PG&E's budget so they can take the money and give it to their wealthy land owner friends like the Sierra Club. Then of course PG&E having to pay for the governments pet Green projects by buying green energy at a high rate. Nothing to see here folks. They will get their money out of the middle class to pay for this.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       10-30-2019, 1:12 PM Reply   
Yeah but climate change is a Chinese hoax.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-30-2019, 1:39 PM Reply   
G was just watching Tucker last night. Got him woke.


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