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Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       08-22-2019, 6:34 AM Reply   
Heading to Yosemite for 2 nights 3 days with the wife, two 4yo, and my father in law. I’ve done a lot of backcountry backpacking there back in the day, but need to figure out a more family friendly itinerary for this time around.

Was thinking of heading to glacier point upon arrival or shortly after as it’ll be mid afternoon or so by then (staying in Yosemite west). Maybe bike around the valley the next day. Any suggestions welcome, thanks!
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-22-2019, 6:37 AM Reply   
Bit of a curvy drive for the little ones in back but you can head to the southern part of the park and see the giant sequoias. Nice easy nature walk.


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