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Old     (amsterdamn)      Join Date: Aug 2014       12-17-2014, 4:54 PM Reply   
Does anyone know anything about wake kiting?
I saw some people doing it up in northern new york a while back, believed they were on a wakesetter. It looks really fun, I have kiteboarded before and nearly every day in the summer wakeboard. The kite part looks like it can lead to bigger airs and even softer on the knees.
Does anyone know how you could get into this sport?
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       12-18-2014, 1:42 PM Reply   
It is hands down one of the dumbest things ever behind a boat. I tried one and you pretty much can't do anything on it except jump and kinda-raley. I can jump higher without the kite and you just dangle your way slowly back down to the water. It fails on so many levels. They used to sell for $1,500. I bet you could find one on ebay for $15. It is fun for a set and that is pretty much enough.
Old     (amsterdamn)      Join Date: Aug 2014       12-18-2014, 2:04 PM Reply   
Hahaa the way you described it makes it sound terrible. I like kiteboarding the couple times that ive tried it but i guess its not a great idea. Do you happen to have one or have had one?


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