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Old     (Kurzinator)      Join Date: Aug 2017       08-27-2018, 10:54 AM Reply   
I've been using this site for years and years and years to look at all the old boards I used to have and see what new stuff is out these days.

I've noticed the Wakeboard section has been down for a while, and I am wondering if you're going to get it back up?

Thanks for everything you do!
Old     (wakeworld)      Join Date: Jan 1997       08-27-2018, 12:39 PM Reply   
Yes. It was hacked and damaged, but we will get humpty dumpty put back together again this winter.
Old     (Kurzinator)      Join Date: Aug 2017       08-28-2018, 5:57 AM Reply   
Sorry you got hacked! What a drag. It's awesome that you're putting it back together though.
Thanks for the reply.
Old     (Kurzinator)      Join Date: Aug 2017       02-28-2019, 4:18 AM Reply   
Is there anything I can do to help?
Old     (Kurzinator)      Join Date: Aug 2017       09-12-2019, 8:56 AM Reply   
It has been a year now. Do you still have plans to get the database back up?
As a casual collector, it has always been one of my favorite things on the internet, for real.

I hope you guys fix it soon!!


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