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Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       09-04-2021, 7:52 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Worse we have "The NZ Labour party" and "The Greens"

Proportional representation tends to moderate polarization because the wacky fringe groups have to come together with moderates to govern.

Here we let the wacky fringe groups elect their craziest candidates in the primaries so the all-or-nothing choices are often between the extremes, with no option in the middle.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       09-05-2021, 9:22 PM Reply   
I’ve said for decades that dims are evil. Not surprising the satanic temple itself is joining forces with dims now in order to promote more murder of unborn children.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       09-06-2021, 12:45 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
I’ve said for decades that dims are evil. Not surprising the satanic temple itself is joining forces with dims now in order to promote more murder of unborn children.
Do you make a distinction between dem voters and dem leadership?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       09-06-2021, 2:51 AM Reply   
Whoops. Wrong link.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       09-06-2021, 2:56 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Do you make a distinction between dem voters and dem leadership?
Not with regards to this topic and many more. Finding a pro life dim is like finding a needle in a haystack.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-06-2021, 8:55 AM Reply   
Pro life in Texas be like... we cant make a 12 year old girl wear a mask to school but we can make her have a baby no matter who daddy is. Very pro life.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       09-06-2021, 12:45 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Pro life in Texas be like... we cant make a 12 year old girl wear a mask to school but we can make her have a baby no matter who daddy is. Very pro life.
Satanists in Texas be like, “yep, we dims and we want more baby murderers.”

It ain’t the child’s fault who the daddy is.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       09-06-2021, 1:13 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Pro life in Texas be like... we cant make a 12 year old girl wear a mask to school but we can make her have a baby no matter who daddy is. Very pro life.
Clearly, you’ve never witnessed the testimony of anyone, who by dim’s “standards” and opinions, “shouldn’t have been born.”
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-06-2021, 3:03 PM Reply   
Enjoy, today you can sue random people over hurt feelings from abortions. The courts wont enforce, this is vigilante justice with a cash bonus. What Could Possibly Go Wrong??
Not to mention pissing off an entire country of women who just may vote. No foresight.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-06-2021, 3:56 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Enjoy, today you can sue random people over hurt feelings from abortions. The courts wont enforce, this is vigilante justice with a cash bonus. What Could Possibly Go Wrong??
Not to mention pissing off an entire country of women who just may vote. No foresight.
So basically you’re saying my body my choice , except when it’s a vaccine or mask. You’re just as dumb as they are.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-06-2021, 4:15 PM Reply   
Once again days go bye since Charts showing irrefutable data regarding vaccinations and they overwhelming failure to prevent the transmission and contraction. Of the delta , and not a single peep about those statistics from our resident triple maskers.

It’s like they pretend the nut kicks don’t exist. One again shining brightly on the lies being pushed by them
And the left.

We have been at the point for some time in which the people who want to be vaccinated are , the people who don’t aren’t. , We are also at the point where people who aren’t vaccinated Are no more a risk to the vaccinated than a vaccinated person is to another vaccinated person. It’s time to stop all the useless mandates and idiocies based on political agendas and ideologies , accept the science and move forward. A student in a classroom without mask and without a vaccine is not any more of danger to the kid who chooses to wear a mask and is vaccinated than the kid on the other side of that student also wearing a mask and vaccinated. END OF STORY.

Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       09-06-2021, 4:58 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Not with regards to this topic and many more. Finding a pro life dim is like finding a needle in a haystack.
So it's only 75 million Americans you think are evil and dangerous. That's good I guess, quite a patriot.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       09-06-2021, 5:00 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Aren't you 65% less likely to catch delta if you are vaccinated?
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-06-2021, 9:39 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Aren't you 65% less likely to catch delta if you are vaccinated?
No but feel free to pull numbers out of your ass.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       09-06-2021, 10:32 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
No but feel free to pull numbers out of your ass.
What's your out of the ass data?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       09-07-2021, 7:36 AM Reply   
[QUOTE=ralph;2012207]So it's only 75 million Americans you think are evil and dangerous.

…and eternally doomed.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-07-2021, 7:40 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Name:  A5062439-9F46-497F-9620-F9DE6B1047C0.jpeg
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Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       09-07-2021, 7:57 AM Reply   
I'm out of empathy at this point. I'm vaccinated and healthy. I only know of one breakthrough case personally. Most of my unvaccinated friends have already had it--some sever--a neighbor died and she was young (40ish). I know people who are dealing with symptoms/problems months later.

My family continues to wade right through this pandemic unharmed and we have followed the guidelines to do it. I'm going to stick with what has worked for over a year now.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-07-2021, 9:12 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
And one other dagger to your propaganda number

The CDC Hasn’t been pulling data from vaccinated individuals for months. Zero interest in that research . That’s straight from CDC. They’ve only focused on hospitalizations/deaths . So it will take time for the true efficacy numbers to settle in , but they’re exponentially declining weekly. Reason being the CDC basically pretended vaccinated individuals weren’t worth dedicating resources to for data purposes until recently , that’s roughly 4 mos of
Data they’ve yet to study and record. So huge gap in your claim. But hey enjoy the propaganda.

. Beginning May 1, 2021, CDC transitioned from monitoring all reported COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infections to investigating only those among patients who are hospitalized or die, thereby focusing on the cases of highest clinical and public health significance. CDC will continue to lead studies in multiple U.S. sites to evaluate vaccine effectiveness and collect information on all COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infections regardless of clinical status.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-07-2021, 9:19 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Once again days go bye since Charts showing irrefutable data regarding vaccinations and they overwhelming failure to prevent the transmission and contraction. Of the delta , and not a single peep about those statistics from our resident triple maskers.

It’s like they pretend the nut kicks don’t exist. One again shining brightly on the lies being pushed by them
And the left.

We have been at the point for some time in which the people who want to be vaccinated are , the people who don’t aren’t. , We are also at the point where people who aren’t vaccinated Are no more a risk to the vaccinated than a vaccinated person is to another vaccinated person. It’s time to stop all the useless mandates and idiocies based on political agendas and ideologies , accept the science and move forward. A student in a classroom without mask and without a vaccine is not any more of danger to the kid who chooses to wear a mask and is vaccinated than the kid on the other side of that student also wearing a mask and vaccinated. END OF STORY.

You sure push a lot of anti American BS, do you just wake up and start lying? Hospitals are full of un vaccinated idiots. More kids in hospitals than ever before. Why the new objections to vaccines? Did you protest vaccines in grade school, high school? They required them. Vaccinations have been part of America since George Washington first had troops vaccinated against small pox in 1777. George Washington a crazy lefty too? Even today every US soldier is required to be vaccinated against chicken pox, hep A, hep B, measles, mumps, rubella, rabies, pertussis, tetanus, diphtheria, rabies, typhoid, pneumococcal pneumonia, and the flu. Schools and universities have required vaccines for decades. States are requiring all employees to vax up. Funny, the biggest whiners in my area are Cops and Fireman. They want the freedom to show up at your door w/o mask or vax. They also want their $200K/year. Plenty will end up unemployed and for what? i have zero empathy. You should go volunteer at a children's hospital or any hospital for a dose of un politicized reality.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       09-07-2021, 9:48 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Getting Vacinnated is still the best option
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       09-07-2021, 9:51 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
…and eternally doomed.
Ironic, when you right of millions of people you have never met because they have a different world view than then it's you who is dangerous. You have a lot more in common with ISIS than you realize.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-07-2021, 10:39 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Getting Vacinnated is still the best option
No doubt, vax is best for all. Too many are suffering from long term covid effects and they are under reported. I read that one patient was so brain damaged he thought he won an election he lost by 7 million votes.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-07-2021, 11:01 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You sure push a lot of anti American BS, do you just wake up and start lying? Hospitals are full of un vaccinated idiots. More kids in hospitals than ever before. Why the new objections to vaccines? Did you protest vaccines in grade school, high school? They required them. Vaccinations have been part of America since George Washington first had troops vaccinated against small pox in 1777. George Washington a crazy lefty too? Even today every US soldier is required to be vaccinated against chicken pox, hep A, hep B, measles, mumps, rubella, rabies, pertussis, tetanus, diphtheria, rabies, typhoid, pneumococcal pneumonia, and the flu. Schools and universities have required vaccines for decades. States are requiring all employees to vax up. Funny, the biggest whiners in my area are Cops and Fireman. They want the freedom to show up at your door w/o mask or vax. They also want their $200K/year. Plenty will end up unemployed and for what? i have zero empathy. You should go volunteer at a children's hospital or any hospital for a dose of un politicized reality.
The only one waking up and lying every day is you on this site. It’s comical the amount of times you been bitch slapped. So once again here’s your mushroom stamp.

First the covid vaccine isn’t a vaccine by standards. Is a flu shot a required in the workplace , at schools ? What efficacy rate qualifies for a mandate ? The vaccine has a demographic it helps right now. NOBODY KNOWS WHAT HAPPENS IN 2-3 months again. Just like when the vaccine rolled out oh don’t worry you’ll never have to wear a mask or social distance if your vaccinated , Rolled back , now everyone will need a booster the original isn’t strong enough. The goalposts as usual are every changing while the deadliness is a fraction , and if you’re still a healthy, non obese , 40 and under American without secondary causes putting you at risk , you can afford to wait for the research to continue and evolve rather then jump to political bull**** being spewed. Efficacy rates are exponentially decreasing , Protections from variants are decreasing . The data has consistently overturned the messages from Biden’s and Fauci’s bull****. So spare the faux nonsensical gargabge that your life is in danger because someone makes a different choice based on their own health and medical advice as well as the risks associated with it. Stay buried in your basement while Americans choose. Masks didn’t work the first go around and they’re not working now. Vaccines are on the downturn of efficacy not up.

Beat your drum all you want about the “high risk” pool of non vaccinated in hospitals right now. That’s small sliver of a very specific “at risk group” and that does not tell the story of the actual majority . Once again allowing your feelings to drive your views instead of the science. If an officer without a mask shows up at your house you have bigger problems than catching the variant. Why are you scared , you’ll have your mask on and you’re vaccinated. You’re in the clear according to your logic.

Less than 1/100th of percent death rate and your knees at trembling pissing in your diaper becaue an unmasked person shows up at your door. It’s hysterical.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       09-07-2021, 11:55 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Ironic, when you right of millions of people you have never met because they have a different world view than then it's you who is dangerous. You have a lot more in common with ISIS than you realize.
You mean “write off?”

I don’t write off anyone. People write themselves off. The instruction manual was written 2,000+ years ago. I’m also not going around killing people or blowing myself up like ISIS either. Not sure what you banged your head on today, but it was a doozy. I’m sure you have a big ol’ pop knot on your cranium.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-07-2021, 12:03 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
The only one waking up and lying every day is you on this site. It’s comical the amount of times you been bitch slapped. So once again here’s your mushroom stamp.

First the covid vaccine isn’t a vaccine by standards. Is a flu shot a required in the workplace , at schools ? What efficacy rate qualifies for a mandate ? The vaccine has a demographic it helps right now. NOBODY KNOWS WHAT HAPPENS IN 2-3 months again. Just like when the vaccine rolled out oh don’t worry you’ll never have to wear a mask or social distance if your vaccinated , Rolled back , now everyone will need a booster the original isn’t strong enough. The goalposts as usual are every changing while the deadliness is a fraction , and if you’re still a healthy, non obese , 40 and under American without secondary causes putting you at risk , you can afford to wait for the research to continue and evolve rather then jump to political bull**** being spewed. Efficacy rates are exponentially decreasing , Protections from variants are decreasing . The data has consistently overturned the messages from Biden’s and Fauci’s bull****. So spare the faux nonsensical gargabge that your life is in danger because someone makes a different choice based on their own health and medical advice as well as the risks associated with it. Stay buried in your basement while Americans choose. Masks didn’t work the first go around and they’re not working now. Vaccines are on the downturn of efficacy not up.

Beat your drum all you want about the “high risk” pool of non vaccinated in hospitals right now. That’s small sliver of a very specific “at risk group” and that does not tell the story of the actual majority . Once again allowing your feelings to drive your views instead of the science. If an officer without a mask shows up at your house you have bigger problems than catching the variant. Why are you scared , you’ll have your mask on and you’re vaccinated. You’re in the clear according to your logic.

Less than 1/100th of percent death rate and your knees at trembling pissing in your diaper becaue an unmasked person shows up at your door. It’s hysterical.
When you start with a flat out lie, i stop reading. The vaccine is fully FDA approved. Vaccines have been required to attend school for decades. Seems its only un-educated right wing wackos that cant understand the changing rules regarding vaccines, masks, distancing...As the science evolves the response evolves. Simple as that. The unvaccinated are causing provable harm to others. I just saw a story of a dad who took his kid to hospital due to appendix, the hospital was so over crowded with unvaccinated covid patients he had to wait a 5 hours. During the 5 hour wait, his appendix burst causing a 5 day hosp stay and $5000 hospital bill. Unvaccinated people should ALL be paying for their own treatment, ins should turn them down because they refused to do the simplest free thing to do. I could make the argument to not even allow them into hospitals if vaccinated patients need the space. Why are they even at the hosp? They disagree with every single thing the people in the hosp have been saying for months. Now they go to the expert? Whats wrong with facebook when you cant breathe? My rates should not be impacted by your stupidity. Remdesivir, the popular treatment costs from $2100 to $3500 for treatment, it costs the company about $1.00 to make it. More capitolism. You forgot to say if you railed against vaccines in grade school and high school, when did this become an issue for you?
FYI, the "actual majority" of people in hospitals are unvaccinated, that is the story. If they got a shot most would never end up there. Stupidity 101 required course for the far right?
Im not scared of unvaxed LEO's you fool. Why would i be? I dont think in terms of saving my own butt like you do. Plenty of people are not protected like i am. It says "Protect and Serve" as the official police logo, not infect and spread. Your math and thinking skills are lacking. Not much worse than someone as confident as you AND 100% wrong. You are a disgrace bro. Just like every one of the antiVax showboats that are all dead now.
Remember all those socialism scare tactics....they will ration healthcare. Its now happening because stupid ****ing anti vaxxers.
Everyone of these idiots saying all the same things youre saying, and they are dead. Freedom of speech, cheers.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       09-07-2021, 2:24 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
I don’t write off anyone. People write themselves off.
Yeah in your opinion they are written off.

Originally Posted by markj View Post
The instruction manual was written 2,000+ years ago.
We have advanced over the last 2,000 years, your handbook is a bit out of date LOL.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       09-07-2021, 2:45 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Less than 1/100th of percent death rate and your knees at trembling pissing in your diaper becaue an unmasked person shows up at your door.
Well... it's those folks hiding in their basements who are keeping from catching and giving you the chance to cite the 1/100 percent figure. Actual death rate of those who catch it is a hair under 2%.

Somewhat disingenuous to belittle people who avoid catching and then pound them over the head with the "few die from it" figure (which is due in not small part because of their avoiding catching).
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-07-2021, 3:13 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Well... it's those folks hiding in their basements who are keeping from catching and giving you the chance to cite the 1/100 percent figure. Actual death rate of those who catch it is a hair under 2%.

Somewhat disingenuous to belittle people who avoid catching and then pound them over the head with the "few die from it" figure (which is due in not small part because of their avoiding catching).
The issue is those people trembling in their basement think that is where everyone belongs. Locked down and suffocated to prevent themselves from catching it.

It’s also disingenuous to lump young healthy Americans into the same 2%
that is completely skewed due to an to unhealthy , obese , elderly segment of society that accounts for over 80 percent of the deaths.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       09-07-2021, 3:47 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
It’s also disingenuous to lump young healthy Americans into the same 2%
that is completely skewed due to an to unhealthy , obese , elderly segment of society that accounts for over 80 percent of the deaths.
Agree. And locally to me (purply state), the ship has sailed. I think people are content to let the no-vax crowd hang out at the feed store and buy up all the ivermectin.

We would probably all look at this differently if the elderly were unaffected and it killed healthy kindergarteners at the rate that it kills the elderly.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-07-2021, 3:50 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
The issue is those people trembling in their basement think that is where everyone belongs. Locked down and suffocated to prevent themselves from catching it.

It’s also disingenuous to lump young healthy Americans into the same 2%
that is completely skewed due to an to unhealthy , obese , elderly segment of society that accounts for over 80 percent of the deaths.
Why do all the people who say all the same BS that you post here regularly keep dying? Why is that? Why is it the states that do as you suggest (nothing, masks dont work, the vaccine is experimental, my choice...) are going thru the worst hospitalizations and deaths? IE Texas, Florida, Mississippi, .... The states that do what Fauci and the CDC recommends are in much better shape, less death, less hospitalizations, hospitals not full? Why is that? How could that possibly be?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       09-07-2021, 3:52 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
The issue is those people trembling in their basement think that is where everyone belongs. Locked down and suffocated to prevent themselves from catching it.

It’s also disingenuous to lump young healthy Americans into the same 2%
that is completely skewed due to an to unhealthy , obese , elderly segment of society that accounts for over 80 percent of the deaths.
LOL over 40% of Americans are obese!
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-07-2021, 4:10 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
LOL over 40% of Americans are obese!
40%? wait til they factor in the covid pounds many put on. I added 5 lbs myself. Guessing closer to 50% on LEO's it's their #1 cause of death. What else could possibly kill off so many of them while they refuse a free vaccine. Our best and brightest.

Right Starguy, its not young healthy peoplle, girl was 19.
The 19-year-old had no underlying health conditions and had decided not to take a COVID-19 vaccine because a chicago mall cop told her she didnt need to, she wasnt in the group that needs to be trembling in their basement with 3 masks.

Last edited by 95sn; 09-07-2021 at 4:14 PM.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-07-2021, 5:36 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
The issue is those people trembling in their basement think that is where everyone belongs. Locked down and suffocated to prevent themselves from catching it.

It’s also disingenuous to lump young healthy Americans into the same 2%
that is completely skewed due to an to unhealthy , obese , elderly segment of society that accounts for over 80 percent of the deaths.
Its so disingenuous for all these kids to get covid and make mallcop look like an ass. Its completely skewed.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-07-2021, 7:14 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Its so disingenuous for all these kids to get covid and make mallcop look like an ass. Its completely skewed.
Right on cue exploiting positivity as a death sentence. Scare tactics 101. Data proves you an imbecile again.

75,000,000 children under the age of 18 in the us.
400 covid related deaths.

.000005 percent chance as a child under 18 you die of covid.

400 covid deaths under 18
633,786 total covid deaths

.0006 percent. Of all covid deaths.
That’s not even separating out the children with extremely severe pre existing health conditions.

Seems logical to restrict , lockdown , and impeded the rights of the rest of the 99.999995 based of fear and feelings. I am sure the increase mental health issues , depression , suicide rates, decreased all quality of life , education , and life skills hindered outnumber that stat 100 times over

Oh one other quick fact. Prior to covid children who died from flu yearly averaged 200 per year. So 400 covid related deaths in 1.75 yrs let’s hit the panic button and turn children’s lives upside down and destroy their mental and educational capacity . LIBERAL MINDSET ON DISPLAY. THEIR POLICIES DOING EXPONENTIALLY WORSE THAN THE VIRUS ITSEF. MAKES COMPLETE SENSE.

What’s that. 50% of flu deaths had extreme risk pre existing health conditions , while over 80% of the covid deaths had extreme pre existing conditions.

Wow craziness. Once again feelings getting mushroom stamped by data . Does it ever get old ?

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Last edited by xstarrider; 09-07-2021 at 7:17 PM.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       09-07-2021, 9:37 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Yeah in your opinion they are written off.

We have advanced over the last 2,000 years, your handbook is a bit out of date LOL.
My opinion means zero in this context. They/you are lost. Not written off. He “leaves the 99” to go get the one lost sheep. There is hope for everyone who recognizes and believes the truth. Including you.

I’m really sorry for you that you don’t recognize the timelessness of it. It does speak of people just like you though. It doesn’t end well for you, but go ahead and mock. There’s a place for people like you as well.

Btw, how “advanced” are we when you look on the streets of any dim-run city? I guess since we have apps that tell us where the latest pile of feces is, that means we’re “advanced” so ok, you got me there.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-07-2021, 9:40 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
LOL over 40% of Americans are obese!
Yes …….that’s the actual pandemic. Not covid. Appreciate you pointing that out and once again posting something we’ve already identified 1000 times over.

Yet not a single peep fro. Whitehouse or anyone encouraging and promoting healthy lifestyle choices. Nope. They thought it best to lock people out of gyms , lock people out of hiking running trails , lock people down from using lakes rovers and other outdoor activity sites . Makes perfect sense.

Ruth roh. We would t want that race card based off statistics again.

In 2019, black adults had the highest obesity rates of any race or ethnicity in the United States, around 40 percent of all black adults are obese. So they kill themselves with unhealthy lifestyles , and then they kil themselves with guns and somehow yet it’s white racists that are the issue .

Wow the democrats are really help save those black lives with their policies. Decades after decades of failure for the left helping their voting pawns.

Last edited by xstarrider; 09-07-2021 at 9:48 PM.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       09-07-2021, 9:49 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Yes …….that’s the actual pandemic. Not covid. Appreciate you pointing that out and once again posting something we’ve already identified 1000 times over.

Yet not a single peep fro. Whitehouse or anyone encouraging and promoting healthy lifestyle choices. Nope. They thought it best to lock people out of gyms , lock people out of hiking running trails , lock people down from using lakes rovers and other outdoor activity sites . Makes
Perfect sense once again.
Yeah I remember watching the footage of the dude in SoCal, surfing and getting arrested right out of the waves for violating the commie shutdown. Insane!
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-07-2021, 10:01 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Agree. And locally to me (purply state), the ship has sailed. I think people are content to let the no-vax crowd hang out at the feed store and buy up all the ivermectin.

We would probably all look at this differently if the elderly were unaffected and it killed healthy kindergarteners at the rate that it kills the elderly.
Well that would be the smart way to adjust wouldn’t it. Not lump the entire population under one umbrella with rules for thee but not for me mentality. You know use a targeted scientific approach not a politically motivated one. . Institute common sense policy that deals with those in the most affected window , Not mandate the same for a single populous that doesn’t show the same traits across the board. Oh wait that’s science not politics. I forgot. We don’t believe in that here.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       09-07-2021, 10:04 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Well that would be the smart way to adjust wouldn’t it. Not lump the entire population under one umbrella with rules for thee but not for me mentality. You know use a targeted scientific approach not a politically motivated one. . Institute common sense policy that deals with those in the most affected window , Not mandate the same for a single populous that doesn’t show the same traits across the board. Oh wait that’s science not politics. I forgot. We don’t believe in that here.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       09-07-2021, 10:06 PM Reply   
Looks like another one of Hunter’s girlfriends is in the news again.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       09-07-2021, 10:12 PM Reply   
Oh hey, let’s observe the fruits of our affirmative action VP when she has her way. Can you say, “mo crime be hatnin’ today” because of her? Yep.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-07-2021, 10:30 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
40%? wait til they factor in the covid pounds many put on. I added 5 lbs myself. Guessing closer to 50% on LEO's it's their #1 cause of death. What else could possibly kill off so many of them while they refuse a free vaccine. Our best and brightest.

Right Starguy, its not young healthy peoplle, girl was 19.
The 19-year-old had no underlying health conditions and had decided not to take a COVID-19 vaccine because a chicago mall cop told her she didnt need to, she wasnt in the group that needs to be trembling in their basement with 3 masks.
Let’s play the strawman game

Lady dies due to vaccine

Fully vaccinated healthy elderly man dies from covid.

Fully vaccinated elderly man dies of covid.

3 people dead as a result of getting moderna vaccine

Fully vaccinated man dies of covid

List goes on and on and on.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       09-08-2021, 3:20 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Well that would be the smart way to adjust wouldn’t it. Not lump the entire population under one umbrella with rules for thee but not for me mentality. You know use a targeted scientific approach not a politically motivated one. . Institute common sense policy that deals with those in the most affected window , Not mandate the same for a single populous that doesn’t show the same traits across the board. Oh wait that’s science not politics. I forgot. We don’t believe in that here.

Still don’t understand the dif between public health and personal medical advice…?
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       09-08-2021, 3:26 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Let’s play the strawman game

Lady dies due to vaccine

Fully vaccinated healthy elderly man dies from covid.

Fully vaccinated elderly man dies of covid.

3 people dead as a result of getting moderna vaccine

Fully vaccinated man dies of covid

List goes on and on and on.

Your own study from last week says 3/4 of the population with circulating antibodies have them bc of vaccine alone.

I’ll spot you every crazy tenuous fake news “vaccine caused man to eat his dog and then die” story you can find on Facebook. What’s the ratio of vax deaths to unvaxxed COVID deaths (remember cdc is tracking breakthrough deaths)?
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-08-2021, 7:15 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Still don’t understand the dif between public health and personal medical advice…?
Oh I understand. I also understand the public health crisis nobody seems to want to talk about regarding our youth where the cure is worse than the disease.

I think you misconstrue my posts. I am not anti vaccine. I am anti mandate because the data is clear as can be that the virus attacks and is severe to certain demographics. , The risk a healthy individual under the age of 50 suffers serious implications after contracting covid is minimal to begin with. Adolesencevthat risk is even more minuscule. Say all you want, but the health care professionals on the front lines are split about being forced to get vaccinated as well. High level medical personnel that have been dealing with the virus for almost two years are not getting vaccinated. The data set regarding the vaccine , the testing of the vaccine , and the ever so evolving virus allow an overwhelming majority of healthy Americans , those with the lowest risk , to let the vaccine data keep evolving with minimal Risk til data becomes more concrete and consistent. Using kids and schools as pawns for a political agenda has created an even bigger mental health and lack of education crisis in today’s youth then the covid deaths of children has had in communities.

We won’t even get into the deteriorating mental health of young single healthy professionals. Or the long term negative effects the leftist extremism regarding lockdowns and restrictions has left in the job market that will take decades to bring back.

The numbers at the moment regarding delta in US are in the beginning stages. The elderly with pre existing health issues once again account for a super majority of these exploited death statistics. The efficacy rate has dropped significantly when the cdc actually started studying vaccinated individuals. Turns out vaccines are nowhere near as preventative at spreading or contracting disease as they thought. They’ve walked back just about every statement regarding them except get jabbed. Now they can’t even come to a conclusion on if a booster is needed. Leading experts are split on that. If you’re in the least risk category why wouldn’t you wait til long term results have more of definitive answers. The “only unvaccinated are dying “ line pushing the entire narrative of vaccine mandates is being exploited and anyone with a functioning brain following the data can see that.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-08-2021, 7:42 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
So it's only 75 million Americans you think are evil and dangerous. That's good I guess, quite a patriot.
If you look at what they are for, then it is pretty compelling that they are. Globalists are dangerous to our republic.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-08-2021, 7:44 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Why do all the people who say all the same BS that you post here regularly keep dying? Why is that? Why is it the states that do as you suggest (nothing, masks dont work, the vaccine is experimental, my choice...) are going thru the worst hospitalizations and deaths? IE Texas, Florida, Mississippi, .... The states that do what Fauci and the CDC recommends are in much better shape, less death, less hospitalizations, hospitals not full? Why is that? How could that possibly be?
From what I have seen in the estimates, is we will have 1/6 the deaths from Delta. Not great but considering it is way more transmissible, it could be a win of sorts.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-08-2021, 7:47 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Yeah in your opinion they are written off.

We have advanced over the last 2,000 years, your handbook is a bit out of date LOL.
We have not advanced in the last 2000 years. We have regressed significantly socially in just a couple of decades. Very few people have to work to actually survive and don't know the give and take to rely on others to survive. I think we are much much worse socially than any time in human history.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-08-2021, 7:51 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Oh I understand. I also understand the public health crisis nobody seems to want to talk about regarding our youth where the cure is worse than the disease.

I think you misconstrue my posts. I am not anti vaccine. I am anti mandate because the data is clear as can be that the virus attacks and is severe to certain demographics. , The risk a healthy individual under the age of 50 suffers serious implications after contracting covid is minimal to begin with. Adolesencevthat risk is even more minuscule. Say all you want, but the health care professionals on the front lines are split about being forced to get vaccinated as well. High level medical personnel that have been dealing with the virus for almost two years are not getting vaccinated. The data set regarding the vaccine , the testing of the vaccine , and the ever so evolving virus allow an overwhelming majority of healthy Americans , those with the lowest risk , to let the vaccine data keep evolving with minimal Risk til data becomes more concrete and consistent. Using kids and schools as pawns for a political agenda has created an even bigger mental health and lack of education crisis in today’s youth then the covid deaths of children has had in communities.

We won’t even get into the deteriorating mental health of young single healthy professionals. Or the long term negative effects the leftist extremism regarding lockdowns and restrictions has left in the job market that will take decades to bring back.

The numbers at the moment regarding delta in US are in the beginning stages. The elderly with pre existing health issues once again account for a super majority of these exploited death statistics. The efficacy rate has dropped significantly when the cdc actually started studying vaccinated individuals. Turns out vaccines are nowhere near as preventative at spreading or contracting disease as they thought. They’ve walked back just about every statement regarding them except get jabbed. Now they can’t even come to a conclusion on if a booster is needed. Leading experts are split on that. If you’re in the least risk category why wouldn’t you wait til long term results have more of definitive answers. The “only unvaccinated are dying “ line pushing the entire narrative of vaccine mandates is being exploited and anyone with a functioning brain following the data can see that.
Two head people at the FDA just quit over the booster topic. They think Biden is not looking at the science and pushing too fast.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-08-2021, 8:02 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Agree. And locally to me (purply state), the ship has sailed. I think people are content to let the no-vax crowd hang out at the feed store and buy up all the ivermectin.

We would probably all look at this differently if the elderly were unaffected and it killed healthy kindergarteners at the rate that it kills the elderly.
I thought you guys have been arguing that the vaccine works and has very few break through cases leading to death? I thought we also have discovered that vaccinated people can spread it like the unvaccinated though is sounds like a shorter window. To that end, what can people really do? If you are at risk, get the vaccine. It comes to personal responsibility at that point.

I don't know what you democrats have against ivermectin and any other treatment. There is treatment called Monoclonal Antibody Treatment that is reducing hospitalizations and death from COVID by 70% with almost no side effects. It also has been shown to shorten the duration of symptoms by 4 days. Trump had this antibody treatment when he got COVID.

As far as ivermectin. I see you guys have fallen for the left wing media talking points again. Not sure if it absolutely cure or treat covid. Obviously a few doctors do, however it is not just for animals. Want to know who is getting ivermectin? Almost every Asian immigrant into the US including all the Afghan refugees. It is for parasites. It is not just a horse de-wormer. It is used extensively in humans (pretty much like every animal medicine).
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       09-08-2021, 8:08 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Oh I understand. I also understand the public health crisis nobody seems to want to talk about regarding our youth where the cure is worse than the disease.

I think you misconstrue my posts. I am not anti vaccine. I am anti mandate because the data is clear as can be that the virus attacks and is severe to certain demographics. , The risk a healthy individual under the age of 50 suffers serious implications after contracting covid is minimal to begin with.
I don't misconstrue. I get it. Don't make kids or young folks get vaccines because kids and young folks aren't at risk of serious disease or death. However, the vax is the best solution for the mental health crisis you are complaining about.

Problem being (a) parents want kids and young folks to go to school; (b) schools don't exist without staff; (c) school admins, teachers and staff aren't kids and many aren't young folks; (d) many school employees are older, unhealthy, elderly or immunocompromised people; (e) even young and healthy school employees often live with or associate with older, unhealthy, elderly or immunocompromised people; (f) as has been noted many times before, the vaccine itself doesn't always confer foolproof immunity (i.e. to older, unhealthy, elderly or immunocompromised people).

So to prevent the public health impacts you complain about (youth mental health issues), the vax is actually the best solution to get schools open without restrictions. Till a vax is approved for kids, some form of masks and social distancing will be required. mandating a vax for kids won't adversely affect their mental health.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       09-08-2021, 8:16 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
I don't know what you democrats have against ivermectin and any other treatment. There is treatment called Monoclonal Antibody Treatment that is reducing hospitalizations and death from COVID by 70% with almost no side effects. It also has been shown to shorten the duration of symptoms by 4 days. Trump had this antibody treatment when he got COVID.
This arg cracks me up. The vaccine is a dangerous mandated medical procedure based on risky rushed science, but if I get sick, give me that rushed medicine developed by the same drug makers.

Science is BS... till I get sick.

BTW just consider the social cost. Vaccine costs $20. Remdesivir about $3K (not to mention the productivity lost by individual who is sick enough to need it). Remdesivir helps a sick person get better, vax prevents well person from getting sick and from getting other well people sick.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-08-2021, 9:17 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Let’s play the strawman game

Lady dies due to vaccine

Fully vaccinated healthy elderly man dies from covid.

Fully vaccinated elderly man dies of covid.

3 people dead as a result of getting moderna vaccine

Fully vaccinated man dies of covid

List goes on and on and on.
You conveniently keep forgetting to inform on when you decided vaccines were left wing libtard medicine. You have been getting them since you were a child. When did this become an issue with you? Also, you fail to inform all on why the states doing what you say, TX, FL,MS.....mostly the red ones, have overflowing hospitals and many times the positivity and deaths in states NOT doing as you say. Why is that? You seem like you want to compare those that had bad reactions or died from a vax to those who dont get the shot and die in a hospital...the place they, the unvaxxed dont believe a single word the hospital folks say....until they are real, real sick, why? Why are 10 hospitals in the Idaho panhandle rationing healthcare, "crisis standard of care"?
Whats the ratio vaxxed death to non vaxxed death, ill wait. You def playing strawman games clown.
Why do i keep seeing stories like this....

But i dont see anyone saying how happy they are they didnt get a free shot?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-08-2021, 9:17 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
This arg cracks me up. The vaccine is a dangerous mandated medical procedure based on risky rushed science, but if I get sick, give me that rushed medicine developed by the same drug makers.

Science is BS... till I get sick.

BTW just consider the social cost. Vaccine costs $20. Remdesivir about $3K (not to mention the productivity lost by individual who is sick enough to need it). Remdesivir helps a sick person get better, vax prevents well person from getting sick and from getting other well people sick.
I am not at all remiss of the irony of it. I agree 100%, however we are interested in overall health of the population, it is also possible to do both and we should pursue both. They should talk positively about treatments as well.

The costs? How much does it cost to put someone in a hospital bed for COVID? I am sure the outpatient therapy is cheaper. Not as cheap as the vaccine, however the vaccine would be expensive too if we did not commit billions into ramping up their production and guarantee a market.

As of now, even if you are vaccinated and test positive, you still are sidelined for COVID just the same. Not sure if there is a major productivity issue there.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-08-2021, 9:19 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You conveniently keep forgetting to inform on when you decided vaccines were left wing libtard medicine. You have been getting them since you were a child. When did this become an issue with you? Also, you fail to inform all on why the states doing what you say, TX, FL,MS.....mostly the red ones, have overflowing hospitals and many times the positivity and deaths in states NOT doing as you say. Why is that? You seem like you want to compare those that had bad reactions or died from a vax to those who dont get the shot and die in a hospital...the place they, the unvaxxed dont believe a single word the hospital folks say....until they are real, real sick, why? Why are 10 hospitals in the Idaho panhandle rationing healthcare, "crisis standard of care"?
Whats the ratio vaxxed death to non vaxxed death, ill wait. You def playing strawman games clown.
Why do i keep seeing stories like this....

But i dont see anyone saying how happy they are they didnt get a free shot?
Turns out that these red states overflowing articles have been retracted by their publications.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-08-2021, 9:58 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Turns out that these red states overflowing articles have been retracted by their publications.
Thats GREAT NEWS, show me where they retracted.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-08-2021, 10:08 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
I am not at all remiss of the irony of it. I agree 100%, however we are interested in overall health of the population, it is also possible to do both and we should pursue both. They should talk positively about treatments as well.

The costs? How much does it cost to put someone in a hospital bed for COVID? I am sure the outpatient therapy is cheaper. Not as cheap as the vaccine, however the vaccine would be expensive too if we did not commit billions into ramping up their production and guarantee a market.

As of now, even if you are vaccinated and test positive, you still are sidelined for COVID just the same. Not sure if there is a major productivity issue there.
But the vaccine isnt expensive is it, its free. How much is horse paste?
Wasnt the argument with the vaccine that it was experimental? Monoclonal antibody treatment IS Experimental and not FDA approved, the vaccines are free and approved.
If vaccinated and test positive you may be sidelined, ok. It is 100 times better than hospitalized, isnt it? Remember the failed goal, to not over run the hospitals.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-08-2021, 10:19 AM Reply   
"Us sane ones"
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       09-08-2021, 10:27 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
We have not advanced in the last 2000 years. We have regressed significantly socially in just a couple of decades. Very few people have to work to actually survive and don't know the give and take to rely on others to survive. I think we are much much worse socially than any time in human history.
Oh definitely, slavery and oppressing women was awesome!
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-08-2021, 10:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Thats GREAT NEWS, show me where they retracted.
Couple off the top:

Texas children and children’s hospitals are under siege from two viruses: RSV and COVID-19

Correction, Aug. 12, 2021: An earlier version of this story overstated the number of children who have been hospitalized in Texas recently with COVID-19. The story said over 5,800 children had been hospitalized during a seven-day period in August, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That number correctly referred to children hospitalized with COVID-19 since the pandemic began. In actuality, 783 children were admitted to Texas hospitals with COVID-19 between July 1 and Aug. 9 of this year.

One Hospital Denies Oklahoma Doctor’s Story of Ivermectin Overdoses Causing ER Delays for Gunshot Victims

The hospital says it hasn’t experienced any care backlog due to patients overdosing on a drug that’s been falsely peddled as a covid cure
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-08-2021, 11:04 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
But the vaccine isnt expensive is it, its free. How much is horse paste?
Wasnt the argument with the vaccine that it was experimental? Monoclonal antibody treatment IS Experimental and not FDA approved, the vaccines are free and approved.
If vaccinated and test positive you may be sidelined, ok. It is 100 times better than hospitalized, isnt it? Remember the failed goal, to not over run the hospitals.
Nothing is for free. Where did you get your economics education.

Quit saying it is horse medicine. If we want to falsely paste dual use medicines as animal medicines then do not ever have a surgery or out patient where they use twilight medicine because those are used on dogs too. Don't use antibiotics or steroids because they use them on animals too. As I have already pointed out all the people from Afghanistan are required to get said horse medicine before entering our country. So much for a horse medicine.

I don't disagree that it is better than being hospitalized. The newer treatment is an outpatient therapy. Of the people who would need it, it most likely would be people over 50 based on the numbers impacted by covid.

As far as failed goals. I don't think I have seen a real story yet where people have been turned away. There are articles where they are stressed. That always makes for good press when you can scare the masses. Usually if hospitals are getting to the break over point, the public health usually puts in mandates to help with the numbers. They know what they have on the ground. kalifonria can not help that they have overran hospitals with illegals over the years and closed many down.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-08-2021, 11:11 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Oh definitely, slavery and oppressing women was awesome!
Slavery still exists. human trafficking of women and children is still big business even in America. Wife was working with a task force that was doing that sort of thing. That is all the same in muslim countries as a general way of life. While I would say world wide that is better as normal people don't think it is ok, we have really slipped on other fronts.

Most people have no idea where their food even comes from. Would have zero idea how to grow food or even find food and water. Have no idea on social norms.

I always love the conversations of people who say they have traveled the world and talked to various people in doing so. They are always taken back when I tell them, no you went around the world drinking and talking to other people who deal with tourists and are out drinking themselves. Drunk talk in vacation spots is not the same as having to learn a culture norm, make connections, contribute and have to rely on each other for survival day in and day out.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-08-2021, 11:19 AM Reply   
Sounds like another sound bite from your puppet in chief:

"I‘m supposed to stop and walk out of the room," Biden said after finishing prepared comments in the East Room of the White House.
Biden again suggests he’s not calling the shots: ‘I’m supposed to stop and walk out’
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-08-2021, 11:24 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Couple off the top:

Texas children and children’s hospitals are under siege from two viruses: RSV and COVID-19

Correction, Aug. 12, 2021: An earlier version of this story overstated the number of children who have been hospitalized in Texas recently with COVID-19. The story said over 5,800 children had been hospitalized during a seven-day period in August, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That number correctly referred to children hospitalized with COVID-19 since the pandemic began. In actuality, 783 children were admitted to Texas hospitals with COVID-19 between July 1 and Aug. 9 of this year.

One Hospital Denies Oklahoma Doctor’s Story of Ivermectin Overdoses Causing ER Delays for Gunshot Victims

The hospital says it hasn’t experienced any care backlog due to patients overdosing on a drug that’s been falsely peddled as a covid cure
In actuality, 783 children were admitted to Texas hospitals with COVID-19 between July 1 and Aug. 9 of this year.
800 kids in one month? I thought kids didnt need to worry about Covid? Isnt that what you, Starguy, Desantis, the dick Gov in TX all saying kids have nothing to worry about. No masks for kids in school? 800 a month?
Why is there an increase in horse paste caused hospital visits at all? You just said " patients overdosing on a drug that's been falsely peddled as a covid cure" How and why are all these people ODing on horse paste? Who told them it would cure covid, we both know it doesnt. Where did they come up with this crazy idea?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-08-2021, 11:28 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Sounds like another sound bite from your puppet in chief:

"I‘m supposed to stop and walk out of the room," Biden said after finishing prepared comments in the East Room of the White House.
Biden again suggests he’s not calling the shots: ‘I’m supposed to stop and walk out’
did you even watch? or just post because FOX said so? Parrot.
You should, it makes you look dumber than dumb AND dumber..
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-08-2021, 11:46 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Nothing is for free. Where did you get your economics education.

Quit saying it is horse medicine. If we want to falsely paste dual use medicines as animal medicines then do not ever have a surgery or out patient where they use twilight medicine because those are used on dogs too. Don't use antibiotics or steroids because they use them on animals too. As I have already pointed out all the people from Afghanistan are required to get said horse medicine before entering our country. So much for a horse medicine.

I don't disagree that it is better than being hospitalized. The newer treatment is an outpatient therapy. Of the people who would need it, it most likely would be people over 50 based on the numbers impacted by covid.

As far as failed goals. I don't think I have seen a real story yet where people have been turned away. There are articles where they are stressed. That always makes for good press when you can scare the masses. Usually if hospitals are getting to the break over point, the public health usually puts in mandates to help with the numbers. They know what they have on the ground. kalifonria can not help that they have overran hospitals with illegals over the years and closed many down.
It is a horse and cow de-wormer. In humans it is used for parasites, do Covid patients have parasites? Afghans do. In Idaho they are rationing health care, is Idaho a communist socialist country now? Texas refuses to help, tells hospitals to call the Feds.
If hospitals are not full, why field hospitals?
Seems like you are purposely putting on the blinders to state your illogical opinion.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       09-08-2021, 12:05 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Wow! She stole a page right out of the dim handbook! Kinda sucks when it happens to YOUR side now, don’t it? That was a real Maxine Waters moment. At least he wasn’t beat up like dims do to people they disagree with. That said, two wrongs don’t make a right.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-08-2021, 2:27 PM Reply   
Ooooooooooooooo fauci just got stuck with a big ouchi .

The money trail of lies he told the US to fund Chinese gain of function research are on full display. I love it. Once again exposing the real reasons no investigation was conducted immediately, and the lies told over and over under oath by Fauci. This group started their investigation to bury Rand Paul and all his accusations. Instead what they found was the exact opposite. Fauci was diverting money to pet projects in China he believed in while lying to America. You seriously can’t make this stuff up .

Last edited by xstarrider; 09-08-2021 at 2:33 PM.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-08-2021, 2:33 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
did you even watch? or just post because FOX said so? Parrot.
You should, it makes you look dumber than dumb AND dumber..
Why would I watch biden. He is not going to saying anything I need to hear. Only thing that comes out of his mouth is him trying to take away our freedoms or make things more expensive. With that said, I have heard him on more than one occasion in his own words say that he was not supposed to say or do something as directed by someone else. I have seen him with his own words say that he is supposed to call on such and such reporters. He has a list of peoples names and a script. He is a puppet. Only people who look dumber and dumber are people who said to vote for him.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-08-2021, 2:39 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
It is a horse and cow de-wormer. In humans it is used for parasites, do Covid patients have parasites? Afghans do. In Idaho they are rationing health care, is Idaho a communist socialist country now? Texas refuses to help, tells hospitals to call the Feds.
If hospitals are not full, why field hospitals?
Seems like you are purposely putting on the blinders to state your illogical opinion.
So you finally admit it is a human medicine and not for horses only. It took someone to actually look up your disinformation to call you on it. This how you commies work. Constant propaganda.

Can you tell me how this medicine acts in the body and why it may be a potential treatment or why not? Pretty sure you have no idea outside of opinion you are reading. As far as the other states. I don't trust the news sources anymore. I don't know what part they are telling the truth on or not. It is pretty much agenda driven all the time.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-08-2021, 3:51 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Why would I watch biden. He is not going to saying anything I need to hear. Only thing that comes out of his mouth is him trying to take away our freedoms or make things more expensive. With that said, I have heard him on more than one occasion in his own words say that he was not supposed to say or do something as directed by someone else. I have seen him with his own words say that he is supposed to call on such and such reporters. He has a list of peoples names and a script. He is a puppet. Only people who look dumber and dumber are people who said to vote for him.
Because Biden was the one to make a joke about it, it didnt happen like you think. Guess thats why its funny. Aww, what freedoms you losing now? The right to an abortion? A Gun? A vote?
Labor day is over, gas was down from 4.09 to 3.89 at my local costco. Blame Biden.
That puppet smoked your guy conman donnie by 7 million votes. Your own weekend at Bernie's.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-08-2021, 6:36 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
800 kids in one month? I thought kids didnt need to worry about Covid? Isnt that what you, Starguy, Desantis, the dick Gov in TX all saying kids have nothing to worry about. No masks for kids in school? 800 a month?
Why is there an increase in horse paste caused hospital visits at all? You just said " patients overdosing on a drug that's been falsely peddled as a covid cure" How and why are all these people ODing on horse paste? Who told them it would cure covid, we both know it doesnt. Where did they come up with this crazy idea?
Wow more fear mongoring of nothingness. The only story here is of those 800 over 60 percent were illegals that were allowed to enter the border under Biden’s policy. Crickets on that. Over half of the child infections come from out of the country and are allowed to keep coming in. Yet your completely silent. Dam this antimaskers , but don’t dam Biden and the BJ Queen for allowing such massive influx of diseases. One again your bull**** on display for everyone.

At least 37 of the 44 facilities licensed by the state of Texas to care for migrant children have reported COVID-19 cases in the last two weeks, impacting 258 kids and teenagers in shelters overseen by both Texas Health and Human Services and the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement.

Once again proving the leftist policy is more damaging than the virus itself. 250 cases in two weeks. That’s over 500 in a month and roughly accounting for over 65% of the covid cases. Yup. Sure seems like if we had our borders closed covid would be over halved in children.

Texas has 59 pediatric deaths for covid total. With a population of 7, 250,000 children under the age of 18 in Texas , 59 total deaths , of those deaths being over 80 percent of health risk individuals , the chances of dying from covid as a minor under 18 in Texas is exactly . 0.000008137931034

143 kids died from vehicle crashes in Texas.

Once again the fake outrage over statistics that aren’t even close to what they’re being portrayed as. Positivity means nothing without serious effect . It’s a common cold otherwise. Keep crying wolf. It’s didn’t work he first go around and it’s not working the second. The statistics still tel the true story. You just refuse to accept them

I keep waiting for all the msm articles about Biden failing America by letting a virus that was completely on the downturn light up like wildfire in every state. He can’t manage a pandemic with a year worth of blueprint and a vaccine. Where is the outrage ? Where is his impeachment call a nd unfit to run America calls by all the news outlets . Where are all the media sources cling him a murderer because of his failed policies with years worth of data and vaccines at his disposal. He failing at containing a virus he told us was all over on the 4th of July.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       09-09-2021, 4:56 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Turns out that these red states overflowing articles have been retracted by their publications.
My neighbor died in Waco (4 hours away) 2 weeks ago because there were no beds available anywhere in the Houston area. She was a little over 40 and healthy.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       09-09-2021, 5:23 AM Reply   
Starting to hit kids hard now too.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       09-09-2021, 6:17 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
I thought you guys have been arguing that the vaccine works and has very few break through cases leading to death? I thought we also have discovered that vaccinated people can spread it like the unvaccinated though is sounds like a shorter window. To that end, what can people really do? If you are at risk, get the vaccine. It comes to personal responsibility at that point.
Personal responsibility like paying your own covid related hospital expenses? Or being the first to get kicked out of the ICU/hospital when the beds are full and other people need them? Or agreeing that your employer has the right to fire you if your unvaccinated status goes against their sense of proper operating procedures? I can agree with that kind of PR.
Old     (bcd)      Join Date: Jun 2012       09-09-2021, 8:16 AM Reply   
I don't think you're allowed to do that the people on the TX hospitals. They are mostly illegal immigrants, which seem to have more rights than actual citizens.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-09-2021, 8:45 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
No man, listen to Starguy, its the illegals causing the outbreak in kids, he has all the stats.
Among the latest sobering statistics:
-- A record-high 2,396 children were hospitalized with Covid-19 as of Tuesday, according to data from the US Department of Health and Human Services.
-- An average of 369 pediatric Covid-19 patients were admitted to hospitals every day during the week ending September 6, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
-- More than 55,000 children have been hospitalized with Covid-19 since August 2020, according to CDC data. Many of those children had no known preexisting conditions.
-- While childhood Covid-19 deaths are still rare, that number is increasing. As of Wednesday, at least 520 children have died, according to CDC data
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-09-2021, 9:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Wow more fear mongoring of nothingness. The only story here is of those 800 over 60 percent were illegals that were allowed to enter the border under Biden’s policy. Crickets on that. Over half of the child infections come from out of the country and are allowed to keep coming in. Yet your completely silent. Dam this antimaskers , but don’t dam Biden and the BJ Queen for allowing such massive influx of diseases. One again your bull**** on display for everyone.

At least 37 of the 44 facilities licensed by the state of Texas to care for migrant children have reported COVID-19 cases in the last two weeks, impacting 258 kids and teenagers in shelters overseen by both Texas Health and Human Services and the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement.

Once again proving the leftist policy is more damaging than the virus itself. 250 cases in two weeks. That’s over 500 in a month and roughly accounting for over 65% of the covid cases. Yup. Sure seems like if we had our borders closed covid would be over halved in children.

Texas has 59 pediatric deaths for covid total. With a population of 7, 250,000 children under the age of 18 in Texas , 59 total deaths , of those deaths being over 80 percent of health risk individuals , the chances of dying from covid as a minor under 18 in Texas is exactly . 0.000008137931034

143 kids died from vehicle crashes in Texas.

Once again the fake outrage over statistics that aren’t even close to what they’re being portrayed as. Positivity means nothing without serious effect . It’s a common cold otherwise. Keep crying wolf. It’s didn’t work he first go around and it’s not working the second. The statistics still tel the true story. You just refuse to accept them

I keep waiting for all the msm articles about Biden failing America by letting a virus that was completely on the downturn light up like wildfire in every state. He can’t manage a pandemic with a year worth of blueprint and a vaccine. Where is the outrage ? Where is his impeachment call a nd unfit to run America calls by all the news outlets . Where are all the media sources cling him a murderer because of his failed policies with years worth of data and vaccines at his disposal. He failing at containing a virus he told us was all over on the 4th of July.
You keep posting your BS, why dont you tell us when this became a problem for you. You have been getting vaccinated all your life, why the problem now? You cant seem to answer the simplest of questions. If what you say is the correct response, personal responsibility, Why are all the states using that plan have over full hospitals? Why do they have the most people sick? Why do they have the most deaths? More red states in trouble than Blue states and you blame Biden? The biggest VAX cheeerleader on the planet? He is failing? Not DeSantis? Not Abbott? Not the republican led Miss, Idaho, Missouri, Kentucky.... Crazy how all those covid sick kids in FL just have the Mexican flu.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-09-2021, 11:12 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You keep posting your BS, why dont you tell us when this became a problem for you. You have been getting vaccinated all your life, why the problem now? You cant seem to answer the simplest of questions. If what you say is the correct response, personal responsibility, Why are all the states using that plan have over full hospitals? Why do they have the most people sick? Why do they have the most deaths? More red states in trouble than Blue states and you blame Biden? The biggest VAX cheeerleader on the planet? He is failing? Not DeSantis? Not Abbott? Not the republican led Miss, Idaho, Missouri, Kentucky.... Crazy how all those covid sick kids in FL just have the Mexican flu.
You seem to be confused. I answer simple questions. You’re the king
Of diving simple questions and running like an ostrich.

Simple question. Are illegals and open boarders contributing to the massive pandemic outbreak? Simple answer YES

Simple question : what is or has joe Biden done to combat the huge influx of illegals carrying covid and other diseases into our country
Simple answer : NOTHING

Simple question : what is the easiest thing we could do to combat an influx of covid cases coming from outside our border ?
Simple answer ; Close the border.

Seems very simple no? When trying to combat a problem you start the other things that are easiest to control to mitigate the factors. Once again the liberal mindset on display. You can wipe out what is over a 50 percent factor in one simple action , why is this even a discussion from lefty’s. Closing the boarder works better than any vaccine . So why is there no criticism , no talk , no acknowledgement of the issue ? Why is there no plan ? Why is there no action ? You seem to want instant action against American citizens , but simply pretend the rest doesn’t exist. You complain about the unvaccinated causing an abundance of strain on our health care system. Here is the INDISPUTABLE DATA , that illegals contribute to over half of those focused cases and your dead silent……….. Once again showcasing your mental retardation.

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