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Old     (Anim8or)      Join Date: Feb 2012       10-31-2023, 9:38 AM Reply   
I've got an older boat with a Perfect Pass Wakeboard Pro that now has a failing master module on it...I contacted tech support and that was the conclusion they came to.

My Wakeboard Pro setup worked pretty well for what we do (wakeboarding, wakesurfing on a lake). My choices are: buy an old Wakeboard Pro master module off of ebay for $100 to $200 or spend the $600 to upgrade to their Stargazer GPS system. Its supposed to be an upgrade I can do myself in 15 min. My current display will work with it.

Is there a noticeable improvement in accuracy with Stargazer? Any downsides?
Old     (rallyart)      Join Date: Nov 2006       11-06-2023, 12:13 PM Reply   
Sorry, did not see this until today. The Stargazer is good, simple, and effective. Not a problem if you went that route. The only add is the antenna puck which is not hard. However, if it was me, I'd probably just grab the bay replacement for your current unit and put the settings the same as your current unit, if you have those numbers. Simple and cheap has it's own benefits.
I've had my Stargazer since 2007 and it's been trouble free, although I did need a firmware upgrade from that original version. Never had a paddlewheel system.
Old     (projectely4)      Join Date: Apr 2003       12-19-2023, 7:27 AM Reply   
I upgraded to stargazer, for the most part I'm happy with it. I had to make some adjustments to the settings to get it right. I never had an issue with the paddle wheel wakeboard pro setup, and would have preferred a replacement if it was an option.


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