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Old     (tre)      Join Date: Jul 2002 Location: WI       10-11-2017, 8:21 AM Reply   
I've been riding a 2009 CWB Transcend and it has been the best board I've owned by far. I've ridden the heck out of it and it is finally falling apart and time for a new one. I picked up a Hyperlite Kruz and so far I don't like the board. While it handles well and landings are soft, I don't get anywhere close to the amount of pop I got with the CWB Transcend. I've had to adjust my riding style on the Kruz to put more weight on my front foot as I hit the wake. This gets me about 80% of the pop I can get on the Transcend but really throws off my balance in the air. I'm thinking this is happening because the Kruz is a continuous rocker and the Transcend was a "subtle 3 stage" rocker. I'm thinking about the Ronix One to replace my brand new Kruz but have head the Ronix One lands very hard and I typically like lots of straight up pop but I still go out into the flats. Anything else I should look at? Do you think I'm not getting the pop I normally get because of the continuous rocker on the Kruz or is my technique somehow off? That said, I've been consistently getting massive pop on my Transcend for the last 7 seasons. I've been wakeboarding for nearly 20 years but I'm by no means an expert.

Last edited by tre; 10-11-2017 at 8:24 AM.


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