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Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-24-2021, 3:42 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Just believe the truth.
Before you can pass the virus on to someone else, you must first become infected.Vaccines reduce this massively, with efficacies between 60 and 90%.that number is rapidly declining and the CDC itself has said it believes it will drop dramatically as more and more breakthrough cases become tracked. They’ve admitted to not tracking vaccinated positives and vaccinated people haven’t been self reporting or testing enough while vaccinated because symptoms are less severe

Once again the CDC putting giant holes in your false claims.
. The findings in this report are subject to at least two limitations. First, the number of reported COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough cases is likely a substantial undercount of all SARS-CoV-2 infections among fully vaccinated persons. The national surveillance system relies on passive and voluntary reporting, and data might not be complete or representative. Many persons with vaccine breakthrough infections, especially those who are asymptomatic or who experience mild illness, might not seek testing. Second, SARS-CoV-2 sequence data are available for only a small proportion of the reported cases.

Beginning May 1, 2021, CDC transitioned from monitoring all reported COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infections to investigating only those among patients who are hospitalized or die, thereby focusing on the cases of highest clinical and public health significance.

Once a person is infected, the adaptive immune system means the infection is cleared from the body more quickly in a vaccinated/previously infected person than someone with no existing immunity. This leaves a shorter period of time when the viral load is high enough to infect others. And this is borne out by the data.once again half truths. The elapsed time of vaccinated vs non vaccinated varies quite differently among the human body and is not clear
Cut across the board. On average yes but the data set is extremely limited.

immunisation with either the Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccine reduced the chance of onward virus transmission by 40-60%key to note that number is rapidly declining as well now with the focus shift to actually putting time on analyzing vaccinated individuals.

Put the two together and a vaccinated person is between 76% and 96% less likely to infect another person than someone unvaccinated.your math and numbers are as terrible as you lies.

Edit - this is based on the data/studies we have done so far. There's evidence that protection against infection is a bit lower for Delta and a possibility that immunity to infection may wane over time. However, it's also been shown that a booster improves the efficacy against Delta.

So the takeaway shouldn't the absolute figures, which are prone to margins of error anyway. It's that vaccines do a LOT to reduce the spread of infection as well as protecting individuals against severe outcomes, but it's important that we keep our eye on the ball and be ready to use boosters and new vaccines to maintain our edge in this fight against covid.
So the takeaway is these numbers are rapidly declining with the shift of focus to vaccinated individuals but are still marginally higher than unvaccinated individuals AT THIS POINT IN TIME. THANKS FOR PLAYING GOOD NIGHT.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       08-24-2021, 3:42 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
ITs not breakthrough, its a different strain of the corona. Like the the common cold, it rapidly changes, and will continue forever. The vaccine was not and is not designed for the change in the protein or config of the virus. So its just another virus, and i am not saying don't get it, or get it. I am saying, its your personal decision
If the vax offered no protection there would be zero difference in positive cases / hospitalizations between vaxxed and unvaxxed.

It's not like people are saying to get the chicken pox vax to protect against polio.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-24-2021, 4:08 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
If the vax offered no protection there would be zero difference in positive cases / hospitalizations between vaxxed and unvaxxed.

It's not like people are saying to get the chicken pox vax to protect against polio.
The numbers are changing rapidly daily , the 90 plus percent efficacy is already down to 60 on average and 50 in some studies. ………. And that’s with basically shoving all the previously vaccinated to the side like they don’t exist any longer for research. The numbers are slowly Shri king between the two groups. Not too mention when comparing unvaccinated hospitalization/death cases there is no separating those who weren’t vaccinated due to health reasons , to those who weren’t, as well as no talk of those unvaccinated cases pertaining to those of the ripe old age who just said **** it ………when it’s my time it’s my time.

Last edited by xstarrider; 08-24-2021 at 4:10 PM.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-24-2021, 4:49 PM Reply   
Vaccinated cases, hospitalize, and have died are running at different rates per state.
Breakthrough Covid-19 Hospitalizations and Deaths by State
Among fully vaccinated people in each state since vaccination began.

So example. arizona has had 77 fully vaccinated and hospitalized, 21 dead of the 77. I would venture to say, as time go's on the vaccine will weaken protection and the vaccine we have all gotten will be limited, at best, to protect us. This then begs the question of routine booster or new vaccine as strains appear.

Alabama 77 0.3% 21 0.4%
Alaska 17 2.0% 2 3.3%
Arizona 379 0.5% 34 0.3%
Arkansas — 4.7% — 2.6%
California 843 0.4% 88 0.5%
Colorado 312 1.2% 52 3.1%
Delaware 22 0.4% 6 3.5%
Georgia 85 0.1% 21 0.2%
Idaho 37 0.9% 6 1.3%
Illinois 563 0.6% 151 2.2%
Indiana 185 0.7% 69 4.8%
Kentucky 303 1.1% 52 2.0%
Louisiana 125 1.0% 28 1.4%
Maine 27 0.5% 13 5.6%
Massachusetts 329 1.1% 80 1.9%
Michigan 569 1.1% 223 3.3%
Minnesota 349 1.6% 50 1.5%
Mississippi 74 0.4% 19 0.6%
Montana 31 0.8% 7 2.1%
Nebraska 58 0.9% 13 1.8%
Nevada 235 0.8% 42 1.8%
New Hampshire 22 0.5% 10 2.8%
New Jersey 195 0.3% 50 0.8%
New Mexico 155 2.0% 10 1.9%
North Carolina 321 0.5% 61 0.9%
North Dakota 58 1.3% 13 4.4%
Ohio 205 0.2% 34 0.5%
Oklahoma 130 0.4% 19 0.4%
Oregon 191 1.1% 31 2.9%
Rhode Island 159 4.0% 11 1.4%
South Carolina 162 1.3% 39 2.6%
South Dakota 53 1.4% 11 2.1%
Tennessee 218 0.6% 31 0.5%
Texas 291 0.2% 52 0.4%
Utah 230 4.3% 8 2.0%
Vermont 15 0.7% 6 5.5%
Virginia 145 0.3% 42 1.7%
Washington 259 0.8% 52 2.7%
Washington, D.C. 13 0.1% 4 1.4%
West Virginia — — 31 1.3%
Wisconsin 313 1.1% 35 2.7%
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-24-2021, 5:11 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Biden is the commander and chief of the military
So latest stats is 70k Americans evacuated with zero deaths. Doesn't seem like the massive disaster than everyone is hyperventilating about?
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-24-2021, 5:28 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
So latest stats is 70k Americans evacuated with zero deaths. Doesn't seem like the massive disaster than everyone is hyperventilating about?
Once again your narrow minded idiocy for America ands its military operations shines bright. Stop getting your news from the fake media

Last edited by xstarrider; 08-24-2021 at 5:34 PM.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       08-24-2021, 6:22 PM Reply   
@doug where are those stats from?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-24-2021, 8:05 PM Reply   
Check it out
Attached Images
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-24-2021, 8:45 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Once again your narrow minded idiocy for America ands its military operations shines bright. Stop getting your news from the fake media
It's from the lips of your President via NY Times:
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       08-25-2021, 5:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
That's right. And there were 300K armed and trained Afghan forces, but they didn't fight. I'm surprised that as Americans who believe freedom doesn't come free that you have so much sympathy for a country that would lay down their arms. This is the kind of mentality that gets us into these messes. Let America do all the work and bring other nations into the first world so that can compete with Americans for jobs and resources. Wouldn't it make more sense to let them live their backwards lives? Wouldn't it have made more sense to crush them after 9/11, then leave and let them know we'll come back twice as hard if we find more terrorist camps in their country?
I was saying when you are trying to evacuate you should get your people out first and the military out last. This would not be a mess if they had done it that way instead of just pulling the troops and leaving a bunch of people behind. It was stupid.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       08-25-2021, 6:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
I was saying when you are trying to evacuate you should get your people out first and the military out last. This would not be a mess if they had done it that way instead of just pulling the troops and leaving a bunch of people behind. It was stupid.
My point is that it wasn't intended that everyone be evacuated. There was a standing army (somewhat incorrectly corrected by xstar) of 180K troops. The govt was intended to be stable, so emergency evacuations were not the plan. America deserves to flog itself over Afghanistan. Making Biden a scapegoat for the failure is ludicrous. We created the Taliban. We didn't like Afghanistan being a modernized country that was allied with the Soviet Union so we funded terrorism in Afghanistan. This is what Kabul looked like before we destroyed it.

Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       08-25-2021, 7:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
My point is that it wasn't intended that everyone be evacuated. There was a standing army (somewhat incorrectly corrected by xstar) of 180K troops. The govt was intended to be stable, so emergency evacuations were not the plan. America deserves to flog itself over Afghanistan. Making Biden a scapegoat for the failure is ludicrous. We created the Taliban. We didn't like Afghanistan being a modernized country that was allied with the Soviet Union so we funded terrorism in Afghanistan. This is what Kabul looked like before we destroyed it.

Thanks for the f^&king history lesson. You didn't need to waste your time typing stuff a kindergartner knows. You don't put American lives in the hands of a foreign army during war time EVER. If you were military you would know the concept of no man left behind.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-25-2021, 7:15 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
So latest stats is 70k Americans evacuated with zero deaths. Doesn't seem like the massive disaster than everyone is hyperventilating about?
Actually they are claiming 70k transported and they are not specifying that they are American. If they were American you better believe they would be yelling it from the rooftops because they are getting killed even by CNN on this.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       08-25-2021, 7:25 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
Thanks for the f^&king history lesson. You didn't need to waste your time typing stuff a kindergartner knows. You don't put American lives in the hands of a foreign army during war time EVER. If you were military you would know the concept of no man left behind.
LOL, you were complaining that they evacuated the military first. That's the opposite of no man left behind. Maybe you could look up the meaning of the phrase. It's pretty clear now that you are incapable of understanding that the govt was intended to remain stable, and that was the premise behind how this was handled. Of course once we realized that the govt was going to fall we could have done what Trump suggested but declined to do... win the war by killing 10 million people.

Everyone with the benefit of hindsight can tell you how to do it better. But no one can tell who would have done it better without that benefit. There is one thing we know for sure. That no President before Biden did anything but dig deeper the hole that Bush created. Trump initiated abandoning the hole at the end of his term and Biden followed through. America finally sold the bad stock that Bush bought for us.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       08-25-2021, 7:40 AM Reply   
Don't twist my comment into support for the war. The rest of my comment is pretty clear. You don't risk lives on "intentions"
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       08-25-2021, 7:56 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
Don't twist my comment into support for the war. The rest of my comment is pretty clear. You don't risk lives on "intentions"
You should remind the American public of that the next time they want to go to war. It's a lesson we never seem to learn.

I wasn't twisting your comment into support for war. I'm saying that you don't seem to have any grasp of the expectation that the govt would remain stable. You keep saying that we should have evacuated everyone when that wasn't the plan. When things didn't go according to the plan the solution was either war or what is going on right now. And that is making the best of getting everyone out as we can. So far it's not the catastrophe that the right would love to make it for political purposes. But it's not what we hoped for by a long stretch, which makes for great entertainment news and a lot of tooling of the public's minds by the MSM. Who doesn't get their heartstrings pulled by stories of women going back to being subjugated by the Taliban. It just makes you want to take the military in and kill them all to make things right.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-25-2021, 8:03 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
My point is that it wasn't intended that everyone be evacuated. There was a standing army (somewhat incorrectly corrected by xstar) of 180K troops. The govt was intended to be stable, so emergency evacuations were not the plan. America deserves to flog itself over Afghanistan. Making Biden a scapegoat for the failure is ludicrous. We created the Taliban. We didn't like Afghanistan being a modernized country that was allied with the Soviet Union so we funded terrorism in Afghanistan. This is what Kabul looked like before we destroyed it.

Nice revision. The military has plans for everything and you better believe Biden was warned that they could collapse. They are not stupid over there.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-25-2021, 8:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
You should remind the American public of that the next time they want to go to war. It's a lesson we never seem to learn.

I wasn't twisting your comment into support for war. I'm saying that you don't seem to have any grasp of the expectation that the govt would remain stable. You keep saying that we should have evacuated everyone when that wasn't the plan. When things didn't go according to the plan the solution was either war or what is going on right now. And that is making the best of getting everyone out as we can. So far it's not the catastrophe that the right would love to make it for political purposes. But it's not what we hoped for by a long stretch, which makes for great entertainment news and a lot of tooling of the public's minds by the MSM. Who doesn't get their heartstrings pulled by stories of women going back to being subjugated by the Taliban. It just makes you want to take the military in and kill them all to make things right.
Would you give the same consideration for Trump? I am pretty sure you or the commiecrats would not.

I said of the two wars, Afghanistan was the wrong one and I am write so far.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-25-2021, 8:13 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
LOL, you were complaining that they evacuated the military first. That's the opposite of no man left behind. Maybe you could look up the meaning of the phrase. It's pretty clear now that you are incapable of understanding that the govt was intended to remain stable, and that was the premise behind how this was handled. Of course once we realized that the govt was going to fall we could have done what Trump suggested but declined to do... win the war by killing 10 million people.

Everyone with the benefit of hindsight can tell you how to do it better. But no one can tell who would have done it better without that benefit. There is one thing we know for sure. That no President before Biden did anything but dig deeper the hole that Bush created. Trump initiated abandoning the hole at the end of his term and Biden followed through. America finally sold the bad stock that Bush bought for us.
Shall we go back to the record of all you democrats on this board saying that Afghanistan was the right war. Should be go back to the voting record of the democrats who authorized it? Should we look at the democrat controlled congress that funded it? Should I yet again bring out all the democrat leaders quotes on about all this leading up to the wars? There is plenty of blame.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       08-25-2021, 8:13 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
You should remind the American public of that the next time they want to go to war. It's a lesson we never seem to learn.

I wasn't twisting your comment into support for war. I'm saying that you don't seem to have any grasp of the expectation that the govt would remain stable. You keep saying that we should have evacuated everyone when that wasn't the plan. When things didn't go according to the plan the solution was either war or what is going on right now. And that is making the best of getting everyone out as we can. So far it's not the catastrophe that the right would love to make it for political purposes. But it's not what we hoped for by a long stretch, which makes for great entertainment news and a lot of tooling of the public's minds by the MSM. Who doesn't get their heartstrings pulled by stories of women going back to being subjugated by the Taliban. It just makes you want to take the military in and kill them all to make things right.
I do see your point but think the military had a pretty good idea what was going to happen. If you read the Afgan military leaders Op-ed he said the lack of support and all the talk of withdrawal killed their moral from the start.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-25-2021, 8:15 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
My point is that it wasn't intended that everyone be evacuated. There was a standing army (somewhat incorrectly corrected by xstar) of 180K troops. The govt was intended to be stable, so emergency evacuations were not the plan. America deserves to flog itself over Afghanistan. Making Biden a scapegoat for the failure is ludicrous. We created the Taliban. We didn't like Afghanistan being a modernized country that was allied with the Soviet Union so we funded terrorism in Afghanistan. This is what Kabul looked like before we destroyed it.

Ironically, that looks very similar to the one about Iran at the same time period? Wonder what the common thread is? Islam maybe? Could they just be making stuff up in general knowing that we do not know the difference between and Arab or a Persian vs a Greek.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       08-25-2021, 8:16 AM Reply   
We had to do something in AG after 9/11. We just didn't need to stay for 20 years. Especially after BL was killed.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 8:17 AM Reply   
Trump’s latest ad about Afghanistan. It’s quite the kick in the nuts to Xiden.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       08-25-2021, 8:25 AM Reply   
41% approval rating. Ouch.

I honestly feel bad for the guy. He is a puppet and needs to just retire and live out what is left of his lucid days in peace.

Last edited by psudy; 08-25-2021 at 8:28 AM.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 8:40 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
The virus mutates with transmission. More vaccinated= less transmission. Its elementary math.
Hope you 2 pole smokers enjoyed your time w/ each other squeezing each others lemons. Speaking of smokers, have you heard that Elder, The Sage of South Central is a big time daily stoner, Likes the Cookie and the purple strains. You can take them out of the hood but cant take the hood out that how it goes?
Stoner as in like you? Wow. Racist much? You saying blacks like their weed? If your story is true, how does he get by without suffering the brain damage that you have?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-25-2021, 8:41 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Trump’s latest ad about Afghanistan. It’s quite the kick in the nuts to Xiden.
Wow!!!!! That is powerful. That image of the 17 year old falling from the air force plane is going to be bidens "French Laundry" moment
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       08-25-2021, 8:45 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Ironically, that looks very similar to the one about Iran at the same time period? Wonder what the common thread is? Islam maybe? Could they just be making stuff up in general knowing that we do not know the difference between and Arab or a Persian vs a Greek.
Absolutely Islam. The cornerstone of religion is making stuff up. I think it's funny when the news reports Taliban leaders saying that women will have rights based on the framework of Islamic law, yet the reporters never ask them to tell us explicitly what that means.

I guess it was kind of stupid for us to expect Afghan men to fight and risk their lives to lose the right to subjugate women. Maybe we should have spent the last 20 years training and equipping an army of 200K Afghan women and told the men to stay at home to tend to the children.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-25-2021, 8:52 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Absolutely Islam. The cornerstone of religion is making stuff up. I think it's funny when the news reports Taliban leaders saying that women will have rights based on the framework of Islamic law, yet the reporters never ask them to tell us explicitly what that means.

I guess it was kind of stupid for us to expect Afghan men to fight and risk their lives to lose the right to subjugate women. Maybe we should have spent the last 20 years training and equipping an army of 200K Afghan women and told the men to stay at home to tend to the children.
I agree. They know the answer about what that means about rights based on Islam, they just don't want to say it out loud. It does not fit the agenda to let people really know what that means. I too think they would have been better off training the women. I guess this is what happens when only the bad guys have the guns.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-25-2021, 9:20 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Stoner as in like you? Wow. Racist much? You saying blacks like their weed? If your story is true, how does he get by without suffering the brain damage that you have?
Uh oh.... The former kalifornia democrat senate leader endorses Elder. Never saw that coming.

Former California Democratic Senate leader endorses Larry Elder in campaign against Gov. Newsom
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 9:41 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Uh oh.... The former kalifornia democrat senate leader endorses Elder. Never saw that coming.

Former California Democratic Senate leader endorses Larry Elder in campaign against Gov. Newsom
Whoops! That's gonna leave a mark.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 9:43 AM Reply   
With vaccinations exceeding 80%, Israel continues to be the world's largest laboratory. Interesting they are now having an explosion of new Covid cases.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-25-2021, 10:11 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
With vaccinations exceeding 80%, Israel continues to be the world's largest laboratory. Interesting they are now having an explosion of new Covid cases.
Did you read any further than the title? Derp.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 10:34 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Did you read any further than the title? Derp.
Yep. Unlike you, I'm after the truth without any agenda, not parroting a narrative, you fuqtard hack loser. Derp!
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 10:47 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Did you read any further than the title? Derp.
I posted that because I'm open to conversation about it and I think the article is worthy of discussion. Even if it flies in the face of your ill-perceived perception of what my position is. The truth is all that matters. Your mind must be blown by the notion that I could actually mean what I say when I say I remain objective. I mean, how could you ever relate to anyone who DOESN'T just lap up, absorb and try to implement a fascist cause like yours?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-25-2021, 10:59 AM Reply   
You have been parroting your antimask, antivax anti covid control agenda for months. 100% parroting FOX agenda, its a hoax, its just the flu, its no problem...We all see your past posts.
It clearly explains several issues. 1. Delta variant. Highly transmissible. 2.Waning immunity. They vaccinated early, already issuing booster of "The gold standard of vaccine". 3. But the principal causes of Israel’s current predicament are the dominance of the extremely infectious Delta variant, which was carried into the country by Israelis returning from foreign vacations during the weeks in which Israel dropped all restrictive measures—along with the worrisome decrease in vaccine efficacy after about six months.
So relaxing covid restriction measures is a bad call. Not vaccinating is a bad decision. We will need boosters. The article you post tells us Covid is even more dangerous and needs even more efforts to control it than previously thought. Thanks for offering that important truth.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-25-2021, 11:04 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
I posted that because I'm open to conversation about it and I think the article is worthy of discussion. Even if it flies in the face of your ill-perceived perception of what my position is. The truth is all that matters. Your mind must be blown by the notion that I could actually mean what I say when I say I remain objective. I mean, how could you ever relate to anyone who DOESN'T just lap up, absorb and try to implement a fascist cause like yours?
Yes, objective is how you describe yourself, pragmatic as I recall was another. All while refusing an FDA approved vaccine in the middle of a pandemic. A vaccine that works and proven safe. Most all people in hospitals and dead were unvaccinated, yet you, Mr. Pragmatic choose to remain in the unvaccinated subset. I believe that is the truth. Any questions?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 11:05 AM Reply   
I can't wait to see how this plays out. Beetlejuice has her hands full. What's she gonna do if a big part of the police force gives her the finger by bringing out the blue flu or permanently walking? Also, what should be the liability for businesses and other organizations who demand employees take the mark and end up dead or have injuries right afterwards or in the future from the vax? Seems fair that whoever requires it should stand behind it or accept responsibility for any damages done by it.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 11:16 AM Reply   
[QUOTE=95sn;2011739] A vaccine that works and proven safe.

I see you still remain a narrative-driven hack. Always will. What puzzles me is how a hack like you can get up in the morning (or whenever the drugs wear off) and look in the mirror knowing what a hack you are.

You've yet to acknowledge the truth that the vaccines are being proven to not work so well after all (booster after 6 months, anyone?). They are also FAR from proven safe all the time. Many deaths and injuries have happened because of them. I have an aunt in Texas who has been sick for 3 months since her second Moderna shot. She was just taken to the hospital ER yesterday and remains in the hospital. The vaccine did this to her.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 11:23 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You have been parroting your antimask, antivax anti covid control agenda for months. 100% parroting FOX agenda, its a hoax, its just the flu, its no problem...We all see your past posts.
It clearly explains several issues. 1. Delta variant. Highly transmissible. 2.Waning immunity. They vaccinated early, already issuing booster of "The gold standard of vaccine". 3. But the principal causes of Israel’s current predicament are the dominance of the extremely infectious Delta variant, which was carried into the country by Israelis returning from foreign vacations during the weeks in which Israel dropped all restrictive measures—along with the worrisome decrease in vaccine efficacy after about six months.
So relaxing covid restriction measures is a bad call. Not vaccinating is a bad decision. We will need boosters. The article you post tells us Covid is even more dangerous and needs even more efforts to control it than previously thought. Thanks for offering that important truth.
Yeah and it's still less deadly than the regular flu.

The article tells me that the vaccines are not what they were billed as. Remember when you you lied (for the millionth time) last week and told us no one ever said we wouldn't have to mask up or do anything special as long as we took the mark? I had to post a video of Biden making that promise and like you, he is/was a big liar.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-25-2021, 11:25 AM Reply   
so the big bad police are afraid of a pin prick? And you advise a walk out, nice.
If you cant read the writing on the wall...its coming. One by one more and more will require them, just like schools require the vaccinations for kids to attend school. Army requires for service...
I read Delta Airlines to charge their unvaccinated employees an extra $200 per month. Texas Hospitals to refuse unvaccinated and only take in vaccinated covid patients. Seems completely pragmatic, dont you think?
And where the F did the public get the great idea Ivermectin is ok for human consumption? Oh, yeah...
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 11:28 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Any questions?
1. Why can't your party convince its own members to take the mark?
2. Why is everyone in your party's leadership so untrustworthy that they can't make their own members believe them?
3. Why does your party keep letting illegal Covid-carrying aliens into our country?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-25-2021, 11:34 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Yeah and it's still less deadly than the regular flu.

The article tells me that the vaccines are not what they were billed as. Remember when you you lied (for the millionth time) last week and told us no one ever said we wouldn't have to mask up or do anything special as long as we took the mark? I had to post a video of Biden making that promise and like you, he is/was a big liar.
If it were less deadly than the flu...can you show where in the past when hospitals have been over run by the common flu? When states had to call in the Feds for reinforcements. They are requesting Dr, nurses, and refrigerated trucks for the dead, that happen with the flu? When was the last time the Feds had to build field hospital in parking lots for the flu? Last time we had over 600,000 deaths from the flu in a year? Hmm. seems you lied again.
Dont give up the ship tho, dont get that shot, advise friends relatives and anyone you know its all a hoax. They dont work. The vaccine will make you sick. All you need is hydroxychloroquine and some horse de-wormer. We are the sane and civilized patriots you need to listen to.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-25-2021, 11:38 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
1. Why can't your party convince its own members to take the mark?
2. Why is everyone in your party's leadership so untrustworthy that they can't make their own members believe them?
3. Why does your party keep letting illegal Covid-carrying aliens into our country?
1. They are trying, its a tough group. In the past we injected them with syphilis and lied about it. Uphill battle for sure. Who shot you up with the syph?
2. See above.
3.I think they should just require everyone a J&J shot to enter. That would fix that ASAP. That way we know where they are with the 5G and if bad actors, we can retract them if needed with the magnets.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 11:40 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
so the big bad police are afraid of a pin prick? And you advise a walk out, nice.
If you cant read the writing on the wall...its coming. One by one more and more will require them, just like schools require the vaccinations for kids to attend school. Army requires for service...
I read Delta Airlines to charge their unvaccinated employees an extra $200 per month. Texas Hospitals to refuse unvaccinated and only take in vaccinated covid patients. Seems completely pragmatic, dont you think?
And where the F did the public get the great idea Ivermectin is ok for human consumption? Oh, yeah...
You reveal more of your chronic dishonesty by calling it a pin prick when it's so much more than that and carries far more risk. If it's just a pin prick, why do you care if they DON'T get it? Fascist much? I'm not advising a walk out. That's just another lie of yours today.

If the writings on the wall, I can tell you that you're not seeing all of the writing. I personally know numerous employees from all walks that have said they will walk if their employer tries to force the mark.

I'm not a doctor and I know zero about Ivermctin, but I see that doesn't stop you from trying to act like an authority on it. Were did you get your medical license? I did here CNN yappin about it so I'm sure that's where you got your marching orders to start yappin about it yourself.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 11:45 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
If it were less deadly than the flu...can you show where in the past when hospitals have been over run by the common flu? When states had to call in the Feds for reinforcements. They are requesting Dr, nurses, and refrigerated trucks for the dead, that happen with the flu? When was the last time the Feds had to build field hospital in parking lots for the flu? Last time we had over 600,000 deaths from the flu in a year? Hmm. seems you lied again.
Dont give up the ship tho, dont get that shot, advise friends relatives and anyone you know its all a hoax. They dont work. The vaccine will make you sick. All you need is hydroxychloroquine and some horse de-wormer. We are the sane and civilized patriots you need to listen to.
You are a walking talking robot. A Chatty Kathy who pulls her own string, repeating the cult narrative like a drone. BORING! Too bad you weren't born earlier and taken the trip south with Jim Jones.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 11:50 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
If it were less deadly than the flu...can you show where in the past when hospitals have been over run by the common flu? When states had to call in the Feds for reinforcements. They are requesting Dr, nurses, and refrigerated trucks for the dead, that happen with the flu? When was the last time the Feds had to build field hospital in parking lots for the flu? Last time we had over 600,000 deaths from the flu in a year? Hmm. seems you lied again.
Dont give up the ship tho, dont get that shot, advise friends relatives and anyone you know its all a hoax. They dont work. The vaccine will make you sick. All you need is hydroxychloroquine and some horse de-wormer. We are the sane and civilized patriots you need to listen to.
Those provisions wouldn't be needed if Biden wouldn't have let all the illegals in.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 11:55 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
1. They are trying, its a tough group. In the past we injected them with syphilis and lied about it. Uphill battle for sure. Who shot you up with the syph?
2. See above.
3.I think they should just require everyone a J&J shot to enter. That would fix that ASAP. That way we know where they are with the 5G and if bad actors, we can retract them if needed with the magnets.
The real answers are:
1. Because they've been lied to about the subject so often
2. See above plus that's just who the dims are: Liars
3. They importing as many new dim voters as possible at any cost, without any concern for our country
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-25-2021, 12:02 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
You are a walking talking robot. A Chatty Kathy who pulls her own string, repeating the cult narrative like a drone. BORING! Too bad you weren't born earlier and taken the trip south with Jim Jones.
You cant explain why hospitals, primarily in Red states who rejected any and all ways to stop the spread are full of Covid patients. FYI, its because its way worse than the flu. The world does not shut down over the flu. Seems you have been drinking the kool-aid.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-25-2021, 12:15 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
The real answers are:
1. Because they've been lied to about the subject so often
2. See above plus that's just who the dims are: Liars
3. They importing as many new dim voters as possible at any cost, without any concern for our country
FYI, only legal citizens can vote.
Tired of the lies may be directed elsewhere, the OG liar in chief.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-25-2021, 12:21 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Those provisions wouldn't be needed if Biden wouldn't have let all the illegals in.
You think so? Is that you "educated" opinion, Carlson parroting? or do you have anything believable that may back up your claim? Doug blames it on the black city folk.
IMO, the provisions wouldnt be needed if people would just do the basics. Get vaccinated, mask up in public, distance. Something every state in trouble failed to do. The states that did have no over flowing hospitals, in fact those states that did nothing are shipping their overflow to locations w/o covid spread, ie Dem states.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       08-25-2021, 2:30 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Yeah and it's still less deadly than the regular flu.
By what metric? 290-650,000 deaths a year worldwide from flu. In the US, between 2010 and 2020 we never got more than 67,000 deaths in a year.

Covid killed about 375K here in 2020, more than the flu killed in the US in a decade (359k).

Last edited by shawndoggy; 08-25-2021 at 2:38 PM.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-25-2021, 3:04 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
1. Why can't your party convince its own members to take the mark?
2. Why is everyone in your party's leadership so untrustworthy that they can't make their own members believe them?
3. Why does your party keep letting illegal Covid-carrying aliens into our country?
Just a thought on #1, The grifter, at his super spreader event in Alabama over the weekend told his flock, I got the vaccine, it works, you should get it too. And they booed him. Why cant your party convince its own members to get vaccinated?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 3:55 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Just a thought on #1, The grifter, at his super spreader event in Alabama over the weekend told his flock, I got the vaccine, it works, you should get it too. And they booed him. Why cant your party convince its own members to get vaccinated?
Soon as you said grifter and super spreader, I thought you were gonna mention Obummer’s 60th, but then I remembered your terminal TDS.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 3:58 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
FYI, only legal citizens can vote.
Tired of the lies may be directed elsewhere, the OG liar in chief.
All it takes is a driver’s license in Kali and once these illegals get amnesty, they’ll remember who to vote for. If I’m wrong about that, why won’t they let Cubans in? It’s because Cubans are escaping the extended out version of unchecked democrats in this country and the dims in power here don’t want the curtain pulled back on what they’re up to.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 3:59 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You cant explain why hospitals, primarily in Red states who rejected any and all ways to stop the spread are full of Covid patients. FYI, its because its way worse than the flu. The world does not shut down over the flu. Seems you have been drinking the kool-aid.
I already explained it, fool. It’s illegals in Texas.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 4:00 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
By what metric? 290-650,000 deaths a year worldwide from flu. In the US, between 2010 and 2020 we never got more than 67,000 deaths in a year.

Covid killed about 375K here in 2020, more than the flu killed in the US in a decade (359k).
Per capita of infected individuals. You as$holes know exactly what I’m saying.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 4:05 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You think so? Is that you "educated" opinion, Carlson parroting? or do you have anything believable that may back up your claim? Doug blames it on the black city folk.
IMO, the provisions wouldnt be needed if people would just do the basics. Get vaccinated, mask up in public, distance. Something every state in trouble failed to do. The states that did have no over flowing hospitals, in fact those states that did nothing are shipping their overflow to locations w/o covid spread, ie Dem states.
Dude... You’re all over the place like horse $hit on a country road. Your trolling combined with your chronic dishonesty and blind adherence to a half-true narrative (that’s full of lies of omission) disqualifies you from commenting any further. You’re not about telling the whole truth. You’re only here to push the cult Kool-Aid. Your methods are boring, predictable and tired. Find a new hobby.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 4:14 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
FYI, only legal citizens can vote.
Tired of the lies may be directed elsewhere, the OG liar in chief.
Tell that to the crack head that was just busted in Torrence, Ca with drugs, weapons and 300 unopened ballots that belonged to residents in Compton, Ca. You know, Compton? The people who you libtards claim never vote?

If that guy wasn’t found passed out in his car, we’d never know about it. Just makes ya wonder how many more of those guys are out there and what the scale of their operation is.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-25-2021, 4:20 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Soon as you said grifter and super spreader, I thought you were gonna mention Obummer’s 60th, but then I remembered your terminal TDS.
No, not at all. Obama B-day was at Cape Cod, great vaccination rates, low spread, no problems at hospitals, everyone vaccinated, event outdoors. The grifter was in Alabama, where covid is surging, hospitals close to capacity. No vax rules, no mask requirement. Known antivax crowd. See the major differences?
That and why was he even there? Is there some secret election or something going on? Is he running for something? Another Stop the Steal rally 9 months AFTER the election?
Want to know how I know he's a grifter? Because several more of his attys look to be losing their ability to practice law due to his big lie. How many of Obamas attys ever lost their law license, i mean he was president twice as long as your grifter, right. Won two elections straight, never impeached? None of his appointees ever forced out, no one in his circle are convicted felons. Never had to pardon his campaign managers to get them out of jail....Kinda puts a bow on it, dont ya think?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-25-2021, 5:38 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
All it takes is a driver’s license in Kali and once these illegals get amnesty, they’ll remember who to vote for. If I’m wrong about that, why won’t they let Cubans in? It’s because Cubans are escaping the extended out version of unchecked democrats in this country and the dims in power here don’t want the curtain pulled back on what they’re up to.
Wrong again.
This is a special driver's license that:

May NOT be used for identification purposes.
MAY be used to drive anywhere throughout the state of California.
Has a distinguishing feature and notice on the front of the license indicating that it is for driving purposes only, per the AB 60 law (i.e. “DP" instead of “DL").
Cannot be used against the license holder to determine their immigration status or citizenship, or detain them in any way for reasons other than valid traffic violations.

Trump on Cubans....April 30, 2019, President Trump threatened a “full and complete embargo” on Cuba and “highest-level sanctions”
Biden on Cubans...Jul 30, 2021 · Biden said during his presidential campaign he would try to reverse Trump-era policies on Cuba that he said have "inflicted harm on Cubans and their families."
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-25-2021, 5:43 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Dude... You’re all over the place like horse $hit on a country road. Your trolling combined with your chronic dishonesty and blind adherence to a half-true narrative (that’s full of lies of omission) disqualifies you from commenting any further. You’re not about telling the whole truth. You’re only here to push the cult Kool-Aid. Your methods are boring, predictable and tired. Find a new hobby.
When you cant support your claim, change your opinion or shut up. Dont try to blame me for shellacking you. Dont attack me because you have nothing to support the FOX opinion you parrot.
Hospitals are full because idiots wont get vaccinated. Case closed.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-25-2021, 5:50 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Tell that to the crack head that was just busted in Torrence, Ca with drugs, weapons and 300 unopened ballots that belonged to residents in Compton, Ca. You know, Compton? The people who you libtards claim never vote?

If that guy wasn’t found passed out in his car, we’d never know about it. Just makes ya wonder how many more of those guys are out there and what the scale of their operation is.
Not a single fraudulent ballot was ever opened, let alone used. They caught a tweaker who was robbing mailboxes coincidentally at the same time ballots were mailed out. Tweaker did it the week before and the week after too. No fraud happened, the end. LOL at thinking about the tweaker and the scale of his operation, hysterical. Just an FYI, ballots go out to all registered voters, doesnt mean they vote.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       08-25-2021, 7:46 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Per capita of infected individuals. You as$holes know exactly what I’m saying.

But if it’s way more virulent and spreads way easier it still kills more people? I mean by that measure Ebola and smallpox are probably worse too?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 8:51 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
But if it’s way more virulent and spreads way easier it still kills more people? I mean by that measure Ebola and smallpox are probably worse too?
You’re not here to have an honest conversation. I get that now. 95 isn’t either. That’s why you two can just go F yourselves.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-25-2021, 9:00 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
You’re not here to have an honest conversation. I get that now. 95 isn’t either. That’s why you two can just go F yourselves.
Mr Salty got triggered. Back in your moms basement snowflake.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 9:20 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Not a single fraudulent ballot was ever opened, let alone used. They caught a tweaker who was robbing mailboxes coincidentally at the same time ballots were mailed out. Tweaker did it the week before and the week after too. No fraud happened, the end. LOL at thinking about the tweaker and the scale of his operation, hysterical. Just an FYI, ballots go out to all registered voters, doesnt mean they vote.
No 95sn, Sherlock. The election hasn’t happened yet, retard. Also, why would a democrat tweaker have 300 ballots saved in his car if they weren’t worth something? I mean, if he had like 20-30 or even 50-60 that would mean he was just out robbin mailboxes and doin what democrat tweakers do, but this guy had 300. That’s a career, not a coincidence. 300 of something and the fact that you hang on to it means it’s some sort of loot in and of itself.

As someone who lives in a rural neighborhood that sometimes gets democrat tweakers stealing mail, I can promise you they don’t stockpile their findings. Most of it ends up chucked immediately unless it has items of value or it ends up thrown out the window within a few miles of the scene of the crime. I regularly volunteer to pick up these and other types of trash dumped in and near the roadways near the waterways of Sacramento. I am very well versed on the behaviors of entitled democrat tweakers. I could literally write a book about my experiences with these so-called people. Like you, they are all complete losers and wastes of protoplasm.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 9:31 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Mr Salty got triggered. Back in your moms basement snowflake.
Nope. Just disappointed that Shawn stooped to your and 95’s troll level-now that you’ve been owned on so many levels. He was the only libtard here with any brain cells left, really worth talking to.

As for “triggered, snowflake and basement”, those are all terms or labels attached to your side that you tards try to co-opt/commandeer and use as your own because you’re too stupid to come up with anything original yourselves. Losers. All of you.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 9:45 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
When you cant support your claim, change your opinion or shut up. Dont try to blame me for shellacking you. Dont attack me because you have nothing to support the FOX opinion you parrot.
Hospitals are full because idiots wont get vaccinated. Case closed.
Most of your posts sound so gay when read aloud. Just sayin... might wanna consider a proof read or four before hitting the submit button there, Toobin.

You never have or ever will shellack me on any level at any time. Quite the contrary. In fact, it was mere days ago I shut your as$ up when you lied and claimed no one had ever said we’d have to go back to wearing masks if we took the mark. You and your whole party is bankrupt on every level in every way. You will lose both houses in 2022 and lose the presidency in 2024. This is your last stand. Your side has been exposed as the America-last traitors that you are. You’re all dead men walking.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-25-2021, 9:59 PM Reply   
It’s so friggin funny listening to these total loser dims trying to spin the complete Biden failure in Afghanistan. I mean, no one is claiming we shouldn’t get out. It’s his methods and crappy planning as well as the many many miscalculations he made. Who would pull out the military first and then leave tens of thousands of American civilians and all the Afghans who we promised not to abandon there??? That’s like wiping your butt before you poop! Who does that? Who would cut and run from all those people who had your back for decades? One word: democrats.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-25-2021, 10:34 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
It’s so friggin funny listening to these total loser dims trying to spin the complete Biden failure in Afghanistan. I mean, no one is claiming we shouldn’t get out. It’s his methods and crappy planning as well as the many many miscalculations he made. Who would pull out the military first and then leave tens of thousands of American civilians and all the Afghans who we promised not to abandon there??? That’s like wiping your butt before you poop! Who does that? Who would cut and run from all those people who had your back for decades? One word: democrats.
Well if you go back 3 weeks the military was saying that the afcans were going to self govern and keep the Taliban at bay for the foreseeable future. Derp, didn't happen. Don't think anybody was predicting the military would hand over those shiney new weapons you just bought them so quickly. Oh well, must make you proud to see your tax dollars at work.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-26-2021, 1:24 AM Reply   
Looks like there will be a 90 day ban on alcohol sales, will have to see what states do this. a study, from the UK, shows alcohol consumption increases the spread of Covid 19, and they state, a 90 day ban should be in place to curve the spread of delta. Democratic law makers are in agreement and are talking about stopping alcohol sales for 90 days. I wonder when this will begin?
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       08-26-2021, 5:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Looks like there will be a 90 day ban on alcohol sales, will have to see what states do this. a study, from the UK, shows alcohol consumption increases the spread of Covid 19, and they state, a 90 day ban should be in place to curve the spread of delta. Democratic law makers are in agreement and are talking about stopping alcohol sales for 90 days. I wonder when this will begin?
I am guessing all that will happen is there will be a run on liquor stores and thats about it.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-26-2021, 5:42 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Looks like there will be a 90 day ban on alcohol sales, will have to see what states do this. a study, from the UK, shows alcohol consumption increases the spread of Covid 19, and they state, a 90 day ban should be in place to curve the spread of delta. Democratic law makers are in agreement and are talking about stopping alcohol sales for 90 days. I wonder when this will begin?
...and shortly after, we’ll see dim leaders caught violating their own “rules for thee.”
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       08-26-2021, 6:00 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Would you give the same consideration for Trump? I am pretty sure you or the commiecrats would not.
I already did in a previous post.

"Trump initiated abandoning the hole at the end of his term and Biden followed through. "

I gave both Trump and Biden credit.

Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
I said of the two wars, Afghanistan was the wrong one and I am write so far.
I doubt that even your politically aligned allies here would agree with you on allowing the Taliban to give safe haven to Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Maybe you are conflating "Nation Building" with war. Either way, you're still wrong.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-26-2021, 6:16 AM Reply   
Well, as the Taliban commandeers our Blackhawk helicopters and Hummers, they just started their suicide bombings at the airport in Kabul as well. What a complete disaster only a dim could have made.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-26-2021, 6:20 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Looks like there will be a 90 day ban on alcohol sales, will have to see what states do this. a study, from the UK, shows alcohol consumption increases the spread of Covid 19, and they state, a 90 day ban should be in place to curve the spread of delta. Democratic law makers are in agreement and are talking about stopping alcohol sales for 90 days. I wonder when this will begin?
Are you saying they’re wanting to do it here? Where? They tried prohibition over a hundred years ago. It didn’t work then either.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-26-2021, 7:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Are you saying they’re wanting to do it here? Where? They tried prohibition over a hundred years ago. It didn’t work then either.
Oh its the WHO and "its not prohibition" its another BS reason to limit people from being able to live. So there is pressure to "Stop the spread" and they are saying alcohol lowers your immune response. allowing higher viral loads. etc etc.

It won't affect red states, but prob blue ones
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-26-2021, 7:09 AM Reply   
Anyone who voted for Biden are equally responsible for this disaster. He is a fool. with a history of stupidity, Why did anyone think, this nightmare, would not happen. So foolish.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-26-2021, 7:24 AM Reply   
Jimmy Carter 2.0 is not equipped to be president. The coming greater crisis in Afghanistan will blow the lid off his presidency once this becomes a hostage situation. And there's no doubt it will become a hostage situation. The Taliban or "Tolly-bahn" as Xiden calls it, has him by the nuts and is calling all the shots. Carter 2.0 couldn't be a bigger embarrassment. His abandonment of tens of thousands of Americans and allies who will be left to be slaughtered, is going to be the undoing of dims in 2022. Just wait until the videos come out of Americans and our allies being beaten, tortured and murdered. I guarantee you'll only be able to watch it on Fox because the MSM lap dogs will be running cover for Carter 2.0. This is an active botching going on right this minute. We're still 5 days away from the deadline that the Taliban set and they've already got suicide bombers in the airport. Never in the history of our country has a leader so embarrassed us like Biden has.
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       08-26-2021, 7:24 AM Reply   
Biden ought to be removed. Harris too. Then let Pelosi be the lame duck. That will end her career too.

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