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Old     (bjames)      Join Date: May 2012       04-09-2013, 10:57 AM Reply   
OK.. So I think I decided to NOT install the full PWT additional ballast system that connects to my existing pumps. Instead I plan on adding fat sacs and use an external pump for a couple of reasons;

1. Simplicity - Wont have to worry about pump inlets getting clogged and being able to do nothing about it untill the boat is out of the water. I had 2 occations where I had to load the boat onto the trailer with 1 tank full.

2. Portability - Moving bags around will be easy, especially for surf setups.

3. Faster fill times. The external pump has a much higher capacity than the on-board pumps. Also I can fill the bags at the same time as the tanks.

4. Not having to worry about cooking impellors and just having somthing go wrong with the ballast system. Every boat I had had some issues with the ballast pumps - 2 pumps replaced under warraty, impellors replaced.

So here is my question; Are the 750# (50"x20"x20") fat sacs a good choice for the rear locker of a 2009 X star? or is it too tight. Im not interested in paying the additional $$$ for the X-Star Specific bags even though they are only 40" long.

What bag would you recommend for the bow walk through? Jumbo sac?? or another fat sac? I dont know what the width of the walkthrough is so Im not sure what bag is best suited for the bow.

Im also open to any other ideas... thanks


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