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Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       09-22-2022, 6:58 PM Reply   
Proof is all over. Regularly. Your deviant pals don't even hide it any more now that their foot is in the door.

The books were each written once each. Then copied from the original manuscripts. No "telephone" happened. One of the things that put the nail in the modern day atheist's coffin is when the Dead Sea Scrolls (copied circa 2000 years ago) were found in the 1940's-1950's. They checked out to be the same as what was regarded as the oldest known copies. That by itself is beyond incredible. No other written word in the history of the entire world has ever held up to the scrutiny that the Bible has. The Bible stands alone as the inerrant Word of God.

He's your democrat murderer. He's just another example of a lost soul who's been lied to by the evil democrats over and over. I don't think you're into wrist slaps either. That would probably violate someone's civil rights in your mind. No, you're into defunding police and releasing felons back out onto the street before they even sit down in a cell. Same as your party's border policies. Just let em pass on back out and into society to commit more crime and create more victims in the name of social justice or equity or whatever other brain-dead reason you pull out of your Faucis.


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