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Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       07-07-2015, 8:25 AM Reply   
CBS has been reporting that TRUMP has been get hammered for his illegal immigrant comments. Everything from Macy's dropping his line of clothing to Univision dropping their Mis America coverage, and $ support and the list Gos on. (If you don't remember Trump said something to the effect that we need to secure our boarders better because the people coming across the boarders from Mexico are Rapest and killers ect)

This illegal immagrant has been deported 5 times but some he is still in the U.S. this go round he decided to shoot a 32 year old woman right in the chest for not apparent reason. 2fsan-francisco-killing%2findex.html/RS=^ADARx7rHZXFYb9oN3NY.4p4bDLrLf4-

Fist off this is very sad that this woman was killed. 2nd I would like to see how people respond to what many are calling Ofencive and Rasist comments made buy TRUMP When what he said was the truth
Old     (Cabledog)      Join Date: Dec 2013       07-07-2015, 11:37 AM Reply   
Better to make people feel good then tell the truth. Maybe when the USA is a 3rd world county we will stop this PC madness.
Old     (digg311)      Join Date: Sep 2007       07-07-2015, 12:21 PM Reply   
Give me a break.

There are plenty of natural born US rapists and murderers to go around. Just like there are plenty of illegal immigrants who are decent, hardworking people looking for better lives.

Trump is a buffoon.
Old     (DenverRider)      Join Date: Feb 2013       07-07-2015, 12:36 PM Reply   
One illegal immigrant committing a criminal act doesn't make Trump right about all illegal immigrants. If you want to spend 15 trillion more dollars temporarily deporting every illegal alien in the country, then go ahead and do so. Just don't spend any of my money doing it. It costs a lot less to just make them legal so they can pay income taxes and get a better job. Then use that additional tax revenue along with the extra revenue from decriminalizing pot to properly imprison violent offenders like the one mentioned in this article. With space created by pot dealers and users being released we could keep real criminals in prison. This guy no doubt had committed serious crimes before but nobody wanted to pay to keep him in a cage.
Old     (Cabledog)      Join Date: Dec 2013       07-07-2015, 1:09 PM Reply   
Maybe you would feel different if it was your daughter, son, husband, wife, etc that was the victim. If the country enforced our existing immigration laws we wouldn't have to spend trillions deporting. And there is nothing wrong with wanting a better life. Just do it the right way and follow the legal process to citizenship. Coming here illegally and demanding rights is B.S.

Trump might be a buffoon but he's got bigger stones than all the other lie till I'm in office politicians put together. Look past the poor delivery of his message and see the substance. We are concerned as a nation about terrorism and home land security but basically have one side of our country wide open for any and all to come at will. if you think migrant farm workers are all that's crossing you're delusional.

Last edited by Cabledog; 07-07-2015 at 1:10 PM. Reason: spell check
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       07-07-2015, 1:14 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DenverRider View Post
One illegal immigrant committing a criminal act doesn't make Trump right about all illegal immigrants.
True, but that didn't stop him from putting his foot squarely in his mouth the first time. And you know he's gonna spin this **** as hard as can into an "I told ya so" moment. Looking forward to more buffoonery.

And I've never seen a sound bite, especially this early in the process, gain anywhere near the attention his first comments made. And living in Texas, I can tell you the issues are real. At least someone at a national level is talking about it, where the others candidates are too scared to touch the issue.

Lastly, our annual national GDP is 16 T. No way in hell we spent anywhere near that sending folks back to Mexico.

Last edited by denverd1; 07-07-2015 at 1:22 PM.
Old     (gene3x)      Join Date: Apr 2005 Location: Dallas , TX       07-07-2015, 1:36 PM Reply   
The whole statement was a spin from the very beginning. The reason it is so easy for the media to spin everything that comes out of his mouth is because he is not a professional politician (professional liar). People choose what they want to hear. Does he say some things that are not well thought out, sure. Do all the other idiots (including Hillary) .....think, do and say things that are completely idiotic also? Absolutely. They just know how to soften the blow so that media doesn't spin it. Political correctness will end up bringing this country to its knees because everyone feels so entitled. Can anyone admit they are wrong in this polarized USA?
I think, just like Ron Paul, Trump will be marginalized for bringing something different than the media wants to hear.
It sucks but very few of them speak the truth or talk about real issues that matter and most of us are to stupid to pay attention to the real issues. We are spoon fed garbage about how a candidate looks or makes us feel. Who Fing cares? Many of us are not educated enough or spend enough time to know the real issues are. Nor do we take the time to understand what each candidates stance on those issue are, yet we seem to have no trouble mouthing off about what a "buffoon" a candidate is when we have not even taken enough time to know what positive impact that he might have.
Old     (DenverRider)      Join Date: Feb 2013       07-07-2015, 1:36 PM Reply   
We DON'T spend that sending folks back to Mexico. That is how much it would cost to do it if we did actually did what it takes to send them all back to Mexico. The cost to law enforcement to hunt down each and every illegal immigrant would be at least 15 trillion but probably closer to 30 trillion knowing the way that law enforcement can piss away tax dollars. That cost would cause such chaos (as it would break us as a country financially) that my son and daughter would no doubt be killed by looters. Even if my children weren't killed by looters and chaos, the financial toilet that would be left over after spending an addition 15 trillion dollars to properly export all immigrants back to Mexico would leave a world not worth living in for my children. If you weren't so blinded by your racism, you would be able to use common sense to identify this third grade level concept. My children are much more at risk with your plan than they are currently from illegal immigrants currently. Not every death deserves a 15 trillion dollar response. In fact I would say that no death including the deaths of my children would be worth a 15 trillion dollar invoice to my nation. I am not that selfish.
Old     (Cabledog)      Join Date: Dec 2013       07-07-2015, 1:53 PM Reply   
Eric, I'm sure Hillary will appreciate your vote. Please post some sources on your numbers. And you're the racist. I'm talking about ALL illegal immigration. Not just Mexicans as your racial post insinuates.

Last edited by Cabledog; 07-07-2015 at 1:54 PM. Reason: spell check
Old     (Cabledog)      Join Date: Dec 2013       07-07-2015, 1:56 PM Reply   
All illegals out of the USA would leave the world not worth living for your kids. Give me a Fing break.
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       07-07-2015, 2:15 PM Reply   
haha!! you're calculator must be broken. We caught this idiot 5 times and you think it would costs 2.7 million per immigrant?

Also, he did 2 different stints in jail. So we've already paid for that. Are you just pulling these numbers out thin air??
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       07-07-2015, 2:31 PM Reply   
Was what Trump had to say about Illegals harsh YES. Was it right on YES. Do we need to better protect our borders YES. Do we need better Trade agreements with county's like Mexico YES.

Out of all the Possible candidates who do you think would have the greatest success at Negotiating a deal or fixing a problem like this?

I can tell you I have NO confidence what so ever in Hillary. Same go's for Bush. Both professional story tellers.
Old     (CALIV210)      Join Date: Jun 2015       07-07-2015, 2:43 PM Reply   
Man I hate to talk politics but in all honesty if the people here we're held accountable for hiring illegals then there wouldnt be much of a reason come here except to gang bang ( which a lot do) . We offer all this support for people that are not our citizens and it really needs to stop . I have to agree that a wall is a good idea even if they will find another way around. I also think someone with business sense should be the president have you seen what the last idiots have spent ? . I think Hillary is a crook period and should be jailed for Bengazi and her hidden emails . I also think the supreme court has no business over riding the democracy of the United States. I dont know if Trump is the answer but if I had to pick between him and Hillary I'd pick Trump in a new york minute .
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       07-07-2015, 2:46 PM Reply   
I'd have Trump as a front-runner in the immigration debate and its resolution. Nobody lacks PC like he does to get that particular job done. Unfortunately, he'll be an also-ran because he can't play the media game like some of the political lifers he's up against.
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       07-07-2015, 2:53 PM Reply   
Rick, its more complicated than that. ERs are required to report SSN on hiring docs. Illegals can get a SSN made in about 2 hours. There are no checks and balances beyond that.

I have several friends in the contracting business. They are "on the fence" (little immigration pun there) between Dem and Rep because they know Obama or whoever succeeds him isn't going to deport anyone. So they're not going to lose their affordable workforce if this immigration conversation gets nasty.
Old     (King12)      Join Date: Jul 2012       07-07-2015, 2:59 PM Reply   
Haha. So many immigrants I grew up with are worth their weight in gold to me compared to the **** Americans that I grew up with. Harder working, education driven, list goes on and on. They didn't consider a damn thing entitled to them, worked a full time job while going to school. While Johnny dumbass expected daddy to buy his corvette for him while he snorted canned air and bitched about the illegals.
Old     (gene3x)      Join Date: Apr 2005 Location: Dallas , TX       07-08-2015, 5:55 AM Reply   
Joel, unfortunately that describes most immigrants to this country. After a decade of assimilation many of them will became lazy and content like those entitled Americans you speak of. Not all but many will just like every other group does. That is not a justification for having them use my tax dollars to have their babies and send their kids to school all for free. The byproduct of not doing things the right way the first time is the crime we just let trample over the border with the well intended folks. I think a work path to citizenship makes sense.
Old     (King12)      Join Date: Jul 2012       07-08-2015, 8:23 AM Reply   
I agree that people will act like people. They have ****ty people just like us real Americans that "earned" it by being born here do. Create a proper way to a path to citizenship so those that want can make it. Both through work and education. One of the top 10 people in my class went through hell to get to college. We are actively punishing these "babies" or 4 year olds that were brought unwillingly and work full time while going through high school. Anyway, my point is marginalizing and insulting a whole group of people that many of which are just trying to make a better life for their family is immature. I guess my problem arises that we insult, judge, and throw rocks. I would rather deport an American that is a piece of **** and worthless than an illegal who aspires to work and support our country. Others will disagree, but i don't like to give a hand to American trash but not foreign good people
Old     (King12)      Join Date: Jul 2012       07-08-2015, 8:24 AM Reply   
So I agree with a path making sense. Haha. I disagree with blind assholishness
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       07-08-2015, 8:49 AM Reply   
sure they're hard workers. But let's look at an example.

Family of 5, mom, dad and 3 naturalized US citizens that were born in the US. Dad works 6 days a week, 10 or 12 hours a day to provide for his family. Good on him, we need hard workers like that. But we don't get ANY FICA or employment tax dollars out of it, he's paid in cash "under the table" and probably less than he should have been paid. All 3 of the children are now in elementary school after receiving free care during pregnancy, delivery and ongoing health issues of all 3 kids. Mom returns to work in a cash only business, cleaning houses or working in a restaurant once the kids are out of the house at school. They rent a house from a guy across town, paid with cash. The owner pays property taxes to help pay for the education of the kids, but its nowhere near what he's charging the family per month.

They don't shop at the regular supermarket, they have their own. They don't use our banking system so their dollars never circulate through the local economy. They stick cash under their mattress or even send a little to their family in Mexico around Christmas. They don't buy insurance, investments or any financial product from Americans because they don't trust them. They DO support the local Home Depot. More dollars leaving the local economy.

Granted, the system is NOT in place to allow the family to be an involved part of society (so they've created their own economy) but this is part of the problem. A great big fence is NOT the answer, but ignoring the situation for decades has got to change as well. It needs to be controlled and monitored. Along with how many are coming in.

multiple deportation of criminals has got to STOP. That ******* should've been handled differently. Sounds like jurisdictions have their hands tied at best when dealing with these guys.

there are many more factors, just what came to mind. brief snapshot of the whats going on in a border state.

Last edited by denverd1; 07-08-2015 at 8:54 AM.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       07-08-2015, 10:27 AM Reply   
I guess my original question was. How is this county to fix its problems when the people that are trying to take on the task I.E (Run for President) are penalized from bringing up tough subjects. If you want to fault a candidate for saying something I think it should be for telling Lies. Not for how it's said or delivered or what they look like or how they wear their hair. I agree 100% Trump is Brash,& Not polished and @ times Un professional. But does what he has said or is saying Hold water?
Old     (digg311)      Join Date: Sep 2007       07-08-2015, 10:44 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
I guess my original question was. How is this county to fix its problems when the people that are trying to take on the task I.E (Run for President) are penalized from bringing up tough subjects. If you want to fault a candidate for saying something I think it should be for telling Lies. Not for how it's said or delivered or what they look like or how they wear their hair. I agree 100% Trump is Brash,& Not polished and @ times Un professional. But does what he has said or is saying Hold water?
What he said was unequivocally false. I have no issue with a brash politician telling it like it is... but that's not at all what he did. He did what everyone loves to do these days when talking politics. He slammed a diverse and nuanced group of people into one category in order to try and paint himself and his cause as superior or righteous.

Is illegal immigration a problem in this country? Yes. Would careful and calculated immigration reform likely help the economy? Absolutely. Are all illegal immigrants coming in from Mexico all murderers, rapists and drug dealers? No. Not even close. And suggesting that they are, much less outright saying it, is pure idiocy. Even if you do try and protect yourself by tacking on at the end that some of them, you assume, are decent people.

Trump is not a straight shooter. He is not a master negotiator or business man. He's a rich kid who has managed to make himself richer while ruining the lives of the people under his empty as his businesses continue to fail into bankruptcy. How could anyone possibly think that track record qualifies him to run this country?
Old     (King12)      Join Date: Jul 2012       07-08-2015, 11:40 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by digg311 View Post
What he said was unequivocally false. I have no issue with a brash politician telling it like it is... but that's not at all what he did. He did what everyone loves to do these days when talking politics. He slammed a diverse and nuanced group of people into one category in order to try and paint himself and his cause as superior or righteous.

Is illegal immigration a problem in this country? Yes. Would careful and calculated immigration reform likely help the economy? Absolutely. Are all illegal immigrants coming in from Mexico all murderers, rapists and drug dealers? No. Not even close. And suggesting that they are, much less outright saying it, is pure idiocy. Even if you do try and protect yourself by tacking on at the end that some of them, you assume, are decent people.

Trump is not a straight shooter. He is not a master negotiator or business man. He's a rich kid who has managed to make himself richer while ruining the lives of the people under his empty as his businesses continue to fail into bankruptcy. How could anyone possibly think that track record qualifies him to run this country?
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       07-08-2015, 11:52 AM Reply   
guys all that may be the case, but this argument is finally getting some press and thats a good thing. the system is broken and has been for decades
Old     (Cabledog)      Join Date: Dec 2013       07-08-2015, 12:01 PM Reply   
If even one of the people crossing the border regardless of their country of origin is a murderer, rapist or drug dealer and our current/ past administrations are doing nothing to stop it while simultaneously encouraging more to come then it is a violation of our constitution. Our military is sworn to protect us against all invaders foreign or domestic. Illegal aliens or the lib term undocumented immigrants are foreign invaders. When the POTUS does nothing other then say "come on over the waters great" and refuses to enforce the nations laws on such a polarizing issue (and technically an act of treason) it creates a deep divide. Are there good immigrants? Sure there are. Are there bad American's that don't deserve what they have? Absolutely. But the fact of the matter is that unless you went through the current path to citizenship (broken or not) you violated the law the second you stepped on US soil and that should not under any circumstances be rewarded. I don't much care for any of the front runner candidates R or D and don't think Trump is the be all end all for our nation but I do appreciate that he at least has the balls to address tough issues instead of pandering to the media propaganda.
Old     (gene3x)      Join Date: Apr 2005 Location: Dallas , TX       07-08-2015, 12:48 PM Reply   
Rich, false based on where you got your information. He did not say that "all were rapists and murderers and drug dealers" nor did he slam the whole group of diverse people. Again, we seem to hear what we want to hear or what sounds righteous to us instead of taking our ego out of it and analyzing it for what it really is. He said that we are not getting the best or brightest from Mexico or from South America and probably the Middle east. He insinuated that there are rapists, murderers, and drug dealers from all of those places. Even your portrayal of what he said is most likely taken from how the main stream media spun it to us instead of getting it straight from the mouth of the person who said it. Classic miscommunication from a gossip minded country who never takes the facts as they are stated but as it is convenient for them to put their own twist on it. This is how politicians dupe us.

Insensitive? Probably. But let's face it. We need some straight talk. The best and the brightest don't elect our leaders. And our leaders are not the best and brightest anymore. The best and brightest are out creating and building things instead of learning how to lie and "be diplomatic" by appealing to the PC crowd.
Our leaders are more concerned with their "legacy" and how they come across on TV rather than the betterment of our nation. It is disgraceful.

Reminds me of this Jeff Daniels clip..... Not entirely true but on the right track in terms of the tough talk our leaders should be spouting.
Old     (gene3x)      Join Date: Apr 2005 Location: Dallas , TX       07-08-2015, 12:50 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by Cabledog View Post
If even one of the people crossing the border regardless of their country of origin is a murderer, rapist or drug dealer and our current/ past administrations are doing nothing to stop it while simultaneously encouraging more to come then it is a violation of our constitution. Our military is sworn to protect us against all invaders foreign or domestic. Illegal aliens or the lib term undocumented immigrants are foreign invaders. When the POTUS does nothing other then say "come on over the waters great" and refuses to enforce the nations laws on such a polarizing issue (and technically an act of treason) it creates a deep divide. Are there good immigrants? Sure there are. Are there bad American's that don't deserve what they have? Absolutely. But the fact of the matter is that unless you went through the current path to citizenship (broken or not) you violated the law the second you stepped on US soil and that should not under any circumstances be rewarded. I don't much care for any of the front runner candidates R or D and don't think Trump is the be all end all for our nation but I do appreciate that he at least has the balls to address tough issues instead of pandering to the media propaganda.
Old     (Laker1234)      Join Date: Mar 2010       07-08-2015, 1:08 PM Reply   
Like most comments, the media has taken Trump's statement out of context but he's no lightweight and does punch back. What I don't understand is the USA has laws and when laws are broken there are consequences. This merry-go-round boarder situation needs to be dealt with.
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       07-08-2015, 2:08 PM Reply   
a bit of back-peddling there, but not too bad. He was much more eloquent than the first time around, thats for sure!
Old     (King12)      Join Date: Jul 2012       07-08-2015, 2:11 PM Reply   
Haha this is true
Old     (digg311)      Join Date: Sep 2007       07-08-2015, 5:16 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by gene3x View Post
Rich, false based on where you got your information. He did not say that "all were rapists and murderers and drug dealers" nor did he slam the whole group of diverse people. Again, we seem to hear what we want to hear or what sounds righteous to us instead of taking our ego out of it and analyzing it for what it really is. He said that we are not getting the best or brightest from Mexico or from South America and probably the Middle east. He insinuated that there are rapists, murderers, and drug dealers from all of those places. Even your portrayal of what he said is most likely taken from how the main stream media spun it to us instead of getting it straight from the mouth of the person who said it. Classic miscommunication from a gossip minded country who never takes the facts as they are stated but as it is convenient for them to put their own twist on it. This is how politicians dupe us.

Insensitive? Probably. But let's face it. We need some straight talk. The best and the brightest don't elect our leaders. And our leaders are not the best and brightest anymore. The best and brightest are out creating and building things instead of learning how to lie and "be diplomatic" by appealing to the PC crowd.
Our leaders are more concerned with their "legacy" and how they come across on TV rather than the betterment of our nation. It is disgraceful.

Reminds me of this Jeff Daniels clip..... Not entirely true but on the right track in terms of the tough talk our leaders should be spouting.

What are you talking about? He said... and this is a quote: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best; they're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

"They're rapists." is not an insinuation. It's a declarative statement. You're right about one thing though... people definitely hear what they want to hear.
Old     (digg311)      Join Date: Sep 2007       07-08-2015, 6:13 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by gene3x View Post

Reminds me of this Jeff Daniels clip..... Not entirely true but on the right track in terms of the tough talk our leaders should be spouting.
Although, we can agree on the Newsroom clip. I think it's right on the money. Even if I don't think that's even remotely similar to the garbage Trump has been spouting.
Old     (BigJohnsonUT)      Join Date: Apr 2014       07-08-2015, 7:18 PM Reply   
I want to have someone who is not afraid of the political machine in this country. Someone like Trump is exactly what we need IMHO. If you really read his exact comments it wasn't that bad. I lived in Mexico for two years and have great relationships there, and I do not think his comments were all that bad. I agree with the point he was trying to make. The media spins it out of control. Too many people in our country are too media controlled. Too soft. Get offended by truths. Can't make decisions for themselves. Media controls their beliefs and thoughts with half truths. We have many issues in our country that need to be addressed directly and a career politician from either side of the aisle isn't going to do ****. We the people need to stand up for our country and get leadership that can actually make a difference and who isn't afraid to do what's right! Instead of what's popular. Jeb Bush is not the solution. Hilary is definitely not the solution. Trump? I don't know yet. Government is too big. They think they can make decisions for us better than we can make for ourselves. Inserted themselves into every aspect of our lives. Ugh.

Middle class is getting destroyed by big business, big government, and big media. When are we going to be smart enough to wake up and really see what's happening?

Rant over
Old     (Cabledog)      Join Date: Dec 2013       07-10-2015, 8:44 AM Reply   
Attached Images
Old     (digg311)      Join Date: Sep 2007       07-10-2015, 9:00 AM Reply   
This anti-"PC" garbage is a great new rally cry for the right... but it's still garbage. Yes, I think trying to be too "correct" is silly and a waste of time. But trying to be respectful of people who are different than you doesn't mean you don't stand for anything. Just like intentionally attacking people and labeling them incorrectly isn't excused because you think you are standing for something.

So many people praise dolts like Trump because they're "telling it like it is". But that's not what he's doing. His rhetoric is no more factual or effective than any number of "libs" out there talking about the same issues in terms you don't happen to like. Neither approach has anything to do with actual policy... it's all just talk.
Old     (Cabledog)      Join Date: Dec 2013       07-10-2015, 9:27 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by digg311 View Post
This anti-"PC" garbage is a great new rally cry for the right... but it's still garbage. Yes, I think trying to be too "correct" is silly and a waste of time. But trying to be respectful of people who are different than you doesn't mean you don't stand for anything. Just like intentionally attacking people and labeling them incorrectly isn't excused because you think you are standing for something.

So many people praise dolts like Trump because they're "telling it like it is". But that's not what he's doing. His rhetoric is no more factual or effective than any number of "libs" out there talking about the same issues in terms you don't happen to like. Neither approach has anything to do with actual policy... it's all just talk.
So, by different from me you mean being respectful of people that have entered our country illegally?

Different is diverse and what makes this country great. The far left media attacking and trying to destroy anyone personally and professionally that doesn't share their opinion is not diversity. It is a lack of the same tolerance they say they are trying to promote.

I will never share the opinion that we should coddle to law breakers and promote their welfare over the legal citizens of this country.

I like you Diggs based on some of our conversations on other threads and your sick blacked out fleet of boats, trucks and suv's but I'm afraid we wont share the same position on this topic. A path to citizenship is needed but we cant ignore existing laws until then. The last time the USA gave amnesty it created the flood of 11M+ that wants amnesty now. Where does it stop? Social services and a desire to help everyone is bringing this country to its knees. We simply cant help everyone. At some point the takers outweigh the ones paying into the system. We are at tipping point and as much as I would like to take in every stray dog (analogy) I see I know its not possible.

Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       07-10-2015, 11:08 AM Reply   

I like you Diggs based on some of our conversations on other threads and your sick blacked out fleet of boats, trucks and suv's but I'm afraid we wont share the same position on this topic. A path to citizenship is needed but we cant ignore existing laws until then. The last time the USA gave amnesty it created the flood of 11M+ that wants amnesty now. Where does it stop? Social services and a desire to help everyone is bringing this country to its knees. We simply cant help everyone. At some point the takers outweigh the ones paying into the system. We are at tipping point and as much as I would like to take in every stray dog (analogy) I see I know its not possible.

Thats a different Diggs.....
Old     (Cabledog)      Join Date: Dec 2013       07-10-2015, 11:16 AM Reply   
^ Thanks, I'm a dumb ass.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       07-10-2015, 11:32 AM Reply   
I agree with Digg's on the point that it could have been said better, When I heard Trumps statement one side of me was like WOW that's gonna get him in hot water and then Immediately I was like good for him for not mincing words or trying to be PC.

Hey in a coincidence I happen to see a documentary last night on Net Flix called " A Honest Liar" It was about (Randy The Great) he is a Magician that dedicated his life to Magic and letting people know that Magician's do not possess special powers ect The they are simply entertainers fooling you for the thrill of entertainment and Anyone trying to tell you different was a fake, He spent his life debunking Faith healers and Physics, Ok on to what has relevance, He was not very popular & made very little money reveling the truth. While the people who were telling lies made MILLIONS. Even after he would debunk many of these Frauds
people would be upset with him and the backlash was obvious. He said in a statement, "People want to believe what makes them feel good and not what is the TRUTH.

Is this a case where Politicians who tell the truth quickly find them self's out of a job and the ones who tell the best story and lie rise to the top?
Old     (digg311)      Join Date: Sep 2007       07-10-2015, 3:06 PM Reply   
I'll definitely agree with you there. Any honest politician will never get elected. And that is a shame.

I guess in that regard though, it's good that Trump is spouting off... because I'd rather hear the hateful rhetoric than have it disguised or hidden... only to be revealed through policy. Just calling it like I see it... even if you guys think I'm brainwashed by the "far left media that's attacking and trying to destroy anyone personally and professionally that doesn't share their opinion".

On that note, I don't give a sh*$ what the "far left" does. Or the "far right". I care when someone from either of those groups tries to stand up and represent everybody. Most folks aren't on either of those ends. Thankfully.
Old     (DenverRider)      Join Date: Feb 2013       07-10-2015, 4:24 PM Reply   
Trump is going to take the same "campaign" contributions that any other Republican will get and on the flip side, a "straight shooting, no nonsense Democrat" will take the same campaign contributions that a silver tongued professional politician Democrat will get. To think that Trump will be any different when we haven't changed the system that creates the corruption in the first place in nonsense. Until we fix campaign finance there will never be an honest politician. That includes a greedy Trump who like all the others will be more than happy to take money in exchange for favors. The only reason that I have ever favored Democrats is that I prefer their big money campaign donors over the Republican ones. Don't confuse that with trust of the individual running for office. If Trump gets the nomination, you better be prepared to see him start toeing the party line as soon as it is announced. Until we unite in changing the way campaigns are run you better expect more of the same no matter who runs. You can change the puppets but when the puppet masters are still the same it won't make any significant impact.


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