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Old     (johndk)      Join Date: Aug 2008       04-27-2022, 9:40 PM Reply   
I'm looking at a possible house on Lake Tillery in NC, about 2.5 miles north of Rt 27. It looks like that's actually on the Pee Dee River, but it's not clear to me if people would still call that Lake Tillery. The home listing says "Tillery main channel view" and "deep, deep water".
Old     (johndk)      Join Date: Aug 2008       04-27-2022, 9:42 PM Reply   

I'm hoping to get some feedback from people familiar with the lake/river. Anything about the area and water, but specifically I've seen some concerns about lake levels and debris in the water, such as big logs floating just under the surface. How worried should I be? I used to deal with debris on another river and I've been spoiled the last few years not having that issue.

Last edited by johndk; 04-27-2022 at 9:45 PM.
Old     (johndk)      Join Date: Aug 2008       04-27-2022, 9:44 PM Reply   

Also, can you go under the Rt 27 ("James Garrison") bridge with the tower up?

Old     (johndk)      Join Date: Aug 2008       04-27-2022, 9:45 PM Reply   
(That was bizarre. I had to split my message into 3 posts to avoid getting an error that I triggered WW's "security system". WTF?)
Old     (bboozer)      Join Date: Apr 2007       10-05-2023, 1:21 PM Reply   
Did you end up buying there? One of my friends has a brother who lives there. He has several older Nautiques and a Barefoot Nautique, I don't think he really skis or rides mostly just drives them around...
Old     (johndk)      Join Date: Aug 2008       10-07-2023, 12:28 PM Reply   
No, moved to Lake Hartwell in SC instead. It's got good water for wakeboarding, but need to find other people to ride with.
Old     (srock)      Join Date: Mar 2002       11-09-2023, 11:12 AM Reply   
May be moving to the area as well. What is wrong with Hartwell? Is Keowee any better or different than Hartwell?
Old     (johndk)      Join Date: Aug 2008       11-09-2023, 11:24 AM Reply   
Nothing wrong with Hartwell. Lots of deep water, and protected areas so there are places that aren't too choppy even when a bit windy. I like that lots of the coastline is apparently not approved for building, so there aren't houses everywhere. I hardly ever see other people doing wakeboarding/surfing, but there lots of fishing boats. I have not been to Keowee yet but I've heard it's beautiful.
Old     (smitty75)      Join Date: Jun 2013       01-25-2024, 12:34 PM Reply   
Spent 15 years on hartwell and keowee. Keowee is a nicer lake with cleaned water, but really busy on weekends and tough to find smooth water unless you get out early. Costs a lot more to live on keowee as well.

Slightly less traffic on hartwell and a more relaxed crowd, but a bigger lake so can get a bit choppier if there is any wind that picks up. We spent more time on keowee but got out early and got the water sports out of the way and just cruised or parked in a cove after 11am or so.
Old     (smitty75)      Join Date: Jun 2013       01-25-2024, 12:36 PM Reply   
There is another lake in the area that trumps them all, but we will leave that one for the locals haha


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