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Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-01-2019, 10:10 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Well except that the list of Obama’s Russian offenses is that one incident (a nothingburger in trump-speak), vs. the 20 or so for trump I can name off the top of my head.
Well start naming them. Do your homework and bring it to the table.

Obama let Russia have Ukraine and Syria and promised to do something else on a mic after the election which sounds alot like I am going to double cross America once they put me back in office.

Trump backs out of the Nuke treaty with Russian, ups our Nuke program to counter the Russians small nuke buildup. Tells NATO they are going to pay their promise about of their budgets vs letting America pay ours and then make up theirs.

What else is out there?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-01-2019, 10:18 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Did you miss the part that said as a condition of his probation he was prohibited from using the inter webs without his P.O.’s sign off? He was also convicted on like $800k of financial fraud so they wanted him off of the internet.

Cmon man. Read the whole thing. It will take you 45 seconds.
I did read the whole thing. People are on probation all the time. They passed laws in California inorder to empty the prisons for crying out loud. You really think the local probation officer was interesting in trying to track down some dude using a fake name on the internet to get him on some old drug deal and money issue conviction? Really? It took the highest members of the Obama administration to put on this guy to find the maker of the video and do just like Clinton said to the Green Beret's father. If it was not for Obama and Clinton wanting a patsy to drag before his muslim friends and blame Benghazi on, this guy would still be making videos because I bet you any amount of money a local Californian PO is not going to turn into cyber sluth to get that guy.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-01-2019, 10:27 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by wake77 View Post
Damn, do you stereotype much? I guess you think every black guy is a gangbanger.
Well I can say for one that not every black buy is a gang banger and to be honest with you I like black people socially much more than I do white people from the aspect that I have a similar sense of humor and we tend to like similar things (at least my buddies family and the black frat parties I would attend in college).

I can also admit the bull crap that democrats have done to blacks and people of color in history and continue to do this day is garbage. Using the black community as part of the democrats race war and class warfare. There is nothing more racist and classist then the power of lowered expectations.

I can also admit that white supremacy is stupid as heck.

I don't go around wearing political symbols or religious symbols.

See, I can admit things. You can not even admit that all your democrat buddies were wrong that they attacked that kid and tried to ruin his life over a political hat and the color of his skin. The democrats unleashed the full power of the media on him. You are on this very post victim blaming him for his support of the president. That is what makes you and your party dangerous and that is the exact reason I stereotype you.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-01-2019, 10:31 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
More violent Gawd Dam democrats attacking and screaming racial and homophobic slurs at an actor. MAGA Country ******.(**** rhymes with baguette).
Yep and almost everytime they really investigate this things, it turns out it was other black people that put these symbols up. You certainly love to hang your hat on stories that are simply that......stories.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-01-2019, 10:51 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Oh I agree, different universe but the best way to deal with whataboutism is to move back to absolute morality rather than relative. If X does something and you immediately say oh but Y did it too, you just point out if you have a problem when Y did it you should have a problem when X does it also. If you don't then it's not really a problem or you are just a hypocrite. I'm interested to see if delta has any absolute standards or just partisan ones.
Name the standard. Most things I am mostly liberal on.

Speed limits are nominal sets of rules for the masses. It is a tool to allow the state to bring the masses into compliance if they are out killing themselves on the road by driving wreckless. If everyone is going the same speed and not weaving in and our of traffic, I find it perfectly acceptable for everyone to drive 85 in a 65. We do it every day. If some jack wagon is driving crazy, you have a standard to point to and bring them in compliance. Usually it is not because they were speeding, it was because they were deciding to take more from society.

With Russia, I don't trust them from the pre-WW2 and post war perspective. Modern perspective, They are trying to move back toward a modern representative government. I am not sure they are interested i propping up communism like they were before. Politically our government relies on them for the space program and nuclear fuel (at least in the 90's to 2000's, not sure where we are now).

They have been invaded from Europe and certainly from Asia since the beginning of time. They are on lock down mentality. They were very much like the rest of Europe up until the revolution. Kings and so on. It took Europe until post WW1 to get our of the king game after centuries of rule. They have a different culture. They do not value a human's life like we do in America. I believe our standard for that came from religion. You can see the lack of human compassion even in there military design and strategy. Cheap and easy to produce and over run the enemy with masses. Same with the Chinese historically. So now what? The US historically will trade and try and set up American companies with areas that we were once enemies with. We did this with Germany. Japan. We even do it with China. We have actually fought the Chinese DIRECTLY in one war and possibly two wars post WW2. I don't hear or heard a word that we gave the chinese rocket secrets that they are now using to make missiles to reach the US and increase their space technology. So why the hard on for Russia? These policies of using them and setting up business relations was put into place by Bush 1 and Clinton immediately after the fall of the iron curtain.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-03-2019, 1:04 PM Reply   
More Examples or TDS. These double standard Dim-A-craps. Making excuses for racist photos of Virgina governer “COONMAN” LOL LOL. If this guy was a Republican the reaction would be quite different. Everyone know you F-Tard Dems are so hopeless.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       02-03-2019, 1:08 PM Reply   
Bahaha Grant still pushing Infowars after they came out and admitted their "reporting" is all lies. Can't get enough Obama grandma stories I guess.

Everyone wants this guy out except himself
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       02-03-2019, 2:36 PM Reply   
Wow. I never knew the Cheeto in chief’s skin tone was real all along. I guess we’re all just a bunch of jealous haters huh? Lol
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-03-2019, 7:03 PM Reply   
so Wes because she has “info wars” on her Mic her interview’s are Null and Void! LOL LOL. This chick trolls your F-Tards & makes fools of you and shines a light on your political party’s double standard. So you want hung to dis credit her is so in your Liberial play book
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-03-2019, 8:46 PM Reply   
And Mark, don’t you find it so? How do you say? Ironic, or is it Hyporicacital that the Left who is so offended if you mention or refer to a person by Skin color. Has no problem referring to The president as a Derogoratory Skin color. It’s great that the TRUE racist and the TRUE intollarant are being dragged out of the closet. We are all laughing at you
Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       02-04-2019, 5:46 AM Reply   
NOT photoshop
Attached Images
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-04-2019, 9:14 AM Reply   
So G you are saying he was born Cheeto-colored? I didn’t know that was a thing. I thought he was just spray “tanned” that color.

I’m not sure there is a race of Cheeto-people, but if that’s the case then I definitely need to look inward.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-04-2019, 10:20 AM Reply   
Here is the point:
You left-Tards are so triggerd & offended if anyone references or mentions a person by their skin color. Example Try this! In open public try talking about Stacy Abrams or Cory Booker by referencing them BY SKIN color just as you do Trump & see how that works out for you? But then again you lefty’s give each other a pass. Look at the Racist Bill Maher. he thinks because he dates black chicks he can say the N word & make jokes about blacks hanginging out behind Popeyes Chicken. Another example “Fara-Con” says Jews are Termites! No problem Next. Your white democratic senators Where Black Face and have the nick name COONMAN and it’s all OK. Here is a tip. No one cares about your fake outrage, your party has cryed the sky is falling to many times. We simply ignore you like the neighbors barking dog. That is until we get tired and put a boot right up your A$$. That seems to quiet you done for a bit.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-04-2019, 10:22 AM Reply   
Your point makes good sense if we agree that a spray tan is a skin color.

I don’t think a spray tan is a skin color so I disagree with your premise.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-04-2019, 11:18 AM Reply   
^^^ Shawn, it’s all just theatrics, people’s (Fake) outrage has been ramping up for years, who knows where it will go from here. I saw a quote the other day and it went somthing like this.

We have come to a point where, if you disagree with someone’s view your Opposing view is deemed as one of the following.
Hate, Racist, Sexist, fascist . You can no longer agree to disagree, you must label another persons opposing view as EVIL.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       02-04-2019, 11:25 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
You can no longer agree to disagree, you must label another persons opposing view as EVIL.
When you are talking about Delta, you should be more specific about that.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       02-04-2019, 6:02 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Your point makes good sense if we agree that a spray tan is a skin color.

I don’t think a spray tan is a skin color so I disagree with your premise.
I cannot believe you are having to explain that to him. Of course, it is Grant, so maybe I'm not that surprised.

Next, the bronze color one obtains from a tanning bed will be a skin color.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       02-04-2019, 6:06 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
Here is the point:
You left-Tards are so triggerd & offended if anyone references or mentions a person by their skin color. Example Try this! In open public try talking about Stacy Abrams or Cory Booker by referencing them BY SKIN color just as you do Trump & see how that works out for you? But then again you lefty’s give each other a pass. Look at the Racist Bill Maher. he thinks because he dates black chicks he can say the N word & make jokes about blacks hanginging out behind Popeyes Chicken. Another example “Fara-Con” says Jews are Termites! No problem Next. Your white democratic senators Where Black Face and have the nick name COONMAN and it’s all OK. Here is a tip. No one cares about your fake outrage, your party has cryed the sky is falling to many times. We simply ignore you like the neighbors barking dog. That is until we get tired and put a boot right up your A$$. That seems to quiet you done for a bit.
Dude, watch the freaking news. Every Democrat in this country is wanting the Governor to resign. Pelosi, Booker, the former Democratic governor from VA, everyone. Why do you insist on lying to make your point?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       02-04-2019, 8:28 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
^^^ Shawn, it’s all just theatrics, people’s (Fake) outrage has been ramping up for years, who knows where it will go from here.
I know right, remember that time Obama wore a tan suit! Scandalous!
Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       02-05-2019, 7:02 AM Reply   
Whatever happened to Trumps Great American Military parade? He thought that was such a great idea along with all the TrumpTards. He wouldn't have any problems with border security if he would stop calling it a wall and call it a barrier, he could even call it a great barrier.
Attached Images
Old     (deneng)      Join Date: Feb 2005       02-05-2019, 9:20 AM Reply   
The most dangerous man in America on his honeymoon pre taking down the wall in Communist Russia 1988. Warning for normal folks his clothes are off. I should not reward the WW communist. I am gonna do it for your Valentines day. Saluting the Russian economy as powerful as the U.S. and maybe the great healthcare and possibly killing a few of the private farmers.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-05-2019, 10:45 AM Reply   
This just came to mind. More examples of Democrats & the hypocritical double standard they so proudly hail.
So the Virgina politician affectionately known as “COONMAN (great name) has to resign because he dressed in black face or as Michale Jackson, fast forward to 2004 and the movie White Chicks where 2 black actors dress as White Lady’s. These 2 get payed millions to dress in (whiteface) and the movie is a hit.

So a quick recap:
Blacks call each other N word= Totally acceptable &make $ doing it
Blacks dress as another race= Totally acceptable & make $ doing it
Whites use the N word= well you know what happens.
Whites dress as another race= again you see what happens.

I thought the tollarant left wanted Equality.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       02-05-2019, 11:17 AM Reply   
What's more ridiculous is that instead of focusing on the costumes as portraying a KKK member presumably going to lynch a black man, the controversy is about black face. Who in the heck forgets if they were portraying a KKK or lynch victim for Halloween?
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       02-05-2019, 12:01 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
This just came to mind. More examples of Democrats & the hypocritical double standard they so proudly hail.
So the Virgina politician affectionately known as “COONMAN (great name) has to resign because he dressed in black face or as Michale Jackson, fast forward to 2004 and the movie White Chicks where 2 black actors dress as White Lady’s. These 2 get payed millions to dress in (whiteface) and the movie is a hit.

So a quick recap:
Blacks call each other N word= Totally acceptable &make $ doing it
Blacks dress as another race= Totally acceptable & make $ doing it
Whites use the N word= well you know what happens.
Whites dress as another race= again you see what happens.

I thought the tollarant left wanted Equality.
Maybe show me where whites were once considered 3/5 of a US citizen, when they couldn't use the same drinking fountain as the whites, and when they used to string them up to trees. Then, maybe I can share your outrage.

And I know you aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but there is a difference between dressing up like an African American and donning full black face. And is it going to make you happier if you can call a black guy the n-word? Seriously.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-05-2019, 12:03 PM Reply   
Sen. Cindy Hide-Smith probably could forget.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-05-2019, 12:47 PM Reply   
Wake: so your one of the types that likes perpetuate the Slavery, ya know milk if for every ounce you think you can get. You think because people that haven’t been on this earth for hundreds of years and owned slaves that some how we should still bear the cross? How do you feel about Reporations? Do you feel black people should some how be compisated
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-05-2019, 1:26 PM Reply   
Women didnt get the right to vote til 1920, Blacks it was really in 1965. So, it hasn't been 100's of years. Its a long slow process.
Old     (deneng)      Join Date: Feb 2005       02-05-2019, 3:54 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
What's more ridiculous is that instead of focusing on the costumes as portraying a KKK member presumably going to lynch a black man, the controversy is about black face. Who in the heck forgets if they were portraying a KKK or lynch victim for Halloween?
Whats even more ridiculous than that is instead of focusing on state sponsored murder that the governor tries to explain off as while the baby is kept comfortably waiting for his execution you should pay attention to somebody putting shoe polish on his face and shaming the African American community because somehow this is by far a more serious crime. The left will do anything including murdering the most innocent in society to get votes and power.We have reached the end as a society. It is all downhill from here unless we stop it now.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-05-2019, 4:01 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by deneng View Post
We have reached the end as a society. It is all downhill from here unless we stop it now.

So have we reached the end or is there still farther to go?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-05-2019, 4:43 PM Reply   
Depends. Unless we stop it now.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       02-05-2019, 4:43 PM Reply   
Hypocrite in chief just got busted again for employing illegals. No body is tougher on illegal immigration than trump, he punishes them by making them work at his ****ty golf clubs, probably stiffs them when it comes to payday.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-05-2019, 7:16 PM Reply   
^^ Ralph are you having PT-TDS
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       02-05-2019, 7:31 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
^^ Ralph are you having PT-TDS
Possibly, but I just watched the SOTU, it was amazing....for my insomnia.
Old     (bass10after)      Join Date: Feb 2010       02-05-2019, 10:24 PM Reply   
SOTU was awesome. Never seen both sides forced to stand so often...Even the womens group were dancing after trying to remain somber throughout. Numbers don't lie, his economy and the policy of reducing government regulation and government in the lives of americans works... unless you're in ca where everything he undoes they double down on to make worse. The rebuttle was comical. best line " where truck drivers are forced to buy their own trucks" The travesty... imagine a world where electricians are forced to buy their own tools, framers have to purchase their own hammers, farmers forced to buy their own tractors.... And especially rings true in california where a perfectly good working truck is taken off the road and scrapped because it doesn't have restrictive, unreliable "smog" equipment bolted to it thanks to your own parties nonstop intrusion into anything they can get their hands on. Yea truck drivers not only have to buy their own trucks, they've had to buy a second one well before they ever planned thanks to your parties environmental craziness
Old     (bass10after)      Join Date: Feb 2010       02-05-2019, 10:44 PM Reply   
in regards to the governor the bottom line is nobody likes a racist and the fact that so many of that guys supporters and the party's supporters have labeled a red hat, the president, and anyone supporting him a racist and using that to somehow discredit their opinion just further emphasizes how brainwashed you've become. Did nobody recogonize those traits in the asshat because there wasn't some celebrity bashing him or claiming hes racist for everyone to blindly follow? Theres been nothing remotely close or even been accused by anyone of Trump that comes close to that ass hat governor did.. All these Jews claiming hes racist etc. I'd like to see a sotu where obama recognized Holocaust survivors and The brave men who helped save them. He stuck it to iran for real on his own, no protests, no celeb backing, just saw the killing innocent Jewish people and handled it before putting it in a speech. Everyone was afraid of a war breaking out when it happened too, but imagine that... iran, with russias backing didn't do a thing. He's on the right side of history and it shows.
Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       02-06-2019, 4:35 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Possibly, but I just watched the SOTU, it was amazing....for my insomnia.
I can see Trumps approval rating going up a little bit, But he is right back between a Wall and a hard place, he cannot win, just like when he buckled on the government shut down, Now he says he will do it again? Even republicans do Not want him to declare a State of emergency to build the wall, so his approval rating will fall back into the sewer.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       02-06-2019, 6:59 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by deneng View Post
Whats even more ridiculous than that is instead of focusing on state sponsored murder that the governor tries to explain off as while the baby is kept comfortably waiting for his execution you should pay attention to somebody putting shoe polish on his face and shaming the African American community because somehow this is by far a more serious crime. The left will do anything including murdering the most innocent in society to get votes and power.We have reached the end as a society. It is all downhill from here unless we stop it now.
You know what's even more ridiculous than that? A non-sequitur.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       02-06-2019, 8:07 AM Reply   
Two good posts from bass.

Awesome SOTU. I was actually surprised Trump nailed it so well. Couldn’t believe how childish Pelosi was with the STUPID faces she made and how she kept holding the speech on paper up so high while reading it. I don’t remember any former speaker doing anything like it. Totally immature and unprofessional. What’s hilarious is watching the media try to spin her immature behavior as her winning something. Priceless.

I also loved the rebuttal comment about people having to buy trucks. First, there is a huge shortage of truck drivers and has been for the last couple/few years. There have been plenty of articles written about how this company or that pays top dollar for drivers. Second, if you own your own truck, you make more money!
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-06-2019, 9:33 AM Reply   
WTF Virginia?

Gov in blackface scandal.
Lt. Gov in harassment scandal.
AG (next in line after Lt. Gov) now admits blackface.

I’m a little torn on viewing a grown man’s current qualifications through the lens of stupid $hit he did in college. Pretty sure I said the same about all of the crap that came out about Kavanaugh (lest you guys call me a partisan hack). Other than the Dr Ford stuff at least.... K’s partying and yearbook and whatnot.

At what point do we ignore youthful indiscretions as youthful indiscretions, where the person involved has a decades long track record of public service?

(Haha and for the record I wouldn’t excuse trump who confirmed is misogynistic ways as a grown a$$ man in the Access Hollywood tape).
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       02-06-2019, 12:41 PM Reply   
^agree. Things were much different in the 80s and kids shouldn't be persecuted the rest of their lives for something stupid they did in college. Kinda funny though that its coming full circle on the dems now.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-06-2019, 1:15 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
WTF Virginia?

Gov in blackface scandal.
Lt. Gov in harassment scandal.
AG (next in line after Lt. Gov) now admits blackface.

I’m a little torn on viewing a grown man’s current qualifications through the lens of stupid $hit he did in college. Pretty sure I said the same about all of the crap that came out about Kavanaugh (lest you guys call me a partisan hack). Other than the Dr Ford stuff at least.... K’s partying and yearbook and whatnot.

At what point do we ignore youthful indiscretions as youthful indiscretions, where the person involved has a decades long track record of public service?

(Haha and for the record I wouldn’t excuse trump who confirmed is misogynistic ways as a grown a$$ man in the Access Hollywood tape).
welp. Kavanaugh was accused. This dude literally documented it in his year book doing racist/ stupid crap. They said his wife had to talk him out of doing the literal moonwalk during the presser because he was explaining he did it for a M Jackson routine. With that said, why do we keep acting like democrats are not racists. Every time we turn around, they are doing and saying racists things. Just like the Me-Too movement. The Hollywood actresses go around acting like everyone is raping women then you find out it was a good portion of their Hollywood liberal men that were doing it too them.

I don't put too much stock in high school and/or high school activities in describing someones future self. The democrats on the other had seem to care that you pass their political purity litmus tests starting in 3rd grade it appears.

Did you see where the catholic church (besides having a child rape issue) is also having a sex slave issue with nuns? Turns out the last pope shut a whole section down in France. He was stopped from doing it while he was a bishop but when he became pope, he reopened his investigation and canned them all.
Old     (wombat2wombat)      Join Date: Sep 2018       02-06-2019, 1:28 PM Reply   
Forget about this stupid sex & racism ****. Russia once again is interfering in another countries problems & arming "rebels" to take down a dictator it doesn't like!!! oh, no, wait, that's us again. Goddamn Putin!!!!!
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       02-06-2019, 6:37 PM Reply   
I think this opinion article speaks volumes of truth about a lot of things surrounding the SOTU. Especially the tail end of it. The NY Dems who just passed their new abortion laws are literally cruel, less than human animals that need to be put down like rabid vermin.
Old     (bass10after)      Join Date: Feb 2010       02-06-2019, 8:51 PM Reply   
one thing is certain... Trump wins at EVERYTHING. This thread has 1.1 million views.... 600k more than the next closest non wakeboarding thread and 800k more than the highest wakeboarding thread. Love him or hate him, there will never be another president like him, it sure feels like he's got the entire nations attention every day. I would love it if we all payed taxes based on our own parties budget, no matter who was the president. I guarantee a lot of people wouldn't put their money where their mouth is and there would be a lot more republicans born and a lot more unity as people. We're all in business together and we didn't get to choose our business partners... that sucks for everyone. All these polls favoring more taxes for certain income brackets, is a crock. Thats discrimination. This isn't Robin Hood and a world ruled by kings and queens, everybody works or worked for something. I wanted more of my paycheck when i worked for burger king at 15 years old and i want more of it now that i'm self employed at 37. The difference in money i make shouldn't dictate what i deserve or anyone else for that matter.
Old     (deneng)      Join Date: Feb 2005       02-07-2019, 7:52 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Two good posts from bass.

Awesome SOTU. I was actually surprised Trump nailed it so well. Couldn’t believe how childish Pelosi was with the STUPID faces she made and how she kept holding the speech on paper up so high while reading it. I don’t remember any former speaker doing anything like it. Totally immature and unprofessional. What’s hilarious is watching the media try to spin her immature behavior as her winning something. Priceless.

I also loved the rebuttal comment about people having to buy trucks. First, there is a huge shortage of truck drivers and has been for the last couple/few years. There have been plenty of articles written about how this company or that pays top dollar for drivers. Second, if you own your own truck, you make more money!
Outstanding SOTU. It really brought forth a conformation for the American public of all the president has done for America and gave praise to the few things that a bipartisan have helped with. The Socialist left now have to step up in order to Make America Great Again. We still have many great things to do. The left has a chance to be for the American worker again, or will they turn even further towards Communism and finish off the party? You could see the chaos in the hierarchy of the left during the speech. Minds were spinning!

Last edited by deneng; 02-07-2019 at 7:53 AM. Reason: OK
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       02-07-2019, 7:56 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
I think this opinion article speaks volumes of truth about a lot of things surrounding the SOTU. Especially the tail end of it. The NY Dems who just passed their new abortion laws are literally cruel, less than human animals that need to be put down like rabid vermin.
I honestly cannot understand how ANYONE could be pro late term abortion no matter what side of the isle you are on. Any doctor that would perform this deserves to be shot.
Old     (deneng)      Join Date: Feb 2005       02-07-2019, 8:39 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
I honestly cannot understand how ANYONE could be pro late term abortion no matter what side of the isle you are on. Any doctor that would perform this deserves to be shot.
Any lawmaker needs to be shot first. Abortion doctors have always been the MD's who could not make it legit. This new bill passed would require the ligit MD's to participate.

Last edited by deneng; 02-07-2019 at 8:41 AM. Reason: Spelling
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       02-07-2019, 9:07 AM Reply   
Nice straw man. If you’re actually interested in the real details of this law you could start here instead of with a Fox News hyperbolic opinion piece lol
Old     (deneng)      Join Date: Feb 2005       02-07-2019, 9:11 AM Reply   
Many good OBGYN's would do something else if they had to do abortions, and what would be your priority during delivery ? If you are not such a good MD and you cause mistakes then would it be easier to cover it up with getting rid of the problem? Would abortionist fill the ranks of good qualified MD's in labor and delivery. The abortionist are good at killing, but probably not so good caring for a mother who is border line eclampsia. No keep the abortionist in their clinics. Keep our good MD's who support life in the labor and delivery rooms.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       02-07-2019, 9:16 AM Reply   
"In Virginia, House Bill 2491 would remove abortion restrictions such as the 24-hour waiting period, which requires women to wait a full day and undergo counseling before having an abortion, and a mandate that requires women in their second-trimester to have abortions in a hospital. In addition, the bill would change the current law in Virginia which requires people in seeking an abortion during their third trimester of pregnancy to be evaluated by three doctors to confirm that the pregnancy is life-threatening before an abortion is permitted. With House Bill 2491, only one doctor would be required to do the evaluation and terminating the pregnancy would be allowed if the mother's "mental or physical health is threatened," per Vox. The bill was introduced in the Virginia House on Jan. 9.

Mental health? And how do you decide whos life is more important if the physical health of the mother is in question?
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-07-2019, 9:36 AM Reply   
More laughter @ u DummaCraps. The politician that would replace good O COONMANis just as bad but in a R Kelly way LOL you Lib-Tards are having a bad go at it. Then your party’s Koran (the Washington post) Spends 5.2 Million dollars on a super bowl add pounding their chest on how great & honest their reporting is, ( democracy dies in the dark ) Well you know what else dies in the dark? The story of COONMANS replacementthen forcing a woman to give him a BJ. Yup 24 hrs later it’s revield that the “Washington Compost “coverd up the story of the Democrat who would replace COONMAN that he was being accused of Forced Oral Sex.

$hit I bet you guys were wishing Muller had somthing to share or someone to arrest so they could have somthing other to distract us useful idiots while we all laughs at Memes of crazy Nacy and the other Commies.

Hey seeing how you Dems have no problem making fun of people’s skin color, I thought of this joke

Q: What did Trump say to Obama after he won the election,

A; Orange is the new Black!

Last edited by grant_west; 02-07-2019 at 9:44 AM.
Old     (deneng)      Join Date: Feb 2005       02-07-2019, 10:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
"In Virginia, House Bill 2491 would remove abortion restrictions such as the 24-hour waiting period, which requires women to wait a full day and undergo counseling before having an abortion, and a mandate that requires women in their second-trimester to have abortions in a hospital. In addition, the bill would change the current law in Virginia which requires people in seeking an abortion during their third trimester of pregnancy to be evaluated by three doctors to confirm that the pregnancy is life-threatening before an abortion is permitted. With House Bill 2491, only one doctor would be required to do the evaluation and terminating the pregnancy would be allowed if the mother's "mental or physical health is threatened," per Vox. The bill was introduced in the Virginia House on Jan. 9.

Mental health? And how do you decide whos life is more important if the physical health of the mother is in question?
We already have practice to determine to treat the mother and the baby. There are two separate lives right? Exactly. We do the best we can here in the states. High mortality rate? That has a lot to do with the amazing things that MD's, Nurses and hospital's do for the baby's or should I say attempt to do. We may have a high mortality rate because we attempt to save the impossible cases. I'm with you . Mental Health? There are many mom's who have mental health problems, but I believe that the maternal instinct somehow, and often arises all else. Mothers are great. My mother is crazy, and my first wife was crazy but they were very nurturing despite that their own parents said they would not be able to be good mothers.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-07-2019, 10:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by pesos View Post
Nice straw man. If you’re actually interested in the real details of this law you could start here instead of with a Fox News hyperbolic opinion piece lol
Not a straw man. They are dicing up the meanings in the article. IF the baby makes it out alive in New York. However, you want me to bring out the pictures of the abortion process? Made people pretty sick and pretty mad last time I did that for you. They usually cut the baby up or puncture the babies scull and suck out it's brains. So, no the baby is not going to "have a heart beat" after birth.

Second the politicians were way too happy about it.

Third. There were 2 abortion bills Roe v Wade and Doe v. Bolton both in 1973. You want to talk about straw man, everyone thinks the argument is Roe v Wade. Roe v Wade is pretty clear. No abortion after viability. Usually considered 23 to 24 weeks. What the democrats are doing a end around on is Doe v Bolton which stated an abortion can be performed at anytime as long as a medical professional can attest to the "health" of the mother. What the democrats have done is stretch what the health of the mother is.. They are also stretching what "medical professional" is. This includes mental health and I believe financial health, marriage health and other out of sort reasons for infantcide. This is the fight that is not talked about and it is the reason later term abortion is legal and this is where the democrat dominated states have been attacking in New York, Virginia and soon California
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       02-07-2019, 11:13 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by bass10after View Post
All these polls favoring more taxes for certain income brackets, is a crock. Thats discrimination. This isn't Robin Hood and a world ruled by kings and queens, everybody works or worked for something. I wanted more of my paycheck when i worked for burger king at 15 years old and i want more of it now that i'm self employed at 37. The difference in money i make shouldn't dictate what i deserve or anyone else for that matter.
Are you familiar with the Pareto principle which governs wealth accumulation in unbounded economic systems?

What do you think happens to economic systems which rely on consumption when a critical mass of the population falls below an income level which allows them to consume? It collapses. Income inequality is no joke, it's in the interest of those at the top to not allow it to get out of control.
Old     (deneng)      Join Date: Feb 2005       02-07-2019, 11:28 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Are you familiar with the Pareto principle which governs wealth accumulation in unbounded economic systems?

What do you think happens to economic systems which rely on consumption when a critical mass of the population falls below an income level which allows them to consume? It collapses. Income inequality is no joke, it's in the interest of those at the top to not allow it to get out of control.
He did not say that he wanted to rid the social system. I think he met to not rely upon taxes as a way to implement Socialist agenda. We have the best system ,so why shouldn't we keep more. Enforce laws that stop people from living off of hard working taxpayers, stop the agenda of your party that the other guys need to support you because you can or will not get off your ass and feel sorry for yourselves, and lastly the American taxpayer should not foot the bill for anybody who comes into this country illegally. I am all for supporting helping vetted legal immigrants for a few years find their way instead of supporting lazy closed minded who flock over the border spit in your face and criticize the people who support them. Are you a Russian troll?

Last edited by deneng; 02-07-2019 at 11:35 AM. Reason: Spelling
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-07-2019, 12:21 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Are you familiar with the Pareto principle which governs wealth accumulation in unbounded economic systems?

What do you think happens to economic systems which rely on consumption when a critical mass of the population falls below an income level which allows them to consume? It collapses. Income inequality is no joke, it's in the interest of those at the top to not allow it to get out of control.
That is why we do need 2 wings to fly. This is why we had the richest families in America basically give up large amounts of their wealth inorder to bail out America back in the day. I am sure they got some nice rights that allowed them to get richer later.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-07-2019, 12:33 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Are you familiar with the Pareto principle which governs wealth accumulation in unbounded economic systems?

What do you think happens to economic systems which rely on consumption when a critical mass of the population falls below an income level which allows them to consume? It collapses. Income inequality is no joke, it's in the interest of those at the top to not allow it to get out of control.
Just to be clear, it takes 2 wings to fly however we are not an ungoverned economic system.

Tell you what I will throw you a bone. I believe that the uber leftist Seattle City Council may have had it right when they were going to tax Amazon and other large employers for having so many employees in a high density area. If these hi density areas which are majority democrat ran care about the people they would not take advantage of the surrounding counties. They want to have the hi density employee low equipment cost jobs, they should have to build housing to house the amount of workers and support. Right now these cities in Northern California and else were want to get their taxes from the employers but they don't want all the people living there. The only people who get to live in those cities are legacy families and the CEO's. It creates urban sprawl where the cities with the employees take advantage of the other cites around them.. Impacts quality of life. Hurts the environment from people needing to commute.degrades the human existence.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       02-07-2019, 1:23 PM Reply   
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Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-07-2019, 2:53 PM Reply   
LOL how fitting
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Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-07-2019, 3:06 PM Reply   
It seems some people do not understand what it means to tax income over $10M/year at high rates (70%). You dont have to worry, none of us will ever pay into that.
The current system, especially since the fiscally responsible partys tax boondoggle was passed will bk the country.

[QUOTE] More laughter @ u DummaCraps. The politician that would replace good O COONMANis just as bad but in a R Kelly way LOL you Lib-Tards are having a bad go at it. Then your party’s Koran (the Washington post) Spends 5.2 Million dollars on a super bowl add pounding their chest on how great & honest their reporting is, ( democracy dies in the dark ) Well you know what else dies in the dark? The story of COONMANS replacementthen forcing a woman to give him a BJ. Yup 24 hrs later it’s revield that the “Washington Compost “coverd up the story of the Democrat who would replace COONMAN that he was being accused of Forced Oral Sex.

$hit I bet you guys were wishing Muller had somthing to share or someone to arrest so they could have somthing other to distract us useful idiots while we all laughs at Memes of crazy Nacy and the other Commies.

Hey seeing how you Dems have no problem making fun of people’s skin color, I thought of this joke

Q: What did Trump say to Obama after he won the election,

A; Orange is the new Black! [ /QUOTE]

Its not a democrat or republican problem. Obviously you missed the next guy has a (R) by his name. The difference is stand each party takes. R's decided to run Roy Moore for Senate
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-07-2019, 3:14 PM Reply   
Idiots wonder.
They wonder why they get called racists.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-07-2019, 4:20 PM Reply   
[QUOTE=95sn;1985380]It seems some people do not understand what it means to tax income over $10M/year at high rates (70%). You dont have to worry, none of us will ever pay into that.
The current system, especially since the fiscally responsible partys tax boondoggle was passed will bk the country.

More laughter @ u DummaCraps. The politician that would replace good O COONMANis just as bad but in a R Kelly way LOL you Lib-Tards are having a bad go at it. Then your party’s Koran (the Washington post) Spends 5.2 Million dollars on a super bowl add pounding their chest on how great & honest their reporting is, ( democracy dies in the dark ) Well you know what else dies in the dark? The story of COONMANS replacementthen forcing a woman to give him a BJ. Yup 24 hrs later it’s revield that the “Washington Compost “coverd up the story of the Democrat who would replace COONMAN that he was being accused of Forced Oral Sex.

$hit I bet you guys were wishing Muller had somthing to share or someone to arrest so they could have somthing other to distract us useful idiots while we all laughs at Memes of crazy Nacy and the other Commies.

Hey seeing how you Dems have no problem making fun of people’s skin color, I thought of this joke

Q: What did Trump say to Obama after he won the election,

A; Orange is the new Black! [ /QUOTE]

Its not a democrat or republican problem. Obviously you missed the next guy has a (R) by his name. The difference is stand each party takes. R's decided to run Roy Moore for Senate
Yes. Republicans are for equal rights and democrats are for special rights. If you are not for special rights, you must be a racists according to the democrats. Seems cut and dry.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-07-2019, 4:54 PM Reply   
Republicans tax planbenefits republicans and democrats that are really wealthy. The republicans passed a tax law that overwhelmingly benefits rich americans. Thats special rights for a small number. Its not well thought out because they dont need the help. The democrats seek to tax all to benefit more. Do you think its wrong to tax estates over $5M? $10M? Income over $10M a year?
The republican tax plan has proven itself to not work (as it did not work for Reagan or bush either). The money does not trickle down because the rich dont need to spend. If the $ was concentrated lower, it all gets spent benefiting more than the top 1%. Income inequality 101.
What is GDP? What was Cheetos prediction?
Old     (bass10after)      Join Date: Feb 2010       02-07-2019, 4:55 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by deneng View Post
He did not say that he wanted to rid the social system. I think he met to not rely upon taxes as a way to implement Socialist agenda. We have the best system ,so why shouldn't we keep more. Enforce laws that stop people from living off of hard working taxpayers, stop the agenda of your party that the other guys need to support you because you can or will not get off your ass and feel sorry for yourselves, and lastly the American taxpayer should not foot the bill for anybody who comes into this country illegally. I am all for supporting helping vetted legal immigrants for a few years find their way instead of supporting lazy closed minded who flock over the border spit in your face and criticize the people who support them. Are you a Russian troll?
nailed it. hes probably one of the biggest dummies i've seen in this thread tbh
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-07-2019, 5:29 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Republicans tax planbenefits republicans and democrats that are really wealthy. The republicans passed a tax law that overwhelmingly benefits rich americans. Thats special rights for a small number. Its not well thought out because they dont need the help. The democrats seek to tax all to benefit more. Do you think its wrong to tax estates over $5M? $10M? Income over $10M a year?
The republican tax plan has proven itself to not work (as it did not work for Reagan or bush either). The money does not trickle down because the rich dont need to spend. If the $ was concentrated lower, it all gets spent benefiting more than the top 1%. Income inequality 101.
What is GDP? What was Cheetos prediction?
Truth be told the tax reduction during Reagan's era was actually submitted and passed by the democrats. It was passed because the economy was stagnant due to the high taxation.

The top 1% democrats and republicans already pay from 95% to 99% of all income taxes. Not sure how you say they are not paying their share.

I will tell you right now, I am probably one of the poorest middle aged working people on this site and I grew up so poor that when I applied for grants and aid at my college they would not process my application because they thought I was lying on my application on how poor we were. I finally had to go to the president of the university to get it straightened out after going to school for half a semester. So believe me, I don't come from a position of wealth when debating this. I have not love lost for rich people but I have never got a job from a poor person. Money flows through the pay of least resistance. If you make that kind of money, a person will simply get the money in stocks instead of cash. Then they will pay 20% when and if they cash it in. The money will move to where you will not get it. If you want to make them pay, tax the heck out of owning multiple homes. Homes should not be an investment avenue. Peoples homes are a need for life. That is part of the reason housing is not affordable. Part of the reason young and middle aged alike can not break into participating in the economy. Price of housing is so costly that it does not matter how much money you make, it is when you bought your house. Limit the growth in housing cost and you have much more money else were to support the economy.

Taxing the money does not trickle down either. You think the government just turns around and writes a check to the masses? Rich people who do not spend will invest it. It does not sit in a money mattress. Investment means jobs. Jobs means income. Now, you have to look at corporate tax structures and can our country compete with slave labor countries and earn that investment dollar. That is the question. Trump is trying to answer that for us. Our money being invested in companies that move the labor offshore is killing our middle class. Companies move off shore due to check labor and then their ability to sell their goods back to us at a much lower cost cycle than American made. Taxing the rich is not going to get money to the people.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       02-07-2019, 6:48 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Just to be clear, it takes 2 wings to fly however we are not an ungoverned economic system
Yes I 100% agree but when you have 128M people who earn $44k or less then to me it indicates a rigged system.

You can say everybody has the opportunity to make a fortune in the US but the reality is you either have to say 200M americans are just lazy or you have to consider there are some structural problems which prevent the majority of people from achieving.

I suggest that a progressive tax system goes someway towards to re balancing these inequalities, especially if the cream from the top is invested in education for the bottom rather than military spending.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-07-2019, 6:50 PM Reply   
Gucci in Hot water for selling “Racist” (Black face) sweater. Wow black history month is turning out to be a doozie for you Dems. I thought MAGA hats were a sign of Racizim for you triggerd snowflakes, how is this some how ok?
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Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       02-07-2019, 6:57 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Truth be told the tax reduction during Reagan's era was actually submitted and passed by the democrats. It was passed because the economy was stagnant due to the high taxation.
I'm kind of thinking the stagnation had more to do with the Fed interest rate....
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Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       02-07-2019, 7:18 PM Reply   
Trump flinches, there will be no agreement between China and the United States by March 1st, which was Trumps deadline, but do not worry, because Trump will not raise tariffs on China to 35% like he said he would.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-07-2019, 7:20 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Yes I 100% agree but when you have 128M people who earn $44k or less then to me it indicates a rigged system.

You can say everybody has the opportunity to make a fortune in the US but the reality is you either have to say 200M americans are just lazy or you have to consider there are some structural problems which prevent the majority of people from achieving.

I suggest that a progressive tax system goes someway towards to re balancing these inequalities, especially if the cream from the top is invested in education for the bottom rather than military spending.
Taxing people does not put money back in the system. People being on the government dole does not increase their wages and leads to historic generational poverty. I need to research your $44k a year income claim. However when you work it out you can live on $44k a year in almost all the US. You can not live on that in California and New York. You can live in the Cali and New York, you just can not live alone. Also, you are seeing what happens when you move to a service industry economy.

Taxing wealthy people does not add much to the treasury historically either because they will hide the money and they already pay almost all the income taxes. 47% of Americans do not pay income taxes so I don't know how taxing people more is going to increase money in the economy.

Education for the bottom is already supplied in spades. You continue to discount the roughly %1trillion in state budgets that get spent on the people directly on top of the federal budgets. Kids are given a great chance at a high school education and to be honest if they only applied themselves to that, they would actually have skills that can work in the hi tech industry as far as assembly and test goes for equipment. Many kids don't want to participate in school. It is a culture issue. Also what you need is a revamp of the educational system that allows liberal arts degrees. Get rid of that crap.

I would say you have a great number of Americans are lazy or don't want to move cross country for a job. Why? Because they are comfortable enough where they are and don't want to leave.

One thing you also forget is you act like there is just some stagnant pot of money. People being rich does not keep you from being rich. That is the difference. Actually the more rich people there are, the better it is for low education workers that can provide services or for even highly trained crafts people. You think people who build swimming pools work for poor people?
Old     (bass10after)      Join Date: Feb 2010       02-07-2019, 9:17 PM Reply   
DELTA you are spot on. i know people who are distantly somehow in my family, embarrasing tbh, who have been on welfare and we helped get jobs only to have them quit and go back to the system because its easier. This is a single mom of two teenagers. Manages to buy cigarettes, no problem, receives food stamps, takes clothes donations and gets a consistent 5k back on her tax return yearly that she combines with the welfare to keep going. Drives an 08 lifted truck she bought almost new. Shes inherited over 200k in the past 15 years and blown it all, lives rent free and i repeat, is on welfare. Tell me how this system helps again? Thats the reality of taxing "wealthy" or whatever you want to call it to even out wage inequality. When you see it first hand believe me it will change your mind. Yes there are people who need help, but we can help them get on their feet without supporting them. I'm aiming for the 10 mil a year and it isn't going to happen on its own. When it happens i certainly don't owe the government 70% of my money. They didn't do anything to help me earn it and i don't want their help. If you're approaching 40% tax rate on your people and think you need to tax them more thats a problem. You don't deserve half of my paycheck. You don't deserve 25% of it. My wife and my children do because they're who i'm out working for and who misses me when i'm gone. People want you to be successful, they just don't want you to be more successful than them, and thats why those polls show its ok to certain percentages to tax others higher. Believe me if the guy at the bottom works his way to the top, he'd go back to the poll and change his mind. Just not everyone wants to climb, has the abilty to, or believes they can. Those that do, want it to be fair across the board. I knew when i was 16 making 4.50 an hour at burger king that I wasn't ever going to stop moving upward and onward. You can not tell me taking more and more from me as i've worked my way up has helped anyone other than a government who gives it to other countries and people like i mentioned above. It certainly didn't help me or make my life easier to improve it myself.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       02-07-2019, 10:00 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
The top 1% democrats and republicans already pay from 95% to 99% of all income taxes. Not sure how you say they are not paying their share.
Rod, cmon. That kind of lie is beneath you and an insult to the intelligence you've demonstrated here in the past. I'm sure what you meant to say was that the top 1% of earners pay more in total income taxes as the lowest 90% (roughly 37% vs 31%).

The difference between 37% and 95-99% is not exactly a rounding error, but it is typical of the kind of lies you see on Grant's "news" sources.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       02-08-2019, 1:28 AM Reply   
This National Enquirer story is downright bizarre. If they go down for blackmail/extortion, where is Grant going to get his "news" from? Obama Grandma stories don't write themselves!!

There are going to be some golden headlines out of this one though.

Trump's Pecker Fails Him Again
It Goes Deeper than Pecker
Trump's Presidency endangered by Dirty Pecker
Old     (bcd)      Join Date: Jun 2012       02-08-2019, 3:55 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Are you familiar with the Pareto principle which governs wealth accumulation in unbounded economic systems?

What do you think happens to economic systems which rely on consumption when a critical mass of the population falls below an income level which allows them to consume? It collapses. Income inequality is no joke, it's in the interest of those at the top to not allow it to get out of control.
Have you seen the wealth distribution in China and other communist countries?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       02-08-2019, 9:33 AM Reply   
Wealth inequality in pure communist countries is zero, everyone earns the same, China is a market economy.

I'm not saying communism is a good system or preferential to a market economy, I'm not saying inequality is bad and should be kept at zero, I'm saying if in equality gets to the point where a critical mass of consumers can't consume the economy collapses and that's bad for everyone. Funneling money off the top and investing it in the bottom is a way of keeping the system stable. That's it, I'm not saying give free money to drongo dropkick who don't want to work.
Old     (bass10after)      Join Date: Feb 2010       02-08-2019, 11:53 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Wealth inequality in pure communist countries is zero, everyone earns the same, China is a market economy.

I'm not saying communism is a good system or preferential to a market economy, I'm not saying inequality is bad and should be kept at zero, I'm saying if in equality gets to the point where a critical mass of consumers can't consume the economy collapses and that's bad for everyone. Funneling money off the top and investing it in the bottom is a way of keeping the system stable. That's it, I'm not saying give free money to drongo dropkick who don't want to work.
oh ok that makes perfect sense now that you explained it.. ... so who decides who to take it from at the top and withhold it from at the bottom? We have a blanket system and not a selective system because that would be considered discrimination wouldn't it?... kinda like taxing somebody more because they make more.. "funneling money off the top and investing it at the bottom" lol some investment strategy. How about letting people invest in themselves and the classes will define themselfs... kinda like how the country was built. This idea that theres some rigged system for rich people and thats why people are poor is laughable. Except not really because i don't like seeing people in poverty. I don't disagree we can't help less fortunate, but funneling an investment as you call it is not the answer. By holding someone down you can't lift someone else up.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-08-2019, 12:02 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by bass10after View Post
DELTA you are spot on. i know people who are distantly somehow in my family, embarrasing tbh, who have been on welfare and we helped get jobs only to have them quit and go back to the system because its easier. This is a single mom of two teenagers. Manages to buy cigarettes, no problem, receives food stamps, takes clothes donations and gets a consistent 5k back on her tax return yearly that she combines with the welfare to keep going. Drives an 08 lifted truck she bought almost new. Shes inherited over 200k in the past 15 years and blown it all, lives rent free and i repeat, is on welfare. Tell me how this system helps again? Thats the reality of taxing "wealthy" or whatever you want to call it to even out wage inequality. When you see it first hand believe me it will change your mind. Yes there are people who need help, but we can help them get on their feet without supporting them. I'm aiming for the 10 mil a year and it isn't going to happen on its own. When it happens i certainly don't owe the government 70% of my money. They didn't do anything to help me earn it and i don't want their help. If you're approaching 40% tax rate on your people and think you need to tax them more thats a problem. You don't deserve half of my paycheck. You don't deserve 25% of it. My wife and my children do because they're who i'm out working for and who misses me when i'm gone. People want you to be successful, they just don't want you to be more successful than them, and thats why those polls show its ok to certain percentages to tax others higher. Believe me if the guy at the bottom works his way to the top, he'd go back to the poll and change his mind. Just not everyone wants to climb, has the abilty to, or believes they can. Those that do, want it to be fair across the board. I knew when i was 16 making 4.50 an hour at burger king that I wasn't ever going to stop moving upward and onward. You can not tell me taking more and more from me as i've worked my way up has helped anyone other than a government who gives it to other countries and people like i mentioned above. It certainly didn't help me or make my life easier to improve it myself.
I hope you make it to $10M per year. If you do you only pay regular tax on your income. Its on income OVER $10M thats taxed at the higher rate. So, no one is going to take 1/2 your paycheck you need to support your family. Is $10M a year enough to keep them in shoes and Beamers? At this point its all talk anyway.
I think we all know roaches like your distant relative, many families have one. You and I are not willing to live like that.

If you want to make them pay, tax the heck out of owning multiple homes. Homes should not be an investment avenue. Peoples homes are a need for life. That is part of the reason housing is not affordable. Part of the reason young and middle aged alike can not break into participating in the economy. Price of housing is so costly that it does not matter how much money you make, it is when you bought your house. Limit the growth in housing cost and you have much more money else were to support the economy.

Taxing the money does not trickle down either. You think the government just turns around and writes a check to the masses? Rich people who do not spend will invest it. It does not sit in a money mattress. Investment means jobs. Jobs means income. Now, you have to look at corporate tax structures and can our country compete with slave labor countries and earn that investment dollar. That is the question. Trump is trying to answer that for us. Our money being invested in companies that move the labor offshore is killing our middle class. Companies move off shore due to check labor and then their ability to sell their goods back to us at a much lower cost cycle than American made. Taxing the rich is not going to get money to the people.
Im not far from agreeing regarding multiple homes. The mom and pops who buy a rental property and keep it available to renters is not the same. The 10,000 or 20,000 square foot home the rich buy and let sit vacant are not homes that lower or middle or much of the rich can even afford. Im not sure its possible to control housing costs, usually the ups and downs of the economy handle that. Agree, not enough. We gave corps a chance and they showed us what they do with extra cash...stock buybacks and exec bonuses. When the rich "invest" their gains are taxed at a lower level than income. Companies that move their labor offshore is what trump said he and he alone lol would stop. I dont think he can. The corps are going to take care of the bottom line to stockholders before spending more to satisfy trump. Its true, that has killed our middle class. I dont think bumping pay to $15 on minimum wage jobs will work as "middle class". I have no answer to re-create a viable middle class. Taxing the rich makes more sense than trying to increase tax on the lower and middle class.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       02-08-2019, 1:03 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by bass10after View Post
so who decides who to take it from at the top and withhold it from at the bottom? We have a blanket system and not a selective system because that would be considered discrimination wouldn't it?... kinda like taxing somebody more because they make more.. "funneling money off the top and investing it at the bottom" lol some investment strategy
I'm not really sure what you are saying but if you are trying to equalize income distribution it doesn't make much sense to take it from the bottom and middle then give it to the top, although that is exactly what happened with the 2008 bail out. My preference is to have a minimum level of education and healthcare provided by the collective with optional higher level education and healthcare funded by uses if they so choose. That is what I mean by "investment" providing the social systems which provide the tools for people to pull themselves out of poverty if they are motivated to do so.

Originally Posted by bass10after View Post
This idea that theres some rigged system for rich people and thats why people are poor is laughable.
Like I said, its called the Pareto distribution. Once you have a critical mass of opportunity then you have a pathway to success, if you are at zero you are effectively stuck there. And for sure you can always point to a hyper achiever who started with nothing, had all the odds stacked against them but they achieved anyway. Reality check, 99.9% of people aren't hyper achievers, the system has to be arranged to provide equality of opportunity, that takes investment.
Old     (bass10after)      Join Date: Feb 2010       02-08-2019, 11:12 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
I'm not really sure what you are saying but if you are trying to equalize income distribution it doesn't make much sense to take it from the bottom and middle then give it to the top, although that is exactly what happened with the 2008 bail out. My preference is to have a minimum level of education and healthcare provided by the collective with optional higher level education and healthcare funded by uses if they so choose. That is what I mean by "investment" providing the social systems which provide the tools for people to pull themselves out of poverty if they are motivated to do so.

Like I said, its called the Pareto distribution. Once you have a critical mass of opportunity then you have a pathway to success, if you are at zero you are effectively stuck there. And for sure you can always point to a hyper achiever who started with nothing, had all the odds stacked against them but they achieved anyway. Reality check, 99.9% of people aren't hyper achievers, the system has to be arranged to provide equality of opportunity, that takes investment.
how has the system been arraigned not to provide equal opportunity? Ever heard of affirmative action? multiple laws and scholarships exist for underprivileged, minorities, women and are not available to anyone else.. is that not enough? thats already opportunity that part of the population doesn't have. The difference in income from parents for children who qualify and don't isn't as far apart as you think. When i was in junior college i had friends receive tons of aide while i had to pay for mine myself. The only difference was our skin color and their parents hid a s*** ton of income. Might i add a **** ton of income from smuggling people across the border aka they were coyotes.... you can give study after study idgaf its not real life. Its some overpaid yahoo that recieved a grant to prove a politician right or give himeself a job.. I've yet to hear you give any real world examples of anything you've experienced first hand. I think the silver spoon hasn't left your mouth and you feel guilty for it.

Last edited by bass10after; 02-08-2019 at 11:20 PM.
Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       02-09-2019, 1:39 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by joeshmoe View Post
Trump flinches, there will be no agreement between China and the United States by March 1st, which was Trumps deadline, but do not worry, because Trump will not raise tariffs on China to 35% like he said he would.
I forgot, the tariffs were suppose to go into effect on Jan. 1st at 25%, but that was moved to March 1st, doesn't look like the talks with China are going well, but don't worry Trump will buckle again and will not raise tariffs to 25%. Meanwhile, The trade deficit increased for the US in 2018 to its highest level since 2008,

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