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Old     (ponyh8r)      Join Date: Dec 2004       10-09-2005, 8:42 AM Reply   
Yesterday 3 friends of mine and I were out riding. After a few sets each my friend Jason wanted to work on his toe side frontrolls. He heads out and busts out a few attempts and they are coming up short...about 3/4 rotation. On the last attempt, hits the wake rotates almost perfect, the board hits the water and he falls. We are all stoked because he almost landed the trick.

Next thing we know, he is laying in the water screaming. His leg had snapped clean right above his binding and was poking out of the skin. Because the only thing holding his foot together was skin we couldn't get the binding off. We had to use a screw driver to get the binding off of the board. We finally got him to land and an ambulance rushed him to the hospital.

Questions and Lessons:
1. Because he couln't kick his feet or stand on his board due to the fracture, he feels that his USGA approved vest truly saved his life.

2. When we turned around the fall didn't look that bad. We had the music up and could not hear him screaming. We took our time getting to him because we didn't want to mess up the water for the other riders....TURN THE MUSIC DOWN and initiate a thumbs up policy on your boat to ensure riders are O.K.

3. Carry tools on your boat and something to splint limbs with.


1. His leg snapped right above the binding. The bindings that he wears (brand withheld on purpose) are higher on his leg and are very stiff. The leg broke right above the binding and the paramedics believed that the binding contributed to his fall. Do you guys believe that stiff bindings can contribute to this type of injury? I know that I am glad that I wear LF Sphinx which have some give after seeing the break.

2. Has anyone ever had a similar injury? If so what type of bindings were they in?

Seeing this really messed me up yesterday. I am working on a backroll and I don't think I will be able to continue trying them. My friend is now in surgery and is having titanium rods put into his leg to have it put back together. Thanks for listening.

Old     (eaglejackson)      Join Date: Oct 2004       10-09-2005, 10:27 AM Reply   
Holy crap! Our best wishes are for your friend. Hopefully the good vibes we're sending his way will speed his recovery.
Old     (helix_rider)      Join Date: Mar 2003       10-09-2005, 10:32 AM Reply   
Bad vibes man, sorry to hear about your friend. My prayers go out to him and wish him well with his recovery.

As far as affecting your riding, I think you stated it best. Wear a USCGA life vest, and don't try things beyond your abilities. I tore my MCL on a tantrum. I wasn't doing anything stupid, I've landed them before, and I just had a bad fall. It happens...this sport leads to injuries, especially for those of us over 30. Don't let his bad luck end your love for our sport.
Old     (timmy)      Join Date: Jul 2001       10-09-2005, 11:06 AM Reply   
it happened to me, workin on scarecrows. 3.5 days in the hospital, titanium rod, no walking for 2.5 months. however I am back to nearly 100%.

I was in CWB zeus. I still use those bindings to this day though, just had to get some replacement parts due to the fact that the paramedics cut the binding off my foot. this is a common spot for snow skiers to break their leg due to the bindings.

if your buddy has any questions whatsoever, feel free to e-mail me.
Old     (timmy)      Join Date: Jul 2001       10-09-2005, 11:06 AM Reply   
also, I too was wearing a USCG vest and was so happy that was the case.
Old     (guido)      Join Date: Jul 2002       10-10-2005, 8:16 AM Reply   
I'm always sorry to hear about this kind of stuff, but shiz happens. If it was a safe sport it wouldn't be in the X-games. Every once in a while I see or get an injury that makes me question why we ride so hard, but, so far the fire to ride has always come back.

We've started having the rider give a thumbs up after a bad crash just to know they're ok. You just never know. Sometimes its the crashes that look like nothing that are the worst.

Hopefully your friend ends up ok. Good luck to him on a speedy recovery. My brother broke his leg like that 10 years ago and it was pretty nasty. He's still leary of a lot of activities.
Old     (dudeman)      Join Date: Mar 2005       10-10-2005, 8:27 AM Reply   
Sorry to hear about your bud. We started raising our arm to let everyone in the boat that we're okay and no need to mess up the water hurrying back. I was also concerned about higher and stiffer bindings although I never broke anything so I switched from the Highbacks to the LF Sphynx. Took a set or 2 to get used to, but love the feel now. Wishing your bud all the best from NC.

(Message edited by Dudeman on October 10, 2005)
Old     (jarrod)      Join Date: May 2003       10-10-2005, 8:30 AM Reply   
This is terrible. I hope your friend is okay.

Like Evan said. We use the thumbs up. Anytime I have a crash that I now looks bad, I throw up a thumb. We have tools. we usually turn the stereo down. We have first aid kits too.

The binding question is interesting. I am currently riding Murray's which are very stiff (probably the most stiff on the market). I also wondering how tight your friend had his bindings cinched down. Does he crank his bindings down tight? Was this the type of crash he could have come out of?
Old    robertt            10-10-2005, 8:36 AM Reply   
FYI, one of the best things you can keep on your boat for splinting is a sam splint. You can get them just about anywhere, and it can be used to splint everything from a finger, to a broken leg, to immobilizing neck. Its basically a bendable aluminum plate with neoprene on both sides.

They are about $15 bucks, and roll up really small. I keep one on my boat, and had to use it only two weeks ago when my 11 year old broke his arm behind the boat.

My first aid kit is actually fairly minimalistic, but covers the most probable accidents. At the very least, you should have:

1. Duct tape.
2. A little gauze..
3. A sam splint
4. Two pairs of EMT shears. They are cheap, and may have to be used to cut off bindings or a wetsuit.
5. A cell phone.
6. An Epipen
7. Quickclot (if you need this stuff you are screwed).

Old     (ponyh8r)      Join Date: Dec 2004       10-10-2005, 8:48 AM Reply   
Thanks for the kind words, I will let him know that you guys wish him the best.

He is a pretty stout guy and he has large legs. He wears XL bindings and pretty much fills them out with no room to spare in the lower calf area. Because he was coming up short on the frontroll, I don't think that this is the type of fall where the bindings could have released. I think that he just landed too flat on the board and was rotating very quickly.

I find it weird that the bone broke right at the top of the binding. Because his binding is very stiff, it makes me wonder if it contributed to the injury. Like Randy said, I too ride Sphynx bindings and they are very flexible. I wonder, if he was wearing this type of boot, if the pressure would have disapated through the boot rather than through his leg.

Even if it had twisted the boot up really bad, I am sure he would have rather had a broken ankle, than this type of injury.

Just so you guys know, Jason is doing well. They put a rod in each bone and he will stay in the hospital a few days.
Old    robertt            10-10-2005, 8:50 AM Reply   
FYI, one of the best things you can keep on your boat for splinting is a sam splint. You can get them just about anywhere, and it can be used to splint everything from a finger, to a broken leg, to immobilizing neck. Its basically a bendable aluminum plate with neoprene on both sides.

They are about $15 bucks, and roll up really small. I keep one on my boat, and had to use it only two weeks ago when my 11 year old broke his arm behind the boat.

My first aid kit is actually fairly minimalistic, but covers the most probable accidents. At the very least, you should have:

1. Duct tape.
2. A little gauze..
3. A sam splint
4. Two pairs of EMT shears. They are cheap, and may have to be used to cut off bindings or a wetsuit.
5. A cell phone.
6. An Epipen
7. Quickclot (if you need this stuff you are screwed).

Old     (mjmurphy53711)      Join Date: Mar 2004       10-10-2005, 10:27 AM Reply   
i agree with the thumbs up policy, but cant really get my crew to remember to do it!
Old     (noti_dad)      Join Date: Jul 2003       10-10-2005, 11:15 AM Reply   
I see a couple a year ski patrolling. Refered to as a "Boot Top Fracture". Mostly skiers but have seen a snowboarder. Haven't heard of any boarders yet. Hope he heals fast and returns to the water soon. BTW-always have 1st-aid in the boat.
Old     (madchild1)      Join Date: Mar 2005       10-10-2005, 11:23 AM Reply   
that's awful. if i fell i wouldn't feel bummed about my leg, well i would but not as much as having to go home early. that is the worst feeling. there is nothing worse than having to cut a day short for any reason much less a compound fracture.

hope he recovers and rides all winter.

i like to say there ain't nothing a little bondo, duct tape, and thermo-bond epoxy can't fix.
Old     (wakeguru)      Join Date: Feb 2003       10-10-2005, 11:25 AM Reply   
Wish your boy a speedy recovery.

I had a bad break on a double up tanny about ten years ago and the same thing happened where everyone thought I landed it fine and when they got back to me I'm like I broke my leg and their like "what?" and didn't really believe me so I said it again with a little more passion and then they saw my leg flexing in the water as the waves rolled by and freaked and a couple of them jumped in the water to help (how's that for a run-on sentence). Yeah, them was the days of crappy hard rubber boots.

So, many of us have been there and he will be back. It's not easy though and he'll need the help of his friends. Take him some mags and snacks or something while he's laid up in the hospital. Even better, get the ladies to bake up some chocolate chip cookies and then put on a skimpy outfit to hand deliver them.
Old     (madchild1)      Join Date: Mar 2005       10-10-2005, 11:29 AM Reply   
get the ladies to bake up some chocolate chip cookies and then put on a skimpy outfit to hand deliver them.

that would cheer me up for sure!!!
Old     (wakeguru)      Join Date: Feb 2003       10-10-2005, 11:33 AM Reply   
BTW, my last sentence was a little unclear - make sure you have the ladies put on the skimpy outfits, not you, Mike.
Old     (wakeguru)      Join Date: Feb 2003       10-10-2005, 11:34 AM Reply   
Mad Child knew what I meant. Whatever they can get away with without being escorted out by security.
Old     (midwestrider)      Join Date: Apr 2002       10-10-2005, 12:32 PM Reply   
That is tough man, my prayers go out for him. The area of the break makes sense, stiff boot or not, it was the first area of his lower leg that was not supported. Like Tim said, he will probably bounce back from this close to if not 100%. From what I have heard broken ankles are much more difficult to come back from, all of the small bones working together don't much like manipulations to their positioning.

Old     (stephan)      Join Date: Nov 2002       10-10-2005, 3:53 PM Reply   
This kind of thing happens in this sport. There is a lot of energy involved and sometimes it's just too much for your body. My buddy double compounded his tib/fib doing a tantrum and he too has the sweet titanium rod. I wouldn't go so far as to say the bindings caused it but they may have had something to do with where it broke. Path of least resistence seems to make sense in this case. Tell him good luck and that it will be back together soon. You can't be scared, it happens & if you live/ride scared you will never live life to the fullest. Go big!!
Old     (timmy)      Join Date: Jul 2001       10-10-2005, 4:09 PM Reply   
haha "sweet titanium rod" I love it.

Thankfully it doesn't set off metal detectors in the airport, as I have been flying a LOT in the last year.
Old     (pittsy)      Join Date: Apr 2004       10-10-2005, 7:53 PM Reply   
one of my friends was trying scarecrows this summer and the landings he was taking were really bad..well anyway..i was riding with Julz Heaney and he said "dont let other people make you scared to do tricks because of what happen to them.."
Old     (dcdman67)      Join Date: Feb 2005       10-10-2005, 10:10 PM Reply   
My brother fractured his tib/fib on a tantrum. He did not go outside his ability, just bad luck. He's got the good ol' titanium rod as well. It took him about 3-4 mo recovery time before he could start to wakesurf and about 6 mo 'till he could start wakeskating. The sport is dangerous but thats part of the thrill. Best wishes to your buddy and i'm sure he will be back out there good as new.
Old     (buzz_grande)      Join Date: Mar 2004       10-10-2005, 10:34 PM Reply   
We had a similar injury happen this past June, on a Shasta HB trip. Unfortunatly, it happened on the first run of the first day! I had just met Devin that day, but he use to ride quite a bit, but had not ridden in a couple years. He did a couple w2w jumps, then goes for a HS backroll. Comes up just a bit short, but not all that hard looking of a landing. Did not think anything was wrong until we rode up to him and could see he was in pain. Got him on the step and was helping him out of his binding (sorry, can't recall what type of binding). I could feel the bones grinding. To make a long story short, two fractures in his fibula, one up high, one a bit lower, and a small fracture on the top of his foot. 3 total.

Like others have said, have a good first aid kit. I took mine out of the truck and threw it on the boat that morning. I have a pretty extensive kit, but was glad I could at least splint him up and keep the damage to a minimum. SAM splints are great. I have used them many times.

Best of luck to your bud for a speedy recovery.
Old     (wakebrdrnc)      Join Date: Mar 2004       10-11-2005, 6:28 AM Reply   
We use a hand wave just to let the people in the boat know we are ok. No matter how serious the fall. Just a simple are in the air after the fall. Mike hope everything works out okay for your buddy!
Old     (superairdawg)      Join Date: May 2003       10-11-2005, 8:01 AM Reply   
Dang.. that's really bad luck! We use the thumbs up EVERY TIME the rider falls and have hurried back on a couple occasions. A week ago I tore my ACL (second tear -- argh!), had another ACL tear a little over a month ago plus had a bicep tear last summer. Nothing as bad as what you encountered, though!

The first aid items are a good call. Hopefully that incident won't keep you from enjoying the water in the future!
Old    jmac_04            10-13-2005, 8:52 AM Reply   
Hey Mike,
Tell Jason that Amber and I wish him a speedy recovery. Hopefully we will see him out at the start of next season tearing it up again.
later jc
Old     (bob)      Join Date: Feb 2001       10-13-2005, 11:27 AM Reply   
We dont wave at all so id opt to ge there quick if i saw one of our riders waving like a mad man or of course if they werent face up. Id hope id get the same treatment from them but with the tunes jammin, me usually driving, and everything else going on i just dont know? I can see i need to add a few items to the boat.
Old     (waken23v)      Join Date: Jul 2002       10-13-2005, 2:13 PM Reply   
Did the same thing 13 months ago (broken Tib/Fib.. but not compound) trying a HS BS 180. I also got the Titanium Rod. Pretty much a 100% by 8 or nine months. I have not had the guts to try the heel side back side 180... but doing my one trick (floaty 360's) no problem. I was going to have the rod out this year but a new baby had me postpone it. Now I am not sure I will take it out. I have no issues but the Doc says it will suck if I break it again.
Old     (ponyh8r)      Join Date: Dec 2004       10-19-2005, 5:37 PM Reply   

I will let him know. I saw your boat at the Pack Saddle a few weeks ago. Are you guys going to ride anymore? Let me know if you are. I think we will ride this weekend if the rain holds off.



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