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Search Forums: Posts Made By: ord27
Forum: Non-Wakeboarding Discussion 06-04-2020, 12:25 PM
Replies: 66
Views: 24,813
Posted By ord27
my bank is lost. They were during the application...

my bank is lost. They were during the application process too. I have been aggressively paying 76% labor. Sometimes well overpaying. I don't want saddled with this loan. I have 1 week left, congress...
Forum: Non-Wakeboarding Discussion 05-21-2020, 12:46 PM
Replies: 66
Views: 24,813
Posted By ord27
lost 3 more employees this week to other...

lost 3 more employees this week to other industries . Gained 1 from another too. When the PPP funds run out, and I can't cushion the tipped employees weekly money, I predict that the wheels will...
Forum: Non-Wakeboarding Discussion 05-15-2020, 5:51 PM
Replies: 66
Views: 24,813
Posted By ord27
buffalow, you need to watch your own back. Pay...

buffalow, you need to watch your own back. Pay 76% out in payroll. It doesn't havee to be the former members. Give yourself a healthy dose....w2. Add your family to the payroll. Those "loyal, long...
Forum: Non-Wakeboarding Discussion 04-16-2020, 5:19 PM
Replies: 66
Views: 24,813
Posted By ord27
buffalow, it's my understanding that it's not...

it's my understanding that it's not just the 75%, it's a headcount issue. so, however many empolyees that you how many need to receive the funds
Forum: Non-Wakeboarding Discussion 04-16-2020, 5:16 PM
Replies: 66
Views: 24,813
Posted By ord27
....2 trillion in 13 days. i am on the list. The...

....2 trillion in 13 days. i am on the list. The money is mine, just waiting on bank details

Pelosi drug her feet. she added pork yo the bill, which extended thing a week or 2. I lost 5 people...
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