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Posted: June 2, 2014 - 0 comment(s) [ Comment ] - 0 trackback(s) [ Trackback ]
Category: My category

Morning All,

I am in the market for a new board this summer and I have been reading up on all of the latest products but wanted to see what your person thoughts were on the latest and greatest boards! 

In particular, I am looking at making the switch over to Slingshot. I am very intregued with there wood technology and all of the positive reviews of the snappy release of their boards. Manufaturing in the US is alawys a + too !

I am coming off of a Ronix ibex (park bonifay board). I have enjoyed it for a few years now, but I need to upgrade. I am looking for something less restrictive, faster, and poppier (if thats a word)...all signs point to SS for me it seems.  Also, my old set up seemed so heavy. I have read that these new boards are lighter which gives them all of the feasutres I just referenced.

Anyone riding the 2013 or 2014 Whip? I feel that its continuous rocker will compare to my old Ibex, but also provide the flexibility I am looking for. I am about 6 foot, 160.. so a 139 would be about where I would wanna be. I would call myself an intermediate rider (180's, 360's, love landing out in the flats, some inverts).

Any suggestions would be great, also would love to hear from those SS onwers and what they like and dislike about their boards.

Thanks ! 


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