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Old     (wakeboardgeezer)      Join Date: May 2009       10-30-2010, 3:40 PM Reply   
Is America divided and dying

America is more divided amongst its citizens than at nearly anytime in its history.
We have red states blue states; Muslim Americans, Hispanic Americans, African Americans, Native Americans, Italian Americans, Irish Americans, White Americans, etc instead of “Just Americans”.

We have many that propose sweeping cultural and social changes in our way of life and government and those that believe in the more traditional ideas and values espoused by our founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and their Christian faith.
All these ideas are being viciously fought for by all sides while our Country is going bankrupt.

What is happening is closely akin to a ship that is sinking from flooding and fire while the crew which has the capacity to deal with the damage simply fights amongst themselves.

Make no mistake about it my friend, when America’s ship sinks, all hands will be lost and that includes you.

Many of our states like California are billions of dollars in debt with no known plan to resolve the problem.

Our National security is severely threatened as swarms of illegal aliens of all nationalities come across the Mexican border.

The Mexican drug cartels have taken control of some cities in Mexico and even some police departments have completely abandoned border towns out of fear.

Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and California are swamped with crime and lawlessness, seeing significant rise in murder and kidnapping of Americans.

American citizens in some areas are so frightened that they do not go out at night.

The financial drain on state governments along the border and around the country in general caused by this illegal immigration has also been staggering.

Who is right and who is wrong will be academic as America may soon fall into chaos as our institutions and civil authorities no longer have the funds to operate and our own huge union worker populations join the activities of those in Europe.

A number of European countries for example like Greece and France are seeing massive demonstrations and burning in the streets.
Their airports and gas stations are shut down by union members apposed to the cut backs and emergency measures being taken to avoid their country’s total economic collapse.

Many reports indicate that these scenes will soon be repeated in Spain and Portugal.

Great Britain, one of the most socialized of European governments has recently enacted proactive legislation to curtail its own government health-care expenditures and other social programs in an attempt to head off disaster.

The hand writing has been on the wall for America for quite some time now.

You see that’s the problem because America too, is absolutely broke.

We currently borrow tremendous amounts of money just to meet our daily financial obligations from totalitarian governments like Communist China.

Our indebtedness to Communist China has given them more influence over us, especially in terms of our foreign policy.

America’s debt is so large some economic experts believe it is not realistically payable and that we will soon collapse under our overwhelming debt.

This massive debt has been caused by the huge government waste of taxpayer’s resources on foolish pet programs and by social entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare of various forms, overly generous unemployment compensation, government pensions, grants, subsidies and free giveaways to numerous countries around the world and here at home.

Just one example is the curtailing of American offshore drilling and the prohibition on the drilling for oil in places like Alaska while we subsidize countries like Brazil to the tune of billions of dollars for their oil drilling projects.

Another classic example is the millions of dollars wasted to research “hooking up” in college, it’s simply economic insanity.

It has been proven time and time again that those who are cared for by their government become crippled and unwilling to help themselves. This fact is beyond dispute.

Denmark did a study in unemployment compensation where they gave benefits for five years. They found that only after the five years of financial benefits had ended did those on unemployment go out and find work. So, Denmark cut back the time to 4 years, then 3 years then 2 years and finally one year.

In every case when the time ran out on financial compensation from the government, then and only then did those people go out and find jobs.

Simply put they found that people became addicted in a “parasitic sense” to social financial aid.

In America’s case the parasite is about to kill it’s host.

Addiction intervention study findings are very similar, only when finally confronted, when rock bottom is hit, when you can no longer rely on somebody else to parasite off of, when your world starts to fall completely apart, does the addict finally take steps to try and help themselves.

A large part of American society has become addicted to the government taking care of them (in one way or another) and many politicians have taken advantage of this phenomenon for their re-election aspirations which has led to the creation of a huge and expensive government bureaucracy that administers these programs.

If one’s goal was to destroy the United States of America then the current economic path we are on is the way to do it.

America is dying and you and I have to make some hard choices if we wish to survive, its just that simple.

If you are one of those people that says “I don’t care, I just want my check”, then I am not talking to you because you are a big part of the problem.

What happened to America, what happened to us?

What caused this kind of entitlement mentality in America?

Are these the values and ideas on which America was founded and which has made America the greatest country since the foundation of the world?

Not hardly, is the short answer but lets examine just a few of those ideas and values espoused by our founding documents and the history of the creation of the United States of America.

The 13 colonies fought a bloody war for their independence against England and formed the United States of America for a number of reasons and beliefs:

They did not want taxation without representation.
They wanted freedom of religion (“not freedom from religion”) instead of the state mandated protestant religion of England.
They wanted the right to bear arms.

They did not want government interference in their lives.
They wanted the right to own property without fear of the government taking it away from them.
They wanted the right to “pursue” life liberty and happiness
(not the government’s vain attempts to guarantee it through social programs)

They fiercely believed that their rights were endowed to them by God and not the state.
They fiercely believed in their Christian faith and the morals based on it.
They fiercely believed in limited government.
They fiercely believed that “government works best when it governs the least”
They believed in their rugged independence and self reliance
They fiercely believed they should pay their debts and that it is much better to “owe” no man
They fiercely believed in hard work and the enjoyment of the fruits of their labors.
They fiercely believed in their personal freedoms as espoused on the flag with the rattlesnake that says “Don’t tread on me”.
They fiercely believed in charity for those who are “truly” unable to take care of themselves

So how did we get so far off of the beaten path so far from our traditional beliefs and values?

Everybody seems to want a hand out from the government these days, millions of Americans want free health care, free money, free housing, free transportation, guaranteed a job, a pension etc.

Our government, too big and out of control, has taken state control over health care, the auto industry, student loans and in a number of other financial areas, sometimes through executive orders without constitutional benefit of congressional legislation.

This is just part of why there has been so much opposition to the policies of the progressive liberal Democrats, the Obama administration and against a number of Republican candidates with similar over spending ideas, as seen in some of the successful candidates of the Tea Party defeating them in various primary elections.

America has lost its way, lost its faith in an Almighty God, lost its way in the pursuit of what is right, lost its way in basic moral decency and hard work.

For those who want all this government free stuff?

Our founding fathers would say “GET OFF YOUR DEAD ASS AND DO IT FOR YOURSELF”!

This Tuesdays election may be the start of the last best chance to restore and save The United States of America,.... and maybe Wakeboarding as well (;-

Have a good day out their sports fans;

Best regards,
The Wakeboard Geezer


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