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Old    blind5            08-12-2006, 11:22 AM Reply   
so my buddies alex and taylor, both excellent riders with good attitudes, traveled to smith lake Alabama this last weekend for the state championship. well, they ended up getting lost on the way up there for about 2 hours. they called a friend that was there and told them about what happend and to try to hold their division for them (which would be no big deal). anyways they finally get there and their division has allready been run and the coordinator wouldn't let them ride. He decided to go a head and run the division even though there was only one other rider and plenty of time. alex is 2nd in the nation for the int pro division and just wanted to ride for the points, and try to bump up (he didn't even care about the state thing). anyways, the jerk coordinator doesn't let em ride. the wife of the coordinator ends up yelling in taylor's face and grabs his arm, taylor jerks his arm away from her and ends up getting chased down by the 250+ coordinator. alex and taylor jump and the car and leave.

I have another friend that rides in the same divison as the coordinator's son and is a much better rider than him as well, he claims that the coordinators cheat every stop of the contest so that their son can win.

This is not good for the sport .....well INT isn't good for the sport of wakeboarding.
Old     (xstarmeli)      Join Date: Jun 2006       08-12-2006, 11:51 AM Reply   
"the coordinators cheat every stop of the contest so that their son can win"

Wow winning because you cheated! THAT'S REWARDING!
Old     (wake4fun)      Join Date: Oct 2005       08-12-2006, 12:43 PM Reply   
And not running a division waiting for someone to show up is the proper thing to do? I don't know of a single wakeboard contest that would hold up the day for one guy. The club here in So. Cal. gets almost 100 riders per event...that would be tough to do.
Old     (liveoz)      Join Date: May 2002       08-12-2006, 2:21 PM Reply   
I think you are going to be in the minority with your opinion. I don't compete in or run wakeboard events, but I do compete in and run Golf tournaments. If you are late, you are DQ'd with NO exceptions.

I am sure you and your buddies are probably good people but it just opens up a can of worms that spirals out of control once you make exceptions just one time.
Old     (hoosairboy)      Join Date: Aug 2005       08-12-2006, 2:58 PM Reply   
If you are not there and you are DQd it is totally your fault. To go on and state the coordinator "cheats" from second hand source is very immature. If there is cheating then prove it with facts and the INT will make sure it is taken care of.

As far as I can tell you and your friends think tournaments are made to fit you and your schedule. It is all about you and when it doesn't work out you cry, say it isn't fair and claim you have been cheated.

I don't know how old you are but I hope it is 16 or younger. That would give some hope you will grow out of this and start acting like an adult.
Old    blind5            08-12-2006, 6:23 PM Reply   
they understand the dq thing they were just trying to get them to let them ride, not against the other rider in their division, but for national points and fun
Old     (kneeboarddad)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-13-2006, 6:51 AM Reply   
When you start changing the rules and allow it for one person one time you are opening a can of worms you wuldn't believe. When Austin was 12 he was riding in nationals for AKA kneeboard and when he finished his run we tried to make it over where INT was riding about 40 minutes away. He was leading in his slalom ski division and needed to make the event. We missed his division by 20 minutes. It would have been easy to go ahead and let him ride in the next division since it was the same boat but they couldn't (wouldn't) change the rules. You miss the starting time you are DQ'd. It cost him his slot at nationals. But I agree 100% with the call.

First, trying to run a tournament on time is hard. Especially wakeboarding. The dock start is the key to a good tournament. Dock starter needs to have the rider ready for the driver and boat. You have a list of riders and you need to follow that. You start jockeying around with the running order and it is downhill from there.

Secondly, once you make an exception everybody will want an exception. My tire went flat, the alarm didn't work, I got lost, ran out of gas, etc. What if it was a tight race for state title and one guy was there and one wasn't. Would it be right to let the one who wasn't there on time ride after his division? Bottom line is be there. We all (at least I have) have missed a dock start because of all the reasons above. It's a drag but I have to support the INT director on this one.
Old     (goodnews)      Join Date: Jun 2006       08-13-2006, 6:56 AM Reply   
The rule of thumb is that you should be at the event one hour before your anticipated run time. Once there, you can calculate when you will ride by taking the number of people before you and multiplying by 5 minutes. (Note: This formula only works if everyone on the start list are not no shows).
Old     (boomerang)      Join Date: Feb 2006       08-13-2006, 5:46 PM Reply   
Try almost 4 hours late, You arrived almost 4 hours late, then wanted to complain about them not letting you ride.
Stop cryng, we were at that tournament from 8am until 3:30 thats 7 1/2 hours in 100 degree heat.
If Henry would have let you go and then reran the rest in your division (2 others not 1) it would have added at least another hour to all those people's days standing in the heat. (selfish)
We got lost as well, but still made the event with time to spare, directions were posted on the website.
The only one here to blame is yourself.
Old     (dr_inc)      Join Date: Mar 2005       08-13-2006, 6:42 PM Reply   
(Blind5 wrote)
well INT isn't good for the sport of wakeboarding.

and I say your full of your self.. INT is awesome... seems like someone needs some CHEESE WITH HIS WHINE
Old     (forfun)      Join Date: Aug 2006       08-15-2006, 2:40 PM Reply   
Yes, I agree that Henry had every right not to let Alex and Tayler ride.Even though the outlaw and pro division has been the last two divisions to run all year and even though Alexs Dad called Henry the day before to make sure it would be ok for Alex and Tayler to be late and Henry said it would be ok.BUT FOR A 250 FULL GROWN MAN TO GRAB AND SHAKE A 16 YEAR OLD IS NOT RIGHT !! I was there and saw the most shamefull example of abuse of power that I have ever seen.I did not have a probem with the two boys not being able to ride in the event, but for Henry and his wife to humiliate those two boys in front of everyone at this event was a disgrace.They had no right to ask them to leave and they had no right to attack them !
Old     (wake4fun)      Join Date: Oct 2005       08-15-2006, 4:58 PM Reply   
Fun Heely...You were there and you SAW but were you within earshot of what was going on? I am not defending the adults in the situation...but most times there is another side of the story that can explain why a certain behavior took place. You can't actively place blame without the whole story.
Old     (kim_jones)      Join Date: Aug 2006       08-15-2006, 5:37 PM Reply   
To Blind5=Rob Corum and Fun Heely

You two people don't have a clue to what you are talking about. It's easy to try and make other people look bad when you have done wrong ourself. Rob you have never been to one of your event and wouldn't know if me if you saw me. What is your problem. No one was chased down or shaked. If you Fun Heely saw this then you was not at an INT event or something was really wrong with you one. Henry never touch anyone, he did call Alex's dad on Thursday to make sure they knew the event site had been changed and tell him the directions, but nothing was said about no one being late. If you guys want to know the know facts just call us. Neither of you was there but you so freely down us. Taylor was ask to leave because he was cussing me and no one is going to stand and cuss me at one of our events, if they wanted to compete then they should have been repsonsible enough to be there.
As for me cheat for my son: I don't have to cheat for him in anything that he does. Why cheat, Wakeboarding is for FUN.
If you two know-it-all guys want to know the true facts just give us a call.

Henry and Kim Jones
AL INT State Coordinator's
Old     (wakedad33)      Join Date: Oct 2005       08-15-2006, 5:40 PM Reply   
Good call Christy, Don't know what really happened but I have been assosated with INT coordinators (6 total) from 3 states for 5 years and have had nothing but great things to say about all of them. Rick Stocks runs a tight ship and would not tolerate such actions, and if this did happen ( I will be the first to call BS) he will be right in the middle of it. I would like to hear the other side of the story before I pass judgment.
Old     (forfun)      Join Date: Aug 2006       08-16-2006, 7:26 AM Reply   
No, I could not hear what was going on.But I was there and I did see what was going on and yes Christy I do not now all of the facts.I do know that an adult has no right to attack children.If Tayler was (cussing)as Kim says he was then she should have called his father and talked to him about what happened or handled it in a Adult way.As a INT coordinator,you should always be in control of your selfcontrol.Kim, I do not even know you and I am not trying to make anybody look bad.Was there some bad blood between these two boys and you ? This was our first INT event. Some friends invited us and I asked them if there was some kind of bad blood between Kim and Tayler.They did not know.We did not ride in this event, but we had a great time being there and were thinking about letting our son join INT next summer, until we saw this.I have heard great things about INT,so I hope everybody involved in this will call each other and resolve this matter.
Old     (kslakebum)      Join Date: Jun 2006       08-16-2006, 9:03 AM Reply   
I personally think the INT is seriously the coolest thing to do in the summer. All the cool kids do it. When I am not at an INT event, I am hanging out with the INT people. I have been apart of the INT for 10 years (and I am only 18), and they are seriously some of the best summers, I have had. I know if people are late and missed their class, that is their problem. I help run the events, and it's hard enough to keep it running and get done by a certain time. Check in is at a certain time, and it's at that time so people have time to be "oh I got lost" or just having car troubles. If you really wanted to ride, I think you should have mapquested the location, and left earlier to give you time to be late. I am 18, and I know you need to get directions sometimes and leave early enough to get there. Please don't bag on the INT. That is seriously the wrong thing to do, it makes you look bad, and some people read things, than take them literal on here. Suck it up, and move on. IT'S LIFE, and there is ALWAYS NEXT YEAR.
Old    franklyspeaking            08-16-2006, 12:19 PM Reply   
You MUST be an INT Member to ride in any INT event and when you purchase that membership you receive multiple items one of them being a Current INT Rulebook. (EVERYONE GETS ONE!)

Henry and Kim have been wonderful INT Coordinators – they stepped up and took it over last year when it was going to fold and no one was going to take it on. Last year they received the “Rookie of the Year” award and have proven to be outstanding people. When working a position such as theirs you ALWAYS have one or two that cause problems. It would be unfortunate for people to leave AL INT or not join INT because of the isolated situation with these boys that ultimately would not happened had they simply kept their mouths closed and not disrespected people who have made great personal sacrifices for “them” to be able to ride. As a parent I would be so embarrassed, disappointed, and ashamed of their behavior.

The final note that I would like to add is in regards to them cheating for their son to place – That young man placed 2nd at the 2005 USC only 9 point behind first place – He has proven himself! And needs not be attacked because people have issues with his parents. Comments like that are hateful and hurtful and if you want to question his tenacity – show up and ride next to him!

Below you will find direct excerpts of the 2006 INT Rulebook.
Start Times & Conditions: Please see your state event guide for starting times. There will be no late starts. You must compete in your division before the division is finished.
Sportsmanship: Sportsman like conduct is expected at all events from competitor and spectators. The INT League is hosting events for families and it is important to provide a professional atmosphere suitable for all ages. Misconduct and abusive language toward anyone will result in disqualification without refund, and removal from the event site.
- Last paragraph: INT reserves the right to refuse service.
State Coordinators: second paragraph
Please treat them with the respect and dignity they deserve. Harassment of our State Coordinators or other volunteers will not be tolerated, and could result in permanent expulsion from future INT League events. If legal steps need to be taken, we are prepared to do so. We apologize for the harshness of this statement.
Old     (forfun)      Join Date: Aug 2006       08-16-2006, 1:16 PM Reply   
Frank, I want you to know I have not said one thing about any so called cheating!I would never take any thing away from these kids at INT.I have only been to one event and saw all the kids having a great time.I saw no cheating at all! Kim and Henry might be great people that made one mistake that I just happened to see. I do not know.All I know is what I saw.I think that the coordinators should treat these kids with the same respect and dignity that that the coordinators expect from these kids.If these kids harassed the coordinators is it right for the coordinators to harass them ? I do agree, there needs to be a professional atmospere.unfortunatly I saw a very unprofessional moment.One last thing I never ever post anything online,but when I saw this post I had to respond because of what I saw at Smith Lake that Sat.Even though the post by Blind5 was so poorly written and I did not agree with anything he said, IT IS NEVER OK TO ASSAULT ANYONE !!
Old     (snead)      Join Date: Jul 2001       08-16-2006, 5:49 PM Reply   
A rule book? Are you kidding me? I was wondering where I could find the rules for wakeboarding.
Old    tidefan            08-16-2006, 7:16 PM Reply   
We, as a family, greatly enjoyed this 2006 INT year. I know that Kim and Henry worked exceptionally hard both on the days of the events as well as weeks leading up to the events. There were times that I just watched the hard work and dedication they exhibited and admired how they stepped up to the plate and fulfilled their responsibilities. They are both very kind-hearted individuals that are willing to help anyone at anytime. I would sincerely pray that our memories of a wonderful INT year not be tarnished with the negative messages on this message board. I am so very proud and amazed at the talent that was exhibited at the INT events this year. I choose to remember the wonderful friends we met, the great fun we had and how blessed we were to have two coordinators (Kim and Henry) that cared enough to make it a great year!
Old    franklyspeaking            08-16-2006, 7:39 PM Reply   
I would agree that no one should assualt anyone. I was not there the only reference I have is Kim and Henry's proven character. If he really did that I am sure Henry hasn't slept well since. Truth be told they should have never been in that situation those kids should have been kicked to the curb the first time they verbally assaulted Kim or at least the second! They certainly wouldn't have lasted as long in other states!
Old    blind5            08-16-2006, 8:04 PM Reply   
all i did was relay a story. i was not there, nor have i heard the "other side" of the story. i do know that the parents are very behind their sons as any good parent should be. The side that I heard was that taylor told you (kim) to "shut your damn mouth", because you were lecturing him on his tardyness, that is when you grabbed his arm and cussed him out.

I have not "done wrong" myself, and no I do not spend time or money going to some lame event.

Kim, my problem is your ruining of wakeboarding, but i wouldn't worry about my problem.....I think that your problem is much bigger. you also need to learn how to talk, because i can't understand your posts.
Old     (kstateskier)      Join Date: May 2002       08-16-2006, 8:29 PM Reply   
If you are going to give someone crap about how they talk, at least give a little thought to how your own posts look!

Sorry for the hi-jack, carry on. I love listening to INT drama. I'm glad we never had to deal with problems like this in the Kansas INT.

(Message edited by kstateskier on August 16, 2006)
Old    alanp            08-16-2006, 8:30 PM Reply   
"I think that your problem is much bigger. you also need to learn how to talk, because i can't understand your posts."

i thought i was the only one. but we are talking about alabama
Old     (wakerider06)      Join Date: Aug 2006       08-17-2006, 9:43 AM Reply   
dude your ridiculous blind 5
You wasn't even there so don't talk about it like you were.
Kim are Henry are good people that try and run an honest event. Henry did right by not letting them ride because they have been hours late at several other events and still were given the opportunity to ride. When Henry finally put his foot down they bitch about it and tell Mrs. Kim to G D mouth! Thats ridiculous and if I was Henry I would have done alot more than just chase them off... I thought that was the nicest thing that he could have done. And as for them cheating to let their son win is stupid,,, In that touchy event they put judges in the boat that don't give a rip which kid wins...they just call the lay off of them.
Old     (kslakebum)      Join Date: Jun 2006       08-17-2006, 9:57 AM Reply   
Ah Yeah Nick... the Kansas INT just rocks.

How about you guys seriously drop it, and grow up and forget about it all. You just make yourselves look like true fools.
Old     (focker)      Join Date: Aug 2006       08-17-2006, 10:17 AM Reply   
I seem to recall a funny story about the INT off from a while back where some kid and his parents were bitching the judges out because he was claiming to have done an elephant and the judges saw a frontroll, the difference in 'points' earned made the difference in his spot on the podium.

I've also got a couple of buddies who went to an INT event in Tennesee maybe? Anyway, first guy had never ridden INT - does his pro tour pass and stands up - 3rd place. The other guy (had ridden INT), squeezes in like 8 tricks a pass, nothing super technical - 1st place $1000. I think if a point system is going to be used - it needs some serious revision.
Old     (dizzyj)      Join Date: Jul 2003       08-17-2006, 10:49 AM Reply   
I dont think it needs anything. Anyone can look at the site, and put a run together to maximize their points.

and you cannot squeeze extra tricks in as per the rules. If people dont like it, there are plenty of other events to compete in.
Old     (mobv)      Join Date: Jun 2002       08-17-2006, 11:03 AM Reply   
To win $1000 at an INT event there would have to be approximatley 20 competitors riding in the pro division. I doubt that has happened in any state. Through the first 4 events in Tennessee there were not any male pro division riders. The point system isn't perfect but neither is the subjective system of the WWA and Pro Tour where style, execution, and difficulty each get 1/3. The point system is easier for amature judges to be somewhat more fair. Competitors must understand how it works and use it to their advantage. It will allow individuals with lesser skills to win by doing more tricks. There is a limit of 10 tricks (5 per pass) in the outlaw and pro division.
Old     (focker)      Join Date: Aug 2006       08-17-2006, 12:23 PM Reply   
Ok, forget about where it was or how much prize money was. Lets just say an INT is happening somewhere and there IS prize money. I just went to the INT site and looked at the point values for some tricks and decided to run some numbers real quick, just out of curiosity...

Lets say there are two riders A and B.. (I'm only going through one pass/5 tricks according to rules but you get the idea)

Rider A's first pass: Raley, Bel Air, comes back in does an elephant, hs roll to revert, air roll to revert
let's be reasonable here and say he has a 90% chance of landing each trick. This would give him a score of 5,535

Rider B's run includes: Front-to-blind, crow mobe, tantrum-to-blind, vulcan, and a 720...

lets say he has a 70% chance of landing the first four tricks and he lands his toe 7 3/5 times... Here again, being very reasonable.. His score would be 5220

Rider A has a much better chance of beating Rider B. Is that not ridiculous? What incentive do I have to go for a tantrum to blind (1350 points), when I can do an elephant which is much easier and get 1250? A front-to-blind is worth 200 more points than an elephant???? The only pro I even see do those anymore is ben greenwood. I dont think I've ever seen one thrown in competition...I think Brannon Johnson was the last pro I saw do an elephant in a comp.

I'm not saying the points system is a BAD idea. I do think that this is an example of why INT needs some adjusting.

Oh yeah - some of the tricks listed were cracking me up. I forget how much the toeside whirlybird was but the H/S rollephant pulls in a cool 1150.

Old     (deltawake)      Join Date: Sep 2004       08-17-2006, 1:12 PM Reply   
My family and I are heavily involved in INT. My advice to anyone who will listen is: READ THE RULE BOOK! I will admit that some of the point values when compared to each other seem uneven. i.e. a more difficult trick is valued more or less than it ought to be compared to a less difficult trick. Does this make INT unfair? Absolutely not! Everyone is subject to the exact same rules. In golf, one person hits his drive the same distance as another, both in the fairway. One gets a more difficult lie than the other. Does this make the game unfair? No, because they're both playing the same course with the same rules.

At our events we routinely get questions from competitors and their parents as to why they or their child didn't do better. When discussing the situation, it usually becomes clear that they don't understand the rules.

Focker- INT, and just about any other format of judging that I know of, inherently puts a heavy penalty on falling. In INT, this happens because with a fall, it is almost impossible to complete five big tricks in a pass. Kevin Bird actually pulled this off in his winning outlaw run at last year's U.S. Championships. He fell on a Crow Mobe, and came back and landed it at the buoys. Somehow he got all five in.

For those of you who are so eager to criticize INT, please put everything in perspective. INT provides a wholesome and fun way for families and individuals to compete in watersports at the grassroots level. It provides a venue for rising stars and a venue for those of us who will never rise to stardom in our chosen sport. INT has been such a benefit to our family, so it saddens me to see anyone try to drag its good name through the mud. To the all of the committed INT families and helpers, I say a big thanks, and keep up the good work!
Old     (focker)      Join Date: Aug 2006       08-17-2006, 3:36 PM Reply   
Peter, let me start out by saying thanks.. I think its awesome when anybody participates and promotes any kind of wake-related activities. I think its great that you as well as your family are so involved. I'd also like to say that I've never been to an INT event, much less ridden in one. Just wanted to be clear that I'm not some poor sport who feels like I got jipped at an INT stop. This is actually the first time I've ever said anything about INT, good or bad.

I'm not criticizing INT for what they do, generally speaking, as far as reaching out and spreading the love of wakeboarding. But rather, how they run a contest. I just think some of the points assigned to tricks need to be 'updated'. I think a crow mobe should be worth twice as much as an elephant, because it's twice as hard - I feel like most would agree.

I have however ridden in the Ambush stops down in GA. I think these guys do a great job. All the judges are knowledgeable on the sport and factor in style/amplitude/and technical difficulty. At an INT stop if Keith Lyman did did a huge nuclear tantrum 30 ft. into the flats, and some kid came by and landed his first ever tantrum casing the wake and almost falling, they would be scored the same on that trick. I mean yeah, both are 'tantrums', but that's a little too cut and dry. Every Ambush stop I've been to I dont recall there ever being a dispute about who was standing on the podium (not that I know of anyway).

I think some of the best events ever are those where people just all meet up and hop around on different boats all day meeting new people. That's the main reason I went to competitions to begin with, meeting other people that were into it. Like I said, I think INT is great in the fact that they promote wakeboarding, and I'm glad a lot of people have been exposed to the sport through them. But if you're gonna do a competition, I think there are better ways of going about it.

Old     (wake4fun)      Join Date: Oct 2005       08-17-2006, 4:16 PM Reply   
There are always "better ways" of doing most everything in life. What the INT tried to do is make a program that could be ran the same in every state. Is it perfect? No, but nothing is. There are others out there running fine events but no one has really taken on a state to state program the way INT has. It is not an easy task and the great thing is they typically will listen to rider imput and bring it up at their meetings.

It is a way to expose those who might not ever get into the contest scene to the competitive world. The little guy and his family can feel comfortable no matter what level they are at. I have been to many comps and have not seen the level of family participation that INT gets. Dad, Mom and all the kids on the water doing their own thing. Lots of times it is teenage son and his buddies and Mom and Dad are not even there.

Is it for everyone? No, is every contest for everyone? No. If you don't like it and are not having a good time no matter what contest it do have a choice to not attend.
Old     (wakedad33)      Join Date: Oct 2005       08-17-2006, 5:32 PM Reply   
Focker, an Elephant (done correctly) with a true late rewind is not that easy of a trick, the crow mobe is worth more points (1850), then a Moby Dick, Dumb-Dumb & KGB all true handle pass mobes, that's just wrong in my opinion. As far as INT, they keep striving to improve and doing a great job. the new Pro division this year has produced some great battles as evident by some of the scores posted. Brian Hutton had 2 720's and a 900 in his run & Nick Jones two 720's, and a T/S whirly 5, KGB, Dumb-Dumb, Nuke tanny to blind to name a few. I can't wait for the INT U.S Championships. I would encourage you to check out an INT event and see what we are all about, I think you would enjoy the experience.
Old    chocobeat            08-17-2006, 5:41 PM Reply   
randy i agree, if a crow mobe is seriously more points than a kgb and dum-dum there is seriously something wrong with the point system...
Old    roadking            08-17-2006, 6:08 PM Reply   
Focker----You have no freaking clue what you are talking about. Shut the F--- UP.
Old     (richd)      Join Date: Oct 2003       08-17-2006, 6:26 PM Reply   
Randy has made some good points, that championship is not going to be won with 10 simple tantrums, crows, backrolls etc! The solid junior X riders that have already made it will eat that tournament up like a snack.
Old     (wakedad33)      Join Date: Oct 2005       08-17-2006, 6:55 PM Reply   
I think your right Rich, 9 of the top 12 qualifying scores are posted by current of past Junior X Tour riders, and at least 3 of them have 900's.
Old     (michael_riffle)      Join Date: Mar 2005       08-17-2006, 8:43 PM Reply   
We are always reviewing our tricks and assessing the right point values. We have currently been working with some pros to help in the point value system. Yes we do have some work to do and always encourage feed back from all riders on how they would like us to improve our system. yes riders do get the same point value when they land a trick, but we have a style point system that allows judges to add or subtract style points based on tricks that are small versus tricks done huge. For our program to keep consistency in judging nationwide we have to keep the trick point values at this time. When you deal with as many competitors nationwide as we do you have to be able to show competitors and parents why they or their chidren lost or why they won. We are constantly reviewing and updating our system. We want our system to be as best as it can be, so we do encurage feed back.

Mike Riffle
Midwest INT district coordinator
Old     (dizzyj)      Join Date: Jul 2003       08-18-2006, 7:01 AM Reply   
every rider in any contest has to walk the balance between their hardest tricks and having a standup run. Thats a large part of the skill in contests.

you can argue the points int uses, but at least its out there for people to see instead of wondering if the judge scores higher for one trick vs another.

I guess what im saying is that your arguments apply to any contest, not just int
Old    sly            08-21-2006, 9:37 PM Reply   
ok am i loosing something here or is the fact that a kid was threatened by an adult and physically manhandling him going over looked here. we all appreciate the hard work anybody puts into wakeboarding but it feels like it is being high jacked by a bunch of redneck parents who wished there kid played football. we started riding because wakeboarding was not this kind of sport, it was something you could progress in your self not some stupid jock mentallity were parents fly of the handle because of this or that. give us back our sport and go start a soccer league because we dont need it. there are contests that are put on by wakeboarders for wakeboarders that stomp anything these rednecks are doing. who let people who dont ride create the rules.sure there are always going to be problems with judging. that is not the core issue here. its about people taking over the sport who only have personal interests involved. i would rather ride behind a outboard bass boat then ride in some of these contests.
Old     (board2death)      Join Date: Apr 2006       08-22-2006, 7:58 AM Reply   
Wow Scott- that was intelligent.......
maybe you should stick to the Bass boat
Old    franklyspeaking            08-22-2006, 10:09 AM Reply   
Scott- "We forgot the issue but - we forget the issue but"... then a large amount of meaningless redorig! Intelligence isn’t your strongest point is it? Did you even read the posts? Because it's obvious that you don't know what you are talking about. If you know more than the PRO's who went over changed and approved the scores and the vast array of wakeboarders that support INT and have worked diligently to build the program then you as everyone would be welcomed to join in and help us out after all you sound so authoritative and skillfully worded. If we are all to be judged on an isolated incident than things are not looking good for you my friend.
“Football parents, soccer parents” - idiot Wakeboarders- it's riders like you that make the word wakeboarder synonymous with ignorant jack a**es that think they are entitled and above others. To bad!!!
Old     (wake4fun)      Join Date: Oct 2005       08-22-2006, 11:16 AM Reply   
Hey easy on Scott...after all it is his first post. Willing to bet he is a bud of the guys who were accosted.
On football parents & soccer parents...they are there in wakeboarding. I saw it at many events locally. Attitudes sneak into every part of society, even on the stuff that is supposed to be fun.
Old    sly            08-22-2006, 11:58 AM Reply   
easy people i didnt feel my thread was that mean, i was referring to the parents at the event and everyone involved at the int and i am not so naive that i dont understand that this stuff is bound to happen. it just seemed that everyone was quick to forget the initial thread and the fact that a kid was threatened and an "adult" had to be held back from attacking a "kid" barely even a teenager. and yeah the kid might be snooty or say things they should not but that is why they are called "kids" and an "adult" should act like an adult. it just gave me nightmares of when i was a kid in athletics ,i guess ,i had a flash back. it just sucks to have that in such a positive sport. i guess it is unavoidable, but it doesnt mean we should let it be pervasive within these events.. it also seems you int guys get to defensive and quick to call people idiots, without looking into what might be happening at your events. or even addressing these situations with something more than name calling just some thoughts.hey frank did you ask the pros wiether or not it was cool for the coordinators to manhandle kids. i guess i should check with all the pros ,frank ,to make sure these comments are appropriate next time. and by the way i do think that the int is good for little kids who want to meet other kids who ride.i do feel the int is good for something i just wish there was more
Old     (wakedad33)      Join Date: Oct 2005       08-22-2006, 12:33 PM Reply   
Hey Scott, last time I checked there were 38 riders who have posted scores for the INT pro division, I'm pretty sure there not "little kids who want to meet other kids who ride"
Old     (knelems)      Join Date: May 2002       08-22-2006, 7:04 PM Reply   
I have noticed the 16 year old who was verbally abusing Kim, or the parents who think someone is cheating against their son, or any other unhappy parents have not posted here.We just have a few of the ones who weren't there and with their own agendas. I was there as a supporter of my customers and a sponsor. I can tell you that if that kid would have been at my house acting and talking as he did I would have booted him off my property and asked him to never return.I did not see Henry man handle anyone.I would guess since they usually ride last is why they showed up late.I did notice riders from GA,TN,& the FL panhandle seem to find their way fine and on time.
This was one bad moment at an event not the whole season,and no one dwelled on it later at the event.I am sure if you asked most of the kids that are involved they would talk about what great fun and memories they have had this summer,and without Henry and Kim there would be no INT in AL.I would like to congratulate all my customers on an outstanding job of boarding, four 1st place winners, one third place and several more stoked and ready for next year.I would also like to thank Henry & Kim for all their hard work and I plan on supporting them again next year.


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