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Old     (mrm2083)      Join Date: Nov 2005       07-25-2006, 7:47 PM Reply   
I will probably be getting arthroscopic surgery soon for a dislocated shoulder. I would really like to hear from people who have done this. How long before you guys were riding again, how much did it hurt, is it back to normal now, etc. I hate having to do this because it means i can't ride for a long time =(
Old     (jarrod)      Join Date: May 2003       07-25-2006, 7:57 PM Reply   
My buddy had ortho on his shoulder. They wound his shoulder up tight. Always had an occasional minor ache, but he could fire a football further than ever.It was 100% after just a few months as far as his wakeboarding was concerned
Old     (derby)      Join Date: Nov 2005       07-25-2006, 7:59 PM Reply   
That sucks Manny.

I had more pain then two other open shoulder surgeries and the lay up was longer. I was out for 6 months.

Also, expect a roller coaster ride for the recovery. Peaks and valleys are to be expected just know that every valley will bring a higher peak.

Of course my surgery was a little different. I had Bankart and SLAP tear of the labrum as well as a clavicle resection.

Im not trying to scare you. Im trying to prepare you. I got really scared facing all of the above out of the blue. I was told it would be a cake walk only to find out later that the majority of people felt like me.

You can do it. Know that you'll be better and ripping in 6 months.

Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
Old     (supratweaked)      Join Date: Aug 2005       07-25-2006, 8:24 PM Reply   
I'm with derby on the labrum tear. My rehab lasted over 4 months and then I may have torn it again. The doc wanted to go in again. I told him that after all the pain of rehab, I would see him when my arm quit moving. That was three plus years ago. I can wakeboard most of the time, but golf is out.

I suggest that you do your research and make an informed descision on whether or not surgury is right for you. Remember, your doc is "practicing medicine" and they do like to practice. JMO.
Old    wakebmxer            07-25-2006, 8:31 PM Reply   
I blew out my shoulder. 4 anchors tied my ligaments back. I wads wakeboarding 4 months later seriously. It was soar for awhile and for a couple years it would sometimes have a sharp pain when swimming but I got no problems now. 8 years later.
Old     (liv2brd)      Join Date: Oct 2005       07-26-2006, 12:19 AM Reply   
Here's my story. 2 Shoulder surgeries, both from repeated dislocations. The first was from a hard snowboarding fall. After a year of dealing with it popping out (mixed in with a few Mel Gibson "Lethal Weapon" inserts), and no use on this particular injury to "try strenthening the muscles around it" approach, I gave in to having othoscopic surgery. The first month recovery was HEALING ONLY {and it really sucks trying to sleep). Sorry! The next month was lots of therapy for RANGE OF MOTION (you will lose some). The 3rd month was STRENGTHENING. Finally, somewere between 3 and 4 months you will feel like "I'm done with this...time to wakeboard!!!! *A word of caution* - After many adventures I fell on it again...hard...yes snowboarding...and after another year of random dislocations I had another surgery...and yes it sucked...again. So - Don't be too impatient. For you, a few months is nothing in the big picture of life. For me, that was 9 months ago and I'm glad I got it over with. Now my shoulder feels GREAT!!. I did lose some range of motion and you may also, but you shouldn't hardly notice it. Your "bag of tricks" will be full again too, and you'll live happily ever after. The End
Oh... I forgot the legal waiver. I am not a medical doctor - only a survivor. You'll get a boat load of opinions, and there are probably a billion different types of shoulder injuries, so do your own research and trust the experts (your M D, surgeon, physical therapist etc).
Old     (gundogg)      Join Date: Feb 2004       07-26-2006, 7:16 AM Reply   
What is with all the shoulder injuries lately? I don't remember this many in years prior. I dislocated mine over 4th of July weekend and I just got out of my sling Saturday. I started PT yesterday...OUCH...I cannot imagine PT after the surgery, it has got to be even more painful.

Why surgery? any tears? multiple dislocations? trying to get a feel for how much of a problem I am looking at for this injury. Both Orthopedic docs that I saw said I didn't need surgery and it should be fine...But after reading all the posts on here about shoulders I am a little nervous to get back on my board. I hope the surgery goes well.
Old     (mrm2083)      Join Date: Nov 2005       07-26-2006, 8:07 AM Reply   
It has gotten to the point that every time I wakeboard I dislocate it. Basically I wakeboard and after a few falls their it goes then I'll wait 1-3 days depending on the pain and do it again. This summer i've dislocated it so many times I can't even count it.
Old     (derby)      Join Date: Nov 2005       07-26-2006, 8:22 AM Reply   
Manny is it only wakeboarding that this happens?

Have you tried a brace. I use an EVS shoulder brace for stability.

I think it helps hold the shoulder together. If you dont want to spend the money just yet. You can get a good Trainer to tape your shoulder. It sounds funny but worked great for me.
Old     (mrm2083)      Join Date: Nov 2005       07-26-2006, 8:55 AM Reply   
I have both evs braces and it still happens. Ive never tried taping it, does that work better?
Old     (derby)      Join Date: Nov 2005       07-26-2006, 9:10 AM Reply   
Taping is better then the brace, but not by much. How are you using the straps on the brace. They should attach to the anterior shoulder and come across the back and attach at both scapulas. You want to attach the shoulder part first and then have a friend pull back on the straps and attach so that your shoulder gets pulled back and in the socket.

Thats about all the tape is going to do. It does do a better job. Since you already have the brace, give it a wirl.

Edit...I only use two of the three straps that came with the brace.

(Message edited by derby on July 26, 2006)
Old     (spicoli512)      Join Date: Jul 2006       07-26-2006, 9:18 AM Reply   
I highly recommend the surgery. Back on the water in 11 wks after a torn rotator cuff. My procedure was open as the arthroscopic didn't give them enough room to operate. I can't stress enough the importance of professional rehab.
Old     (iamnathanhudson)      Join Date: Dec 2002       07-26-2006, 10:40 AM Reply   
wow....and i thought i was alone.....i had surgery on mine....too impatient....didn't rehab very good....and then fell backward on a tramp holding a handle and i am pretty sure i ripped it all back out. it dislocates quite a bit...but i have it in shape now and it dislocates less frequently....only when i am relaxed or tired or under the influence of a few beers do i feel like its going to slip out. I would have surgery....but i simply can not afford it. I would do it again if i could afford it just so i can do things right. there is nothing fun about having a bum takes away from your confidence in your riding and its really annoying....i was riding so well before i tore my shoulder up...i fear i will never reach that level again....ok, i gotta stop talking about it before i get depressed.
Old    awsnow            07-26-2006, 10:54 AM Reply   
If you want to heal quickly two things:
DO the Physical Therapy
Start shoulder mobility exercises ASAP. They should show you these, if not ask about them.
Old     (gherk)      Join Date: Aug 2001       07-26-2006, 11:22 AM Reply   
Damn this is depressing. My shoulder has been slipping in and out for the past two years and I just got serious about getting back to the gym to strengthen my other shoulder muscles. I'd do surgery but I feel like even if it were fixed 100%, it could happen all over again so what's the point. I'm thinking of getting a jump sling instead of using the EVS brace. The EVS brace looks like it would give you too much mobility in the shoulder which will likely cause it to slip back out. Opinions?
Old     (gundogg)      Join Date: Feb 2004       07-26-2006, 2:26 PM Reply   
The jump brace would probably make it really difficult to dislocate again, but it would probably make it really difficult to do a lot of tricks. I can't imagine trying to do most grabs or crows with my elbow pinned to my hip...and depression...yeah, that set in two days after I dislocated my shoulder and it has been a downer 3 weeks with a lot of "poor me's"
Old     (gherk)      Join Date: Aug 2001       08-01-2006, 10:35 PM Reply   
I think I'm going to call the doctor and try to schedule a surgery. I have been dealing with this for 2 years and it seems like it's getting worse and I don't see myself going any easier on myself with my riding. Does anyone know of any Pros that have had this problem or had the surgery?
Old     (diddy666)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-02-2006, 7:37 AM Reply   
I had arthroscopic surgery on my shoulder after just one shoulder dislocation and is was the best thing i ever did. It takes about 4 months to fully heal and then u can wakeboard with it and u will have pain (not really bad just aches), somedays worse than others, but the shoulder is completely healed and as strong as it was, if not stronger than it was before u had the surgery (assuming u keep up with the PT which is very very important). after about 5 or 6 months there is really not 2 much pain, the shoulder will be tight and you will deffinetly be able to feel it when it is moved in certain ways like over your head and stuff. but i highly recommend the surgery especially because there is the high percent chance of dislocating your shoulder again without it, just keep up with ur PT, u will hear that a lot and its true.
Old     (gherk)      Join Date: Aug 2001       08-02-2006, 12:11 PM Reply   
Don - you said after 4 months it was fully healed but you were still having pain. If it was fully healed, shouldn't you be free from pain? Does it ache after you ride or all the time? I can deal with the pain as long as it doesn't keep popping out of socket. I think I'm kind of lucky in the fact that I don't think I have had a total dislocation. It just rolls around a lot and when it happens I am out for like 2-3 days.
Old     (rodmcinnis)      Join Date: Sep 2002       08-03-2006, 1:39 PM Reply   
My son dislocated his shoulder while wakeboarding in the early summer between his Junior and Senior year at high school.

The emergency room doctor told him to lay off everything until he could see an orthopedic doctor. My son just strapped his bad arm down and kept riding one handed.

The orthopedic doctor (a sports specialist) told him that he could go ahead and do sports but expect it to pop out again. He said that when he got tired of it popping out he could have it fixed.

The doctor's estimate was right on. The good news is that my son got to the point where he could pop it back in by himself without too much agony. The bad news is that it could pop out while he slept!

My son finished his senior year of football and then we scheduled his surgery right after football season ended. He was back wakeboarding in the spring.

It's been two years and he hasn't had any more trouble with it. He is, however, a little quicker to throw the handle away when things go wrong, and he tries to avoid tricks that would pull hard on that arm alone.

If you have the choice I would recommend getting a doctor that specializes in sports medicin.
Old     (diddy666)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-03-2006, 3:04 PM Reply   
Paul - 4 months and the shoulder is strong enough to do anything u want with it (wakeboard and whatever, the pain u will experience is more scar tissue than anything at this point and it will ache when you ride at 4 months), the pain really declines about 6 or 7 months following surgery . and i suggest u always keep exercising it. eventually it pretty much becomes as good as new again, if u keep up with PT.
Old     (jimzgirly)      Join Date: Aug 2006       08-03-2006, 3:32 PM Reply   
I am jumping in a little late here.

My hubby seperated his should last year in a dirt bike fall. I know this is a little different than a dislocated shoulder. He has this huge lump on his right shoulder because the should and the clavacle are totally seperated, the worst seperation you can ever have. He went to a couple orthopedic surgeons and like Derby and Vince said, the doc told him that they can do a surgery to repair but it is not guaranteed that he will feel any different or that it would fix the problem. So he decided to not have the surgery if it was a low chance of having a total recovery. He does have times where he is in some pain but just works thru it. Not to mention he has screws in his left elbow from a basketball fall in high school.

I myself had Arthroscopic knee surgery on my left knee 4 years ago April. I had a floting knee cap and torn Meniscus (sp) cartiladge. 4 years later it is still in pain and hurts. I did the 4 month therapy and it was great for a year but then came back. I just recently started boarding our last trip to the river and my knee was in pain, especially from being new and just trying to get out of the water... he pain now seems to be worse than before the surgery. I wonder if I should have had the surgery but too late now.

Anyway to make a long story short, I am sure you have done your research as the other people said before you have the surgery. I am just speaking from experience on surgery... I am sure you will make the best decesion for yourself. Good luck and hopefully it all works out for you.
Old     (gherk)      Join Date: Aug 2001       08-03-2006, 5:01 PM Reply   
Damn Molly, I'm more depressed after hearing that. I just got back from the doctors office and he told me it was my call on surgery. He says I can't injure it anymore than it already is but it might not get any better. I was thinking of wearing a brace for a few months and see how that goes, but I think I'd rather have the surgery at this point. I've had this problem for 2 years or so and it doesn't seem to be getting better even though I have been in the gym the last 6 months. The one thing that struck me hard from my visit today is that the doc said it would be 6 months before I could lift weights again. I was going into this dr. visit thinking I'll be riding again in 3 months. Damn!
Old     (jimzgirly)      Join Date: Aug 2006       08-03-2006, 5:18 PM Reply   
Sorry, did not mean to depress anyone from what I wrote, just trying to shed some light on the situation with a couple people that have experienced similar things.

That is what they had told my hubby about his seperated shoulder. It is the worst that it can get. They said they can put pins in it to keep it together, but may not work and have more pain. He has a very high pain tolerance and figured screw it, I will just deal with it. He went dirt bike riding the next day. That happened in November of last year. He has the pain still but his is a little different than a dislocation, it is just not attached anymore. If you like to be adventurous those things happen and you just gotta suck it up and go for it.

6 months that sucks. That is a long time. My knee still sucks, but oh well. Not gunna do it again.

If you do decide to do the surgery, good luck to you and I hope it all goes well for you.
Old     (twakess)      Join Date: Mar 2002       08-03-2006, 6:00 PM Reply   
Paul, just get it done in Nov you will be back on the water in April or May. Plus you will be one heck of a 21 and hold em player. You can also be the camera man.
Old     (rodmcinnis)      Join Date: Sep 2002       08-04-2006, 8:24 AM Reply   

When my son had surgery the best thing I liked about the surgeon we picked was how he was able to describe what had happened and how it was going to be fixed.

The explanation he gave went something like this:

The shoulder joint is the most flexible joint in the body. The range of motion that it needs prevents a deep "ball in socket" arrangement, like the hip has. He described it like a golf ball sitting on a "tee". The shallow cup of the tee holds the ball in place, and then the ligaments hold the ball against the tee.

Dislocating the shoulder is knocking the ball off the tee. While it is possible to dislocate without damaging anything it is common for the lip of the "tee" to break off. Now you have a ball sitting on a flat platform and it doesn't want to stay.

If the "tee" is intact uou can strengthen the ligaments and make everything okay again. If the lip is gone there is no amount of ligament work that make it better.

One thing that I have learned is that there are different thoughts on the after care of joint surgery. Twenty years ago my wife blew her knee out snow skiing and had to have complete ligament reconstruction. Her doctor was in the "keep it still" camp, and she didn't move her knee for a month. When she did start moving it her range of motion was very bad and caused her a lot of pain.

My son has had two joint surgeries: knee and shoulder. Both were by the same doctor, a sports specialist. He is in the camp that believes you should start moving it right away.

My son was in physical therapy about a week after surgery. After a month he was able to do all the normal stuff and wasn't wearing any type of brace. After three months he had a clean bill of health.

His injured shoulder gets a little stiff, and he says that he occasionally feels it (the old change in the weather type of thing). But otherwise it has been working fine for him


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