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Old     (rainryder)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-24-2006, 4:56 PM Reply   
what are the best lakes that are close to civivlazation
Old     (bond)      Join Date: Nov 2002       02-24-2006, 5:20 PM Reply   
Josh - move your A@# back to Nor-Cal Baby were missen ya down here
Old     (mattyboyr6)      Join Date: Jul 2003       02-24-2006, 5:22 PM Reply   
none. Well none once the temps hit 80 degs. Every wally will be out on their tubes by 8 am. Has allready happened a few times this winter. Durring the summer water is good from 5am -6am then we leave by 8 am.

If you can make runs durring the week then you can find good water. Bartlett and Saguaro are the closest to North Scottsdale/Cave Creek, and Mesa respectively.

Pleasent is out west valley near Glendale and that typicaly has white caps and rollers. It is a good place to go party though.
Old     (wakeparent)      Join Date: Jan 2005       02-24-2006, 7:35 PM Reply   
Josh, the best time in the summer is early like
Matt say's enless you can get with someone at firebird then you get good water when ever, well at least smooth water. Take a look at this video.
most of it is firebird, some saguaro and FL
Old     (rnopr8)      Join Date: Apr 2005       02-24-2006, 10:06 PM Reply   
Gordie..great video of Larry!!! That water looks awesome. I plan on coming over for some tourneys this year. Marque doing any inverts yet?? I enjoy watching her progress every year.
Old    bocephus            02-25-2006, 10:10 AM Reply   
Mattato, do you goto Bartlett? I can almost always find smooth water at Bartlett, and on weekdays I can always find it there. Roosevelt almost always has flat water too, depending on how far you are willing to go. Firebird is fun. The ultimate water in AZ though is at

Playa Del Rey Estates is ok too, but kind of small

So depending on how much money you have I can get you on smooth water here in AZ for sure! **It should be noted that at both of the above subdivisions you can only wakeboard three days a week at special times.
Old     (wakeparent)      Join Date: Jan 2005       02-25-2006, 1:14 PM Reply   
Hey Jed, were is cystal point located? is that in
Gilbert were the old cable park was? And how does the rotation work with only being allowed to wakeboard 3 days a week.
Hey Geri, Marque hasnt rode since the last Canyon
contest,Larry had surguey in mid sept then when he started riding in late dec it was to cold for her. Looking foward to the new season and seeing
Old    bocephus            02-25-2006, 2:08 PM Reply   
Crystal Point is located in Gilbert, at the corner of Elliot and Cooper. Playa Del Rey Estates are located just northwest from Crystal Point off Commerce off of McQueen. Both subdivisions are currently a little up in the air about wakeboarding. Originally most owners were hard skiers but it has changed since most of the kids now wakeboard. The problem is that most of the docks were built very close to the water line and really take a huge beating from the wakeboard boats wakes. Currently I think they are both discussing ways around this problem. I know lowering the level was at one time an option, not sure if they are still looking at it or not. Other people are trying to make a deal between the two neighborhoods with the larger lake at Play Del Rey Estates to be used for wakeboarding and the Crystal Point lake to be used for skiing only. In the above pictures the skinny lake at Playa Del Rey is actually for paddle boats, etc. while the lower lake is for skiing and wakeboarding, etc.

(Message edited by bocephus on February 25, 2006)
Old    low_key_wake            02-25-2006, 3:02 PM Reply   
Im moving to page(lake powell) But that isent really civilization. I think its about 10000 people or so.
Old     (brinks)      Join Date: Mar 2002       02-25-2006, 6:24 PM Reply   
How is Larry doing and yourself? Playa del rey is the old cable park. You don't want to ride there or Crystal point. At playa you have to ride a short line or you'll end up on the shore and it is only 6 ft. deep at the deepest point. Crystal is very shallow like 5.5ft and I think it was 8 ft behind the jump ramp and there is no ballast allowed and no v-drives. yes you get great water but I don't think it is worth it. I would much rather ride at Bartlet or the nasty saltwater at firebird. One of the best lakes in AZ is lake Mary just south of Flagstaff. Bring a top suit it is a little cold. On a saturday in the midle of the summer we were the only boat on the lake all day.( 9am till dark)
send Larry out sometime.
Old     (wakeparent)      Join Date: Jan 2005       02-25-2006, 8:48 PM Reply   
Hi Brett how's the wife and baby? Hope everyone is good. I think Larry is plannig to get out before the season opener, If you could work with him a little it would be great. He's riding pretty could since his knee surgery, If Larry has your # I'll will call you next week.
Old     (mattyboyr6)      Join Date: Jul 2003       02-26-2006, 10:00 PM Reply   
Jed I have been to Bartlett plenty of times. Seen a number of days wasted due to wind or other boat traffic. We just hit Sag because its closer and if the water sucks there at least we didn't drive too far.

I have been wanting to hit Lk Marry but heard the water level was very low.
Old     (leykis1o1)      Join Date: May 2005       02-26-2006, 11:32 PM Reply   
move to Paso Robles ca wherer the best wine is made in the world and of course the best lake is for wakeboardin Lake Nacimento


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