Join Date: Mar 2018
03-09-2021, 9:29 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
A other great avoidance of the topic at hand. Why are you so scared. Your answer yet again makes this too easy. So amount of transgenders this effects is minuscule. Yet we have the President signing executive orders on it and promoting it. You truly are afraid of your own shadow and calling the stupidity your. Afraid of being cancelled ?
Climate change. Ha. Another farce spewed from the left to divert billions to pocketbooks based in a sham. Climate shift has been going on for centuries. Happened well before automobiles and dummycrats walked the earth.
Pretty sure the dems already handled the voter rights thing. The dint care about legal votes or voting rights under the state constitutions , the pushed through over 300 voting law changes under the disgust of a pandemic to shift an electron.
Income equality. Another bull**** made up issue. Get an education and get a job. The commies on the left love keeping people on the government teet for their manipulation. Want more money work harder. Oh wait Biden just eliminated 1000’s of well paying jobs. That’s one way to end income issues. Take the opportunities for income away. Seems logical at a time when millions of jobs disappeared due to leftist lock down policies. Biden goes let’s triple down and eliminate 1000’s more. Great plan joe. Still waiting for all the green jobs he promised they’d all be hired at ...those should be here by the weekend I bet.
Yep, Yep and Yep.
Love the income inequality thing. It was created by the democrats purposefully. Remember, the goal of the democrats is to destroy the family unit. The research says graduate high school, get a job, and don't have kids until you are married will keep you out of poverty 98% of the time. Ben Shapiro quotes that often. It is the welfare policies and pushing drugs that keep people on the D train. now they want to double down.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-09-2021, 9:31 AM
Originally Posted by joeshmoe
At least they aren't Racist republicans, here's a pic to "Prove" the republicans aren't racist.
What in the world? Haha. Are you just trying to help me win? That at best was a old democrat cartoon because Republicans were helping black people get equal rights (not special rights). You need to lay off the left handed tobacco.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-09-2021, 9:44 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
I don't think anyone wants more undocumented people roaming the streets. We want meaningful and effective immigration reform, but neither party is offering that.
Higher gas prices equals better jobs for the oil industry. Go check the rig count.
$15/hr is below the starting pay for most every job already. If little caesars down the street has "pay starting at $16/hr" and manages to sell $5 pizzas, I think all business will be alright.
Also, actually the state of kalifornia does. They even pass policy to support it. They have purposefully made policy that makes it illegal to ask for someones legal status. They even cut documentation of illegals in prison. The former governor Gray Davis was caught in Mexico giving a speech where he said out loud that he can not wait for Mexico and California to be on great region again. California currently pays 45 to 60 billion a year to support illegals. California also give illegals free healthcare. You can not turn down illegals to get on Covered California Health Care. During the hey day of construction you literally could drive by thousands of illegals on the street in certain sections of towns waiting on the streets to be picked up for jobs. At one time 1/3 of California's prison population was documented as illegal aliens. These were not for petty crime either. Shortly after the state pushed to no longer document illegals in prison. Also the state has declared itself a sanctuary state and will not work with the federal government in securing illegals.
So YES, there are people and full government entities in the US that want illegals to roam the street. Even better your democrat party wants to include them in the census so they can add to the distribution of house members to California. The House of Representatives are selected by population of each area verses the whole.
Join Date: Apr 2005
03-09-2021, 9:44 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I cant stop posting FOX news. Im indoctrinated in FOX hatching FOX long term game plan to indoctrinate non-believers. Now Im screwed. We lost again, we shouldnt let them vote.
Okay, let’s try a new tack. Let’s see what your MSM sources are reporting on and spinning today... Oh, it looks like the finger raper is also a bad dog owner whose dog bites people. The headline calls it “an aggressive incident.” His prop that he’s owned for three years now and refused to properly train, just bit a staff member.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-09-2021, 9:47 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Toughen up butter-cup. Everyone gets to believe what they want until truth and facts come raining down on them. Then the idiots who would rather believe a lie than reality deal with the consequences of being wrong.
You mean like believing that people don't want illegals to roam the streets?
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-09-2021, 9:52 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Nah, I tried to engage on legit policy (AUMF, most recently) but the conversation in this thread keeps veering back into the conservative pundit culture war silliness. Phony umbrage about the "cancellation" of out of print Dr. Seuss books nobody has ever heard of and which are out of step with current norms? Who cares?
I'm actually surprised that you guys have let the pedophile political class distract you with that red herring. While you're looking to buy up those deep cut B sides from the Seuss catalog, BLM and ANTIFA are sneaking socialist transvestites into daughter's locker room!
Isn't the $1.9T covid relief bill many orders of magnitude more important? Nary a peep on that?
So, did you quit your democrat job? So the whole Nevada Democrat party quit because socialists won all the seats? And you said that democrats wanted common sense ideas? Does not sound like your own party in your own state is for common sense.
Nevada Democratic Party Staff Quits En Masse after Socialists Win Leadership Roles
Brittany Bernstein
Tue, March 9, 2021, 5:13 AM·1 min read
Every Nevada Democratic Party staff member quit after Democratic socialists won party leadership roles, according to a new report.
Alana Mounce, the party’s executive director, reportedly notified the newly elected party chair, Judith Whitmer, that she and other staff members were resigning, according to The Intercept.
The party’s operations director, research director, communications director and finance director all resigned after the left-wing candidates of the “NV Dems Progressive Slate,” which was run by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the Left Caucus, beat out the Democratic Party’s “Progressive Unity Slate” on Saturday.
Join Date: Nov 2009
03-09-2021, 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
So, did you quit your democrat job? So the whole Nevada Democrat party quit because socialists won all the seats? And you said that democrats wanted common sense ideas? Does not sound like your own party in your own state is for common sense.
Nevada Democratic Party Staff Quits En Masse after Socialists Win Leadership Roles
Brittany Bernstein
Tue, March 9, 2021, 5:13 AM·1 min read
Every Nevada Democratic Party staff member quit after Democratic socialists won party leadership roles, according to a new report.
Alana Mounce, the party’s executive director, reportedly notified the newly elected party chair, Judith Whitmer, that she and other staff members were resigning, according to The Intercept.
The party’s operations director, research director, communications director and finance director all resigned after the left-wing candidates of the “NV Dems Progressive Slate,” which was run by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the Left Caucus, beat out the Democratic Party’s “Progressive Unity Slate” on Saturday.
When was the last time you attended a state party convention as a delegate Delta?
This is indicative of how our two party system works... the motivated extremists co-opt the parties and these are the motivated yahoo’s that need to be satisfied in the primary.
It’s not confined to the Dems, at least not in Nevada. A bunch of Ron Paul supporters conducted a similar coup in the state Republican Party in 2012.
I’d urge you to look at who won the caucus in Nevada in 2020. Caucuses tend to favor “out there” candidates with a very motivated following. Even with that advantage the moderate won.
My prediction is that the current crop of crazies will flame out in a couple of years and be replaced with a new group. Rinse and repeat.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-09-2021, 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
When was the last time you attended a state party convention as a delegate Delta?
This is indicative of how our two party system works... the motivated extremists co-opt the parties and these are the motivated yahoo’s that need to be satisfied in the primary.
It’s not confined to the Dems, at least not in Nevada. A bunch of Ron Paul supporters conducted a similar coup in the state Republican Party in 2012.
I’d urge you to look at who won the caucus in Nevada in 2020. Caucuses tend to favor “out there” candidates with a very motivated following. Even with that advantage the moderate won.
My prediction is that the current crop of crazies will flame out in a couple of years and be replaced with a new group. Rinse and repeat.
Unlike you, I like to preserve my independent thought. I don't join groups.
Eventually you will wake up. Your party is a party of extremists. Ever wonder why middle America has turned away from the democrat party and now the democrats have to rely on illegal immigration and running around calling everyone a racist to get traction? You really should look in the mirror.
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-09-2021, 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Oh so context matters when your side needs that consideration? Priceless. You F-tards write the book on hypocrisy and double standards.
Are you trying to say that before there was a pandemic, ie March 2020, we know as much as we do today? I think youre wrong, we know WAY more. Its fact not hypocrisy. Is trump still saying "like a miracle it will just go away", still recc hydroxychloroquine...???... or has his opinion changed? So yeah, context matters to the educated.
Join Date: Nov 2009
03-09-2021, 1:30 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Unlike you, I like to preserve my independent thought. I don't join groups.
Eventually you will wake up. Your party is a party of extremists. Ever wonder why middle America has turned away from the democrat party and now the democrats have to rely on illegal immigration and running around calling everyone a racist to get traction? You really should look in the mirror.
Well if you had ever been registered as a republican you would know that 99.9999879% (precision!) of your fellow party members don’t participate in state party governance. I’m a member of that non-leadership cohort myself.
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-09-2021, 2:48 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Unlike you, I like to preserve my independent thought. I don't join groups.
Eventually you will wake up. Your party is a party of extremists. Ever wonder why middle America has turned away from the democrat party and now the democrats have to rely on illegal immigration and running around calling everyone a racist to get traction? You really should look in the mirror.
I saw a large group of what you might call extremists at the Capitol on Jan 6th. They broke in and tried to hang a VP, maybe just me but I think that seems extreme. Members of the presidents staff breaking into the capitol to over turn election results appears to me to be extreme. The 3 percenters, Proud Boys, Boogaloo Boys, Qanon, Wolverine Watchmen... all extremist radical right wing republican groups. A president calling Georgia Sec of State and demanding he find 11872 votes is surly extreme in fact illegal. That same EX- president still saying he won in March while living in Florida the guy he says lost has taken up residence at 1600 Penn. Ave sure sounds extreme. All those republicans in their states attempting to claim an orange guy won when Hiden received more votes in each and every one of those states, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Minn....that sure sounds extreme. "Stop the Steal", thats extreme. Hey, I might be on to something, its the cons that are the extremists.
If middle America turned away from the Democrat party, how did Hiden get 80 million legal votes and over 300 electoral votes? Appears to be a landslide victory thanks to middle America tuning in and kicking out an extremist pathological liar.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-09-2021, 4:27 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I saw a large group of what you might call extremists at the Capitol on Jan 6th. They broke in and tried to hang a VP, maybe just me but I think that seems extreme. Members of the presidents staff breaking into the capitol to over turn election results appears to me to be extreme. The 3 percenters, Proud Boys, Boogaloo Boys, Qanon, Wolverine Watchmen... all extremist radical right wing republican groups. A president calling Georgia Sec of State and demanding he find 11872 votes is surly extreme in fact illegal. That same EX- president still saying he won in March while living in Florida the guy he says lost has taken up residence at 1600 Penn. Ave sure sounds extreme. All those republicans in their states attempting to claim an orange guy won when Hiden received more votes in each and every one of those states, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Minn....that sure sounds extreme. "Stop the Steal", thats extreme. Hey, I might be on to something, its the cons that are the extremists.
If middle America turned away from the Democrat party, how did Hiden get 80 million legal votes and over 300 electoral votes? Appears to be a landslide victory thanks to middle America tuning in and kicking out an extremist pathological liar.
Members of the presidents staff broke in? Really do tell.
Protesting the democrats blatant cheating is not overthrowing an election.
Pretty interesting for extremists. Not a single fire was started. Not bad. The officer dying is a bad thing. Don't remember how though. Pretty sure it was not though gun fire.
Of course Hiden Biden got more votes. That's what happens when you rig an election. Your team gets more votes. You don't think people saw what happened leading up to the election. Biden not campaigning, democrats file hundreds of election lawsuits to play on peoples covid fears to change election laws against the states constitutions and you think people are not going to be mad?
Middle America did not vote for Biden. Big city people and dead people did. Only pathological liars are the Democrat party, CNN, MSNBC, etc and people like you who follow them. Those groups literally turned the country upside down and family against family for ratings. Think about that.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-09-2021, 4:41 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Well if you had ever been registered as a republican you would know that 99.9999879% (precision!) of your fellow party members don’t participate in state party governance. I’m a member of that non-leadership cohort myself.
Not sure what you are saying, however your party is not coming back in a couple years. I guess you don't know how much about the teaching of Marx and Engles and how much has been passed through the educational system. I also suspect you really do not know how much illegal immigration has impacted your state as well. Your party is no longer who you thought it was and is not coming back. You guys wanted so many trinkets that you had to embrace every single crazy to get it, the crazy has taken over.
Paid $4 a gallon for gas at an ARCO of all places for the first time since Obama today.
Had to buy new guns so I could by bullets for my other guns this month as well. Turns out the kalifornia will not let you purchase ammo without a background check. Of course, you also have to have a firearm that was purchased at the current residence on file to qualify for buying ammo. Turns out if you don't own a gun, you can not buy ammo. Well, you can. It takes a crap load of forms and a couple weeks or more waiting period. So, the wife and I bought more fire arms.
To show you how much the disease of democrats are, when they complete the check the only question they are interested in asking is what race you are . Not what you plan on doing, not anything else, simply what is your race. I usually tell them I race Chevy.
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-09-2021, 5:01 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Members of the presidents staff broke in? Really do tell.
Protesting the democrats blatant cheating is not overthrowing an election.
Pretty interesting for extremists. Not a single fire was started. Not bad. The officer dying is a bad thing. Don't remember how though. Pretty sure it was not though gun fire.
Of course Hiden Biden got more votes. That's what happens when you rig an election. Your team gets more votes. You don't think people saw what happened leading up to the election. Biden not campaigning, democrats file hundreds of election lawsuits to play on peoples covid fears to change election laws against the states constitutions and you think people are not going to be mad?
Middle America did not vote for Biden. Big city people and dead people did. Only pathological liars are the Democrat party, CNN, MSNBC, etc and people like you who follow them. Those groups literally turned the country upside down and family against family for ratings. Think about that.
State department appointee.
Violently breaking into the US capitol, killing a DC cop and injuring dozens on the day they count electoral votes is clearly considered an attempt to over throw an election. By definition when the charge is Sedition youre a radical. Trump tried to make that claim of cheating too, the results were 60 losses, one minor win. I think I can safely say its a patently false claim. No cheating.
If you have more people voting for you, you get more votes and win. There hasnt been any evidence of Dems "rigging" anything. Trump? plenty.
When half a million people die from Covid, its not an irrational fear, its reality.
Middle americans, my bad, i just thought middle of the road Americans not physically in the middle of the country and the Southern bible belt. The only dead people i have read that voted, voted trump, unless you have some hidden evidence. https://www.factcheck.org/2020/11/th...people-voting/
Delta, trump is a pathological liar, there is no other psychological term to describe him. He lies about small stuff, lies about big stuff lies about stuff that are simple to prove his lie. He just lies. There are websites specifically for all his lies while pres, there are thousands and thousands. He started lying before the election, "I'll release my tax returns" and all the way thru his term, nonstop. For you to believe anything else is 100% irrational.
Join Date: Jun 2007
03-09-2021, 10:30 PM
Well here you have more Covid stats. By idiot Joe rescinding the order Trump had in place which required those seeking asylum to America to remain in their country until their request was approved ..,,,,,, he knowingly allowed people carrying covid , free, unrestricted access to America. A recent test of those illegals making it to America in Texas........over 25% tested positive for covid. The dems shut down business because of 1% difference. Now 25pervent of illegals entering have covid. Where is the outrage ? Where are all lockdown procedures to prevent these people from entering like they did to American citizens ?
Can’t wait for our resident Biden Supporters to explain how thats the best policy for America . This must be part of that great covid plan he campaigned on .
Last edited by xstarrider; 03-09-2021 at 10:33 PM.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-10-2021, 8:07 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
State department appointee.
Violently breaking into the US capitol, killing a DC cop and injuring dozens on the day they count electoral votes is clearly considered an attempt to over throw an election. By definition when the charge is Sedition youre a radical. Trump tried to make that claim of cheating too, the results were 60 losses, one minor win. I think I can safely say its a patently false claim. No cheating.
If you have more people voting for you, you get more votes and win. There hasnt been any evidence of Dems "rigging" anything. Trump? plenty.
When half a million people die from Covid, its not an irrational fear, its reality.
Middle americans, my bad, i just thought middle of the road Americans not physically in the middle of the country and the Southern bible belt. The only dead people i have read that voted, voted trump, unless you have some hidden evidence. https://www.factcheck.org/2020/11/th...people-voting/
Delta, trump is a pathological liar, there is no other psychological term to describe him. He lies about small stuff, lies about big stuff lies about stuff that are simple to prove his lie. He just lies. There are websites specifically for all his lies while pres, there are thousands and thousands. He started lying before the election, "I'll release my tax returns" and all the way thru his term, nonstop. For you to believe anything else is 100% irrational.
You can not overthrow and election by having a riot. You really think our government is the fragile? Another lie you have told yourself or have been told by CNN. Did not see you when the democrats did the same in Wisconsin. The government (this case the democrats) make many charges against people. We all know they are not true. You seem to think if your team labels someone as something, they are automatically guilty. That makes you a bad form or dangerous just like all democrats. Funny, Democrat national leadership including Pelosi praised the move publicly. Can you show me where Republicans praised the capital riot?
For the courts. Vast majority were dismissed due to standing not merit of the argument.
Trump exaggerates and is sarcastic. Typical CEO talk. His policies were spot on. Notice very little debate on issues. The press simply willfully tried to twist his words and meaning thus supporting the point that they tried to turn family against family. Democrats are a danger to our freedoms.
Last edited by DeltaHoosier; 03-10-2021 at 8:13 AM.
Join Date: Jun 2007
03-10-2021, 8:55 AM
Oops. There’s that research and statistical data again , published by the leading crime experts debunking Biden’s and the left’s statements of racial bias in policing. Gee who would’ve guessed police actually stop the criminals committing crimes based on crime statistics. Holy **** ! Call me
Shocked. Weird how that works.
These statistics don’t indicate that police officers are never racist. Individual officers, like people in any profession, run the gamut from laudable to deplorable. But what they do show is that Mr. Biden’s claim of “systemic racism” in American police forces is contrary to the best data we have on the subject.
Will the MSM hold Biden, his VP , and his party accountable for their lies and constant rhetoric defying the actual data ? We will see the media barrage acknowledging the farce created by them and BLM? You know for their blatant refusal of the facts and promotion/incitement of civil unrest based on lies ? Will they be held accountable for their deplorable actions?
Join Date: Jun 2007
03-10-2021, 9:08 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
State department appointee.
Violently breaking into the US capitol, killing a DC cop and injuring dozens on the day they count electoral votes is clearly considered an attempt to over throw an election. By definition when the charge is Sedition youre a radical. Trump tried to make that claim of cheating too, the results were 60 losses, one minor win. I think I can safely say its a patently false claim. No cheating.
If you have more people voting for you, you get more votes and win. There hasnt been any evidence of Dems "rigging" anything. Trump? plenty.
When half a million people die from Covid, its not an irrational fear, its reality.
Middle americans, my bad, i just thought middle of the road Americans not physically in the middle of the country and the Southern bible belt. The only dead people i have read that voted, voted trump, unless you have some hidden evidence. https://www.factcheck.org/2020/11/th...people-voting/
Delta, trump is a pathological liar, there is no other psychological term to describe him. He lies about small stuff, lies about big stuff lies about stuff that are simple to prove his lie. He just lies. There are websites specifically for all his lies while pres, there are thousands and thousands. He started lying before the election, "I'll release my tax returns" and all the way thru his term, nonstop. For you to believe anything else is 100% irrational.
Seriously. Your TDS is off the charts. Nobody was going to hang a VP . I must have missed all you posts calling out Biden and Harris during the campaign when numerous officers were killed and severely injured during the BLM riots the supported . I guess it only matters when it challenges the tyranny used for the past 9mos to control and influence a national election. Lyin Biden seems to be moving front and center of lies. Most recently blatantly lying about research stating kids belong in school , border issues , and now systematic racism in policing. Where are all you comments and posts on that ?
Last edited by xstarrider; 03-10-2021 at 9:11 AM.
Join Date: Jun 2007
03-10-2021, 9:20 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Are you trying to say that before there was a pandemic, ie March 2020, we know as much as we do today? I think youre wrong, we know WAY more. Its fact not hypocrisy. Is trump still saying "like a miracle it will just go away", still recc hydroxychloroquine...???... or has his opinion changed? So yeah, context matters to the educated.
Yes your right we do know more. We know now more than every all the bull**** communist agenda driven covid policies instituted by the left were a complete and utter farce , based on bull**** made up feelings and not factual data. So there’s your context . Every single study being conducted of the actual real world data shows how crazy and nonsensical all their policies are and were.
Join Date: Apr 2005
03-10-2021, 9:36 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Yes your right we do know more. We know now more than every all the bull**** communist agenda driven covid policies instituted by the left were a complete and utter farce , based on bull**** made up feelings and not factual data. So there’s your context . Every single study being conducted of the actual real world data shows how crazy and nonsensical all their policies are and were.
There you go, stealing my thunder. Lol Bless you. Well put.
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-10-2021, 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Seriously. Your TDS is off the charts. Nobody was going to hang a VP . I must have missed all you posts calling out Biden and Harris during the campaign when numerous officers were killed and severely injured during the BLM riots the supported . I guess it only matters when it challenges the tyranny used for the past 9mos to control and influence a national election. Lyin Biden seems to be moving front and center of lies. Most recently blatantly lying about research stating kids belong in school , border issues , and now systematic racism in policing. Where are all you comments and posts on that ?
The timestamp on Trump’s tweet, 2:24 p.m. ET, came two minutes before Pence and his wife and daughter were evacuated to a safe location still within the Capitol.
“Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!” Trump tweeted. Minutes later the mob begins chanting "Hang Mike Pence" You think they just wanted to give him a mani/pedi?
Lotta lies in that tweet. That was mid riot while trump was watching on TV after saying "I will be there with you". Was that a lie?
When the riots were going on because DChauvin killed GFloyd everyone here, as i recall was in favor of 1st amendments rights to protest bad policing AND condemned all the loser looters and thieves. Biden condemned too. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...es/6576824002/
Though Biden voiced support for protesters’ right to demonstrate, he has consistently condemned violence, including acts linked to activists from Black Lives Matter and antifa, a political movement of far-left militants who oppose neo-Nazis and white supremacists at demonstrations and other events.
Here are five of his statements to that effect last summer. (Read link)
Did you forget how you were going to compare Biden Covid response to Trump Covid response? You, the self labelled king of Covid statistics. Why is the country starting to see light? Case numbers, hospitalizations, Deaths, vaccinations....Less than 2 months and down 75%? Trump Devotion slowing you down? Still waiting mallcop.
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-10-2021, 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Yes your right we do know more. We know now more than every all the bull**** communist agenda driven covid policies instituted by the left were a complete and utter farce , based on bull**** made up feelings and not factual data. So there’s your context . Every single study being conducted of the actual real world data shows how crazy and nonsensical all their policies are and were.
We know now more than every all the bull**** communist agenda driven covid policies instituted by the left were a complete and utter farce , based on bull**** made up feelings and not factual data
Then why are the numbers across the country dramatically better? businesses, schools opening?
Your response sounds really emotional," bull**** communist agenda driven" ? Communist agenda sounds cool, whats it even mean?
Join Date: Apr 2005
03-10-2021, 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
We know now more than every all the bull**** communist agenda driven covid policies instituted by the left were a complete and utter farce , based on bull**** made up feelings and not factual data
Then why are the numbers across the country dramatically better? businesses, schools opening?
Your response sounds really emotional," bull**** communist agenda driven" ? Communist agenda sounds cool, whats it even mean?
If you’re that stupid to the point that you don’t understand what that means, GTFOH and don’t come back. You’re worthless here.
The numbers are better whether states got locked down or not. Not really any difference between those that are run by sane people or run by soon-to-be-removed totalitarian tyrants whose sole goal was to torpedo their own people just to satiate their TDS and get rid of your daddy.
Join Date: Apr 2005
03-10-2021, 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
The timestamp on Trump’s tweet, 2:24 p.m. ET, came two minutes before Pence and his wife and daughter were evacuated to a safe location still within the Capitol.
“Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!” Trump tweeted. Minutes later the mob begins chanting "Hang Mike Pence" You think they just wanted to give him a mani/pedi?
Lotta lies in that tweet. That was mid riot while trump was watching on TV after saying "I will be there with you". Was that a lie?
When the riots were going on because DChauvin killed GFloyd everyone here, as i recall was in favor of 1st amendments rights to protest bad policing AND condemned all the loser looters and thieves. Biden condemned too. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...es/6576824002/
Though Biden voiced support for protesters’ right to demonstrate, he has consistently condemned violence, including acts linked to activists from Black Lives Matter and antifa, a political movement of far-left militants who oppose neo-Nazis and white supremacists at demonstrations and other events.
Here are five of his statements to that effect last summer. (Read link)
Did you forget how you were going to compare Biden Covid response to Trump Covid response? You, the self labelled king of Covid statistics. Why is the country starting to see light? Case numbers, hospitalizations, Deaths, vaccinations....Less than 2 months and down 75%? Trump Devotion slowing you down? Still waiting mallcop.
Hey what was the time stamp on that solo press conference Hiden recently did? Oh, you mean he hasn’t done one? It’s been 48 days and counting..... Your boy is so far gone, he can’t even answer a single question from one on his own side. Oh and how’s your conspiracy theory about the DC invasion of Trump supporters going? Those razor wire fences and 5,000 troops sure were a good investment right? Idiot.
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-10-2021, 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by markj
If you’re that stupid to the point that you don’t understand what that means, GTFOH and don’t come back. You’re worthless here.
The numbers are better whether states got locked down or not. Not really any difference between those that are run by sane people or run by soon-to-be-removed totalitarian tyrants whose sole goal was to torpedo their own people just to satiate their TDS and get rid of your daddy.
You and mall cop are too emotional. Snowflakes.
Who has a communist agenda? In this country, we're capitalists.
Hidin Bidens administration has Covid numbers across the country coming down. Thats a win for the entire country. Biden doesnt penalize Red V blue states like your daddy did. He is president of "THE UNITED STATES. Totalitarian by definition prohibits a second party. Only republicans are attempting to restrict voting as seen in the voting suppression laws they are currently passing in AZ, NV, Georgia, Iowa..... Why make it more difficult for any American to vote? Dems want everyone to be able to vote freely. You opinion lacks fact.
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-10-2021, 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Hey what was the time stamp on that solo press conference Hiden recently did? Oh, you mean he hasn’t done one? It’s been 48 days and counting..... Your boy is so far gone, he can’t even answer a single question from one on his own side. Oh and how’s your conspiracy theory about the DC invasion of Trump supporters going? Those razor wire fences and 5,000 troops sure were a good investment right? Idiot.
Someone break a law? or are you just fired up to hear your president speak?
Can you wait til Thursday?
Hows it going? Last i heard about 300 arrests so far. Apparently we have a big problem with extremists in the US.
Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) is requesting the FBI brief Congress on efforts by white supremacists and other extremist groups to infiltrate law enforcement agencies across the country.
Raskin, who chairs the House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, wrote a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday requesting a briefing on the matter by March 26.
The request comes as dozens of current and former law enforcement officers, firefighters and military service members face federal charges in relation to the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.
Razor wire and fencing? Its not like we hit Home Depot and paid retail, its called "inventory". Our military has a pretty big budget, i dont think the fences will break the bank. You think so?
Join Date: Jun 2007
03-10-2021, 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
The timestamp on Trump’s tweet, 2:24 p.m. ET, came two minutes before Pence and his wife and daughter were evacuated to a safe location still within the Capitol.
“Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!” Trump tweeted. Minutes later the mob begins chanting "Hang Mike Pence" You think they just wanted to give him a mani/pedi?
Lotta lies in that tweet. That was mid riot while trump was watching on TV after saying "I will be there with you". Was that a lie?
When the riots were going on because DChauvin killed GFloyd everyone here, as i recall was in favor of 1st amendments rights to protest bad policing AND condemned all the loser looters and thieves. Biden condemned too. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...es/6576824002/
Though Biden voiced support for protesters’ right to demonstrate, he has consistently condemned violence, including acts linked to activists from Black Lives Matter and antifa, a political movement of far-left militants who oppose neo-Nazis and white supremacists at demonstrations and other events.
Here are five of his statements to that effect last summer. (Read link)
Did you forget how you were going to compare Biden Covid response to Trump Covid response? You, the self labelled king of Covid statistics. Why is the country starting to see light? Case numbers, hospitalizations, Deaths, vaccinations....Less than 2 months and down 75%? Trump Devotion slowing you down? Still waiting mallcop.
Are you serious right now? Seriously the amount of stupid in your responses is epic. The effect you see at the moment is due to the quickest vaccine rollout under President Trump's leadership that is starting to effect the stats . Geezus f’n Christ man , you serve up your own demise too frequently. There isn’t a single policy put into place by Biden effecting those numbers. NOT A SINGLE ONE , Wait I take that back. His most recent Asylum policy is allowing 1000’s of covid positive people to enter the US and remain while being distributed throughout the population. Your Democratic playbook is awesome. When things go right it’s Biden. When things are bad blame Trump. Feel free to let us know which of Biden’s massive Covid policies policies managed to turn the US around so quickly. This should be epic. I truly can’t wait for your response.
I love your continued deflection choosing propaganda over reality while completely ignoring the dozens of posts outlining their violence supporting quotes . I won’t litter the page yet again of Biden’s Harris’ and rest of the left’s mouthpieces regarding the BLM riots across the nation for you to fly by and pretend they didn’t make like you have the numerous previous times. Your TDS is exceptional , it’s mind blowing the fact he still has you so rattled you can’t put together a logical argument. I truly feel for you.
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-10-2021, 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Are you serious right now? Seriously the amount of stupid in your responses is epic. The effect you see at the moment is due to the quickest vaccine rollout under President Trump's leadership that is starting to effect the stats . Geezus f’n Christ man , you serve up your own demise too frequently. There isn’t a single policy put into place by Biden effecting those numbers. NOT A SINGLE ONE , Wait I take that back. His most recent Asylum policy is allowing 1000’s of covid positive people to enter the US and remain while being distributed throughout the population. Your Democratic playbook is awesome. When things go right it’s Biden. When things are bad blame Trump. Feel free to let us know which of Biden’s massive Covid policies policies managed to turn the US around so quickly. This should be epic. I truly can’t wait for your response.
I love your continued deflection choosing propaganda over reality while completely ignoring the dozens of posts outlining their violence supporting quotes . I won’t litter the page yet again of Biden’s Harris’ and rest of the left’s mouthpieces regarding the BLM riots across the nation for you to fly by and pretend they didn’t make like you have the numerous previous times. Your TDS is exceptional , it’s mind blowing the fact he still has you so rattled you can’t put together a logical argument. I truly feel for you.
LOL, credit trump for vaccine rollout. How many shots in arms per day under trump? Biden Admin hitting 3M/day and averages going up every week. This quick progress even tho trump refused to allow his administration to cooperate with the Biden admin during transition and kept them in the dark re vaccine rollout, testing...
Why wait for a vaccine when you have Hydroxychloroquine? Why even spend the $$ to create a vaccine when, "like a miracle, it will all go away when it gets warmer"? Its easy to blame trump, he politicized mask wearing, lied and he was the guy in charge. Biden admin doing 5 times as many shots in arm per day as compared to trump admin. More=better.
Trump lost bigly. When you stick with the TDS its your Devotion Syndrome only.
Join Date: Apr 2005
03-10-2021, 1:08 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
LOL, credit trump for vaccine rollout. How many shots in arms per day under trump? Biden Admin hitting 3M/day and averages going up every week. This quick progress even tho trump refused to allow his administration to cooperate with the Biden admin during transition and kept them in the dark re vaccine rollout, testing...
Why wait for a vaccine when you have Hydroxychloroquine? Why even spend the $$ to create a vaccine when, "like a miracle, it will all go away when it gets warmer"? Its easy to blame trump, he politicized mask wearing, lied and he was the guy in charge. Biden admin doing 5 times as many shots in arm per day as compared to trump admin. More=better.
Trump lost bigly. When you stick with the TDS its your Devotion Syndrome only.
Careful. You’re approaching Joe’s level (or lack thereof) of intelligence with your posts. The sheer level of ridiculousness you’re willing to go to knows no bounds. I sometimes read your posts and think you’re joking because no one could be that stupid or make such a weak argument, but then you say something else that shows you were actually serious. I hope you don’t have a wife or children with you who have to listen to your type of “reason” in your mom’s basement.
Join Date: Apr 2005
03-10-2021, 1:18 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Someone break a law? or are you just fired up to hear your president speak?
Can you wait til Thursday?
Hows it going? Last i heard about 300 arrests so far. Apparently we have a big problem with extremists in the US.
Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) is requesting the FBI brief Congress on efforts by white supremacists and other extremist groups to infiltrate law enforcement agencies across the country.
Raskin, who chairs the House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, wrote a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday requesting a briefing on the matter by March 26.
The request comes as dozens of current and former law enforcement officers, firefighters and military service members face federal charges in relation to the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.
Razor wire and fencing? Its not like we hit Home Depot and paid retail, its called "inventory". Our military has a pretty big budget, i dont think the fences will break the bank. You think so?
So dementia joe is gonna get pumped full of ADHD meds and then be coming out of hiding to read a teleprompter and not answer any questions. Got it. That still won’t count.
White supremacists are not the problem. The most racist people on earth are the 13%ers. I’m sure your people want to keep making something out of nothing with race relations. It’s what they do.
So all those troops are free too right? I guess they don’t cost as much when you feed them garbage and tell them to sleep on the ground.
Join Date: Jun 2007
03-10-2021, 1:20 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
LOL, credit trump for vaccine rollout. How many shots in arms per day under trump? Biden Admin hitting 3M/day and averages going up every week. This quick progress even tho trump refused to allow his administration to cooperate with the Biden admin during transition and kept them in the dark re vaccine rollout, testing...
Why wait for a vaccine when you have Hydroxychloroquine? Why even spend the $$ to create a vaccine when, "like a miracle, it will all go away when it gets warmer"? Its easy to blame trump, he politicized mask wearing, lied and he was the guy in charge. Biden admin doing 5 times as many shots in arm per day as compared to trump admin. More=better.
Trump lost bigly. When you stick with the TDS its your Devotion Syndrome only.
You realize the uptick in shots in arm you’re claiming under Biden , happened after democratic states were called to the table on their failed rollouts , yes that’s right the Democratic states were running in circles limiting access to shots in arms under their original policies. Plenty available minimal going out. It wasn’t until those idiots realized how stupid their policies were and revamped them, that things began to roll out better. Trump had nothing to do with those state policies and neither does Biden . As with any brand new program , the initial rollout usually has the lowest effectiveness. Modifications and changes in order to increase performance are situational based. You address and modify as the progress moves forward increasing efficiency. Any business startup can attest to that. I suppose all the additional vaccine sites , all the additional vaccine mfg’s , and all the additional supply available now are all a result of Biden’s covid plan , they wouldn’t exist now due to the increase amount of mfg’s , supply sites , vaccine sites, and lowered standards of who is eligible for a vaccine. Yet again your TDS is blinding you from reality. Just in case that’s to hard to comprehend feel free to look back at the testing rollout. I suppose that exact model wasn’t shown to be a mirror image of what’s happening on vaccine side.
Call me shocked again........not a single word in your response went into detail on which exact Biden covid policies he’s implemented are having such an immediate impact, but yet again your words are littered with feelings and opinion , nothing to do with fact. Your specialty
Last edited by xstarrider; 03-10-2021 at 1:27 PM.
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-10-2021, 1:47 PM
Originally Posted by markj
So dementia joe is gonna get pumped full of ADHD meds and then be coming out of hiding to read a teleprompter and not answer any questions. Got it. That still won’t count.
White supremacists are not the problem. The most racist people on earth are the 13%ers. I’m sure your people want to keep making something out of nothing with race relations. It’s what they do.
So all those troops are free too right? I guess they don’t cost as much when you feed them garbage and tell them to sleep on the ground.
Trumps appointed head of the FBI is Republican. This is what he said.
You think we dont pay those troops if they arent at the Capitol? Hey Joe and Kamala, Do we have anymore of that old hamberder trump left behind? ... can we BBQ for the troops again? Remember that time trump loaded up on steroids and did the 1st pres debate? that went well, " Stand by and Stand down"...til Jan 6.
Join Date: Jun 2007
03-10-2021, 3:16 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Trumps appointed head of the FBI is Republican. This is what he said.
You think we dont pay those troops if they arent at the Capitol? Hey Joe and Kamala, Do we have anymore of that old hamberder trump left behind? ... can we BBQ for the troops again? Remember that time trump loaded up on steroids and did the 1st pres debate? that went well, " Stand by and Stand down"...til Jan 6.
Yea great article spewing the scare tactic of focusing on a group that’s so minuscule and insignificant to daily American violence . Ohh gee look at this very small sliver of the population that won’t even register as a blip of the American population. Please show the death toll numbers of these violent extremist plaguing or nation with violence and dead bodies .
Blm killed more people in 2020 than white supremacists did 36 people’s deaths can be attributed tonBLM, 1000’s of police officers injured , and billions in damage to America. Who’s the actual extremist group presenting danger to the Nation ?
Seems to me under your claims Young Black Men represent the biggest danger to Americans. 800 homicides in Chicago. Over 88 percent committed by black males. That’s only in one democratic city. Violent crime stats were record high across the nation in primarily black communities, so multiply that even further. Oh wait those don’t count. It’s dems killing dems , my bad. Get those crazy white people !
Oh 322 carjackings in the city of Chicago to date. 97 percent committed by black offenders. 88 percent of victims white.
Wonder how many white supremacists carjacked working class blacks ? Could you provide me that number please .
Oh wait......we need a distraction ........Look at these white supremacy groups .
Let’s further debunk your white supremacistsis terrorizing America at extreme levels . Let’s take one of the most recent violence tracked studies of extremists and what their data found .
2017 white extremists accounted for 5 homicide events based on racism whoa 5.
2017 black extremists accounted for wait for it............ 5 homicide events based on racism.
Whoops here are those facts again smacking you in the face
The 11 non-fatal incidents analysts coded as “far-left political violence” include the burning of a police precinct in Minneapolis that was known locally as “a playground for renegade cops”; attempts to set police cars on fire in New York City and Tacoma, Washington; molotov cocktail and other incendiary attacks on government buildings in Portland, Seattle, and Apple Valley, Minnesota; and an assault on a Democratic state senator who was filming protesters tearing down statues in Wisconsin. This number also doesn’t include the attacks on RNC members leaving Washington.
Yea adios again with your propaganda driven garbage. Reading your posts is as bad as watching CNN.
Last edited by xstarrider; 03-10-2021 at 3:19 PM.
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-10-2021, 4:38 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Yea great article spewing the scare tactic of focusing on a group that’s so minuscule and insignificant to daily American violence . Ohh gee look at this very small sliver of the population that won’t even register as a blip of the American population. Please show the death toll numbers of these violent extremist plaguing or nation with violence and dead bodies .
Blm killed more people in 2020 than white supremacists did 36 people’s deaths can be attributed tonBLM, 1000’s of police officers injured , and billions in damage to America. Who’s the actual extremist group presenting danger to the Nation ?
Seems to me under your claims Young Black Men represent the biggest danger to Americans. 800 homicides in Chicago. Over 88 percent committed by black males. That’s only in one democratic city. Violent crime stats were record high across the nation in primarily black communities, so multiply that even further. Oh wait those don’t count. It’s dems killing dems , my bad. Get those crazy white people !
Oh 322 carjackings in the city of Chicago to date. 97 percent committed by black offenders. 88 percent of victims white.
Wonder how many white supremacists carjacked working class blacks ? Could you provide me that number please .
Oh wait......we need a distraction ........Look at these white supremacy groups .
Let’s further debunk your white supremacistsis terrorizing America at extreme levels . Let’s take one of the most recent violence tracked studies of extremists and what their data found .
2017 white extremists accounted for 5 homicide events based on racism whoa 5.
2017 black extremists accounted for wait for it............5 homicide events based on racism.
Whoops here are those facts again smacking you in the face
The 11 non-fatal incidents analysts coded as “far-left political violence” include the burning of a police precinct in Minneapolis that was known locally as “a playground for renegade cops”; attempts to set police cars on fire in New York City and Tacoma, Washington; molotov cocktail and other incendiary attacks on government buildings in Portland, Seattle, and Apple Valley, Minnesota; and an assault on a Democratic state senator who was filming protesters tearing down statues in Wisconsin. This number also doesn’t include the attacks on RNC members leaving Washington.
Yea adios again with your propaganda driven garbage. Reading your posts is as bad as watching CNN.
Miniscule and insignificant??? You mean like Transgenders in sports??
This one guy killed 20, injured 9 more in one shooting.
Remember the time you said the guy threw a molitov cocktail at Kyle Rittenhouse, and lied?
Remember the time you said Ashlee Babbit broke into a vacant chamber? and lied
Remember her?
poor soul, things she said sounds just like you and markj. Same words, same claims, hopefully you 2 figure it out before you go too far down the rabbit hole.
Last edited by 95sn; 03-10-2021 at 4:41 PM.
Join Date: Jun 2007
03-10-2021, 6:35 PM
Oh no. Here’s more of that CDC covid data showing the real people at risk , narrowing it further from the millions of healthy Americans not at risk. Only 78 % of the covid deaths were overweight/ obese people.
Join Date: Apr 2005
03-10-2021, 8:06 PM
Hey 95 (who is too afraid to even utter any part of his own name here), with trannies being such a minuscule, insignificant portion of our society, why did Biden have to go so far out of his way to make special laws for them at the expense of girls/women? Also, why is your party going so far out of your way to force their mental illness to be accepted as a new normal in our society? This, along with SO many other things are specifically the culture rot that is killing the future of our country. Libtards are literally threatening fines and/or jail for stores that refuse to stop separating girls and boys sections in stores' merchandizing in the latest legislation proposals. Ish is about to get real here. Heads will literally roll if your party continues to push this insanity.
Join Date: Apr 2002
03-10-2021, 9:54 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Ha ha ha, 40% of American adults are obese! You want fries with that? Heck yes they do.
Join Date: Dec 2009
03-11-2021, 4:08 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Hey 95 (who is too afraid to even utter any part of his own name here), with trannies being such a minuscule, insignificant portion of our society, why did Biden have to go so far out of his way to make special laws for them at the expense of girls/women? Also, why is your party going so far out of your way to force their mental illness to be accepted as a new normal in our society? This, along with SO many other things are specifically the culture rot that is killing the future of our country. Libtards are literally threatening fines and/or jail for stores that refuse to stop separating girls and boys sections in stores' merchandizing in the latest legislation proposals. Ish is about to get real here. Heads will literally roll if your party continues to push this insanity.
There is no more Gender, so at some point, no more "rights" for women or men, so all the fighting for women's rights are now gone, Dont have to hire women, give them equal pay, because THERE IS NO SUCH THING! Thanks left, you make gender fake, and so everything that go's with gender is now out the window. You cannot argue gender, and soon race. So we just cancel color, so there is not color, so there is no argument. Cant say "they didn't hire me because i am a women" "or I am black" so now everyone is just BLANK no race no color, no mom or dad, just folks.
So an employer can fire all the women if they wanted to, and just agree that there is no such thing as gender, so everyone is equal, men and women cannot cry about inequality because you have now given a "Get out of Jail" card for any employer to argue they did not discriminate over race or gender, because we have cancelled it out of our culture.
Its going to get out of control, and New York is pushing this in schools, and you cannot say mom or dad etc its insane.
Join Date: Oct 2006
03-11-2021, 7:33 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
There is no more Gender, so at some point, no more "rights" for women or men, so all the fighting for women's rights are now gone, Dont have to hire women, give them equal pay, because THERE IS NO SUCH THING! Thanks left, you make gender fake, and so everything that go's with gender is now out the window. You cannot argue gender, and soon race. So we just cancel color, so there is not color, so there is no argument. Cant say "they didn't hire me because i am a women" "or I am black" so now everyone is just BLANK no race no color, no mom or dad, just folks.
So an employer can fire all the women if they wanted to, and just agree that there is no such thing as gender, so everyone is equal, men and women cannot cry about inequality because you have now given a "Get out of Jail" card for any employer to argue they did not discriminate over race or gender, because we have cancelled it out of our culture.
Its going to get out of control, and New York is pushing this in schools, and you cannot say mom or dad etc its insane.
Calm down Hannity. We are a long way from all of that.
When it comes to the culture wars, both sides are cartoons of themselves. Putting on a dress and saying you're a woman is just as far out as putting on a cammo vest and a MAGA hat and calling yourself a patriot. Culture ebs, flows and evolves. What is acceptable will change and then change back again. Throughout history trans have risen and fallen in and out of favor. They are such a micro-minority, it rarely changes anything for any of us. Trans people have always existed in society. We go back and forth on how we acknowledge them.
Now, the difference between Republicans passing $2T in tax cuts and Democrats passing $2T in entitlements/reparations, that is something worth talking about. That is a con-job that effects us all.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-11-2021, 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You and mall cop are too emotional. Snowflakes.
Who has a communist agenda? In this country, we're capitalists.
Hidin Bidens administration has Covid numbers across the country coming down. Thats a win for the entire country. Biden doesnt penalize Red V blue states like your daddy did. He is president of "THE UNITED STATES. Totalitarian by definition prohibits a second party. Only republicans are attempting to restrict voting as seen in the voting suppression laws they are currently passing in AZ, NV, Georgia, Iowa..... Why make it more difficult for any American to vote? Dems want everyone to be able to vote freely. You opinion lacks fact.
Voter suppression laws? This is why it is going to come down to a shooting war with democrats. They see an attempt to have legal voters voting as a suppression tactic. They want anyone in the country to vote. Legal, illegal, on vacation, dead and buried. Anyone or anything. cats, dogs, kids. You name it, it is all good for democorats.
We have already seen your view on this. You want illegals counted in the population to give california more democrat house members. We already know what you democrat (commies) are about
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-11-2021, 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Calm down Hannity. We are a long way from all of that.
When it comes to the culture wars, both sides are cartoons of themselves. Putting on a dress and saying you're a woman is just as far out as putting on a cammo vest and a MAGA hat and calling yourself a patriot. Culture ebs, flows and evolves. What is acceptable will change and then change back again. Throughout history trans have risen and fallen in and out of favor. They are such a micro-minority, it rarely changes anything for any of us. Trans people have always existed in society. We go back and forth on how we acknowledge them.
Now, the difference between Republicans passing $2T in tax cuts and Democrats passing $2T in entitlements/reparations, that is something worth talking about. That is a con-job that effects us all.
You mean for the fact they are abiding by this in the US House of representatives as a rule. Businesses removing references to boys and girls. The frog in a pot can not tell it is getting ready to be boiled. You really need to go back an re-read the history of pre-war europe and the ex-soviet union on how they manipulated the public. You may see it as eb and flows, however this is exactly how this stuff was done. Read the writings of these people and their end goals, you cannot let it get an anchor
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-11-2021, 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Calm down Hannity. We are a long way from all of that.
When it comes to the culture wars, both sides are cartoons of themselves. Putting on a dress and saying you're a woman is just as far out as putting on a cammo vest and a MAGA hat and calling yourself a patriot. Culture ebs, flows and evolves. What is acceptable will change and then change back again. Throughout history trans have risen and fallen in and out of favor. They are such a micro-minority, it rarely changes anything for any of us. Trans people have always existed in society. We go back and forth on how we acknowledge them.
Now, the difference between Republicans passing $2T in tax cuts and Democrats passing $2T in entitlements/reparations, that is something worth talking about. That is a con-job that effects us all.
Also, people actually lose their jobs over not agreeing with this garbage. This is not equal cartoon of each other. No one is losing their jobs over not agreeing with wearing camo and a maga hat. If anything, they have been fired for it.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-11-2021, 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Ha ha ha, 40% of American adults are obese! You want fries with that? Heck yes they do.
We also work 13 hour shifts then drive 2 hours a day, have to pound a dinner then go to bed. Everyone has circumstances.
Funny thing is, Only 7 percent of the US population has had covid if you believe the numbers. 500k dead with a pretty much world wide held number of 2% deaths only means 7% of our population has had it.
Now all of a sudden people like SN95 believes the government magically did something to make numbers go down? Nothing has been done hardly. Same number in Florida as in Cali.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-11-2021, 1:05 PM
democrats pushing gun control again. This time the feds have more time to prove you can not have your second amendment rights. If they do not answer that you can or can not, YOU as the individual have to petition said fictitious department to get an answer in order to move forward with your rights. I can see this getting struck down as you should not have to petition the government to exercise your rights because they can not or will not perform a task.
Always quick to try and remove rights and make life more expensive until only they are left participating in life.
So why is Biden not talking to world leaders but Harris is? Not looking good for old Joe. Wonder how the public is going to feel about the party having a clear trojan horse pulled on them. No one liked her in her own party, now she is acting as defacto president and waiting to take over shortly. Heck even his own party asked for his ability to have the launch codes removed.
Join Date: Apr 2002
03-11-2021, 3:24 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Now all of a sudden people like SN95 believes the government magically did something to make numbers go down? Nothing has been done hardly. Same number in Florida as in Cali.
New case rate is down 70%
Join Date: Dec 2009
03-11-2021, 3:50 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
New case rate is down 70%
30 million americans have tested positive (so they say) so based on the Fauci science, covid is aprox 4x for every person infected, thats 1.3 of the country if not more. So heard is happening, as well as many who have had it and have no idea. So lets be real. its working it way through the system and vaccines add to help it. but in the end. it will or has already hit many, at some level.
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-11-2021, 4:14 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
democrats pushing gun control again. This time the feds have more time to prove you can not have your second amendment rights. If they do not answer that you can or can not, YOU as the individual have to petition said fictitious department to get an answer in order to move forward with your rights. I can see this getting struck down as you should not have to petition the government to exercise your rights because they can not or will not perform a task.
Always quick to try and remove rights and make life more expensive until only they are left participating in life.
So why is Biden not talking to world leaders but Harris is? Not looking good for old Joe. Wonder how the public is going to feel about the party having a clear trojan horse pulled on them. No one liked her in her own party, now she is acting as defacto president and waiting to take over shortly. Heck even his own party asked for his ability to have the launch codes removed.
You oppose background checks? Wouldnt that make it easier for scumbags to get guns?
Trojan horse? Did someone not see her on the ballet, on the flags? on the signs? It was in big letters, Biden/Harris. If you miss Biden for some reason, i hear he will be on TV tonight.
Join Date: Apr 2002
03-11-2021, 7:25 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
30 million americans have tested positive (so they say) so based on the Fauci science, covid is aprox 4x for every person infected, thats 1.3 of the country if not more. So heard is happening, as well as many who have had it and have no idea. So lets be real. its working it way through the system and vaccines add to help it. but in the end. it will or has already hit many, at some level.
The US is vaccinating 3M people per day, do you think the orange messiah's admin would have hit those numbers this quickly?
Join Date: Nov 2009
03-11-2021, 7:34 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
The US is vaccinating 3M people per day, do you think the orange messiah's admin would have hit those numbers this quickly?
Frankly, yes. It’s state and local governments that are doing the jabs. It’s an instance of our seeming chaos being a real strength.
Join Date: Apr 2005
03-11-2021, 9:32 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You oppose background checks? Wouldnt that make it easier for scumbags to get guns?
Trojan horse? Did someone not see her on the ballet, on the flags? on the signs? It was in big letters, Biden/Harris. If you miss Biden for some reason, i hear he will be on TV tonight.
Pretty much every new gun law proposed now only hurts law-abiding citizens. Those scumbags you’re referring to, (democrats for sure) don’t give a rat’s 95sn what the law says. They’re gonna do whatever they want. More gun laws only make it harder for law-abiding citizens to enjoy their 2A rights. But you already know that. This is just the beginning of your side’s long game to strip our 2A rights. Just like how your side spent three generations of trophy giving for mediocrity and indoctrination of young minds that has screwed us big time and why we’re probably never gonna see the light after a few more years of this ish.
Last edited by markj; 03-11-2021 at 9:38 PM.
Join Date: Apr 2002
03-11-2021, 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Frankly, yes. It’s state and local governments that are doing the jabs. It’s an instance of our seeming chaos being a real strength.
Got my doubts, Trump would have put my pillow guy in charge of vacine distribution by now.
Join Date: Jun 2007
03-12-2021, 12:21 AM
Anybody else completely confused by the covid speech from the President last night ? I mean just months ago he , his VP , and several prominent mouthpieces from the left were on repeat in the MSM telling everyone they would never trust a vaccine that rolled out under Trump. Encouraging people to refrain from taking it ...... Well to their surprise several rolled out from plans under the previous administration , and all of sudden with Biden at the White House they’re pushing every eligible American to take the vaccine . That’s a strange twist of events. Did Biden have some magical potion he amd his crew added to the vaccines already produced they were boycotting?
We listened to him take full credit for the amount of vaccines being rolled out and the exponential increase in administered doses. Did he and his staff forget that the supply chain for all those needles , syringes , and vaccines were created before he took office? Can someone explain what steps he’s drastically changed in the process, because I completely missed the part where he actually described the detailed steps his administration has taken that were so helpful and had such an immediate impact in order to completely change the course of what was transpiring. I suppose the President must have missed that part in college where their describe how brand new products roll out , you know the part on how it takes time to expand things from the first idea to regularity.
We just heard the President speak for 20 minutes about the virus , not a single detail of what his plan actually is , not a single detail of what he’s done that wasn’t already in place. His focus was on his administrations great plan to devise an online database , Geee ya think. Let me know how that worked out when they started up the website for Obamacare.
His only plan of action he’s eluded to is masks. Mask this, mask that , mask everyone. He spoke of the devastation caused by lack of in school ability, the huge amounts of business and families devastated by the pandemic , completely glossing over the fact democratic strongholds are the worst hit , and the worst performing areas due to their policies. His closing was listen to Dr Fauci , he’s the end all be all. I could litter this posts with the amount of times that the good ol Dr was slapped in the face with reality after his “medical opinion”.
You knew the speech was gonna be a complete joke when he began the talking points about the virus and tossing in racism. Never miss an opportunity to ram that gem in at every cost. Can anyone explain how the covid speech from the president didn’t touch on any details of his exact plan that he campaigned on ? You know the one he claimed that was going to save America. His only explanation of moving forward was to have family Bar B Q for the 4th of July.
Again , clearly I missed it after watching it twice , so can someone please explain to me what the steps of his covid plan are , how they differ from what was in place , and what he’s personally changed by his policies that is having such a major effect on the upward trend? Seems more to me like the vaccine plan put into place by predecessor is moving faster than anyone wanted to give him credit for.
Join Date: Jun 2007
03-12-2021, 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Frankly, yes. It’s state and local governments that are doing the jabs. It’s an instance of our seeming chaos being a real strength.
Ummmmm the reason we are able to do that at the moment is because of the work Trump did on the vaccine plan while he was in office. There isn’t a single thing Biden has changed with regards to the vaccine that wasn’t a result of the Trump’s administrations work with those involved. The only thing that changed is he and his party’s rhetoric of condemning the vaccine while Trump was in office , to encouraging every moving American to get it now that he’s there. The vaccine is still the same vaccine
You think otherwise. Explain what Biden has done to all of sudden exponentially increase the rollout. I’ll be waiting.
Last edited by xstarrider; 03-12-2021 at 12:44 AM.
Join Date: Jun 2007
03-12-2021, 1:03 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You oppose background checks? Wouldnt that make it easier for scumbags to get guns?
Trojan horse? Did someone not see her on the ballet, on the flags? on the signs? It was in big letters, Biden/Harris. If you miss Biden for some reason, i hear he will be on TV tonight.
Ahhhh more glaring idiocy shining through spotlighting your ignorance to the actual gun crime statistics in America. Next you’ll be telling those evil black rifles should be banned. Here’s your free education. Criminals and murders don’t get guns legally. The cure for gun crime is simple , prosecute the offenders to the fullest instead of emptying prisons , sending criminals back out on the street with a signature for bail, and end the bull**** BLM movement painting police as racists . The end. There is no need to institute any further laws against legal gun owning citizens. Use what’s at your disposal already, the tools are there .
Maybe you missed this gem from the left
Or this
Join Date: Apr 2005
03-12-2021, 6:02 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Ummmmm the reason we are able to do that at the moment is because of the work Trump did on the vaccine plan while he was in office. There isn’t a single thing Biden has changed with regards to the vaccine that wasn’t a result of the Trump’s administrations work with those involved. The only thing that changed is he and his party’s rhetoric of condemning the vaccine while Trump was in office , to encouraging every moving American to get it now that he’s there. The vaccine is still the same vaccine
You think otherwise. Explain what Biden has done to all of sudden exponentially increase the rollout. I’ll be waiting.
My favorite lie Hiden told was him telling us that the vaccines will be available to all adults by May and that was “months before anyone thought they would be available.” Um, no, liar. Trump said on December 8 that we should expect it to be available in the spring.
Join Date: Dec 2003
03-12-2021, 6:20 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You oppose background checks? Wouldnt that make it easier for scumbags to get guns?
Trojan horse? Did someone not see her on the ballet, on the flags? on the signs? It was in big letters, Biden/Harris. If you miss Biden for some reason, i hear he will be on TV tonight.
They already do background checks. I have purchased a few guns within the last year.
Join Date: Apr 2005
03-12-2021, 6:52 AM
Join Date: Jun 2007
03-12-2021, 9:01 AM
What the what
My favorite lie by far was him claiming the Vaccine availability in spring was his prediction , and that he’s responsible for that happening. Trump predicted that in 2020 and enough vaccines were being sourced to make that happen under his plan. Hahahahahahah whoops.
Last edited by xstarrider; 03-12-2021 at 9:07 AM.
Join Date: Oct 2005
03-12-2021, 9:03 AM
wait, what?
Are the democrats calling for a proof of vaccination card? I.D.?
I thought ID cards were racist
no voter ID card but need a vaccination card
going to be a very long 2 years
Join Date: Oct 2005
03-12-2021, 9:11 AM
where were all of these fact checks on the dems during the election process.
Join Date: Oct 2006
03-12-2021, 1:33 PM
Originally Posted by markj
The WW libtard silence here today is deafening.
95sn must be out nursing his wounds and getting his ego stitched up. Don’t forget the Neosporin, 95!
I think most people with any commonsense want the media to fact-check our leaders. Even the people who voted for him don't run to his rescue to defend every dumb thing or political exaggeration he makes. He is a president and not a demagogue.
Join Date: Nov 2009
03-12-2021, 1:49 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Ummmmm the reason we are able to do that at the moment is because of the work Trump did on the vaccine plan while he was in office. There isn’t a single thing Biden has changed with regards to the vaccine that wasn’t a result of the Trump’s administrations work with those involved. The only thing that changed is he and his party’s rhetoric of condemning the vaccine while Trump was in office , to encouraging every moving American to get it now that he’s there. The vaccine is still the same vaccine
You think otherwise. Explain what Biden has done to all of sudden exponentially increase the rollout. I’ll be waiting.
Huh? Ralph asked if the rollout would've been as fast under Trump, and I said yes, it would.
No boogie man here, xstar. Please move along.
Join Date: Jun 2007
03-12-2021, 4:38 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Huh? Ralph asked if the rollout would've been as fast under Trump, and I said yes, it would.
No boogie man here, xstar. Please move along.
I mean to quote Ralph there. My apologies Shawn.
Join Date: Dec 2009
03-13-2021, 7:37 AM
Biden has aggressive Vascular dementia, Possibly to be announced in the next few months. Caused by his brain aneurysms. He chances of living through the first term are 50/50
Join Date: Apr 2005
03-13-2021, 7:58 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
Biden has aggressive Vascular dementia, Possibly to be announced in the next few months. Caused by his brain aneurysms. He chances of living through the first term are 50/50
Interesting. That’s what my dad died from a year ago. How do you know he has that?
Join Date: Apr 2002
03-13-2021, 3:07 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Interesting. That’s what my dad died from a year ago. How do you know he has that?
He heard it in his tinfoil hat radio
Join Date: Dec 2009
03-14-2021, 6:19 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
He heard it in his tinfoil hat radio
Actually sad, I had a dinner meeting friday night with a group practice, 2 Neurosurgeons and a plastics Craniofacial surg, they were talking about his health, not politics and talking about his symptoms and past medical history, as a lot of it is public. It started about his bleeding eye, and conjuctive issues with vascular diseases in older people who have high blood pressure, diabetes, etc etc
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-14-2021, 2:26 PM
Gotta give him credit, For a guy with aggressive dementia, he just pulled off one of the largest pieces of legislation ever.
Has anyone received a vaccine yet?
Join Date: Jun 2007
03-14-2021, 4:32 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Gotta give him credit, For a guy with aggressive dementia, he just pulled off one of the largest pieces of legislation ever.
Has anyone received a vaccine yet?
Oh you mean the way he used one time access of reconciliation to omit the standard approval process required because he couldn’t get the votes for it ? The bill that hands free money to democratic strongholds that have run their cities and states into the ground with failed policies prior to covid? The giant piece of
legislation filled wit 85% of bull**** spending ?
Join Date: Jun 2007
03-14-2021, 4:52 PM
The Biden and left’s social justice reform push is working great. Just look as these prizes they have been at the forefront of supporting.
****bags out on low bail for attempt murder , committing more violent crimes. His partner Bogan is charged with four counts of attempted murder and 19 other felonies. He posted $25,000 to get out of jail then committed more violent felonies with weapons
Then we get these gems. Career drug inducing burglars and robbers. Out on bond committing more
Bogan is charged with four counts of attempted murder and 19 other felonies. He posted $25,000 to get out of jail.
The we get these 6 gun totaling individuals. Exceptionally low bond. For those not familiar with bonds. The cash amount eluded to in the article is technically the bond amount. However they’re All D bonds which means they only have to come up with 10% of the bond amount to be free. Example 3,500 bond only pay 350 to get out. 10k bond. 1k to get out. But don’t worry. We just need more gun laws .
Career robber burglar out waking around
And here we have those white supremacy groups killing 2 and wounding 17 in a shooting, OH WAIT ,,,,,,,,,,it’s Democrats shooting democrats again,
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-14-2021, 5:21 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Oh you mean the way he used one time access of reconciliation to omit the standard approval process required because he couldn’t get the votes for it ? The bill that hands free money to democratic strongholds that have run their cities and states into the ground with failed policies prior to covid? The giant piece of
legislation filled wit 85% of bull**** spending ?
Reconciliation is the same rule Senate repubes used to pass the tax break for corps and the richest, helping only the very top of the food chain. As has been proven going back decades it does not promote nor help anyone but the richest Americans and corps. Bezos not enough cash yet? How does it provide more for Blue areas and not both blue and red?
Join Date: Apr 2005
03-14-2021, 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Gotta give him credit, For a guy with aggressive dementia, he just pulled off one of the largest pieces of legislation ever.
Has anyone received a vaccine yet?
You’re dumb enough to believe he knew what he signed and he created it? Really? The biggest libtard pork bill in history by a long shot just added tens of thousands to our children’s future tax burden. We are a sinking ship. He is a puppet. This is literally Moon Over Parador.
Join Date: Apr 2002
03-14-2021, 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by markj
You’re dumb enough to believe he knew what he signed and he created it? Really? The biggest libtard pork bill in history by a long shot just added tens of thousands to our children’s future tax burden. We are a sinking ship. He is a puppet. This is literally Moon Over Parador.
Woah woah woah, you don't get to say dick about deficit spending after grifter in chief was running 3T budget deficits and you said naught.
Join Date: Oct 2006
03-15-2021, 7:24 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Woah woah woah, you don't get to say dick about deficit spending after grifter in chief was running 3T budget deficits and you said naught.
America is on its way to the poor-house. Republicans do it by not bringing in enough taxes and Democrats do it by over-spending. Two routes to the same end. All in the name of buying votes.
Join Date: Apr 2005
03-15-2021, 7:54 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
America is on its way to the poor-house. Republicans do it by not bringing in enough taxes and Democrats do it by over-spending. Two routes to the same end. All in the name of buying votes.
I agree with that to a large degree.
Join Date: Nov 2009
03-15-2021, 8:00 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
America is on its way to the poor-house. Republicans do it by not bringing in enough taxes and Democrats do it by over-spending. Two routes to the same end. All in the name of buying votes.
I half agree with that... the last four years of R admin showed zero restraint on the fiscal side. The R admin before that we blew a ton of $$$ in Iraq, and the R admin before that we also blew a ton of $$$ in Iraq (though Desert Storm was definitely justified, and rather well executed in hindsight), and the R admin before that we blew a ton of $$$ spending the USSR into the ground.
The idea that Republicans are frugal spenders is a very well crafted myth. Republicans definitely cheap out on some spending categories, but they haven't been able to balance a budget during my lifetime.
Join Date: Apr 2005
03-15-2021, 8:04 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Woah woah woah, you don't get to say dick about deficit spending after grifter in chief was running 3T budget deficits and you said naught.
I didn’t agree with everything 95’s daddy did. I didn’t mind the first round, but everything after that has been BS. Including the second one from 95’s daddy. Unlocking things is the best stimulus you could do and more effort should’ve been put into that. Have you read what’s in this latest Biden “COVID relief bill?” It’s not even what it’s called. By far the percentage of money is going to libtard pork projects. I heard a breakdown of it over the weekend and it’s disgusting.
Join Date: Apr 2005
03-15-2021, 8:07 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
I half agree with that... the last four years of R admin showed zero restraint on the fiscal side. The R admin before that we blew a ton of $$$ in Iraq, and the R admin before that we also blew a ton of $$$ in Iraq (though Desert Storm was definitely justified, and rather well executed in hindsight), and the R admin before that we blew a ton of $$$ spending the USSR into the ground.
The idea that Republicans are frugal spenders is a very well crafted myth. Republicans definitely cheap out on some spending categories, but they haven't been able to balance a budget during my lifetime.
So you’re saying dems don’t overspend? That’s laughable. Go discover what’s in the bill biden just got passed. It’s the Mac daddy of shameless pork ever written.
Join Date: Nov 2009
03-15-2021, 8:19 AM
Originally Posted by markj
So you’re saying dems don’t overspend? That’s laughable. Go discover what’s in the bill biden just got passed. It’s the Mac daddy of shameless pork ever written.
I'm saying that historically the idea that republicans are frugal is a myth. During my lifetime only Clinton balanced the budget, and that was just on the luck of the dot.com bubble (much as Newsom's not really able to take a lot of credit for balancing California's budget this year).
look at the numbers!
(yes, Obama's deficit spending was historically high, but so was the fall of in receipts -- a good indicator that deficit spending is necessary)