Originally Posted by 95sn
Why do you keep reading the NYPost? I dont claim to understand all the codes etc...Where does it say " Armed robbers who use guns or other deadly weapons to stick up stores and other businesses will be prosecuted only for petty larceny, a misdemeanor, Armed robbery, a class B felony, would typically be punishable by a maximum of 25 years in prison, while petty larceny subjects offenders to up to 364 days in jail and a $1,000 fine."?
Also, I am in SoCal, the heart of libtardville. Nothing is closed down due to omicron, even tho hospitals are full of unvaccinated fools.
So to help you understand the “codes “ felonies have different classes class 1,2,3,4 X
Misdemeanor offenses have different classes A,B,C.
Not all states follow the same nomenclature or have same class structure for each crime. , not all counties have same class structure for each crime either.
The recent change by the DA in New York changed the class designation for Armed Robberies with weapons , Burglaries to storage units and stores , and downgraded their class . Downgrading their class means the values for imprisonment and consequences change. That’s why you don’t see that exact terminology in that link you provided. However if you search up the “sentence structure /penalties for each class , you’ll quickly see that listed word for word.
The Washington State DA just did the same thing for people who shoot other people. He downgraded the offense class for drove by shooters …..
Listen to their rhetoric for why they’re doing all this. “It’s unfair to the criminals “””””. Really what about the actual victims of these violent crimes. Apparently their lives don’t matter. These Soros funded DA’s are doing exactly what they’re were bought and paid for to do. Keep violent criminals on the street. Before you go all conspiracy therory on Soros funded , the long paper trail of money to the Domestic Terrorists put in DA’s offices around the Nation has been well documented and isn’t a theory. It’s fact.