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Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       02-18-2021, 12:28 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Is that a common backup system? I'm sure it could work with enough battery storage. My buddy's houseboat seems to run OK on solar only (janky system too!), so I'm sure it'd be possible.

But when you guys have PG&E the rolling blackouts, are you still able to pump gas?
I have SMUD. PG&E sucks.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-18-2021, 12:29 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Is that a common backup system? I'm sure it could work with enough battery storage. My buddy's houseboat seems to run OK on solar only (janky system too!), so I'm sure it'd be possible.

But when you guys have PG&E the rolling blackouts, are you still able to pump gas?
Also, when they did not have power, I went over 1/2 a mile and filled up.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-18-2021, 12:33 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Budgets from the executive branch are just wish lists. Read your constitution, Delta. Congress has the power to tax and spend, not the executive.

So what about the first two years of the Trump admin, where R's had both chambers. Where was the fiscal restraint then? Why no debt ceiling brinkmanship?

(you know what makes an economy real hot? Cut taxes AND spend more. Just look at the trump economy for proof.)
No sh$t sherlock. that is what I just explained to you YET AGAIN. I have been explaining it to you bozos for years. The president does not do the budget congress does. So why are you blaming Trump yet again?

Far as I have ever seen then always made compromises and raised the ceiling no matter who was in charge. Still takes 60 votes to break a filibusterer. Does not matter who is in charge. It is a combined effort. Are you saying you are for Republican ideas? So what trinket are you after that allows you to come to the idea that dudes should look at your daughter in the locker room?
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-18-2021, 12:34 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Let me cover that by saying I’m 52 years old and have NEVER not been able to fill up due to a power outage. Not once and I put 25k-30k miles on every year.
Do you know how that works? Are there battery backups? Genny power? Haha or am I totally mistaken and it doesn't require electricity to pump gas into my car (gonna confess total ignorance about how a gas pump works!)?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-18-2021, 12:39 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Honest question, if the power is out do pumps at the gas station still work?
Actually honest question, what happens to your batteries if you are not using them? gas can stay effective for months if not years if you add additive. Can you simply charge your car for a week or week, not use it and then go drive it?
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-18-2021, 12:49 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
No sh$t sherlock. that is what I just explained to you YET AGAIN. I have been explaining it to you bozos for years. The president does not do the budget congress does. So why are you blaming Trump yet again?

Far as I have ever seen then always made compromises and raised the ceiling no matter who was in charge. Still takes 60 votes to break a filibusterer. Does not matter who is in charge. It is a combined effort. Are you saying you are for Republican ideas? So what trinket are you after that allows you to come to the idea that dudes should look at your daughter in the locker room?
Budget reconciliation, Delta -- that's how TCAJA got through with a bare majority in the Senate. It's more cumbersome, but certainly possible for one party to jam through spending bills with a bare majority. That's actually the process being used for the covid bill, so keep your eye on it.

What I'm really saying is that if it weren't for (silly) wedge social issues, there are many of us moderates who share concerns that republicans used to espouse (national debt / balanced budget). Consider whether the hermaphrodite in the locker room is actually the trinket that the GOP is trying to sell you (after they've already sold you the muslim ban, the wall, the immigrant caravan, and on and on).

Haha also consider whether the Apples, Facebooks, Googles, and Teslas of the world are "apparently" good corporate citizens while they continue to scrape and monetize everyone's data for their stockholders' profit. If they can keep the political class focused on whose speech is being curtailed or expanded, or whose message is being favored, or when a kid got a boner in the locker room, then the pols aren't looking at how big tech is fleecing all of us for our personal data.

Me personally, I've never been hired by a poor person, but I've never been hired by a rich one either. Rather some slightly older, marginally wealthier middle class cog in the big machine.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-18-2021, 12:50 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Budgets from the executive branch are just wish lists. Read your constitution, Delta. Congress has the power to tax and spend, not the executive.

So what about the first two years of the Trump admin, where R's had both chambers. Where was the fiscal restraint then? Why no debt ceiling brinkmanship?

(you know what makes an economy real hot? Cut taxes AND spend more. Just look at the trump economy for proof.)
Also, i don't get too caught up in budget BS. Trying to figure out when the debt is going to catch up to us. Been hearing it for 40 years. What seems to be a bigger driver is people not participating vs people participating. When you don't have participation, you have revolution. drugs is a means to non participation so I am against it for instance. Men ruining womens sports will kill women participation. I am against it.

The inverse is true. raise taxes will kill the economy. raising taxes and funneling money to anti American democrat operations will kill participation at home. I am against it.

According to everything I saw as a kid, quick sand was going to be a much bigger problem than it turned out to be.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-18-2021, 1:03 PM Reply   
So any tax going up by any amount will kill the economy? Are taxes exactly perfect now? If so, at what point should we reduce spending to match tax revenue?

I think you and AOC are kind of of the same mind re modern monetary theory... you just disagree about what we should spend the printed money on.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-18-2021, 1:08 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Budget reconciliation, Delta -- that's how TCAJA got through with a bare majority in the Senate. It's more cumbersome, but certainly possible for one party to jam through spending bills with a bare majority. That's actually the process being used for the covid bill, so keep your eye on it.

What I'm really saying is that if it weren't for (silly) wedge social issues, there are many of us moderates who share concerns that republicans used to espouse (national debt / balanced budget). Consider whether the hermaphrodite in the locker room is actually the trinket that the GOP is trying to sell you (after they've already sold you the muslim ban, the wall, the immigrant caravan, and on and on).

Haha also consider whether the Apples, Facebooks, Googles, and Teslas of the world are "apparently" good corporate citizens while they continue to scrape and monetize everyone's data for their stockholders' profit. If they can keep the political class focused on whose speech is being curtailed or expanded, or whose message is being favored, or when a kid got a boner in the locker room, then the pols aren't looking at how big tech is fleecing all of us for our personal data.

Me personally, I've never been hired by a poor person, but I've never been hired by a rich one either. Rather some slightly older, marginally wealthier middle class cog in the big machine.
The dude in the locker room is what Biden just sold us. It is against what that vast majority of sane people want from a government sanctioned right. How about this, instead of arguing and jumping through hoops to make yourself believe it, you stand up and tell your leaders to knock that crap off. You democrats are used to being fed narratives that you have bat around like a cat and roll of yarn to decided if you are going to push it all with the goal of destroying the nuclear family (you really should read your parties bible from Marx and Engels to find out why you are pushing these anti family ideas in your name).

You talk of silly wedge issues. We know to what end the democrats are pushing. So when you say Republicans are in lock step. Yes we are because it is easy as hell to see that what is being pushed and we know why. It immediately sends up a red flag. You just said muslim ban. Again a big lie and you are repeating it. It is a ban of countries that literally have supported Anti American ideas. Iran for one. You really want anti Americans settled in America? Well of course you do, your party is based on it so you label it muslim ban when there are dozens of muslim countries not on that ban. Another lie spouted off for politics that you just repeated as truth just because it was a simple yet affirming jingle for you.

As far as illegals. yes that is a big problem. It is a problem always from a epidemiology stand point, it is an issue where I as a kalifornia tax payer am requested to help come up with another 45 to 60 billion a year out of our collective taxes to pay for said illegals. To what end? So they can then either vote directly or have kids that vote for a party that is committed to destroy America's sovereignty. Not worth it from the tax situation and not worth it from the political standpoint. As people, Mexicans actually have more in common with mid west values (except that how old enough to bleed old enough to breed mindset).

So I reject the Republicans and these wedge issues debates. We just want to be left alone but you are always attacking to destroy America. If it is not one thing then it is racists because we don't see color. We are racists because we don't believe in special rights just equal rights. Where does it end for you guys? Just go back to your bible. If you believe that you have more in common than we think, then quit supporting these anti American ideas.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-18-2021, 1:10 PM Reply   
And yet... California is running a tax surplus this year, despite the crushing burden of "illegals"? How is that possible?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-18-2021, 1:14 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
So any tax going up by any amount will kill the economy? Are taxes exactly perfect now? If so, at what point should we reduce spending to match tax revenue?

I think you and AOC are kind of of the same mind re modern monetary theory... you just disagree about what we should spend the printed money on.
What is money right? It is a generic agreement between parties. No matter how good we did financially, if the world got off the US standard, we are screwed.

I want participation in the economy. We are trending with so much regulation that people cannot even begin to participate. Just look at the overpasses in all the big california cities and it will tell the tale. look at all the houses for rent. A single person can not afford to even rent an apartment.

you tell me. You are the one who made the claim that lowering taxes and spending will increase economic activity. I agree. The inverse then has to be true that raising taxes kills economy. You tell me if it is perfect? Much of it is simply agruing for the sake of arguing. If unemployment is low, then it must be just right. If inflation goes up, then it must be too little taxes. if unemployment is too high then it is too high. Regulation is also a tax in this discussion.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-18-2021, 1:20 PM Reply   
If you believe that you have more in common than we think, then quit supporting these anti American ideas.
It's the moderate *republicans* Delta with whom I share common ground, not the infowars/newsmax/drudge/trumpy nationalists (I know I know, you've never heard of those things and all of your ideas fall from the sky into your head right before Tucker and Hannity say them).
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-18-2021, 1:20 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
And yet... California is running a tax surplus this year, despite the crushing burden of "illegals"? How is that possible?
Mostly through a rise in soft goods like software and Hollywood. Very low business expenses yet extremely high rate of return per worker. Don't believe everything you are seeing. Just because the state has taxed the worker to death, does not mean we are healthy. The middle class is leaving hand over fist. Ever check the prices for U haul to leave California vs enter? Look under the over passes. You have the ability to have extremely well compensated people in mass numbers to pack up in office spaces or at home to make billions in revenues selling video games and movies. Tesla was basically given that space but at the end of the day much of California manufacturing is gone. The corporate farmers,fast food and construction who pay under the table is making out on illegals. They head home for half the year and live like kings in Mexico for much of the year. The rest of the people who are stuck having to deal with the regulations are moving and can not afford to get involved.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-18-2021, 1:26 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
It's the moderate *republicans* Delta with whom I share common ground, not the infowars/newsmax/drudge/trumpy nationalists (I know I know, you've never heard of those things and all of your ideas fall from the sky into your head right before Tucker and Hannity say them).
Don't watch those guys on a regular. I hear there stuff or read it from time to time. I am not glued. I am pretty sure you demcorats have watched them way more than I have. I have been talking about this stuff before Tucker was even a thing. Sometimes common sense is common sense. Much of it is simple contrast against the bible and watching/ reading history. Where do you think these guys get this stuff and why do you think it rings for a lot of people. They all see the same thing.

So what is it that is not moderate about Tucker or Hannity? Not sure they are the ones out there saying to get in politicians faces and not to let them eat in this town. Pretty sure I have not heard them once propose ideas that try and destroy American families. Pretty sure I have seen them propose pro American ideas. Not sure where they are radicals? I am sure they are if you listen to the race baiters and race hustlers or American last politicians.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-18-2021, 1:28 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
It's the moderate *republicans* Delta with whom I share common ground, not the infowars/newsmax/drudge/trumpy nationalists (I know I know, you've never heard of those things and all of your ideas fall from the sky into your head right before Tucker and Hannity say them).
Pretty sure that a democrat could not point out a moderate conservative. Everyone who is for gun rights, free speech, controlling our borders, strong military, equal rights and special rights is a radical to you. And not believing in giving up our rights to the promise that only the world government can save us from the weather if we only let them tell us how and live how they say (not how they live because there is not enough ivory towers)
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       02-18-2021, 1:28 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Do you know how that works? Are there battery backups? Genny power? Haha or am I totally mistaken and it doesn't require electricity to pump gas into my car (gonna confess total ignorance about how a gas pump works!)?
Lots of Fetzer valves involved. Highly technical. Too hard to explain.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-18-2021, 1:32 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
And yet... California is running a tax surplus this year, despite the crushing burden of "illegals"? How is that possible?
btw, when the software industry went belly up, California was in the red, red, red.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       02-18-2021, 1:34 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post

According to everything I saw as a kid, quick sand was going to be a much bigger problem than it turned out to be.
Okay that was friggin funny. Ain’t no one here near our age that can’t laugh at that one. Also brings back memories of the opening scenes of Blazing Saddles.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-18-2021, 1:36 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
And yet... California is running a tax surplus this year, despite the crushing burden of "illegals"? How is that possible?
Also with the "burden of illegals". Infrastructure can not handle it. Water shortages. housing shortages. Blocked freeways. People can not even get their kids into the schools in the neighborhood they live in. longer commute times. High housing prices. higher demand for fuel. Power grid. you simply drop off a few million people into 3 or 4 small areas and see what the does to your infrastructure when only a few types of people are profiting from it to boot.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-18-2021, 2:07 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Lots of Fetzer valves involved. Highly technical. Too hard to explain.
220/221, whatever it takes?
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-18-2021, 2:09 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Also with the "burden of illegals". Infrastructure can not handle it. Water shortages. housing shortages. Blocked freeways. People can not even get their kids into the schools in the neighborhood they live in. longer commute times. High housing prices. higher demand for fuel. Power grid. you simply drop off a few million people into 3 or 4 small areas and see what the does to your infrastructure when only a few types of people are profiting from it to boot.
You should write the governor and tell him that the tax surplus needs to be spent on infrastructure upgrades. Win (mo spending / mo economic activity / mo jobs) - win (better infrastructure)
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       02-18-2021, 2:23 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
220/221, whatever it takes?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       02-18-2021, 2:25 PM Reply   
[QUOTE=shawndoggy;2007154]You should write the governor and tell him that the tax surplus needs to be spent on infrastructure upgrades. Win (mo spending / mo economic activity / mo jobs) - win (better infrastructure)[/QUOTE
No. He should refund it to businesses who provide jobs. Hire more people win. Those people spend money win. Businesses stop leaving win.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       02-18-2021, 2:42 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Let me cover that by saying I’m 52 years old and have NEVER not been able to fill up due to a power outage. Not once and I put 25k-30k miles on every year.
The stations without power near me could not pump gas. The whole city of Galveston ran out of gas yesterday because only a few had power and they ran out of gas and diesel.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       02-18-2021, 5:35 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Actually honest question, what happens to your batteries if you are not using them? gas can stay effective for months if not years if you add additive. Can you simply charge your car for a week or week, not use it and then go drive it?
If you turn off cabin overheat protection and sentry modes you loose about 1% per week so yeah you can park up for a few months or so without considering anything to do with the battery
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-19-2021, 1:00 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by onlyinboards View Post
the only person who can truly deem if another person is credible is yourself. Obviously you are willing to believe an anti-vaxxer as being someone who has a very level headed and logical thought process, thereby making her a credible source for you.

In my opinion, anyone who believes the anti-vaxx hoax has about the same credibility as a flat-earther. When scientific facts can easily prove your beliefs as incorrect, you lose credibility with me. Not so much with you I guess, which is why I was wondering if you thought someone who believed the flat earth theory would be a credible source of info, just as you do an anti-vaxxer.

And as far as me being a dik, please go back through all these threads and see who does the name calling the most, who is the most childish replacing curse words with wake77, only referring to Dems as libtards.... yes, Mark, I am the dik.
So who’s credible now ? The dems who said stay locked in your basement and wouldn’t/still won’t allow businesses and schools in major cities to operate in order to sway an election and flatten the curve for 8 mos , or the right leaning states that did the best to balance their constituents constitutional rights and health ?

I’ll give you a hint. Look at the statistics and scientific data for your answer.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-19-2021, 1:03 AM Reply   
Love to hear our resident dems explain how this is proper. I didnt realize wake77 was such a huge basketball star making national headlines.congrats.

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Last edited by xstarrider; 02-19-2021 at 1:05 AM.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       02-19-2021, 1:16 AM Reply   
Can someone please pass the soap for my eyes?
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       02-19-2021, 4:33 AM Reply   
Cali at its finest. also funny how they "want to smoke POT" I guess pot is not a problem, lol based on your teachers.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-19-2021, 5:09 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Love to hear our resident dems explain how this is proper. I didnt realize wake77 was such a huge basketball star making national headlines.congrats.

Attachment 46232

Isn’t this Obama’s fault given that it happened in 2012? Seems like it’s a little late to complain?

Seems like a pretty long game just to get to play ladies community college ball?

If eight year old news stories are the biggest challenge facing America right now, I’d say things must be going pretty well.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       02-19-2021, 5:44 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Isn’t this Obama’s fault given that it happened in 2012? Seems like it’s a little late to complain?

Seems like a pretty long game just to get to play ladies community college ball?

If eight year old news stories are the biggest challenge facing America right now, I’d say things must be going pretty well.
you are correct, it was shameful and ignorant and disgusting when Obama/ left allowed this sham to happen. So its not new, its been going on for awhile and these types of policies are examples of poor decision making from the left.

On a side note. I am sure the kids think its funny and sad at the same time. They also prob feel terrible for the SHIM that has this "need" to join a girls community college basketball team. He has a lot going on and needs help
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       02-19-2021, 6:46 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Cali at its finest. also funny how they "want to smoke POT" I guess pot is not a problem, lol based on your teachers.
Yep and these are the “Creme de la Creme” of public school teachers. The evil libtards that want to keep indoctrinating kids with all kinds of bad stuff. My tax dollars pay for that ish. Disgusting.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-19-2021, 9:04 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Cali at its finest. also funny how they "want to smoke POT" I guess pot is not a problem, lol based on your teachers.
Only cuz it's legal tho. If weed were illegal those parents who are smoking weed all day would be busy in bible study.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-19-2021, 9:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Yep and these are the “Creme de la Creme” of public school teachers. The evil libtards that want to keep indoctrinating kids with all kinds of bad stuff. My tax dollars pay for that ish. Disgusting.
Isn't the Delta Trump country? I'd have figured the school board in Oakley would be pretty conservative.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-19-2021, 9:36 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Isn't the Delta Trump country? I'd have figured the school board in Oakley would be pretty conservative.
Oakley is liberal as heck. Part of the same county that attaches to the bay. Many SF workers.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-19-2021, 10:04 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
you are correct, it was shameful and ignorant and disgusting when Obama/ left allowed this sham to happen. So its not new, its been going on for awhile and these types of policies are examples of poor decision making from the left.

On a side note. I am sure the kids think its funny and sad at the same time. They also prob feel terrible for the SHIM that has this "need" to join a girls community college basketball team. He has a lot going on and needs help
Maybe listen to the "real" girls on the team and see what they think about their teammate. They dont think its sad or funny. Seems they all like her and said, if she doesnt play, we dont play. Where's the problem?
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-19-2021, 10:06 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Maybe listen to the "real" girls on the team and see what they think about their teammate. They dont think its sad or funny. Seems they all like her and said, if she doesnt play, we dont play. Where's the problem?

To be fair it’s probably the opponents’ teams whose opinion was more important.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-19-2021, 10:13 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Isn't the Delta Trump country? I'd have figured the school board in Oakley would be pretty conservative.
Oakley actually is a high tax town. Prices for Oakley houses are cheaper than Brentwood even if they are on the same street (which they are on Neroly Rd)
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-19-2021, 10:15 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Yep and these are the “Creme de la Creme” of public school teachers. The evil libtards that want to keep indoctrinating kids with all kinds of bad stuff. My tax dollars pay for that ish. Disgusting.
My taxes literally are paying for that ish...
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-19-2021, 10:17 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Isn’t this Obama’s fault given that it happened in 2012? Seems like it’s a little late to complain?

Seems like a pretty long game just to get to play ladies community college ball?

If eight year old news stories are the biggest challenge facing America right now, I’d say things must be going pretty well.
except it is just an example of Biden's first priorities as president. This was what he addressed. With everything going on in the world. he chose to address this and paying for abortion around the world.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       02-19-2021, 10:29 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Maybe listen to the "real" girls on the team and see what they think about their teammate. They dont think its sad or funny. Seems they all like her and said, if she doesnt play, we dont play. Where's the problem?
Wow that’s sick that they’re cool with an unfair advantage of having a dude on the team. Looks like the whole team is/was just as mentally ill as the tranny. That culture rot is what public school teaches. Doesn’t matter if you call him she or her. It’s still a dude.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-19-2021, 10:59 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
To be fair it’s probably the opponents’ teams whose opinion was more important.
Point taken.
The far right anti freedom type likes to constantly bring up the shower non-issue. So as far as the other team... Do they force the teams to shower together after the game?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-19-2021, 11:03 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
except it is just an example of Biden's first priorities as president. This was what he addressed. With everything going on in the world. he chose to address this and paying for abortion around the world.
Its only a topic because just like a crappy wife, they always bring up old chit time and time again.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-19-2021, 11:06 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Isn’t this Obama’s fault given that it happened in 2012? Seems like it’s a little late to complain?

Seems like a pretty long game just to get to play ladies community college ball?

If eight year old news stories are the biggest challenge facing America right now, I’d say things must be going pretty well.
The age of the story is precisely relevant because Biden’s policies will make/bring back this as the norm. It’s a perfect example of the lunacy that will occur. So you’re ok with it , because it’s simply “college ball”? U
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-19-2021, 11:27 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
The age of the story is precisely relevant because Biden’s policies will make/bring back this as the norm. It’s a perfect example of the lunacy that will occur. So you’re ok with it , because it’s simply “college ball”? U

I feel like there is a lot missing in your meme.

This isn’t a d1 or D2 problem because there are age eligibility issues. I mean the fact that you need to cite a story from nine years ago at a Bay Area JC shows just how not prevalent this non-problem is.

When there’s a tranny playing for the UConn women’s team get back to us?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-19-2021, 11:28 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
The age of the story is precisely relevant because Biden’s policies will make/bring back this as the norm. It’s a perfect example of the lunacy that will occur. So you’re ok with it , because it’s simply “college ball”? U
No, its ok because i dont care, do you? Biden, trump, makes no difference who is in office. People gonna do there thing, be who they are. Im not the judge in regards to sexual preference, nor are you.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       02-19-2021, 11:43 AM Reply   
Its not about sexual preference. Its about unfair advantage. I thought libs wanted everyone to be equal?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-19-2021, 11:51 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
I feel like there is a lot missing in your meme.

This isn’t a d1 or D2 problem because there are age eligibility issues. I mean the fact that you need to cite a story from nine years ago at a Bay Area JC shows just how not prevalent this non-problem is.

When there’s a tranny playing for the UConn women’s team get back to us?
Obviously it is prevalent if this is one of THE very first things a sitting US President Addresses.

To Do list:

1) Pay for killing other countries babies
2) Make sure dudes can go in womens locker rooms
3) impeach Trump again
4) Take terror ratings away from Iran backed militias
5) Give Iran buckets of money
6) COVID (let the public know that they really are on their own even though I promised to fix it ASAP)
7) Open borders to millions of illegals because.....COVID but really need those democrat votes because actual Americans are on to us
8) Share America's wealth
9) Shut down American jobs
10) play it again
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-19-2021, 11:53 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
I feel like there is a lot missing in your meme.

This isn’t a d1 or D2 problem because there are age eligibility issues. I mean the fact that you need to cite a story from nine years ago at a Bay Area JC shows just how not prevalent this non-problem is.

When there’s a tranny playing for the UConn women’s team get back to us?
So only D1 players matter? Kind of elitist of you.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-19-2021, 12:19 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
So only D1 players matter? Kind of elitist of you.
Isn't that your argument? That so so male athletes are going to undergo sex change procedures in order to be eligible to become elite female athletes?

Are you really worried that a bunch of 50 something dudes are going to get sex changes to fulfill their dreams of playing community college sports? I think you are overstating the allure of the community college athlete credential. At least that's what the facts would apparently say since you have to go into the nine-years-ago time machine to prove up this horrible trend.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-19-2021, 12:28 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
Its not about sexual preference. Its about unfair advantage. I thought libs wanted everyone to be equal?
Sorry, my bad. Youre right.
All i heard was "but they are gonna be in the showers with your daughter".
Id say the other team is equally powered to recruit and get their own ringer....but that would just be argumentative. I dont have an answer to be inclusive to all other than to let them be and have the leagues figure it out. I dont think the prez needs to weigh in.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-19-2021, 12:32 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Obviously it is prevalent if this is one of THE very first things a sitting US President Addresses.

To Do list:

1) Pay for killing other countries babies
2) Make sure dudes can go in womens locker rooms
3) impeach Trump again
4) Take terror ratings away from Iran backed militias
5) Give Iran buckets of money
6) COVID (let the public know that they really are on their own even though I promised to fix it ASAP)
7) Open borders to millions of illegals because.....COVID but really need those democrat votes because actual Americans are on to us
8) Share America's wealth
9) Shut down American jobs
10) play it again
Wheres this list from FOX? Tell me about Bidens role in trumps impeachment. When did he cash out Iran? Your whole list is comedy.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-19-2021, 1:26 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Its only a topic because just like a crappy wife, they always bring up old chit time and time again.
It’s a topic because Biden made it one. So you’re ok with 13yr old boys showing amd changing with 13yr old girls. 16 yr olds ? 19yr olds ? You’re ok with a tranny being eligible to steal a scholarship and a world record away from a true female athlete ?

Would this exapme be similar to numerous the Trump examples you brought up and wanted to hammer home that were 15 -20 plus years old in the Trump thread ? Just curious. Your hypocrisy is on full display these days with the junk your spewing. I thought you talked out in Trump thread after getting woke with facts 10times over, but now you’ve tripled up on stupidity and hypocrisy. You make this way too easy.

Here we have a prime example of the idiocy and mentally retarded mind of the left. These examples happened years prior.........were the talk of the nation back then and a huge majority of America spoke out against it due to all the negative effects it had. Now Biden has gone full retard and jumped back into it ramming it down everyone’s throats. The mistakes of the past are very proper to point out.

SHAWDOGGY. It’s even more relevant now than it was back then because Biden was the VP and saw first hand how a majority of America rejected the policy. It’s a shame your focus is more so on the date of the subject ( which I knew and specifically hand picked )
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-19-2021, 1:34 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
No, its ok because i dont care, do you? Biden, trump, makes no difference who is in office. People gonna do there thing, be who they are. Im not the judge in regards to sexual preference, nor are you.
There are qualifications and rules in place. There are actual gender based sports , you seem to want to just pretend that side doesn’t exist in your responses . A transgender athlete has all the right to be who they want to be , live how they want to live. They don’t have the right to defy logic and science because of their mental challenge and feelings. Whether they choose to be called Dani instead of Dan the fact doest change their body chemicals and scientific fact based arguments for gender specific sports are plain and simple.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-19-2021, 1:47 PM Reply   
Given how fired up you guys are I just thought that there would be a story about things happening now, not a story from 9 years ago is all. I’m sure when the waterfall of middle aged dudes making their local rec league ladies all star teams starts crashing down you guys will be back to rub my face in it.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-19-2021, 1:56 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Isn't that your argument? That so so male athletes are going to undergo sex change procedures in order to be eligible to become elite female athletes?

Are you really worried that a bunch of 50 something dudes are going to get sex changes to fulfill their dreams of playing community college sports? I think you are overstating the allure of the community college athlete credential. At least that's what the facts would apparently say since you have to go into the nine-years-ago time machine to prove up this horrible trend.
How about the CURRENT male now female MMA fighter that literally is cracking the sculls of women fighters?

How about they have to be allowed in my daughters bathroom as a matter of law? We did not make it a thing. You made it a thing. THese are the people you hitched your wagon to to get your other American last policies working
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-19-2021, 1:59 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Given how fired up you guys are I just thought that there would be a story about things happening now, not a story from 9 years ago is all. I’m sure when the waterfall of middle aged dudes making their local rec league ladies all star teams starts crashing down you guys will be back to rub my face in it.
Your president signed the law now. How about that. You made it a thing not the sane people
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-19-2021, 2:51 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
How about the CURRENT male now female MMA fighter that literally is cracking the sculls of women fighters?

How about they have to be allowed in my daughters bathroom as a matter of law? We did not make it a thing. You made it a thing. THese are the people you hitched your wagon to to get your other American last policies working
Contact Dana White ASAP, isnt he in charge of the rules? I dont think Biden can change NBA, NFL, D1, D2, or any other sports bodies rules. Not sure why this is such a big issue for the gay guys on the right. Do you think you will change anyone?
Does anyone remember LOLA, Ray Davies and the Kinks were singing about this in 1970. How many Republicans have been caught lying about their sexuality? You can sweep it behind the back wall all you want, its not going away. There is no conversion therapy that changes anything. Learn to live with all people or grow old and angry and hate the world. Hmmm, tough decision.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       02-19-2021, 3:23 PM Reply   
Eh, who cares, women sport is a yawn fest anyway, if women aren't going to make an issue of it it's hard for me to care about it. But for the record Trans women can't compete with natural women with the sport having any credibility. They either need their own division or compete with the men imo.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-19-2021, 4:08 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Your president signed the law now. How about that. You made it a thing not the sane people
and by law you mean not a law, right? because laws are passed by congress, which, as a strict constructionist of the constitution, you know.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-19-2021, 4:13 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
How about the CURRENT male now female MMA fighter that literally is cracking the sculls of women fighters?

How about they have to be allowed in my daughters bathroom as a matter of law? We did not make it a thing. You made it a thing. THese are the people you hitched your wagon to to get your other American last policies working
What do you guys think that women are doing in the bathroom that is convincing so many men to go trans?

I mean I've only cleaned them (as part of a job) in a time long long ago, but women DESTROY a bathroom, to an appalling degree. Any man who thinks that he will get his jollies from what goes down in a ladies room ain't never been in one.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-19-2021, 5:10 PM Reply   
Woman's restrooms are always dirtier than the men's restroom, 100%.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-19-2021, 9:26 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
What do you guys think that women are doing in the bathroom that is convincing so many men to go trans?

I mean I've only cleaned them (as part of a job) in a time long long ago, but women DESTROY a bathroom, to an appalling degree. Any man who thinks that he will get his jollies from what goes down in a ladies room ain't never been in one.
That right there is funny chit!
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-19-2021, 9:29 PM Reply   
Ahh the President of Law and Order , the President of condemning all those groups assaulting the Nation. Oh what’s that , he won’t condemn Antifa or BLM for their destruction ????? Where is the news media drilling him?? Just a little hint of Joey B’s history and attachment to the KKK in there. Are we woke yet for a terrorist in chief? I remember the news media reel on repeat when Trunp made an off beat comment on the military service members that was taken completely out of context. Here we have the entire context from Joe and barely a blip .

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Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-20-2021, 12:01 AM Reply   
How about these cold hard facts. No data on how many people have gone through with it. Those lockdowns sure are working to keep America safe

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Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-20-2021, 12:44 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Given how fired up you guys are I just thought that there would be a story about things happening now, not a story from 9 years ago is all. I’m sure when the waterfall of middle aged dudes making their local rec league ladies all star teams starts crashing down you guys will be back to rub my face in it.
I could litter this page with a bunch of youth and college sport Tranny articles happening right now. The fact you want to focus on things so narrowly really shows how out of touch with reality you actually are on this subject. When you start bending the rules at the top it trickles down. We can argue all day about adult “gender specific” rec leagues and the ramnifications it has or doesn’t. The fact is this all carries to youth and top tier competitive sports

So let’s have it , do you agree a 16 yr old boy should be allowed to run track against 16 yr old girl competing for records and national titles simply because he wears a dress all day ? Do you believe a 16 yr old boy should compete in a top tier girls high school golf league and be eligible for a female scholarship ? Do you believe an 18yr old boy should be allowed to play women’s high school hockey and compete against a female athlete for scholarships ? Do you believe an 17yr old boy should be changing and showering in the same lockeroom as your 17 yr old daughter ? Do you believe a boy dressed as a girl is genetically a girl ?

I can tell you what every scientist and genetics expert thinks. Ther is a reason HGH is illegal I pro and college sports. It gives males against males an unfair advantage. Same as pitting a male with large amounts of testosterone against a female athlete without it. I’ll be sure to send the next 6ft 5 230lb tranny I encounter to the women’s lockeroom where your 14 ye old daughter changes while she works out at the gym. Don’t worry he’ll just be strutting around naked or in a bra and panties. I am sure you’d be ok with that too right?

The answer is simple. You are mandated to play in the league of you physical scientific gender. End of story you don’t get to play bass on your “ feelings”

I have zero issue with a boy showing up in a dress with pink unicorns playing in an all boys team. Gay and lesbian athletes have been doing it for years. No issues whatsoever . No unfair advantage , everyone live happily ever after.

Why is that so wrong to be the norm?
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       02-20-2021, 5:27 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
No, its ok because i dont care, do you? Biden, trump, makes no difference who is in office. People gonna do there thing, be who they are. Im not the judge in regards to sexual preference, nor are you.
OMG, ignore the "she he issue" its taking advantage of a situation that we all can agree is sad. Sad for the person who is trapped in a body they dont want and trapped in a mental disorder that tortures them for life. Then add insult to injury, they make poor decisions, that may hurt others, to solidify their feelings without thinking of those who they affect.

For example. WOMEN and their rights to have fair and balanced equality. Something WE all should be fighting for and aiding in keeping. This is a true slap in the face of women rights, as they fought to have womens sports and a place for women to grow in athletics.

IF this is the new norm, then an adult can go play against children as long as they "feel like a child" No difference. NONE! HE feels like a women, thats it, he is not! This is the absolute stupidity at the highest level.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-22-2021, 6:43 PM Reply   
More leftist idiocy on full display. Oh that social justice movement of defund the police they campaigned on and fully support.

More walkbacks post election.

Fist Minneapolis crying the need more police and spending 7 mil on recruitment after realizing the police actual prevent violence. Now we have the New York idiots rethink king no bail policies because violent criminals are committing more violence while waking free with violent felonies pending. Man who could’ve predicted these results ?

Meanwhile Illinois is tripling down on bad policy during record violence

The party of America’s law amd order continues to shine.
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       02-23-2021, 8:29 AM Reply   
from what I'm reading, the Biden/Pelosi stimulus package includes aid to restaurants. At first glance, I was a bit excited about this. My staff could use some assistance. The Covid has forced one of our locations to close.
After reading some of the limited information out there, I have discovered that this might only be for minority owned businesses.

If true, this is absolute horse ****!

Why do the dems insist on making all things about race!

Can the left leaning members on this site please explain to me why a minority owner of, say a Subway shop, get relief, while a white owner of a Subway shop wouldn't

absolute crap

I have sooooo much more to say, but I will stop there

thanks for your polite, non name calling response
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-23-2021, 9:20 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
and by law you mean not a law, right? because laws are passed by congress, which, as a strict constructionist of the constitution, you know.
So are you saying that Bidens proclamations hold no weight? or are you saying that you hope the Republicans bail out your crazy party so you can have your trinket yet not go completely over to the insane side.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-23-2021, 9:26 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Ahh the President of Law and Order , the President of condemning all those groups assaulting the Nation. Oh what’s that , he won’t condemn Antifa or BLM for their destruction ????? Where is the news media drilling him?? Just a little hint of Joey B’s history and attachment to the KKK in there. Are we woke yet for a terrorist in chief? I remember the news media reel on repeat when Trunp made an off beat comment on the military service members that was taken completely out of context. Here we have the entire context from Joe and barely a blip .

Attachment 46233
Wow. Just like when obama was in office. Purge and conservatives out of leadership. Demcorats are a danger to our freedoms.

Makes you wonder why the democrats are keeping the military in Washington? Don't hear much about that from our little democrats on here. Why do they need troops in Washington still? Conspiracy thoughts would be they are going to try and push some really messed up gun grabbing legislation soon and ironically need guns to keep them safe. Could be wrong, but people usually don't keep standing armies around to protect them if they are actually doing the will of the people.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-23-2021, 9:28 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ord27 View Post
from what I'm reading, the Biden/Pelosi stimulus package includes aid to restaurants. At first glance, I was a bit excited about this. My staff could use some assistance. The Covid has forced one of our locations to close.
After reading some of the limited information out there, I have discovered that this might only be for minority owned businesses.

If true, this is absolute horse ****!

Why do the dems insist on making all things about race!

Can the left leaning members on this site please explain to me why a minority owner of, say a Subway shop, get relief, while a white owner of a Subway shop wouldn't

absolute crap

I have sooooo much more to say, but I will stop there

thanks for your polite, non name calling response
That does not surprise me. kali is giving stimulus checks to illegals. Upside down world we live in.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-23-2021, 9:49 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Wow. Just like when obama was in office. Purge and conservatives out of leadership. Demcorats are a danger to our freedoms.

Makes you wonder why the democrats are keeping the military in Washington? Don't hear much about that from our little democrats on here. Why do they need troops in Washington still? Conspiracy thoughts would be they are going to try and push some really messed up gun grabbing legislation soon and ironically need guns to keep them safe. Could be wrong, but people usually don't keep standing armies around to protect them if they are actually doing the will of the people.
Military is in DC because of Trumps inauguration on March 4, just ask Q. If you question that, just google "March 4", tell me the top results.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-23-2021, 9:49 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ord27 View Post
If true, this is absolute horse ****!
Can you share a link to what you are reading?
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-23-2021, 9:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
So are you saying that Bidens proclamations hold no weight? or are you saying that you hope the Republicans bail out your crazy party so you can have your trinket yet not go completely over to the insane side.
I'm saying that words matter and executive orders are not laws, any more than senate rules are part of the constitution. Do they have an effect? Of course. But saying that Biden "signed a law" is incorrect. Laws take an act of congress to change, exec orders don't. Exec orders are subject to and must not violate laws, in the same way that laws are subject to and must not violate the constitution.

I'm surprised that you weren't taught this in high school, TBH.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-23-2021, 11:15 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
I'm saying that words matter and executive orders are not laws, any more than senate rules are part of the constitution. Do they have an effect? Of course. But saying that Biden "signed a law" is incorrect. Laws take an act of congress to change, exec orders don't. Exec orders are subject to and must not violate laws, in the same way that laws are subject to and must not violate the constitution.

I'm surprised that you weren't taught this in high school, TBH.
Then why were you guys freaking over Trumps executive orders?

Again, you are playing legalism. Just like the election where you guys cheated the system and then tried to tell people they were not cheated "legally".

These orders are binding and while they do not technically violate law, they are policy directions and are directly actionable until someone proves they are illegal.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-23-2021, 11:46 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Then why were you guys freaking over Trumps executive orders?

Again, you are playing legalism. Just like the election where you guys cheated the system and then tried to tell people they were not cheated "legally".

These orders are binding and while they do not technically violate law, they are policy directions and are directly actionable until someone proves they are illegal.
Because I didn't like the policies reflected by Trump's executive orders!

But I never confused his executive orders with laws. I'm surprised that you do.

The back and forth orders exec orders (Trump undoing Obama's, Biden undoing Trump's) are reflective of abdication by Congress of its role as a legislative body... Congress SHOULD be making laws addressing these issues, but everyone is so afraid of giving the other guy a win that Congress is basically permanently paralyzed (at least as long as the filibuster rule remains), so the executive has to make limited and easily reversed policy by executive order.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-23-2021, 9:19 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ord27 View Post
from what I'm reading, the Biden/Pelosi stimulus package includes aid to restaurants. At first glance, I was a bit excited about this. My staff could use some assistance. The Covid has forced one of our locations to close.
After reading some of the limited information out there, I have discovered that this might only be for minority owned businesses.

If true, this is absolute horse ****!

Why do the dems insist on making all things about race!

Can the left leaning members on this site please explain to me why a minority owner of, say a Subway shop, get relief, while a white owner of a Subway shop wouldn't

absolute crap

I have sooooo much more to say, but I will stop there

thanks for your polite, non name calling response
I’ll do you one even better for our Democratic cesspool. I mentioned it before, but as usual got zero response like the rest of the data /facts posted in this thread proving the views of our communist in chief, JB, putting policies in place and supporting ideology to destroy our nation. Suspiciously absent from the Biden thread are all the comments and factual data supporting JB’s and the data proving the rights claims false. The partial small business stimulus plan , already received in Illinois , was offset by our fat ass Governor and thieving Mayor of Chicago. While the money was slated for small business, they decided to raise takes on those small businesses eligible for aide in order to back door that money straight into their coffers. Yes you read that right.........they literally signed and passed a bill that will force small business to pay what they get in stimulus right back to the city and state . They also diverted portions of the funds based on minority based businesses in certain designated areas .......those designated minority based business areas received double and in some cases triple/quadruple than other areas simple based on race , not economic impact. The way it was allocated is literally one of the most racist ideologies used to date.........yet crickets about its dissemination anywhere.

People’s eyes are being opened to the actual goal of the current left and the road they are traveling down. Lots of moderate democrats are having the mask their party put on their face for 8 months removed , and are in dismay of what’s actually transpiring as opposed to what they were being led to vote for. It’s scary what is transpiring. It’s about as anti- America as is gets. Yet we continue to get no responses from our resident lefty’s here showing these policies are best for America. They’re literally ignore it because they now there is no sane /valid response.
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       02-23-2021, 9:33 PM Reply   
yea, walls don't work. That's crazy
Attached Images
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-23-2021, 9:40 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ord27 View Post
yea, walls don't work. That's crazy
The sad part is , those walls are precisely what the left wants around their Capitol , to keep citizens out and them safe from any recourse for their actions.

Ahhhh the hypocrisy on full display again. Walls good for us , but not good for America.

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