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Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-12-2022, 9:03 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Headline reading? Read this.
Hello, Source of claims in writing.
Last week, The Republican National Committee claimed that the increased budget and its subsequent recruitment of nearly 87,000 IRS workers would lead to “poorer” Americans and small businesses being targeted with audits.

Facts from IRS
The IRS says the $80 billion boost will go towards operational upgrades, customer service updates, systems modernization, and “increased enforcement.” According to IRS Commissioner, Charles P. Rettig, the IRS will not increase the number of audits being performed on households earning less than $400,000.
More facts
“These resources are absolutely not about increasing audit scrutiny on small businesses or middle-income Americans,” Rettig wrote in a letter to Congress. “As we have been planning, our investment of these enforcement resources is designed around Treasury’s directive that audit rates will not rise relative to recent years for households making under $400,000.”

Additionally, the IRS will not be hiring 87,000 auditors as it has been suggested by the RNC and Republican lawmakers. Furthermore, the new hires will be spaced out over the course of 10 years.

The 87,000 new hires are expected to replace staff members who plan to leave within the next five years as more than half of those employed by the IRS are eligible for retirement, Time reported. According to a Treasury Department official, part of the increased budget will not only be used to hire auditors. The agency plans to hire new IT technicians and taxpayer support staff as well.
You still reading??
The 2021 analysis from the Congressional Budget Office was not included with full context on the RNC site. While the CBO did estimate that audit rates would rise for all taxpayers, it also concluded that high-income taxpayers would ultimately bear the brunt of IRS enforcement.

“The proposal, by contrast, would return audit rates to the levels of about 10 years ago; the rate would rise for all taxpayers, but higher-income taxpayers would face the largest increase,” the CBO stated.

“In addition, the Administration’s policies would focus additional IRS resources on enforcement activity aimed at high-wealth taxpayers, large corporations, and partnerships. CBO estimates that if the proposals were enacted, tax compliance would be improved, and more households would meet their obligation under the law.”

Additionally, Rettig suggested last week that the RNC’s claims are unsubstantiated and insisted that strengthening the IRS will lead to more consistent tax law compliance from high-income taxpayers.

“Large corporate and high-net-worth taxpayers often engage teams of sophisticated representatives pursuing unsettled or sometimes questionable interpretations of tax law,” Rettig stated in his letter to Congress.

“The integrity and fairness of our tax administrative system relies upon the ability of our agency to maintain a strong, visible, robust enforcement presence directed to these and other similarly situated non-compliant taxpayers.”

Enough yet? Is the IRS going to be bigger than the Marines?? Are they going to attack low income earners? So, you have a problem arming IRS agents but its totally cool for every 18 year old in the country has a God Given Right to Own half a dozen AR-15's?? Stop it clown.
You don't need to budget for 87,000 new employees if many are leaving . You simply take the money from the ones leaving and give it to the ones replacement them. Not like they all leave at once.

I Trust 18 year olds with Ar before I trust an organization that is supposed to be paper pushers running around with a legal authority to kill you. Yes.

And here is it right in your own Fing quote "While the CBO did estimate that audit rates would rise for all taxpayers, it also concluded that high-income taxpayers would ultimately bear the brunt of IRS enforcement."

Well no $hit Sherlock. And how does one automatically believe that high income taxpayers will get the brunt? They have the lawyers and accountants. They do this every year for sport. That is literally their job is to find loop holes and fight with the IRS. They do it every year now. You know who does not? The middle class and small business. They will simply be steam rolled.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-12-2022, 9:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
There is no wealth tax, thats a problem.
· A tax of 1 percent on wealth of $20 million ($40 million for joint filers) to $100 million and 2 percent on wealth in excess of $100 million would raise about $1.6 trillion over the decade.

Ive been audited. I brought in my stuff and we agreed on filing numbers, parted as friends, no penalty, no issue.
Yep. I am sure it would. However wealth is paper gains and not realized. It is also the basis for every retirement plan. You are not going to get it. The talking point is a useless one. Once they exercise their gains, they get taxed. The system works. I am sure it could be better but as long as politicians have been blaming rich people for things, they certainly all invested heavily in becoming a rich person. Enter poor. Walk out of congress worth 8 figures on a 150k job.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-12-2022, 10:29 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
You don't need to budget for 87,000 new employees if many are leaving . You simply take the money from the ones leaving and give it to the ones replacement them. Not like they all leave at once.

I Trust 18 year olds with Ar before I trust an organization that is supposed to be paper pushers running around with a legal authority to kill you. Yes.

And here is it right in your own Fing quote "While the CBO did estimate that audit rates would rise for all taxpayers, it also concluded that high-income taxpayers would ultimately bear the brunt of IRS enforcement."

Well no $hit Sherlock. And how does one automatically believe that high income taxpayers will get the brunt? They have the lawyers and accountants. They do this every year for sport. That is literally their job is to find loop holes and fight with the IRS. They do it every year now. You know who does not? The middle class and small business. They will simply be steam rolled.
The IRS is at a low in hiring for the last 10 years. Its WHY they bumped $$ to them. Its an investment which will return 10 times the $$. Seems really smart. The RNC is full of feces with their scare tactics, just like they always are.
You are nutz if you trust 18 yr olds more than trained agents as the last couple months 3 of them shot over 30 people dead. Clueless.
The goal is to increase tax revenues, or more correctly to collect the actual taxes owed already... to do that all people need to pay their fair share. No one is increasing taxes on typical Americans.
Thus, more funding to eliminate the advantage the rich have (they can pay for accountants/attys).
You can read and comprehend, right? No one plans on steamrolling typical Americans, you are just listening to the lying and hyping source (GOP) instead of the actual IRS and what they plan to do. Stop being so manipulated against your own best interests. Stop being an unpaid pawn.
The IRS plan: “Specifically, I direct that any additional resources—including any new personnel or auditors that are hired—shall not be used to increase the share of small business or households below the $400,000 threshold that are audited relative to historical levels,” Yellen wrote. “This means that, contrary to the misinformation from opponents of this legislation, small business or households earning $400,000 per year or less will not see an increase in the chances that they are audited.”

Instead, Yellen says that additional enforcement capabilities will focus on “high-end noncompliance,” which requires far more time and attention than that given to typical middle- and working-class tax returns. “This is challenging work that requires a team of sophisticated revenue agents in place to spend thousands of hours poring over complicated returns, and it is also work that has huge revenue potential: indeed, an additional hour auditing someone making more than $5 million annually generates an estimated $4,500 of additional taxes collected,” she wrote.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-12-2022, 1:04 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
The IRS is at a low in hiring for the last 10 years. Its WHY they bumped $$ to them. Its an investment which will return 10 times the $$. Seems really smart. The RNC is full of feces with their scare tactics, just like they always are.
You are nutz if you trust 18 yr olds more than trained agents as the last couple months 3 of them shot over 30 people dead. Clueless.
The goal is to increase tax revenues, or more correctly to collect the actual taxes owed already... to do that all people need to pay their fair share. No one is increasing taxes on typical Americans.
Thus, more funding to eliminate the advantage the rich have (they can pay for accountants/attys).
You can read and comprehend, right? No one plans on steamrolling typical Americans, you are just listening to the lying and hyping source (GOP) instead of the actual IRS and what they plan to do. Stop being so manipulated against your own best interests. Stop being an unpaid pawn.
The IRS plan: “Specifically, I direct that any additional resources—including any new personnel or auditors that are hired—shall not be used to increase the share of small business or households below the $400,000 threshold that are audited relative to historical levels,” Yellen wrote. “This means that, contrary to the misinformation from opponents of this legislation, small business or households earning $400,000 per year or less will not see an increase in the chances that they are audited.”

Instead, Yellen says that additional enforcement capabilities will focus on “high-end noncompliance,” which requires far more time and attention than that given to typical middle- and working-class tax returns. “This is challenging work that requires a team of sophisticated revenue agents in place to spend thousands of hours poring over complicated returns, and it is also work that has huge revenue potential: indeed, an additional hour auditing someone making more than $5 million annually generates an estimated $4,500 of additional taxes collected,” she wrote.
I call BS on that $10 business. My hunch is someone is feeding you that number based on the amount of taxes collected in general vs the budget of the IRS and calling it a $10 for every $1 spent on the IRS. 87000 employee. Minimum will cost $200000 a year in salary, benefits and overhead. That is $17.4 billion a year in just the extra people. So you are saying that these people are going to generate an additional $174 billion a year in revenue just by them being there?

They are adding 1 agent for every 3793 man, woman or child (330million people). For you democrats it means 1 agent for every 3793 Its. Children do not have jobs. Lop off 1/3 of the population for those under 20. That is 220,000 people eligible to work. certain amount retired. call it 10% round it to 200 million workers. We know that 47% of the people do not pay federal income taxes so why bother. That leaves 106 million workers they can harass. That is one agent for every 1218 workers they are hiring in addition to the 90,000 they already have. Lets just say 150,000 total will be in the actual audit business of the roughly 180,000 agents they want. That leaves 1 agent for every 706 people that pay taxes to the feds. You mean to tell me that with that many agents to actual tax paying workers they are only going to look at rich people? You own link and quote called BS on you. The IRS website called BS on you. People like you are happy to have the feds corner people and hope you don't happen to misremember something. Good thing you are not a Republican. Turns out if a Republican misremembers something they get 30 agents with guns drawn at airports where they get leg irons and cnn cameras. Maybe you will get lucky and only get the cuffs with no reporters.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-12-2022, 1:08 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
The IRS is at a low in hiring for the last 10 years. Its WHY they bumped $$ to them. Its an investment which will return 10 times the $$. Seems really smart. The RNC is full of feces with their scare tactics, just like they always are.
You are nutz if you trust 18 yr olds more than trained agents as the last couple months 3 of them shot over 30 people dead. Clueless.
The goal is to increase tax revenues, or more correctly to collect the actual taxes owed already... to do that all people need to pay their fair share. No one is increasing taxes on typical Americans.
Thus, more funding to eliminate the advantage the rich have (they can pay for accountants/attys).
You can read and comprehend, right? No one plans on steamrolling typical Americans, you are just listening to the lying and hyping source (GOP) instead of the actual IRS and what they plan to do. Stop being so manipulated against your own best interests. Stop being an unpaid pawn.
The IRS plan: “Specifically, I direct that any additional resources—including any new personnel or auditors that are hired—shall not be used to increase the share of small business or households below the $400,000 threshold that are audited relative to historical levels,” Yellen wrote. “This means that, contrary to the misinformation from opponents of this legislation, small business or households earning $400,000 per year or less will not see an increase in the chances that they are audited.”

Instead, Yellen says that additional enforcement capabilities will focus on “high-end noncompliance,” which requires far more time and attention than that given to typical middle- and working-class tax returns. “This is challenging work that requires a team of sophisticated revenue agents in place to spend thousands of hours poring over complicated returns, and it is also work that has huge revenue potential: indeed, an additional hour auditing someone making more than $5 million annually generates an estimated $4,500 of additional taxes collected,” she wrote.
How about this. How about they simplify the tax code, get rid of the IRS and save 40 billion a year.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-12-2022, 1:44 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
I call BS on that $10 business. My hunch is someone is feeding you that number based on the amount of taxes collected in general vs the budget of the IRS and calling it a $10 for every $1 spent on the IRS. 87000 employee. Minimum will cost $200000 a year in salary, benefits and overhead. That is $17.4 billion a year in just the extra people. So you are saying that these people are going to generate an additional $174 billion a year in revenue just by them being there?

They are adding 1 agent for every 3793 man, woman or child (330million people). For you democrats it means 1 agent for every 3793 Its. Children do not have jobs. Lop off 1/3 of the population for those under 20. That is 220,000 people eligible to work. certain amount retired. call it 10% round it to 200 million workers. We know that 47% of the people do not pay federal income taxes so why bother. That leaves 106 million workers they can harass. That is one agent for every 1218 workers they are hiring in addition to the 90,000 they already have. Lets just say 150,000 total will be in the actual audit business of the roughly 180,000 agents they want. That leaves 1 agent for every 706 people that pay taxes to the feds. You mean to tell me that with that many agents to actual tax paying workers they are only going to look at rich people? You own link and quote called BS on you. The IRS website called BS on you. People like you are happy to have the feds corner people and hope you don't happen to misremember something. Good thing you are not a Republican. Turns out if a Republican misremembers something they get 30 agents with guns drawn at airports where they get leg irons and cnn cameras. Maybe you will get lucky and only get the cuffs with no reporters.
I provided my source, i cant help it if you cant read.
1.The IRS is doing NOTHING now, the bill isnt even passed. WTF???
2.Your math is insane.
3.If you call the IRS on the phone you cant even get a live person. The money is to improve all aspects of the IRS, not just add agents with all the$$.
4. Got a pic of trump in leg irons with 30 agents pointing guns at him, CNN filming? Or just lying AGAIN? Clown.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-12-2022, 1:46 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
How about this. How about they simplify the tax code, get rid of the IRS and save 40 billion a year.
If that would work and people would pay, im all in. Sadly we have too many who dont/wont/ or cheat.
With no one to follow up collections would plumet.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-13-2022, 9:15 PM Reply   
Well, 95SN has just come out publicly to let his so-called mind be known.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-13-2022, 10:01 PM Reply   
So strange to see it in video form. Of course it’s what we all envision when it comes to him/it/them/her/they/whateverdontcare.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-14-2022, 9:50 AM Reply   
Drunk posting again?
Your lack of maturity indicates you havnt read the book of Ephesians in a long time.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-15-2022, 7:53 PM Reply   
Keep enjoying your free pumpkin spice lattes, 95.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-16-2022, 6:52 AM Reply   
Isn’t it just so like a lying dim to label a bill as one thing when it does the opposite? Biden about to sign another foolish bill hurting our country and then go on a 23 state fool tour to tout it’s supposed benefits. More smoke and mirrors from the people who invented it.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-16-2022, 6:54 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Drunk posting again?
Your lack of maturity indicates you havnt read the book of Ephesians in a long time.
As an apostate, what could you ever know about that book? Sit back down and rest that drug addled brain. Let some smoke clear.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-16-2022, 1:19 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
As an apostate, what could you ever know about that book? Sit back down and rest that drug addled brain. Let some smoke clear.
Enuff to know you're morally bankrupt and Jesus would agree. At this point youre just lashing out at anything, kinda like the dude with the windmills, the crazy one.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-16-2022, 1:28 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Isn’t it just so like a lying dim to label a bill as one thing when it does the opposite? Biden about to sign another foolish bill hurting our country and then go on a 23 state fool tour to tout it’s supposed benefits. More smoke and mirrors from the people who invented it.
Do you know anything about the bill? or just parroting FOX like Delta. Ask delta how it worked out for him when he lied about what the bill does and does not do for IRS. Hes still in his basement crying. Explain how it hurts our country.
For one, it makes corporations pay a 15% minimum tax. How unamerican.
It puts a $2000 annual max on prescriptions for Medicare folks. How Evil.
It gives a huge chunk of $change (largest ever) for climate health. Crazy radicals!!
It will pay down the Natl Debt which republicans are very worried about.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-16-2022, 3:07 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
As an apostate, what could you ever know about that book?
Ephesians is about open boarders, everyone knows that.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-16-2022, 3:56 PM Reply   
oh no, mexico is mad that liberal hippies are moving in, not learning the language and upsetting the culture. OH the horror. Well, how about we send 2 million a year, and see how it looks. oh, btw you would all be bankrupt as we inflate the housing values and overrun your country, Maybe that would be the solution. overrun it, take it over, and convert it

for the dems, biden has been working on this new deal for 18 months, LOL not about lowering inflation, its the GREEN NEW DEAL, but its just tax and spend.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-16-2022, 3:58 PM Reply   
For you school teacher sin MN, FYI if you are white, you are fired first, because they need more black teachers, and whites are the devil.. does not matter if you are tenured or better qualified, "STUDENTS NEED MORE TEACHEO LOOK LIKE THEM" WOW racist as it gets, so if you live in a 98% white area, "students need more teachers that look like them" so fire the black and brown teachers, as they dont look like the teachers. Nuff Said
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-16-2022, 4:17 PM Reply   
When will there be an investigation over the FBI making the Whitmer kidnapping scandal. ?
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-17-2022, 3:13 AM Reply   
My daughter is a chemical engineer, not working in that current space. Had a great coversation with a few of her friends over the weekend. Anyways, she and a few college friends are all getting new jobs etc etc. And 1 of them interviewed with company developing a lithium mine (may already exist, but they are trying to expand it) Thacker Pass. Anyways, this is the only or future only lithium mine in the states. She would be tasked on seeing how much arsenic would be passed into he Nevada water system if they could get a water source to the location, at the level needed to mine the lithium. Gotta make those car batteries!

So they need aprox 15,000 gallons per minute to mine, etc etc the lithium, no water is existing, and the pushing of the water, into the ground to mine, extract etc the lithium creates a huge amount of arsenic into the water. Basically destroying the land and the water for a few hundred years. She said it makes fracking look like childs play. Lets see how the Greenies handle this one!
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-17-2022, 11:59 AM Reply   
The difference between environmental damage producing lithium and oil is lithium is multiuse and oil is single use. Also the single use of oil results in waste in the atmosphere where the use of lithium does not. Also once you get around 20m vehicles per year then the need for more lithium mining drops alot because there is a large lithium input from recycling. FYI, it's already cheaper to recycle a vehicle battery pack than it is to mine it's components.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-18-2022, 5:52 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
The difference between environmental damage producing lithium and oil is lithium is multiuse and oil is single use. Also the single use of oil results in waste in the atmosphere where the use of lithium does not. Also once you get around 20m vehicles per year then the need for more lithium mining drops alot because there is a large lithium input from recycling. FYI, it's already cheaper to recycle a vehicle battery pack than it is to mine it's components.
Those are some mighty effective rose colored glasses you got there. I read an article about lithium mining in Myanmar where they are totally jacking up the environment, but no one cares because it’s China that buys it from them to sell to the rest of the world and China couldn’t care less about any environmental concerns. Gee, I wonder why we aren’t hearing about this in the MSM.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-18-2022, 10:26 AM Reply   
How many articles have you read about oil production jacking up the environment?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-18-2022, 1:49 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
How many articles have you read about oil production jacking up the environment?
Not that many. Maybe 3 or 4 in the last 50 years comes to mind.

Even serious rational environmentalist recognize solar panel, battery and windmills is going to destroy our environment way more than fossil fuel production and usage. Question is air quality. As of now, a 400 mile EV's production carbon foot print from being born to usage takes about 800,000 miles of driving to surpass that of a fuel efficient gas car. Never mind the disruption to most peoples lives trying to find a place to charge and then waiting around. Cars are only slightly 10% of the carbon footprint issue. How about we go full bore on Nuclear and solve the actual big issue if we believe that carbon is the real issue.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-18-2022, 10:48 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
As of now, a 400 mile EV's production carbon foot print from being born to usage takes about 800,000 miles of driving to surpass that of a fuel efficient gas car.
That's just not true, who gave you that "fact" exon-mobil?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-19-2022, 10:10 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
That's just not true, who gave you that "fact" exon-mobil?
Actually Ted Talks from people who study this stuff. Actually the conclusion reached is by a hybrid if you are looking to actually do good for the environment when it comes to cars. And the conclusion reached by the former life long anti nuclear activist is we have to go nuclear to achieve the set goals and that when compared to coal and other forms of fuel, all the nuke accidents do not hold a candle to them.

The Contradictions of Battery Operated Vehicles | Graham Conway | TEDxSanAntonio

Why renewables can’t save the planet | Michael Shellenberger | TEDxDanubia

Last edited by DeltaHoosier; 08-19-2022 at 10:13 AM.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-19-2022, 10:22 AM Reply   
Why I changed my mind about nuclear power | Michael Shellenberger | TEDxBerlin
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-19-2022, 12:02 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Actually Ted Talks from people who study this stuff.
A TED talk. What he talks about is right in principal but is outdated already and critically this analysis excluded the production, refining and distribution of petrol & diesel. When you include all of the emissions of petrol its already worse than BEV.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-19-2022, 3:51 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
A TED talk. What he talks about is right in principal but is outdated already and critically this analysis excluded the production, refining and distribution of petrol & diesel. When you include all of the emissions of petrol its already worse than BEV.
The assumptions seem flawed on at least a couple of their "myths" Not really well done for what is supposed to be the ultimate authority on these topics.

The Myth that you are suggesting only talks about the manufacturing. Not the mining and transport of the raw material. Then it makes a admission that this can vary on production based on the type of battery. My guess they are not being honest with the amount of energy needed to produce lithium based batteries.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-19-2022, 3:56 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
A TED talk. What he talks about is right in principal but is outdated already and critically this analysis excluded the production, refining and distribution of petrol & diesel. When you include all of the emissions of petrol its already worse than BEV.
Another myth about not enough range. Yes and no. Most Americans do not drive that far daily. Then again most Americans do not have garages and live in big cities. Love to see cables sprawling all over the sidewalks in the snow. Never mind the crime in the dem run cities. These A holes will sometime go around pulling copper line out of street lights, never mind extension cords. Heck they will bust in your window for a hand full of change left in your car.

Other than the massive amount of snow and freezing weather in the vast majority of the US, most people will drive more than 100 miles on the weekend with thousands driving hundreds of miles. Just not going to cut it in an electric vehicle. It is going to set society back 50 years or more in efficiency.

Cars are not the big issue, it is manufacturing. In all truth it is china and india.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-19-2022, 3:58 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
The Myth that you are suggesting only talks about the manufacturing. Not the mining and transport of the raw material. Then it makes a admission that this can vary on production based on the type of battery.
No, the myth I am suggesting is the CO2 footprint between petrol and BEV isn't apples for apples because in petrol vehicles they exclude the footprint of the production and distribution of petrol but they include it for electricity.

Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
My guess they are not being honest with the amount of energy needed to produce lithium based batteries.
Sure that's possible but I haven't seen any evidence of it.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-19-2022, 4:03 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
No, the myth I am suggesting is the CO2 footprint between petrol and BEV isn't apples for apples because in petrol vehicles they exclude the footprint of the production and distribution of petrol but they include it for electricity.

Sure that's possible but I haven't seen any evidence of it.
Not sure he spelled out either in his presentation. Petrol distribution is pretty effecient but yes it does have a cost. Did they count the cost to deliver the materials for batteries? They did talk about the mining cost.

So what that brings down from 800,000 miles down to 600,000 miles to break even? More than most people drive in a life time in either case.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-19-2022, 6:27 PM Reply   
Here are some more current analysis
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-21-2022, 9:26 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Enuff to know you're morally bankrupt and Jesus would agree. At this point youre just lashing out at anything, kinda like the dude with the windmills, the crazy one.
Nice try… NOT.

Empty words from what’s left of the sad wreckage of a drug addled brain. The type of substance that anyone cares about has always shown you to be at the shallow end of the pool ever since you arrived here, lying about who you actually are. Why would anyone ever take a single word you say here seriously?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-21-2022, 9:38 PM Reply   
Hey there, Ralphie boy. If things are so peachy with all these sparky cars, why don’t we ever hear a single thing about a single downside of them in the MSM? That silence is deafening.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-22-2022, 10:33 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Nice try… NOT.

Empty words from what’s left of the sad wreckage of a drug addled brain. The type of substance that anyone cares about has always shown you to be at the shallow end of the pool ever since you arrived here, lying about who you actually are. Why would anyone ever take a single word you say here seriously?
lol, the weak insult says more about the poster who insults than about the person who you attempted to insult. It says that this person is not able to control himself. That has no convincing arguments with which to refute the other’s ideas. That his cognitive rigidity prevents him from talking.
Clearly, you got nothing left but worshipping a chunky golden calf. Enjoy your wandering.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-22-2022, 8:40 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Hey there, Ralphie boy. If things are so peachy with all these sparky cars, why don’t we ever hear a single thing about a single downside of them in the MSM? That silence is deafening.
Sorry mate not sure what MSM is?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-26-2022, 8:55 AM Reply   
So Kali's unelected board just banned the sale of gas cars in just about a decade with ramp numbers leading up to it. This place is going to go unhinged. Glad I will be gone. Only 3 places in the world make this blend of fuel that is allowed to be sold here and 2 of them are not in this country if I recall. There will not be enough demand to support running refineries. Fuel is going to go off the charts. Bums will bust open your window for some change or cables in your car already. Never mind extension cords running everywhere for all these city people. Never mind trying to recruit workers from other states who own regular cars that can not register them in kali. Going to be carnage. can't wait. Going to make sure I vote for a few more tax increases when they come up and loosening of crime when those come up as well. This place basically just needs to burn itself to the ground so people will finally learn.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-26-2022, 12:10 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Sorry mate not sure what MSM is?
Here you go, mate. Bummer you don't have proper schools there in NZ.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-26-2022, 9:00 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Here you go, mate. Bummer you don't have proper schools there in NZ.
Oh ok, never heard of the reference before. The idea that MSM don't report problems with EV's is hilarious, here is a quick snippet:

3 from NY Times:

3 from Guardian:

3 from Fox news
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-26-2022, 9:31 PM Reply   
Well then... That should teach you not to play 95SN (stupid) next time. So funny you wasted all that time looking up links. DERP!
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-27-2022, 9:01 AM Reply   
…and here we have a typical Biden supporter.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-27-2022, 9:14 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
…and here we have a typical Biden supporter.
Aman from Italy has tested positive for COVID-19, monkeypox, and HIV all at the same time after returning from a short trip in Spain, according to researchers from the University of Catania in Italy.
Most would call him an Italian, trump MAGAts struggle with reading and the like.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-27-2022, 9:55 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Most would call him an Italian, trump MAGAts struggle with reading and the like.
Biden-supporting leftists come from all countries. Just ask Ralph.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-27-2022, 9:58 AM Reply   
Another democrat caught in a red state where they actually prosecute criminals. I've been wondering where John Anderson has been lately. Guess we know he won't be around for awhile.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-27-2022, 10:32 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Another democrat caught in a red state where they actually prosecute criminals. I've been wondering where John Anderson has been lately. Guess we know he won't be around for awhile.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-27-2022, 10:52 AM Reply   
Wow, Dark Brandon is really kicking arse, looking like holding the senate and making significant ground in the house. Turns out being bigots and anti women's rights isn't popular and being pro education and the environment is, who knew? What's next weed legalization? Imagine that he would become god-king Brandon like trump wanted.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-27-2022, 10:52 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Wow! I never knew Trump had a democrat advising his campaign.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-27-2022, 10:54 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Wow, Dark Brandon is really kicking arse, looking like holding the senate and making significant ground in the house. Turns out being bigots and anti women's rights isn't popular and being pro education and the environment is, who knew? What's next weed legalization? Imagine that he would become god-king Brandon like trump wanted.
Bless your heart for counting your chickens...
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-27-2022, 11:17 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Wow! I never knew Trump had a democrat advising his campaign.
Drain the Swamp, More Groomers. Thank God they are the Sane ones.
Former Republican Speaker of the House sucks, literally.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-30-2022, 4:36 PM Reply   
Funny update, my neighbor, who bought the tesla 3, with the battery issues not charging, body panels falling off. etc etc. parked it and bought a honda civic. Well husband drove it over the weekend, and when he came out of the grocery store, it was on fire. LOL So no more tesla.

The funny part, was the the first tow truck would not pick up the car, as the driver stated, they often recatch on fire and the risk is too high having it on the truck. So they had to have a towing company come with a trailer.

Last edited by dougr; 08-30-2022 at 4:39 PM.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-30-2022, 4:53 PM Reply   
the ford pinto had aprox 30 "exploding cars" and estimated (on the high side) over 400 fires related to defective fuel tank. Ford made aprox 2 1/2 million pintos. Recalled as one of the the most dangerous cars on the road. Tesla has build aprx 1 million cars and have over 300 plus fires, with over 30 recorded fatalites in the states. When are they going to recall these dealth traps, or any electric car
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-30-2022, 4:55 PM Reply   
Hey, good news, California's ISO is stating blackouts tomorrw and over the weekend. They will be asking everyone to turn off your air and unplug your car. LOL
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-30-2022, 8:24 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
the ford pinto had aprox 30 "exploding cars" and estimated (on the high side) over 400 fires related to defective fuel tank. Ford made aprox 2 1/2 million pintos. Recalled as one of the the most dangerous cars on the road. Tesla has build aprx 1 million cars and have over 300 plus fires, with over 30 recorded fatalites in the states. When are they going to recall these dealth traps, or any electric car
Did you say Pinto? LOL
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-31-2022, 10:30 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Hey, good news, California's ISO is stating blackouts tomorrw and over the weekend. They will be asking everyone to turn off your air and unplug your car. LOL
Correct, due to lack of climate change action we need to lower thermostats on A/C when we expect a week straight of temps in the 110* range.
Is Mississippi a RED state? They have no drinking water, very sad. Good thing Biden and the D's passed that big infrastructure bill to save them.

“Until it is fixed, we do not have reliable running water at scale,” Mississippi's Republican Gov. Tate Reeves said Tuesday, in an announcement that activated the National Guard and declared a state of emergency. “The city cannot produce enough water to fight fires, to flush toilets and to meet other critical needs.”
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-31-2022, 6:39 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Such a good movie
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-31-2022, 6:48 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Bless your heart for counting your chickens...
Hey did you see Sarah Palin just lost her House election to an anonymous Democrat nobody has ever heard of?
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-31-2022, 6:50 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Correct, due to lack of climate change action we need to lower thermostats on A/C when we expect a week straight of temps in the 110* range.
Is Mississippi a RED state? They have no drinking water, very sad. Good thing Biden and the D's passed that big infrastructure bill to save them.

“Until it is fixed, we do not have reliable running water at scale,” Mississippi's Republican Gov. Tate Reeves said Tuesday, in an announcement that activated the National Guard and declared a state of emergency. “The city cannot produce enough water to fight fires, to flush toilets and to meet other critical needs.”
Oh, so you are Climate crisis zealot, LOL Better burn your wakeboard boat, get rid of your truck, no more old classic cars you enjoy. The fact that you are on a wakeboard forum, preaching climate change propaganda is hypocrisy at its finest. FYI, Cali cant keep lights on. Climate change is not the problem, energy is, it will kill millions well before 2 degree over 100 years will. I cant wait unitl the cali libs are paying 3k a month for electric. Hearing about a state, with 80% libs, ran by 99% libs and they cant make it work. Lord is such great they have a monoply of libs running everything, for the last 20 years and they cant fix it???? It make Jerry springer show look good. This is exactly what the left needs, energy crisis, and when the dems get booted out of office. we pass a law stating all Libs, who voted for these boobs, who made these stupid decisions, now have to live under them.

Vote for it, live in it, more homeless, more **** piles all over the sidewalks, more needles in the streets, more power outages, more more more.. hehehe

Let me guess, you believe

1 there are unlimited genders
2.all white people are racist at birth
3. boys can become girls and girls can become boys
4. all drugs should be legal
and on and
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-31-2022, 7:05 PM Reply   
oh, might as well dig in on this. If Cali follows through with electric car laws, The level of coal and gas, needs to burn, to create the energy will be 10x per household with 1 electric car, just 1. You lefties dont like Nuclear, or mining, (what are you going to do to get the cobalt, the silver, the nickel, the lithium) they dont like cows, because of the poop, they dont like fracking (what has allowed the USA to be so low in carbon output now! they dont like anything that runs on gas! Cant wait to see the hypocrisy that will come out from this! Whats really funny, is when the the state gov is in total crisis, and they turn off your cars.

How do like 80 degrees, bet it makes for a good night sleep! Better buy some extra solar panels from china, really crank up those coal plants in china! Gotta make more! Look at it this way, less tesla's will catch on fire!
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-31-2022, 7:21 PM Reply   
Europe will be dumping restrictions on Russia before the first snow flake falls. Energy crisis already in full force. Gas prices to heat homes has already increase in france, germany, spain etc to 5x to 10x. People are buying coal and wood to prepare to burn! Sad part, prior to Biden, the states could have provided Europe with clean natural gas This winter could kill more people Because of the left green bull****, than covid did.

All because of what! We do have a crisis, its call cheap energy! And without cheap, abundant energy, all manufacturing and technology development will crumble.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       09-01-2022, 7:16 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Correct, due to lack of climate change action we need to lower thermostats on A/C when we expect a week straight of temps in the 110* range.
Is Mississippi a RED state? They have no drinking water, very sad. Good thing Biden and the D's passed that big infrastructure bill to save them.

“Until it is fixed, we do not have reliable running water at scale,” Mississippi's Republican Gov. Tate Reeves said Tuesday, in an announcement that activated the National Guard and declared a state of emergency. “The city cannot produce enough water to fight fires, to flush toilets and to meet other critical needs.”
I do lower mine. To about 68 degrees.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       09-01-2022, 7:18 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Oh, so you are Climate crisis zealot, LOL Better burn your wakeboard boat, get rid of your truck, no more old classic cars you enjoy. The fact that you are on a wakeboard forum, preaching climate change propaganda is hypocrisy at its finest. FYI, Cali cant keep lights on. Climate change is not the problem, energy is, it will kill millions well before 2 degree over 100 years will. I cant wait unitl the cali libs are paying 3k a month for electric. Hearing about a state, with 80% libs, ran by 99% libs and they cant make it work. Lord is such great they have a monoply of libs running everything, for the last 20 years and they cant fix it???? It make Jerry springer show look good. This is exactly what the left needs, energy crisis, and when the dems get booted out of office. we pass a law stating all Libs, who voted for these boobs, who made these stupid decisions, now have to live under them.

Vote for it, live in it, more homeless, more **** piles all over the sidewalks, more needles in the streets, more power outages, more more more.. hehehe

Let me guess, you believe

1 there are unlimited genders
2.all white people are racist at birth
3. boys can become girls and girls can become boys
4. all drugs should be legal
and on and
He doesn't have a boat nor does he wakeboard. Just like 90% of the Libs on this site now.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-01-2022, 8:55 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
I do lower mine. To about 68 degrees.
Glad we can count on most people to do the right thing for the good of all of us. We have 10 million people in LA County, that would make us the 11th largest state in the US, just 1 county. The people willing to make a small sacrifice, Patriots, are what we need more of in this country. Kinda like yesteryear when America was Great and we all pitched in to help. There is a word for someone who purposely does the wrong thing, they have a choice, they know what is right, what is wrong and they choose the incorrect response. Jerk? Immoral? Easy way out? Lazy? Selfish? Sick? Those that only think of their own MAGA feelings and that everyone is out to get them are part of the problem.

Fact, I dont wakeboard much anymore, its too hard on the body. That and I have a SKI NAUTIQUE ](with FCT) always a skier 1st, 2nd fav is still barefooting.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       09-01-2022, 12:09 PM Reply   
BWAhhahah. I think you said patriot instead of dip****. We don't have your Liberal CA problems in the midwest. Thats why all of you keep moving here.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-01-2022, 3:53 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Hey did you see Sarah Palin just lost her House election to an anonymous Democrat nobody has ever heard of?
Yep. They voted in value rank voting. 3 Republicans split the vote. The dim lost the vote 2:1 Republicans to Dems. Sounds to me like someone needs to get their act together. This is a couple month appointment.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-01-2022, 4:01 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
BWAhhahah. I think you said patriot instead of dip****. We don't have your Liberal CA problems in the midwest. Thats why all of you keep moving here.
Kids moved to Tennessee. Power is 11 cents/ KwHr all day and night. They crank the AC all day and night because my daughter and kids are home right now. $200 for the month of august. 1/3 the price of kali in a 2000 square foot house vs 2600 in TN. Big difference in price.

Good luck trying to recruit anyone to work in kali. They are not going to sell their car to buy a expensive electric just to move to a job. Almost impossible to recruit people here now. Going to get much worse. If they get more countries shipping to the east coast and get that squared away, they may just bypass kali. Diesel is going to get so expensive for trucks needed to drive in and out to get to the ports.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       09-01-2022, 4:09 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Glad we can count on most people to do the right thing for the good of all of us. We have 10 million people in LA County, that would make us the 11th largest state in the US, just 1 county. The people willing to make a small sacrifice, Patriots, are what we need more of in this country. Kinda like yesteryear when America was Great and we all pitched in to help. There is a word for someone who purposely does the wrong thing, they have a choice, they know what is right, what is wrong and they choose the incorrect response. Jerk? Immoral? Easy way out? Lazy? Selfish? Sick? Those that only think of their own MAGA feelings and that everyone is out to get them are part of the problem.

Fact, I dont wakeboard much anymore, its too hard on the body. That and I have a SKI NAUTIQUE ](with FCT) always a skier 1st, 2nd fav is still barefooting.
You are absolutely warped and demented. Anyone who would associate patriotism with putting up with bad planning or third world living during peace time needs to go punch themselves in the face right now. Same goes for water shortages. This has been going on for decades. The chickens are just now coming home to roost. All our foolish dim leaders want us to cover their 95SN's because they have screwed the pooch for generations now. No water because they refuse to build or increase the size of dams. Then they outlaw natural gas and propane. Next they want us all to drive electric cars, but don't have a single plan to provide a reliable power grid. Instead we're having a "flex day" today which means, "uh, hey, can you cover our 95SN's again today because we don't have any foresight." Throw in the tens of thousands of libtard-policy-created homeless camps and we here in Kali are living in a third world country.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       09-01-2022, 4:19 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Europe will be dumping restrictions on Russia before the first snow flake falls. Energy crisis already in full force. Gas prices to heat homes has already increase in france, germany, spain etc to 5x to 10x. People are buying coal and wood to prepare to burn! Sad part, prior to Biden, the states could have provided Europe with clean natural gas This winter could kill more people Because of the left green bull****, than covid did.

All because of what! We do have a crisis, its call cheap energy! And without cheap, abundant energy, all manufacturing and technology development will crumble.
Three great posts today. Thanks.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-02-2022, 9:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Kids moved to Tennessee. Power is 11 cents/ KwHr all day and night. They crank the AC all day and night because my daughter and kids are home right now. $200 for the month of august. 1/3 the price of kali in a 2000 square foot house vs 2600 in TN. Big difference in price.

Good luck trying to recruit anyone to work in kali. They are not going to sell their car to buy a expensive electric just to move to a job. Almost impossible to recruit people here now. Going to get much worse. If they get more countries shipping to the east coast and get that squared away, they may just bypass kali. Diesel is going to get so expensive for trucks needed to drive in and out to get to the ports.
LOL, LA County ALONE has almost twice the number of people in the entire state of Tenn. That and i doubt it will be 105-115* for 10 straight days as it is in CA. Highly recc you move out of CA. You hate everything about the state, make the right move for yourself.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-02-2022, 9:09 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
BWAhhahah. I think you said patriot instead of dip****. We don't have your Liberal CA problems in the midwest. Thats why all of you keep moving here.
Not sure how 10 days of 105-115 temps have anything to do with liberal policy.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       09-02-2022, 10:51 AM Reply   
We have 100+ degree weather with humidity. Its called August. CA policies contribute to the strain on the grid, taxes, etc....
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       09-02-2022, 11:48 AM Reply   
The country keeps waiting for an earthquake that will fracture KALI off the country and sink into the ocesn. Maybe those forest fires will pick up and wipe it completely ouit. think about 25 million liberals would have their own island. We could stop telling them to clean up the forest, stop playing with matches. lol
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       09-02-2022, 12:01 PM Reply   
I think you can download an app, that has a heat map that shows all the piles of **** in the state of california and where all the needles are. San Fran and LA county have a Hepatitis A outbreak. So bad thousands die each year from Hep A contracted by fecal matter. They tell people to never bring their shoes into their homes and when I have to travel there for work (before Covid) we were recomended to wear a mask outside due to the large amount of fecal plume. What a great place!
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       09-02-2022, 12:06 PM Reply   
Dried Feces can Lead to Airborne Viruses

“If you do get stuck with these disposed needles you can get HIV, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, and a variety of other viral diseases,” said Dr. Lee Riley, an infectious disease expert at University of California, Berkeley. He warned that once fecal matter dries, it can become airborne, releasing potentially dangerous viruses, such as the rotavirus. “If you happen to inhale that, it can also go into your intestine,” he said. The results can prove fatal, especially in children.

Looks like its time to burn it down, prob the only way to get rid of the plague. Maybe if the forest fires spread in the right direction?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-02-2022, 12:35 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Dried Feces can Lead to Airborne Viruses

“If you do get stuck with these disposed needles you can get HIV, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, and a variety of other viral diseases,” said Dr. Lee Riley, an infectious disease expert at University of California, Berkeley. He warned that once fecal matter dries, it can become airborne, releasing potentially dangerous viruses, such as the rotavirus. “If you happen to inhale that, it can also go into your intestine,” he said. The results can prove fatal, especially in children.

Looks like its time to burn it down, prob the only way to get rid of the plague. Maybe if the forest fires spread in the right direction?
Na. Kalifornia will just increases taxes again to create yet another program to "help" the situation. They keep encouraging and paying for millions of foreigners to be here illegally. State has doubled in population in the last 30 years. Half the population is foreign born in the state. No new water resources. Lake Mead is almost at the point where they cannot pull water out anymore. There is a point where Vegas is going to shut LA out of water. Between the gas prices that are going to go i bet to over $10 a gallon in the state in the next decade due to the special formula that no one makes, the lack of water, etc... there is going to be a mass exodus from the state. Already is happening, however LA is going to look like that movie Escape from New York or something. It is going to get violent down there. But don't worry. They will still vote democrat because "the racism".
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-02-2022, 12:41 PM Reply
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       09-02-2022, 2:08 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Na. Kalifornia will just increases taxes again to create yet another program to "help" the situation. They keep encouraging and paying for millions of foreigners to be here illegally. State has doubled in population in the last 30 years. Half the population is foreign born in the state. No new water resources. Lake Mead is almost at the point where they cannot pull water out anymore. There is a point where Vegas is going to shut LA out of water. Between the gas prices that are going to go i bet to over $10 a gallon in the state in the next decade due to the special formula that no one makes, the lack of water, etc... there is going to be a mass exodus from the state. Already is happening, however LA is going to look like that movie Escape from New York or something. It is going to get violent down there. But don't worry. They will still vote democrat because "the racism".
Thats terrible, we cannot let them escape. Maybe we can finish the wall and extend it across the board of Kali. They need to stay there and live in the **** pool. they earned it! sorry for those who didnt vote for the stupidity, but when you lay with dogs you get fleas. I would think most conservatives have left by now
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       09-02-2022, 2:13 PM Reply   
Heres what i dont get, I have never met anyone who says, i live in Kali and love it. And I mean totally baked libtards. Even they hate it. Maybe they are so libbed out, they are trapped. I guess when you have a mental disability, you don't want to put yourself in an environment where people with common sense see how sick you are. So kinda safe. If all the crazies are in one place, you dont look too craxy.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       09-02-2022, 2:54 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Not sure how 10 days of 105-115 temps have anything to do with liberal policy.
The temps don't. The problems do. Soon as it gets 100, we have to go all third world because our libtard leaders have screwed the pooch for decades. Also, when water gets tight, we're all instructed to create new blight by killing off lawns in every neighborhood-even though 90% of our water use is ag related. Like every other state they infect, libtards have ruined this once beautiful state in almost every way.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       09-02-2022, 3:05 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Heres what i dont get, I have never met anyone who says, i live in Kali and love it. And I mean totally baked libtards. Even they hate it. Maybe they are so libbed out, they are trapped. I guess when you have a mental disability, you don't want to put yourself in an environment where people with common sense see how sick you are. So kinda safe. If all the crazies are in one place, you dont look too craxy.
To survive here, you pretty much just have to ignore most of what you see and/or consider it the price of admission for the climate-which beats all others. It's okay as long as you have a buffer where libtards can't get to you like where I live. In my little enclave, we're all in the same boat of grinning and bearing it for the sake of the life here. The state is big enough to house many types. Not just libtards. The problem is the conservative oasis' are only good for so long until libtards move there. Then they bring their values and ruin it. I could go on further if needed, but the river in my back yard and a few IPA's are calling and it's 103 now.

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