Join Date: Apr 2005
02-15-2021, 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Guy spends 10 months claiming its fake, its a hoax and doesnt believe 490,000 are dead, next thing he starts whining he cant get a shot for something he doesnt believe. Surprised FOX isnt keeping you updated.
490,000? Why not make it a gazillion? Your numbers are so fake and dishonest. So many front line doctors and nurses have come out and refuted the libtard claims from the beginning. Funny part is when it comes to the libtard governor of NY, death counts get real quiet. AND THEN... Hollywood gives him an award, thanking him for his honesty! You can’t make this ish up!
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-15-2021, 11:40 PM
Just pointing out that the usa has the worst covid numbers in the world and it's not surprising when you consider its leadership and general population of selfish idiots. No need to get salty about it.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-16-2021, 3:45 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Just pointing out that the usa has the worst covid numbers in the world and it's not surprising when you consider its leadership and general population of selfish idiots. No need to get salty about it.
No we don’t. Are you really dumb enough to believe the stated numbers? Hospitals literally had financial incentives to label deaths as Kung flu deaths. What America has are a bunch of freedom-loving people who don’t want to roll over for dishonest, hypocritical, totalitarian governors who belong in prison for purposely ruining the lives and careers of millions for political gain. After factoring the TDS pandemic, you need to multiply our stated COVID numbers by .25.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-16-2021, 4:00 AM
Take a look at this democrat health inspector so happy to shut a business down (illegally) that she can’t help but dance in jubilation because of her power. She should have literally been thrown out the door on her wake77.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-16-2021, 4:06 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Just pointing out that the usa has the worst covid numbers in the world and it's not surprising when you consider its leadership and general population of selfish idiots. No need to get salty about it.
Need more proof that you can’t believe our lying, TDS-infected MSM? Look no further than this article pointing out the reach-arounds our media and dem leaders give each other. Especially when it’s Kung flu related.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-16-2021, 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Are you really dumb enough to believe the stated numbers?
Yes, I'm that dumb, how many deaths do you think there has been?
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-16-2021, 1:42 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Yes, I'm that dumb, how many deaths do you think there has been?
I already answered that a couple of posts back. Multiply by .25. Not my words. It’s what I’ve heard doctors and nurses say in person as well as in interviews.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-16-2021, 1:50 PM
Originally Posted by markj
I already answered that a couple of posts back. Multiply by .25. Not my words. It’s what I’ve heard doctors and nurses say in person as well as in interviews.
My bad, I missed that. So 125k deaths, wow ok that's pretty delusional. Still 60x worse than NZ death toll per capita, tho.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-16-2021, 2:24 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
My bad, I missed that. So 125k deaths, wow ok that's pretty delusional. Still 60x worse than NZ death toll per capita, tho.
Your national bird still can't fly and you're all still a bunch of sheep f'ers.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-16-2021, 2:37 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
My bad, I missed that. So 125k deaths, wow ok that's pretty delusional. Still 60x worse than NZ death toll per capita, tho.
Hey, if that's so delusional, what do you think the numbers really are? Do you believe our MSM has been telling the truth about it the whole time? Do you think they would have any reason to lie about it or intentionally omit facts? Do you think hospitals have been reporting the truth despite the many doctors, nurses and admin staff whistleblowing? How bout what the ho, Camel Toe said about having to start from scratch-only to have The Grand Poobah Fauci contradict? Like all libtards, it sounds like you're taking the turd bait hook, line and sinker. I guess ignorance is still best sometimes.... For some people....
Last edited by markj; 02-16-2021 at 2:39 PM.
Join Date: Oct 2006
02-16-2021, 3:09 PM
Originally Posted by markj
I already answered that a couple of posts back. Multiply by .25. Not my words. It’s what I’ve heard doctors and nurses say in person as well as in interviews.
Post'em up. An interview from a Chiropractor or a GP doesn't count. It has got to be be a reputable source. Frontline doctor at a major hospital or a viral specialist.
Surplus death alone says that something massive is going on. People are dying from something by the 100s of Thousands. Remember we average just under 3 million deaths a year from all causes. 500K surplus deaths is a staggering statistic.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-16-2021, 3:13 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Your national bird still can't fly and you're all still a bunch of sheep f'ers. 
Harsh but fair.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-16-2021, 3:14 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Hey, if that's so delusional, what do you think the numbers really are?
I think it's 500k. When you look at the excess death numbers it lines up pretty well.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-16-2021, 6:38 PM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Post'em up. An interview from a Chiropractor or a GP doesn't count. It has got to be be a reputable source. Frontline doctor at a major hospital or a viral specialist.
Surplus death alone says that something massive is going on. People are dying from something by the 100s of Thousands. Remember we average just under 3 million deaths a year from all causes. 500K surplus deaths is a staggering statistic.
Who the F are you to set the prerequisites? Screw you.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-16-2021, 9:10 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Just pointing out that the usa has the worst covid numbers in the world and it's not surprising when you consider its leadership and general population of selfish idiots. No need to get salty about it.
Just pointing out that you’re full of **** as usual. And fact you continue to use your country as a backdrop to what the world should be doing is laughable at best. There is no way to compare your minuscule worth to actual populist / contributing countries in a global economy. The US isn’t even in the top 10 of worst countries effected by covid. But hey who cares about the data right ?
We know Bumbling Joe doesn’t. He wants open boarders with free travel from a country worse off than ours. What sense does that make ? Someone please explain why loosening border security and encouraging people from a country that IS IN THE TOP 5 , of worst covid scenarios is the proper move by our President so concerned about managing covid. He should be tripling down on locked boarders . Talk about idiocy. Let’s here it from those Biden supporters. Explain how lessening border security TO A TOP 5 COVID DISASTER is in the best interest of our country during this MAJOR PANDEMIC
Last edited by xstarrider; 02-16-2021 at 9:17 PM.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-16-2021, 9:29 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
We know Bumbling Joe doesn’t.
Still your president Mall Cop.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-17-2021, 3:38 AM
Poor Joe, even he is starting to understand, the media is treating him like a great grandfather. Joe, what is your favorite color, do you like crackers with you mid day nap or just warm milk? He's struggled at his "town hall" even with open ended, silly, questions. I feel bad for grandpa.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-17-2021, 4:36 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Still your president Mall Cop.
That’s all you got after being owned again with facts?
I expect better.
Yup that’s our President, his covid plan was apparently putting the entire nation at a higher risk . Didn’t take long for that snake to rear it’s head .
So let’s check his progress
Doesn’t hold Iran accountable for launching missiles.
Eliminates 1000’s of jobs
Puts Nation at greater health risk by allowing and encouraging illegal immigration from a covid disaster zone.
Last edited by xstarrider; 02-17-2021 at 4:45 AM.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-17-2021, 4:48 AM
How’s the green America looking ?
Texas without electricity in its green zones of wind and solar power. Oppps. Guess that thing called Mother Nature outsmarted them again.
Join Date: Oct 2006
02-17-2021, 7:42 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Who the F are you to set the prerequisites? Screw you.
Yeah! Who am I to ask you to back up your bull**** with facts from experts. Screw me!
Last edited by skiboarder; 02-17-2021 at 7:49 AM.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-17-2021, 8:18 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Yeah! Who am I to ask you to back up your bull**** with facts from experts. Screw me!
Okay, numb skull. Let’s start chronologically. I’ll add more later.
Join Date: Oct 2006
02-17-2021, 8:19 AM
Originally Posted by markj
April 9 2020! The American Thinker!
You are starting out super weak.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-17-2021, 8:54 AM
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-17-2021, 9:02 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
April 9 2020! The American Thinker!
You are starting out super weak.
I said let’s start chronically. You have to dig to find the truth when the vast majority of “reporting” is really done by hacks and political operatives in your party in an effort to kill a presidential campaign. You guys absolutely own almost all of the airwaves so you can control the masses like Hitler did with his propaganda.
What’s fun is watching the truth slowly ooze out of places like NY with Cuomo finally having to be accountable for his dishonesty. My own governor is on his way to a public reckoning as well.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-17-2021, 9:10 AM
Join Date: Oct 2014
02-17-2021, 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
April 9 2020! The American Thinker!
You are starting out super weak.
The Doctor quoted is an Anti-Vaxxer of course
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-17-2021, 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by onlyinboards
Who gives a wake77? I’m not necessarily an anti-vaxxer, but I don’t disqualify a person because of their position on that. I’m not that narrow-minded. It’s become a weapon of you diks on the left to marginalize anyone who says anything which challenges your narratives or shines the light of truth on your evil deeds and motives.
Last edited by markj; 02-17-2021 at 12:11 PM.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-17-2021, 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by onlyinboards
BTW, every one of you pricks were anti-vaxxers when Trump was touting the progress on the Kung flu vaccines. Your memory is about as short as your wake77.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-17-2021, 1:21 PM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Yeah! Who am I to ask you to back up your bull**** with facts from experts. Screw me!
is it BS? Do you really think other countries have the same ability to count the deaths based on disease type like the US does? There is an financial incentive to count deaths as COVID. To what degree you and I will not know, however in New York where the governor got an award for his COVID work, it turns out he was lying and under reporting. So who knows what is happening. It is all politics.
End of the day, Biden (your president) got your vote by stating he had a plan for COVID response. Now that he is elected his official position is it has to take it's course and that we may not be back this year. Well no kidding. Outside of magically inoculating hundreds of millions instantly, it is going to take it's course. Mask or no mask. Hiding in your basement or not. Our not so favorite foreigner who is constantly trying to impact our elections seems to think his island is doing well, when you read the news from the islands around him, they banned people from his island from traveling to theirs because of there way of dealing with it. California has the same results as Florida and Florida has way more retirement communities but remained pretty much open. Unless you get a vaccine and it works in all cases and forever, you are going to get it and fall into the 1 to 2% that die. Simple as that. There is nothing you can do about it.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-17-2021, 1:30 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
What? Are you telling me that DJT's policy of bringing back big beautiful coal was a failure, and all because of a cabal of world-controlling celebs? That only one new coal plant was built during his administration (to replace an existing plant) and that's all because of the real control of the world rests in Aaron Rogers' hands?
That is disturbing news that doesn't get much coverage in the MSM. All the while I'd thought that industry has seen the writing on the wall and is moving to renewables not out of a sense of environmental altruisim but because they want to make investments that are likely to be compatible with the regulatory environment over the next 20 years. Shoot, Shell even said that peak oil has passed, just yesterday. I took that at face value, but now I wonder if Amy Schumer made them say that? You really need that "truth" to be heard, Delta. Keep up the good fight.
Bless your heart. Deflect, deflect, deflect.
The celebs are just the names they use to get the sheep to believe people of substance are behind it. For the political class, we know mainstream democrats for for it. Hell Gore even ran on elevating gas prices to over $5 a gallon. Even Jim Carter did it. Every democrat runs for it. Why do you hate America so much is what I want to know? Why are you so determined to sell your children to pedophiles and commie china?
And why do you think they want to make investments that are consistent with the regulatory environment? Because you Fing demorats are consistent in your want to destroy America and make us have to rely on places like China for resources and they know for a fact that because you need your trinket that these outlandish regulations will be at their doorstep along with some dude looking at your daughter in the shower. They know they can not afford to invest because you are going to bankrupt them if they do. That is why.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-17-2021, 1:37 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Guy spends 8mos claiming mask mandates and lockdowns are the answer and yet it’s had no positive effect. Only now you see the economic and social/mental welfare damage it’s caused that the right predicted.
Not surprising ........another lack of response to the facts of your BS posts. You really are something else. Truly the epitome of a deranged nonsensical individual . Refuse the facts , just light up posts with bull**** rhetoric.
Where is Biden’s plan that he touted he had all through the election cycle and hammered home at his debates ? What has he actually tried to implement that Trump didn’t already have in place? Oh he’s been having to deal with all the failures of his Democratic staples of the Nation FUBAR’n all their vaccine deliveries to actual citizens . He instituted bull**** mask mandate that was already 95% in place . He can’t even get the teachers to go back to school. He’s disagreed with his cdc expert and Fauci. Not one data point lines up with any of the false scare tactics the left touted for 7mos. Hasn’t changed anything immediately like he claimed. Oh wait. He eliminated 1000’s during a time when job after job has been eliminated from covid closures. That makes perfect sense. Explain that move basement expert. You up to 3 masks yet , I mean 3 is more effective than 2.
My daughters hockey teams have been playing games since October. Not a single case of covid in 40 games and who knows how many practices. 1 case of covid on my younger daughter’s team , that came from a double mask wearing basement dweller like yourself. The most influenced person by CNN was the only family to contract covid on the team. We’ve traveled from Wisconsin Ohio , Florida , Michigan , Minnesota , PA , St. Louis , Of the 25 teams playing. 4 teams have been shutdown for covid. Of those 4 teams. 7 positives. Nobody is wearing masks during games.
Keep believing your inflated bull**** scare tactic numbers. Ignore the actual real word scientific research stats after 8mos of covid .
Wasn't ol 95 saying if we just shut it down a couple weeks this would all be gone? Trump did not say he did not believe people were dying, he said ruining peoples live for something you can not control did not make sense. It was those chicken littles that went around lying again about what Trump said.
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-17-2021, 2:42 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Bless your heart. Deflect, deflect, deflect.
The celebs are just the names they use to get the sheep to believe people of substance are behind it. For the political class, we know mainstream democrats for for it. Hell Gore even ran on elevating gas prices to over $5 a gallon. Even Jim Carter did it. Every democrat runs for it. Why do you hate America so much is what I want to know? Why are you so determined to sell your children to pedophiles and commie china?
And why do you think they want to make investments that are consistent with the regulatory environment? Because you Fing demorats are consistent in your want to destroy America and make us have to rely on places like China for resources and they know for a fact that because you need your trinket that these outlandish regulations will be at their doorstep along with some dude looking at your daughter in the shower. They know they can not afford to invest because you are going to bankrupt them if they do. That is why.
I'm not sure that I draw the same strong connection between renewable energy and pedophilia that you do, Delta.
You might hate electric cars, but if that's what the world wants to buy in the next 20 years, the companies who can make them will profit. Detroit makes more money overseas than at home, and no country's car industry is better poised to make the transition to renewables than ours. America can lead or America can follow, but the industry winners are going to work to sell the most units (capitalism!). It's not just the pedos and the trannies pushing for this.
Join Date: Oct 2014
02-17-2021, 3:04 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Who gives a wake77? I’m not necessarily an anti-vaxxer, but I don’t disqualify a person because of their position on that. I’m not that narrow-minded. It’s become a weapon of you diks on the left to marginalize anyone who says anything which challenges your narratives or shines the light of truth on your evil deeds and motives.
I should probably consider flat-earthers to be credible sources of info too right? Do you understand what the word credible means?
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-17-2021, 3:06 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
I'm not sure that I draw the same strong connection between renewable energy and pedophilia that you do, Delta.
You might hate electric cars, but if that's what the world wants to buy in the next 20 years, the companies who can make them will profit. Detroit makes more money overseas than at home, and no country's car industry is better poised to make the transition to renewables than ours. America can lead or America can follow, but the industry winners are going to work to sell the most units (capitalism!). It's not just the pedos and the trannies pushing for this.
I don't hate electric cars, I just don't think they are the cure to anything. Duty cycle is too low for them to be useful for transportation without doubling the fleet to compensate, which we will all pay for, and most people really don't want to have to manage their batteries. If it is a great idea, then let the market work. I don't believe the world will like the electric car in the next 20 years. If they do, so be it but your party does not need to make America "lead" buy selling out our citizens to the third world by these wealth spreading treaties that do nothing but punish America and do nothing to actually fix the fictitious problem. Most reasons "people" want these things is because the democrats are going to punish people for not doing it. That is not free market, that is tyranny.
pedophilia and democrat ideas (which are one in the same these days) are tied in because you would not get your America last ideas through unless you got the vote of the pedophiles to help you.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-17-2021, 4:52 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
How’s the green America looking ?
Texas without electricity in its green zones of wind and solar power. Oppps. Guess that thing called Mother Nature outsmarted them again.
Huh, wasn't the natural gas and oil plants that froze and went off line?
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-17-2021, 4:56 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Duty cycle is too low for them to be useful for transportation without doubling the fleet to compensate
What do you mean by duty cycle?
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-17-2021, 5:56 PM
Originally Posted by onlyinboards
I should probably consider flat-earthers to be credible sources of info too right? Do you understand what the word credible means?
Who makes you the arbiter of who's credible or not? Who mentioned flat earthers? You're a dik.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-18-2021, 3:47 AM
wow, local news is starting to speak out, the left media may just be over their TDS. Biden admin failing, mixed messages on covid, vaccine. Cuomo "should be go to jail?" ON NBC "Biden is confused on fauci message, Fauci confused on his own message" So funny
Join Date: Oct 2014
02-18-2021, 6:24 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Who makes you the arbiter of who's credible or not? Who mentioned flat earthers? You're a dik.
the only person who can truly deem if another person is credible is yourself. Obviously you are willing to believe an anti-vaxxer as being someone who has a very level headed and logical thought process, thereby making her a credible source for you.
In my opinion, anyone who believes the anti-vaxx hoax has about the same credibility as a flat-earther. When scientific facts can easily prove your beliefs as incorrect, you lose credibility with me. Not so much with you I guess, which is why I was wondering if you thought someone who believed the flat earth theory would be a credible source of info, just as you do an anti-vaxxer.
And as far as me being a dik, please go back through all these threads and see who does the name calling the most, who is the most childish replacing curse words with wake77, only referring to Dems as libtards.... yes, Mark, I am the dik.
Join Date: Oct 2014
02-18-2021, 6:29 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
wow, local news is starting to speak out, the left media may just be over their TDS. Biden admin failing, mixed messages on covid, vaccine. Cuomo "should be go to jail?" ON NBC "Biden is confused on fauci message, Fauci confused on his own message" So funny
Maybe we should start calling all news "fake". Isn't that how it's done?
No one on this thread thinks Biden is the best answer for America... not one person. But he sure as hell was better than the donald. If the administration is failing in any way it is the duty of the press to call them out. I think most dems are okay with that.
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-18-2021, 7:13 AM
Originally Posted by onlyinboards
Maybe we should start calling all news "fake". Isn't that how it's done?
No one on this thread thinks Biden is the best answer for America... not one person. But he sure as hell was better than the donald. If the administration is failing in any way it is the duty of the press to call them out. I think most dems are okay with that.
That’s actually the Dems biggest weakness... Dems’ self criticism frequently devolves to infighting whereas the GOP is very good at marching in lockstep to a very strident position, where moderates deviate at their peril.
Join Date: Oct 2006
02-18-2021, 7:49 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Huh, wasn't the natural gas and oil plants that froze and went off line?
Texas has its own grid and years of deregulation has allowed for lower energy costs, but the savings were made by cutting corners in maintenance and hardware. It isn't just windmills that were not properly built for extreme cold, but gas plants, solar farms and nuclear plants. The whole system was not prepared.
While everyone wants to point fingers, I chalk it up to the same as the Harvey situation. How do you plan for the unprecedented? Now if this happens again in the near future, it will be a massive failure because now we know it can happen.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-18-2021, 8:24 AM
Originally Posted by onlyinboards
Maybe we should start calling all news "fake". Isn't that how it's done?
No one on this thread thinks Biden is the best answer for America... not one person. But he sure as hell was better than the donald. If the administration is failing in any way it is the duty of the press to call them out. I think most dems are okay with that.
You’re so full of chit! You mean like how the press really went to town calling Biden and Harris out for their straight up lies? You mean how Anderson Cooper gave Biden pass after pass in their phony town hall? Try saying that with a straight face. I dare you.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-18-2021, 8:25 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
That’s actually the Dems biggest weakness... Dems’ self criticism frequently devolves to infighting whereas the GOP is very good at marching in lockstep to a very strident position, where moderates deviate at their peril.
Ya the dems are like a bunch of evil hyenas in a Disney movie.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-18-2021, 8:44 AM
Originally Posted by onlyinboards
the only person who can truly deem if another person is credible is yourself. Obviously you are willing to believe an anti-vaxxer as being someone who has a very level headed and logical thought process, thereby making her a credible source for you.
In my opinion, anyone who believes the anti-vaxx hoax has about the same credibility as a flat-earther. When scientific facts can easily prove your beliefs as incorrect, you lose credibility with me. Not so much with you I guess, which is why I was wondering if you thought someone who believed the flat earth theory would be a credible source of info, just as you do an anti-vaxxer.
And as far as me being a dik, please go back through all these threads and see who does the name calling the most, who is the most childish replacing curse words with wake77, only referring to Dems as libtards.... yes, Mark, I am the dik.
How bout the anti-vax hoax perpetrated on the public via the MSM when Trump was in office? Pot/kettle? When it comes to judging the credibility of a doctor, you can't paint with a broad brush like you do. Just because someone doesn't believe in certain vaccinations or follow your libtard narratives doesn't disqualify them or mean their opinions are incorrect. That's ridiculous. I happen to believe some vaccinations are fine and others aren't. It depends on a number of things. For the record, your whole party including your MSM wing of your party were dedicating whole "news" programs to how the vaccine shouldn't be trusted since it came about during the Trump admin. and Trump moved the earth to put it on the fast track. Does anyone know a single person who is honestly a flat-earther or is that just your dishonest effort to discredit anyone who disagrees with your party?
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-18-2021, 9:03 AM
Originally Posted by onlyinboards
Maybe we should start calling all news "fake". Isn't that how it's done?
No one on this thread thinks Biden is the best answer for America... not one person. But he sure as hell was better than the donald. If the administration is failing in any way it is the duty of the press to call them out. I think most dems are okay with that.
Do tell how the Biden admin is better for America. Please, do tell. Immigration? Jobs? Can't wait to hear.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-18-2021, 9:35 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
What do you mean by duty cycle?
As you said, for a light car even driven in the most pristine unload condition as possible (trust me, they say your gas vehicle gets such and such then you find out they put on plastic high roll tires that last 10,000 miles and drive 35 with a tail wind to get the numbers). Even under these conditions, you get at best 4 hours of operation and 1.5 hours of down time. That is an extremely low duty cycle especially in businesses that are on just in time delivery for production. Operators are loosing money if their machine is not running. 1.5 hours down or longer for trucks is not acceptable. My feeling the duty cycle will be even lower.
Like I said. probably great for causal driving. Just scared what the cost is going to be in a few years and what the used market will look like for a car that is going to need a $10 battery replacement shortly. Few house fires for battery pack shorts and so on. How much to get rid of the car due to the environmental disaster it will be (at least the batteries).
biggest issue of all is the hold the chinese will hold over us for rare earth metals. They already are doing it over metals used in our F35 program. Heck you see it which NBA players and the hold China has over them. They don't even dare say anything about human rights for fear.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-18-2021, 9:43 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
wow, local news is starting to speak out, the left media may just be over their TDS. Biden admin failing, mixed messages on covid, vaccine. Cuomo "should be go to jail?" ON NBC "Biden is confused on fauci message, Fauci confused on his own message" So funny
They are offering up Cuomo as a distraction for Biden's lack of policy and action. Well, I should not say lack of policy and action, his extreme hard left action and policy, but not policy that he had people in the middle believing he would pursue.
Again people were duped by a psych-ops campaign by the leftist media. All bad news all the time even when they manufactured it 99% of the time starts to wear down low IQ/ low information voters. They eventually start to see the person they are attacking as the problem when it is the attackers who are the problem.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-18-2021, 9:50 AM
Originally Posted by onlyinboards
Maybe we should start calling all news "fake". Isn't that how it's done?
No one on this thread thinks Biden is the best answer for America... not one person. But he sure as hell was better than the donald. If the administration is failing in any way it is the duty of the press to call them out. I think most dems are okay with that.
And why did you think Trump was the problem? Can you tell me a policy that you did not like or was it the constant drum beat of those who did not like him impacting you emotionally? The joke is you if you believe the press is going to call out Biden. The press is anti US. Ted Turner the founder of CNN clearly has stated in interviews that he is a child of the world, not of the US. This is the fundamental motivation of those organizations and anyone who is not of that mind set is going to be attacked without mercy. It is a simple truth. Besides it is like Facebook. The more outrageous you can make your content, the more people will flock for confirmation bias.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-18-2021, 9:54 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
That’s actually the Dems biggest weakness... Dems’ self criticism frequently devolves to infighting whereas the GOP is very good at marching in lockstep to a very strident position, where moderates deviate at their peril.
It is easy to be in lock step when your value system is relatively well defined and the goals in general are easily defined. Moderate democrats have to hold their nose so much to get their trinkets, eventually the pipes burst.
Speaking of which, anyone note that man turned woman MMA fighter literally cracking the skulls of actual women competitors?
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-18-2021, 9:59 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
As you said, for a light car even driven in the most pristine unload condition as possible (trust me, they say your gas vehicle gets such and such then you find out they put on plastic high roll tires that last 10,000 miles and drive 35 with a tail wind to get the numbers). Even under these conditions, you get at best 4 hours of operation and 1.5 hours of down time. That is an extremely low duty cycle especially in businesses that are on just in time delivery for production. Operators are loosing money if their machine is not running. 1.5 hours down or longer for trucks is not acceptable. My feeling the duty cycle will be even lower.
Like I said. probably great for causal driving. Just scared what the cost is going to be in a few years and what the used market will look like for a car that is going to need a $10 battery replacement shortly. Few house fires for battery pack shorts and so on. How much to get rid of the car due to the environmental disaster it will be (at least the batteries).
biggest issue of all is the hold the chinese will hold over us for rare earth metals. They already are doing it over metals used in our F35 program. Heck you see it which NBA players and the hold China has over them. They don't even dare say anything about human rights for fear.
As a contractor, the thing that kills it for me is not just the limited range, there's slim room for contingencies in your schedule. I frequently have to modify my schedule or make unplanned trips throughout the day. It would suck to have to tell a customer I can't take care of them or get to them because my truck doesn't have enough charge.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-18-2021, 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Texas has its own grid and years of deregulation has allowed for lower energy costs, but the savings were made by cutting corners in maintenance and hardware. It isn't just windmills that were not properly built for extreme cold, but gas plants, solar farms and nuclear plants. The whole system was not prepared.
While everyone wants to point fingers, I chalk it up to the same as the Harvey situation. How do you plan for the unprecedented? Now if this happens again in the near future, it will be a massive failure because now we know it can happen.
I agree. How do you plan and justify expenses for something that just never happens. Igloo salesmen in Mexico are having a real hard time making it these days.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-18-2021, 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
It is easy to be in lock step when your value system is relatively well defined and the goals in general are easily defined. Moderate democrats have to hold their nose so much to get their trinkets, eventually the pipes burst.
Speaking of which, anyone note that man turned woman MMA fighter literally cracking the skulls of actual women competitors?
There's an MMA tranny now????? Oh man that is almost unbelievable. Many thanks to the dems for letting the freaks out of the closet.
Scratch that. Thanks to dems for cultivating and encouraging them out of the closet.
Last edited by markj; 02-18-2021 at 10:08 AM.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-18-2021, 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
As you said, for a light car even driven in the most pristine unload condition as possible (trust me, they say your gas vehicle gets such and such then you find out they put on plastic high roll tires that last 10,000 miles and drive 35 with a tail wind to get the numbers). Even under these conditions, you get at best 4 hours of operation and 1.5 hours of down time. That is an extremely low duty cycle especially in businesses that are on just in time delivery for production. Operators are loosing money if their machine is not running. 1.5 hours down or longer for trucks is not acceptable. My feeling the duty cycle will be even lower.
Maybe I wasn't clear, with my car on a trip I can drive for 4hrs and then can recharge in 20min. Round town you could probably drive for 8 hrs, they are more efficient slower and obviously cover less distance so can drive longer. 90% of your charging is done slow charging while you are sleeping, I spend less time at a charger than I used to at a petrol station.
The average commute for an American is 30 mins, range or duty cycle is not limitation for a current EV.
Commercially the technology hasn't been released for tradesmen to operate effectively with EV's but it's coming, Tesla cybertruck and Rivian RT1 are being released this year, they have twice the battery storage a car has.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-18-2021, 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Maybe I wasn't clear, with my car on a trip I can drive for 4hrs and then can recharge in 20min. Round town you could probably drive for 8 hrs, they are more efficient slower and obviously cover less distance so can drive longer. 90% of your charging is done slow charging while you are sleeping, I spend less time at a charger than I used to at a petrol station.
The average commute for an American is 30 mins, range or duty cycle is not limitation for a current EV.
Commercially the technology hasn't been released for tradesmen to operate effectively with EV's but it's coming, Tesla cybertruck and Rivian RT1 are being released this year, they have twice the battery storage a car has.
Well, in California we commute minimum of 1hr and many are at 2 hours each way. Granted that is idle speeds. Typical driving in the California during non congestion is around 75 to 80mph.
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-18-2021, 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Well, in California we commute minimum of 1hr and many are at 2 hours each way. Granted that is idle speeds. Typical driving in the California during non congestion is around 75 to 80mph.
While it's probably fair to say that many Californians have commutes that long, it's certainly not the norm. But even so, "idle speed" for two hours to work, turn around and do it home, plug car back in when you get home, repeat. Never visit a charging station during "normal" use.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-18-2021, 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
While it's probably fair to say that many Californians have commutes that long, it's certainly not the norm. But even so, "idle speed" for two hours to work, turn around and do it home, plug car back in when you get home, repeat. Never visit a charging station during "normal" use.
...and no room for contingencies. Don’t step out of line and enjoy the idea of freedom either. Hey, what happens when the windmill freezes up and you can’t charge your car anywhere? What happens when there are planned rolling blackouts? How bout unplanned blackouts?
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-18-2021, 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
It is easy to be in lock step when your value system is relatively well defined and the goals in general are easily defined. Moderate democrats have to hold their nose so much to get their trinkets, eventually the pipes burst.
Speaking of which, anyone note that man turned woman MMA fighter literally cracking the skulls of actual women competitors?
Right... like lock step on spending caps and debt ceiling for Obama and lock step on zero budget constraints or debt ceiling for Trump. There is certainly cohesion, but when it comes to spending its hard to understand the value system.
Unless the value system is “cut taxes and spend like we are drunk while we are in power, so it looks like we are geniuses for “stimulating the economy,” then let the Dems clean up the mess when we are out of power”?
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-18-2021, 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by markj
...and no room for contingencies. Don’t step out of line and enjoy the idea of freedom either. Hey, what happens when the windmill freezes up and you can’t charge your car anywhere? What happens when there are planned rolling blackouts? How bout unplanned blackouts?
What happens when a fuel pipeline breaks, or a refinery blows up?
Your points are well taken and certainly justify some future upgrades to the grid in coming decades.
I’m not really sure what freedom has to do with it?
Join Date: Oct 2014
02-18-2021, 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Do tell how the Biden admin is better for America. Please, do tell. Immigration? Jobs? Can't wait to hear.
The thing is Mark, the things I don't like won't matter to you because (shocker) we do not agree on what is best for our country.
But to answer your question.
Biden is not going to give corporations a massive tax cut (trickle down economics does NOT work) nor will he roll back almost 100 environmental protections. Furthermore, he will not be a global embarrassment for Americans.
Keep defending the global elite and promoting profits over sustainability of our limited natural resources, i'm sure that will all work out in the end.
Last edited by onlyinboards; 02-18-2021 at 10:38 AM.
Reason: ...
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-18-2021, 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
What happens when a fuel pipeline breaks, or a refinery blows up?
Your points are well taken and certainly justify some future upgrades to the grid in coming decades.
I’m not really sure what freedom has to do with it?
Seriously? You get it from another refinery. Duh!
Freedom to roam and go wherever you want without the umbilical cord. Pretty simple. If your power is not reliable or is degraded by some green new deal, you’re screwed. Want to make an impromptu trip to the lake or ski resort? Sorry. Not enough charge to make it there and back because you spent your allotment already today.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-18-2021, 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Maybe I wasn't clear, with my car on a trip I can drive for 4hrs and then can recharge in 20min. Round town you could probably drive for 8 hrs, they are more efficient slower and obviously cover less distance so can drive longer. 90% of your charging is done slow charging while you are sleeping, I spend less time at a charger than I used to at a petrol station.
The average commute for an American is 30 mins, range or duty cycle is not limitation for a current EV.
Commercially the technology hasn't been released for tradesmen to operate effectively with EV's but it's coming, Tesla cybertruck and Rivian RT1 are being released this year, they have twice the battery storage a car has.
Like I said, if this is the better wheel then so be it. However, Go by any high density housing area (which they are building like gang busters in California, there are 3 or more cars per household. People are parking everywhere and anywhere. Even in the suburbs housing is so expensive, it is routine to see 3 or more cars in the household. Just going to be a mess. Lots of fights and so on. Maybe they figure it out but society is going to have to get better with each other not worse. High commute times is already hi pressure on people. Never mind having to come home and find someone is in your spot, move things around and so on.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-18-2021, 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by onlyinboards
The thing is Mark, the things I don't like won't matter to you because (shocker) we do not agree on what is best for our country.
But to answer your question.
Biden is not going to give corporations a massive tax cut (trickle down economics does NOT work) nor will he roll back almost 100 environmental protections. Furthermore, he will not be a global embarrassment for Americans.
Keep defending the global elite and promoting profits over sustainability of our limited natural resources, i'm sure that will all work out in the end.
Way to deflect and not answer anything! Wanna explain the thousands of illegals heading this way right this minute or the many millions that are gonna become new, dem-voting citizens? How bout his jobs score? How bout that big Kung flu plan he promised to roll out?
Global embarrassment? Every time he opens his mouth, he verbally trips over his own shoelaces and embarrasses himself. He’s a deep state puppet and you know it. It’s a combo of Weekend at Bernie’s and Moon Over Parador playing out right in front of us.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-18-2021, 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by onlyinboards
The thing is Mark, the things I don't like won't matter to you because (shocker) we do not agree on what is best for our country.
But to answer your question.
Biden is not going to give corporations a massive tax cut (trickle down economics does NOT work) nor will he roll back almost 100 environmental protections. Furthermore, he will not be a global embarrassment for Americans.
Keep defending the global elite and promoting profits over sustainability of our limited natural resources, i'm sure that will all work out in the end.
I would like to hear how trickle down economics does not work? Our whole society is based on it. Some of your bigger port cities like the west coast and east coast maybe not so much, but that is the historic model around 99% of the country. mom and pop shops just do not pop up unless there is someone to sell too. If you are not making a product that you are able to obtain outside the town money, then the town simply dies.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-18-2021, 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
I agree. How do you plan and justify expenses for something that just never happens.
The last storm which shut down the grid in Texas was 2010, reports were done cost effective changes were suggested but not implemented. I think is just an example of human failure more than anything.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-18-2021, 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by onlyinboards
The thing is Mark, the things I don't like won't matter to you because (shocker) we do not agree on what is best for our country.
But to answer your question.
Biden is not going to give corporations a massive tax cut (trickle down economics does NOT work) nor will he roll back almost 100 environmental protections. Furthermore, he will not be a global embarrassment for Americans.
Keep defending the global elite and promoting profits over sustainability of our limited natural resources, i'm sure that will all work out in the end.
We will never agree on how to run the country because I don't believe in wealth/ class envy and I don't see racism around every corner.
I still have not seen who is going to order massive projects or massive equipment outside of corporations. Many with your mind set seem to think of government as the answer. Isn't that the same as a large corporation except you now have zero places to turn for recourse because the person with the purse strings is the same person you are complaining too. You lose.
Never got a job from a poor person. I don't believe in corporate bogey man like others. They have the ability to close up shop and move anywhere thanks to globalist policies so you now have to make it attractive to come to our country. that is the simple truth to money. You can either attract them or not and live with the standard of living accordingly.
Can you tell us the supposed impacts to the environmental policies? America's air quality was still improving during Trump so what is the rub? We are light years ahead of India and China and all countries between. As we have seen, the environmental scam is just like any other corporate power grab. Like a couple things in kalifornia. Carbon trading? really. So basically they are pulling money off the grid to pay wealthy land owners such as the sierra club to not develop their land. They were not allowed to develop it anyway. It is a simple leftist kick back scheme with zero benefit. So what happens? They pull 10 to 15 billion a year of the profits or money to go to maintenance. That money has to come from somewhere. Either the customers make it up or they stop doing the little stuff like trimming trees. How many massive fires have we had since they created this carbon trading scam?
How about this simple enviroscam. gas cans. Some idiot believed that if people did not have this special low quality device that gas cans where going to kill the environment. Now some dude is rich for having the only design yet everyone rips those things off because they are a failure. We all pay for this little more complicated more expensive device.
At the end of the day most environmental regulations are in place to corner a market or to give kick backs. It is just that people such as yourself have been brainwashed into believing there is a issue that only the government can solve thus anything that falls under that umbrella name gets a free pass while everyone is being fleeced. AKA Paris Climate Agreement.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-18-2021, 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Way to deflect and not answer anything! Wanna explain the thousands of illegals heading this way right this minute or the many millions that are gonna become new, dem-voting citizens? How bout his jobs score? How bout that big Kung flu plan he promised to roll out?
Global embarrassment? Every time he opens his mouth, he verbally trips over his own shoelaces and embarrasses himself. He’s a deep state puppet and you know it. It’s a combo of Weekend at Bernie’s and Moon Over Parador playing out right in front of us.
global embarrassment to a democrat is anyone who stands up for their rights and not taken advantage of by said global community. No one likes the guy who won't let the drunks go for a liquor run. The drunks will bitch, mock and even want to fight the person but we know guy who will not give them their keys is correct.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-18-2021, 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
The last storm which shut down the grid in Texas was 2010, reports were done cost effective changes were suggested but not implemented. I think is just an example of human failure more than anything.
Once a decade and how many times in 100 years? First year in Kali in 1990. Temps got to the 20's ice on a street or two. did not think much about it then as it was all still all in all more warm than cold compared to the midwest. Never had another year like it since. 30 years later. Come to find out they never had a year like it before. That is why they sent out police to rope of the ice patch on the road because people had no idea to expect something like it. Midwest, you expect ice and hope it does not show up.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-18-2021, 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Right... like lock step on spending caps and debt ceiling for Obama and lock step on zero budget constraints or debt ceiling for Trump. There is certainly cohesion, but when it comes to spending its hard to understand the value system.
Unless the value system is “cut taxes and spend like we are drunk while we are in power, so it looks like we are geniuses for “stimulating the economy,” then let the Dems clean up the mess when we are out of power”?
During Obama they did not pass a budget so when the Republicans got in, they forced a point that if they do not pass a budget, they automatically triggered a 10% cut. It was a tool to force them to actually pass a budget. They simply lived under continuous resolutions for years and did not do the work. They were living under Bush Era budgets.
Under Trump. Trump asked for a budget that requested a 20% cut and that created a huge panic. Everyone had to do the works to justify their budgets. They never passed a single Trump budget. The senate which the republicans controlled and the house where the democrats have controlled for the last couple years have to make compromises. They still have to overcome a 60% vote to beat a filibuster so no one party really controlled the budget process. It is a joint effort.
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-18-2021, 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Seriously? You get it from another refinery. Duh!
Freedom to roam and go wherever you want without the umbilical cord. Pretty simple. If your power is not reliable or is degraded by some green new deal, you’re screwed. Want to make an impromptu trip to the lake or ski resort? Sorry. Not enough charge to make it there and back because you spent your allotment already today.
Honest question, if the power is out do pumps at the gas station still work?
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-18-2021, 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by onlyinboards
The thing is Mark, the things I don't like won't matter to you because (shocker) we do not agree on what is best for our country.
But to answer your question.
Biden is not going to give corporations a massive tax cut (trickle down economics does NOT work) nor will he roll back almost 100 environmental protections. Furthermore, he will not be a global embarrassment for Americans.
Keep defending the global elite and promoting profits over sustainability of our limited natural resources, i'm sure that will all work out in the end.
Funny thing is, you are promoting the global elite. What party are all these billionaires associated with? Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Youtube, Netflix, Disney, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, on and on and on. What party do they support? They sure as heck do not support the American family. They promote everything thing they can to destroy it.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-18-2021, 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Honest question, if the power is out do pumps at the gas station still work?
couldn't they just use a solar panel and pump anytime during the night or day?
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-18-2021, 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
During Obama they did not pass a budget so when the Republicans got in, they forced a point that if they do not pass a budget, they automatically triggered a 10% cut. It was a tool to force them to actually pass a budget. They simply lived under continuous resolutions for years and did not do the work. They were living under Bush Era budgets.
Under Trump. Trump asked for a budget that requested a 20% cut and that created a huge panic. Everyone had to do the works to justify their budgets. They never passed a single Trump budget. The senate which the republicans controlled and the house where the democrats have controlled for the last couple years have to make compromises. They still have to overcome a 60% vote to beat a filibuster so no one party really controlled the budget process. It is a joint effort.
Budgets from the executive branch are just wish lists. Read your constitution, Delta. Congress has the power to tax and spend, not the executive.
So what about the first two years of the Trump admin, where R's had both chambers. Where was the fiscal restraint then? Why no debt ceiling brinkmanship?
(you know what makes an economy real hot? Cut taxes AND spend more. Just look at the trump economy for proof.)
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-18-2021, 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
couldn't they just use a solar panel and pump anytime during the night or day?
Is that a common backup system? I'm sure it could work with enough battery storage. My buddy's houseboat seems to run OK on solar only (janky system too!), so I'm sure it'd be possible.
But when you guys have PG&E the rolling blackouts, are you still able to pump gas?
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-18-2021, 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Funny thing is, you are promoting the global elite. What party are all these billionaires associated with? Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Youtube, Netflix, Disney, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, on and on and on. What party do they support? They sure as heck do not support the American family. They promote everything thing they can to destroy it.
but but but if you never got a job from a poor person, aren't these folks the most important people on earth?
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-18-2021, 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Like I said, if this is the better wheel then so be it. However, Go by any high density housing area (which they are building like gang busters in California, there are 3 or more cars per household. People are parking everywhere and anywhere. Even in the suburbs housing is so expensive, it is routine to see 3 or more cars in the household. Just going to be a mess. Lots of fights and so on. Maybe they figure it out but society is going to have to get better with each other not worse. High commute times is already hi pressure on people. Never mind having to come home and find someone is in your spot, move things around and so on.
For sure that is definitely a problem to solve, home charging only works well if you have off street parking.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-18-2021, 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
For sure that is definitely a problem to solve, home charging only works well if you have off street parking.
Extremely little of that in big cities.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-18-2021, 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
but but but if you never got a job from a poor person, aren't these folks the most important people on earth?
Are you implying that poor people are simply dirt under the democrat thumb nails?
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-18-2021, 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Honest question, if the power is out do pumps at the gas station still work?
Let me cover that by saying I’m 52 years old and have NEVER not been able to fill up due to a power outage. Not once and I put 25k-30k miles on every year.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-18-2021, 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Is that a common backup system? I'm sure it could work with enough battery storage. My buddy's houseboat seems to run OK on solar only (janky system too!), so I'm sure it'd be possible.
But when you guys have PG&E the rolling blackouts, are you still able to pump gas?
No. They did not have systems in place to do so when they had them in the east bay last summer. What people don't understand and I am not sure it changed recently, but wind mills never made money. They were propped up by government spending and could not make it on their own because they were not cost competitive. Solar? Still on the government tax break scheme. Are they really cost effective? Waste and clean up after the life cycles? Who does that fall too? These "new" solar companies simply will fold up in 10 to 20 and leave the issue to government and more than likely all the individual home owners for extremely dangerous waste.
End of the day, PG&E still has to pay gas plants to be on standby even with all these other things they are required to prop up. Sun and wind are not constant. Sun more than wind, but you still have to pay for the backup like always.